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Posts posted by Amaranthe.3578

  1. While there is logic behind what you're saying I don't think it matters. People know what GW2 is by now and I don't think it really competes with WoW/FF. GW2 is for people who arent interested in vertical progression and challenging instanced group pve content. WoW and FFS are all about those things.

    I don't think GW2 "deserves" more attention, its a very specific game for very specific ppl.

  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > I used to pvp a lot, got to diamond league in the first two seasons, got my legendary backpack and then lost interest in pvp. My main issue is the lack of team/guild matchmaking. Instead of team rating, they use individual ratings, but that means afkers, quiters and trolls can affect the rating of individual players. Creating uneven matches and causing lots of frustration. The random nature of the matches also causes the toxicity, if there was a proper 5vs5 premade format with team MMRs then toxicity wouldn't exist (at least not as much). But they tried to make pvp much more accessible, press a button, be put in a team of randoms against randoms, the lucky one wins. This accessibility leads to toxicity and frustration as player skill is thrown out of the window, but it's a matter of luck, what kind of teammates you'll get and what kind of opponents.


    > Only the automated tournaments work for full teams, but those aren't accessible at all


    I couldn't agree more.

  3. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > There's definitely something to be said about GW2's playerbase's general lack of drive to make content about the game. It seems like a much, much smaller proportion of the community are eager to make content, be it fan art, fan fiction, youtube videos, streaming, and less interested in consuming outside material about the game.


    Its not surprising at all. The game is designed, almost exclusively, for people who plat very casually. These people dont create content :)

  4. I had a funny conversation with a friend today in which I tried to describe GW2 to him. All throughout the conversation he was basically laughing at me for playing it for so long.(played gw2 actively for years).

    I told him its an RPG...with little to no vertical progression after leveling. He laughed.

    I told him its good because you can focus on miscellaneous/cosmetic rewards and skins and he laughed after I told him all the really cool cosmetics cost real dough.

    Then we talked about sPvP and after I told him that "ranked pvp" isnt really competitive because everyone just does it for the rewards over unranked the conversation was over.

    Saying all those things out loud made me wonder....what kind of game GW2 is really? A RPG for people who don't like RPGs? Who is the target audience?

  5. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > What about world bosses and map meta events?

    > > > > You can do them without being in group with anyone.

    > > >

    > > > You /can/ do them without a group, but you /will/ run into people who want to do them just as much as you do!

    > >

    > > If youre looking for a solo experience why are you here? Im honestly baffled by the question...

    > > A single player RPG can give you a solo experience GW2 (or any other mmorpg)will never be able to compete with.

    > > A mmorpg should focus on MP content.


    > I've seen this answer many times on forums, and it seems like people who post it are always answered in similar ways, but they ignore those answers because they believe this statement to be true. But it's not true.


    > There are people who play MMOs to have other people around without desiring to group with those people. MMOs provide a completely different type of experience, almost a voyeuristic one when compared to a single player game.


    > One of my sons never groups but still plays MMOs because he likes to watch what's going on in map chat while he's playing. My wife likes joining events without communicating with other players. Being in small instanced group content is very very different from the game a lot of people play which is open world. No single game I've ever played has experiences like Dragon Stand or Auric Basin meta, but you don't have to communicate or group to do those things. You're remaining isolated while still having people around. You can go to a bar alone and watch people. You're not obligated to chat or make friends.


    > There are many reasons why people might want to play a multiplayer game. Some people are lonely and like having people around, just being there, but not participating actively. Some people have social phobias and don't want to talk but they still want to experience the types of content MMOs offer, in this case things like World Bosses. Feeling like you're part of something without the communication is important to some people. And there are people who feel they're not good at the game, and they're embarrassed to be in parties with people who they'd be holding back but they still like to get into a world boss event, or even regular dynamic events in the world. It's easier than soloing because other people can show up.


    > Long gone are the days where people think others don't solo MMOs. Before Rift was launched, Scott Hartsman did an interview in which he said MMO developers ignore solo players at their own peril. Wildstar once released an announcement saying they apologized for not having more solo content, because they didn't realise how many people wanted that sort of thing.


    > I run a casual guild and it blows me away how many people solo, never group and never get involved. I'm pretty sure far under half my guild have ever been in a fractal or a dungeon, and most don't want to. They run around the open world, doing events, completing zones, making alts. But a lot of those same people spend quite a bit of money on the game, because they want a new skin from the gem store, or they want more bank storage because they're pack rats.


    > Skyrim was a great game for me, but it still doesn't provide the kinds of experience an MMO can give me, even if I'm often not playing in groups.


    So ..youre basically saying that there are some vouyers/creeps who wanna play around other people but not with them? Jeez I wonder why nobody cares about them and their needa/wants.

  6. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > What about world bosses and map meta events?

    > > > > You can do them without being in group with anyone.

    > > >

    > > > You /can/ do them without a group, but you /will/ run into people who want to do them just as much as you do!

    > >

    > > If youre looking for a solo experience why are you here? Im honestly baffled by the question...

    > > A single player RPG can give you a solo experience GW2 (or any other mmorpg)will never be able to compete with.

    > > A mmorpg should focus on MP content.


    > And it baffles me how people can think "solo experience" is the same as "solo content" (aka "content designed to be done by one person"). They're not.


    > GW1 is an online game with a good community, was focused around that community, but the content was almost all solo content. The only thing that wasn't, was the elite missions and PvP. Yes, you could party up to complete the content, but you didn't have to and the content itself was designed so that you didn't have to. Sure, it wasn't an MMORPG, but a COORPG, but the same rules apply.


    > GW2 is also an online game, and it already has solo content - the main story, SAB, and Queen's Gauntlet are all content designed for solo gameplay. For the former two, you can join in with up to five players, but you neither have to nor is the content designed primarily for such. Let me ask you: *how often do you do the story in a group?* If your answer isn't "all the time", then guess what *you're doing solo content in an MMO*.


    > Arguably, all non-group events, jumping puzzles, etc. in the open world where you don't explicitly need a second player can be considered solo content, but it's far from solo experience. And far from challenging solo content.


    > But none of it is challenging, which is what's being asked for. And "doing group content alone" is not the same thing.


    > People do not want a solo experience - if we did, we'd play games like Elder Scrolls, Gothic, etc. We want some challenging content designed to be solo'd.


    > Again "solo content" != "solo experience".


    > We do not want to be in isolation. We still want the community in the game.


    Your answer makes zero sense. You will find the best solo content in SP games. Many SP games have a vibrant community...a good example would be most aRPGs(games like Diablo) that focus on the solo content/experience (yes, it is the same thing) yet gives you plenty of reason to get involved with the community like build sharing and occasionally Co-Op.

    GW2, and any other MMORPG pays certain costs(in terms of design)to offer good multiplayer gameplay. Solo content is the last of its priorities (and rightfully so) because it can never do it to the max.

  7. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > What about world bosses and map meta events?

    > > You can do them without being in group with anyone.


    > You /can/ do them without a group, but you /will/ run into people who want to do them just as much as you do!


    If youre looking for a solo experience why are you here? Im honestly baffled by the question...

    A single player RPG can give you a solo experience GW2 (or any other mmorpg)will never be able to compete with.

    A mmorpg should focus on MP content.

  8. GW2 is a very specific kind of game. I dont think it can grow much further no matter what you do. Its an MMORPG without lots of core RPG elements. People arent interested in GW2 because it doesnt offer almost any kind of vertical progression - which is the biggest selling point of most RPGs. The game has a huge focus on accessibility and not enough on community. It turns away hardcore players. Its a niche market.

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