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Posts posted by Amaranthe.3578

  1. > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

    > > > @"torben.1532" said:

    > > > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > > > I'lll just assume you're trolling, but looking at the average post in this forum it might aswell be genuine.

    > > >

    > > > I am dead serious.

    > >

    > > That's disappointing. Was hoping this was a troll thread. Long story short, Mounts don't belong in a competitive game mode.


    > LOL, competitive. PvP lost that spirit a long time ago. Time to move on.


    That statement is so true its depressing

  2. > @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

    > Because Blizzard ruined World of Warcraft and it sucks now.


    That....doesnt make any sense.

    GW2 is probably the worst possible "replacement" for WoW I can think of. At the heart of WoWs game-play lies vertical character progression....which GW2 basically doesnt have.

    GW2 is a great ultra-casual game for what it is but its extremely different from WoW.

  3. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > There is no p2w in GW2.


    > Direct-upgrade Elite specs unavailable to you unless you fork over money. HMMMM.



    Thats not p2w.

    If you're playing this game without the expacs wtf are you even doing here?

  4. > @"AshkyLicious.4729" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"AshkyLicious.4729" said:

    > > > I liked the idea of getting a notification for the item youre waiting for when its available again, which was mentioned above by Hoover.6394.

    > > That would defeat the intent to have users log in constantly in order to see if the thing(s) they want are available. The tactic is that by "forcing" a user to log in, that just maybe they will make a different purchase even though the item(s) they seek isn't (aren't) available at that time.

    > >


    > You make a good point, but I cant really apply that to myself though. I login-in in the game because there’s plenty of stuff to do like pve, pvp etc. and if something keeps me want to log-in everyday, it’s the dailys that you get everyday. The gemstore mostly frustrates me since you dont have access to everything, and that makes me want to buy less stuff, cuz I get tired of the constant waiting dilemma.

    > But that’s how it works for me, cant speak for the other players :)


    Thats not how revenue from micro transactions work though. Nobody cares about the people who spend a few bucks here and there. Their vast majority of income comes from a small percentage of whales with impulse control issues who just buy and buy forever. The shop is designed to lure THEM in, not you.

  5. > @"Adenin.5973" said:

    > Wow, who would've thought you'd find ppl making actual arguments for artificial scarcity of digital items.


    > Shop too bloated? Give me a break.


    > Not only should this tell you how messed up the rewards in this P2P game are when the ingame shop is almost bursting, while ppl crave for new content and rewards for years, it would also be quite telling how bad the UI and their data structure is, if they can't handle a few hundred items on display.


    > That said, I don't think it would be "bloated" at all. There are filters and categories, there's a search function and overall, as a vet player, you're most of the time still only interested in the first shop page, displaying the newly added stuff. Are you unable to use Amazon? How many million different items does this site offer?


    > However, the entire idea behind GW2 is to release every few weeks new shop items. The whales flood in and insta buy everything they think they ever will need, since it's gone in a few days. I can't imagine how much money they would lose if ppl only had to buy the stuff they know they really need. And imagine how many ppl would browse the shop, find an item they want and start grinding weeks to get enough gold and gems ingame for this item.


    > They will never let all items stay in the shop. It was a mistake that ppl didn't complain much harder about this 6 years ago . It's so anti consumer. Imagine going into a local supermarket to buy some milk. And when you don't find it you ask an employee and he tells you that their sortiment rotates on a secret basis. They won't tell you when you can buiy milk again but there's currently milk powder in their "Mystery Box", which you can buy for $5 each and which has 3 random items out of 30 items total in it.


    > Lol, ppl would probably burn this supermarket down. But with video games nowadays ppl defend this as the only way for studios to survive. That's so sad


    I totally agree. I cannot fathom how people defend this practice.

  6. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > Another loot-box/gambling thread? Really? Please use the forums search feature. This has been argued to death and beyond already. (sigh)

    > > >

    > > > It fits with a certain country lazily dumping the issue under gambling regulations :p

    > >

    > > Lazily? Why?

    > > Lootboxes ARE gambling and should be regulated as such. You dont let 13 year olds go and waste their birthday money on vegas do you?


    > Why should an adult be forbidden to enjoy a gamble because a lazy parent isnt doing their job?


    Did I say an adult should be forbidden? Gods no.

    The issue is that if Lootboxes are labeled as gambling the games have to slapped with a M for mature raiting(which most of them dont have and really dont want because they make their money from selling gambling to kids). The point is that any gambling regulations that a country has should apply to loot boxes too.

    Again I have to stress that I do not think Anet are bad guya like EA/Activision or other horrible companies and in no wayIm comparing Anet to those hacks.

  7. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > Another loot-box/gambling thread? Really? Please use the forums search feature. This has been argued to death and beyond already. (sigh)


    > It fits with a certain country lazily dumping the issue under gambling regulations :p


    Lazily? Why?

    Lootboxes ARE gambling and should be regulated as such. You dont let 13 year olds go and waste their birthday money on vegas do you?

  8. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > That would depend on the definition of gambling in whatever jurisdiction you're in. It's not considered gambling in most.


    > The main difference is that you can win money from slot machines. You cannot win money from black lion chests.


    I guess it does depend on your local law. I have heard that in a specific EU country they banned lootboxes from games that arent rated M as that would be basically minors gambling.

    I dont have a problem with BLC even if they are gambling because A-net in general are very pro-customer and are NOT a predators like EvilActually or Hacktivision.

  9. > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > > @"Cicada.6298" said:

    > > As for Mesmers....well....yeah. They're pretty broken.

    > >

    > > _If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess._



    > yes please do


    > so you can get a reality check and realize how bad mesmer actually is, if you ever get to higher elo that is lmao


    How are mesmers bad? They are very good duelers. Sure they arent worth much in a mid-fight while facerolling but they are very strong in a skilled players hands. I do think it will be good for those people to try mesmer though.

  10. > @"VoQeles.6789" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > Youre the perfect example of a very weird attitude some people have today. You try to pvp in unranked, clearly made no effort to improve yourself in spvp and this is somehow a problem with the GAME?

    > > [...]

    > > If nothing else you should take this to heart : nothing will change for you as long as you keep constantly blaming the game for everything. The game should not and will not change to the point its totally effortless. Peace.


    > lol, every game takes skill, the question is if it's fun or not. I don't really want to bash on the game too much I like it's laid back style... Now adays I'm not looking for tryhard PvP just some casual battleground type thing. I was 2.1k in WoW 3v3, played LoL at plat/diamond level in seasons 3 & 4, I'm also a DFO vet and I like to play Eve / AoE2 on the side. Quake and CS 1.6 were also games I played hardcore a long time ago. If you think that "effort" is some kind of barrier for me then you completely misread everything I posted. I'm not interested in how skillful the game is, I'm looking at it objectively as "is the PvP worth the effort?" and the answer is no.


    > So, sure you can take the stance of "L2P" but what does that really mean? I should invest tons of time into unbalanced pvp to say "look I'm so good at this broken pvp"? No thanks... I still got plenty to do in GW2, but for PvP I'll just play another game... Well I'll probably play a bit but nothing like what I was thinking .. In my mind I thought this game is pretty cool, and it's got PvP so I can work on that longterm without stressing it. But nope, it's a lot of stress.


    What does you wow rating mean here? Nothing at all. I was 2.3+ during most of wrath and I still had to learn the game when I moved to GW2 O_o

    Btw WoWs pvp is very different and the "wow skill" doesnt carry over to GW2 as much and perhaps that frustrates you? xD

    WoWs combat is far more shallow and simplistic than GW2s(played both games for years)

    Every MMORPGs pvp is stressful when youre new and you suck. WoWs early pvp is probably the worse of them all. Not only are you getting roflstomped by anyone until you get at least SOME honor/arena gear you cant really start to improve until then because gear is such a strong factor (at least it was when I played, I heard they somewhat changed that later on). The fact that you even dare to bring up wow makes me laugh....WoWs balance has been laughable for the vast majority of its existence when compared to GW2.

    It will barely take you any time to understand how to avoid being stomped hilariously and learning the basics of pvp if you actually make an effort to learn.

    Your claims of which games you have played in the past and done well in mean nothing. The message you are sending is : "hey Im new and Im getting stomped, cant be bothered to understand how to deal with those few classes that can hit my class very hard. Its the games fault. Too much stress for me. "

    I dont mean it in a bad way....L2P or go home.

  11. Youre the perfect example of a very weird attitude some people have today. You try to pvp in unranked, clearly made no effort to improve yourself in spvp and this is somehow a problem with the GAME?

    Just so you know SoulBeast currently counters the Meta MIrage builds...just be aware that the problem is NOT balance in your case as you have the upper hand against a mesmer from a balance POV.

    GW2 pvp, like many other PvP games and especially MMOs can have a bit of a learning curve. It may seem to you like you are getting "unfairly one shotted" or "getting recked by broken classes" but when you actually know what they do and how can YOU stop it things change completely.

    PvP is pretty tough to get into because unlike PvE mastering your class is just the first minor step. In PvP you have to be aware of the abilities/skills/builds of all the freaking classes in the game...that takes time and practice.

    Mesmers are notorious for being noob-stompers/annoyance for new pvp-players because it really takes a bit to take in the way they do combat and figure out how you are supposed to counter them...until you do it is really challenging.

    If nothing else you should take this to heart : nothing will change for you as long as you keep constantly blaming the game for everything. The game should not and will not change to the point its totally effortless. Peace.

  12. > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

    > Steam has a refund policy.


    And? So does A-net.

    Im not sure how they are doing things now but back when GW2 first launched they were refunding people up to a whole freaking month after purchase regardless of hours played.

    Steams refund policy is a joke, its better than nothing but thats really ALL it is - better than nothing. Play 2 hours over the first few weeks or no go. Played 2 hours and 2 minutes or waited 15 days? Oopsie.

  13. > @"Castigator.3470" said:

    > > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > > To be frank, I think they also use that as an excuse for not knowing how to fix their own game. Which is why we're still living with things like bugged events in Iron Marches that have been that way for literally years. Kinda like the Problem of Evil...they either don't want to fix things or can't, and the longer this misbegotten LS season goes on, the more I suspect it's both.

    > >

    > Nah, It's a far simpler problem. In the industry, you have to justify your proposed changes with a cost benefit analysis. Since reworking old content doesn't promise any financial benefit, managers tend to shut those ideas down. Fixing issues on your payroll without being ordered to do so can get you into hot water with management.

    > This is why some modded projects offer a higher level of polish and quality than whatever the original developer came up with, precisely because modders are not restrained by considerations of profitability.


    Hes not really talking about changes though. Fixing bugs is basically standing by your promises to the customer and by your public announcements. Companies that dont do that tend to flop.

  14. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > >

    > > Why not? Anet contantly uses the "its too much work"(which basically means its too much money) answer for other questions. Don't see the problem in them admitting this if thats actually the case. But you never know.


    > To be frank, I think they also use that as an excuse for not knowing how to fix their own game. Which is why we're still living with things like bugged events in Iron Marches that have been that way for literally years. Kinda like the Problem of Evil...they either don't want to fix things or can't, and the longer this misbegotten LS season goes on, the more I suspect it's both.



    I disagree. I think its a money issue too. If fixing those bugs takes a lot of time but its not generating much activity/money they dont do it. Which is basically what "too much work" means. Since they seem to be pretty frank on that issue I dont think they wouldnt say the issue with Zojjas VA is money if that was the case. I also dont think Felicia Day has a big price tag, shes a pretty small potato.

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