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Posts posted by Amaranthe.3578

  1. > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > > > Try saying a Bowzerker condi that their bow sucks in open world. I double dare you

    > >

    > > Well, it's not that good for open world since neither rifle nor bow pierce.


    > dude not only it pierces, it also leaves a friggin trail of fire that continously damage everyone that steps on it.

    > i really dont understand what are you talking about. GW2 is not a game that you just press 1 and expect things to die.


    Youre talking about the rage burst skill of the bow. Even if we accept LB is fine, which I can see since it burns, The auto on the rifle is miserable. It doesn't pierce and it bleeds. Giving rifle auto the a ability to pierce might actually make rifle at least decent. Its not about everything dying with one button, a piercing auto on. a ranged weapon allows for a lot of comfort when tackling aoe situaions.

  2. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > Imagine having only one ranged weapon which is A*ss-slow and has the most annoying sound.... like the core rev/herald...

    > >

    > > Not saying the hammer cant use any help. Im just saying the fix for the warr can be done very easily. We should speak out though, I once started a huge thread on the engi forums about how scraper has no identity and two weeks after we actually got the scrapper rework. Making big threads with good opinions and constructive criticism absolutely works


    > Well then do you really think piercing alone is enough for LB and Rifle to raise to your expectations on what they should be doing regardless of game mode?


    No, but its an easy fix to at least make them fun for general PvE.

  3. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > Imagine having only one ranged weapon which is A*ss-slow and has the most annoying sound.... like the core rev/herald...


    Not saying the hammer cant use any help. Im just saying the fix for the warr can be done very easily. We should speak out though, I once started a huge thread on the engi forums about how scraper has no identity and two weeks after we actually got the scrapper rework. Making big threads with good opinions and constructive criticism absolutely works

  4. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > Currently Rifle/Bow are just too lame for general PvE. With a simple fix warrior can run around with actually decent ranged option.

    > > Suggestion : Allow the cracked shot trait to make the auto attack pierce. Even if just in PVE. PLEASE.


    > It used to make all rifle rounds pierce. They nerfed it, so good luck getting that back.


    > You'll be better off asking for a Rifle rework.


    > In the meantime. Try to add sigil of celerity, and sigil of rage on the rifle or bow. Take Heightened Focus. Between those three sources of quickness you should be able to shoot your rounds off fairly quickly. If you spec into boon duration you'll be able to perma maintain quickness in PvE this way.


    > If you run Zereker, then Gunflame will proc sigil of celerity for you, otherwise take kick to help fuel it.


    No idea why they nerfed it. At least piercing in PvE would be great. Perhaps a compromise like I offered could work - make only the autos pierce. Perhaps they can remove the bleed from the auto since rifle is power anyways in favour of piercing autos.

  5. Currently Rifle/Bow are just too lame for general PvE. With a simple fix warrior can run around with actually decent ranged option.

    Suggestion : Allow the cracked shot trait to make the auto attack pierce. Even if just in PVE. PLEASE.

    I mean, at least make the rifle autos pierce since the bleed on the auto doesn't make any sense.


  6. > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > > > Don't buy amd.

    > > > > > This is your brain on 2011. Don't do drugs, cubs.

    > > > >

    > > > > You're always gonna have issues with AMD with how low their market share is. Buying AMD CPU's/GPUs is a mistake if you're a gamer.

    > > >

    > > > With comments like this you can really tell how good Intel was at brainwashing people for their products. I have a all AMD system right now and i'm not having any issues at all in performance.

    > >

    > > It's not about intel doing anything. It's threads like this one and talk about other gamers that can't play their favourite game because they bought AMD to save a few pennies. It's awesome that AMD exists because it keeps the greedy lazy bastards at intel honest but as things currently stand they aren't worth it for gamers since so many games just don't work well with AMD. That's without even mentioning their garbage GPUs.


    > With a response such as "Don't buy AMD." just feels like you're just repeating the same information that's stuck for the past 7 years, because even if AMD(current) is on par or the better modern choice these days, All that ever comes up in regards on the GW2 side is old regurgitated information. "Oh Gw2 is bad on AMD, intel is the best for Gw2." "You have low FPS because you're on AMD." "This game is single core focus so Intel is the better choice." it's funny to assume it isn't worth it for gamers (most gamers play more than one game) despite AMD's products being up on the top seller list. Outside the Gw2 pocket your post reeks of brand bias, or maybe you haven't been keeping up with the times?


    Heres why AMD is useless for gamers:

    The vast majority of games use up to 4 cores max. For a workstation AMD eats Intel for breakfast but the large number of weaker threads in AMD products just doesn't help when your games use only 4 cores. Since single core performance on Intel beats AMD and since both of them have more than 4 cores intel is better for gamers. Since AMD has a much smaller market share most games tend to be optimised better for intel.

    On the GPU front nvidia is just c0ckslapping them since forever with superior hardware that doesnt heat loke a volcano and consume power at normal levels. Since AMD is an ant compared to nvidia most games are optimised better for better nvidia gpus.

    I understand it feels bad for you but thats just the reality of things.

  7. > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > Don't buy amd.

    > > > This is your brain on 2011. Don't do drugs, cubs.

    > >

    > > You're always gonna have issues with AMD with how low their market share is. Buying AMD CPU's/GPUs is a mistake if you're a gamer.


    > With comments like this you can really tell how good Intel was at brainwashing people for their products. I have a all AMD system right now and i'm not having any issues at all in performance.


    It's not about intel doing anything. It's threads like this one and talk about other gamers that can't play their favourite game because they bought AMD to save a few pennies. It's awesome that AMD exists because it keeps the greedy lazy bastards at intel honest but as things currently stand they aren't worth it for gamers since so many games just don't work well with AMD. That's without even mentioning their garbage GPUs.

  8. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > The answer depends on the kind of content we'll get in Season 5.

    > If it's the same as Season 4, they I'd prefer an expansion, if it contains expansion-like features, like elite specs, a new mastery similar to mounts/gliding and so on, then I'll be happy with having LW season instead of an expansion.


    We will never see especs outside of expacs.

    They are one of the main selling points of expacs.

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > > > > WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.

    > > > >

    > > > > When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

    > > > > GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its kitten since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

    > > > > Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.

    > > >

    > > > Holy smokes? When was Guild Wars 2 successful? All along. Since day 1. Since it sold 4 million pre launch copies, it's considered successful. You don't compare every new drink that comes out to coke. You don't see a new drink that doesn't make the money coke does isn't successful. That's not how it works.

    > > >

    > > > WoW launched at a time when there were very very little competition. The market was tiny. They were competing with very niche games and due to the success of other games, largely the Warcraft and Starcraft franchises, they had a ton of money to advertise. Guild Wars 1 would have been competition back then, but didn't have the war chest to advertise and wasn't at true MMO because it' didn't have an open world.

    > > >

    > > > At any rate, now the market is more fragmented. Even WOW has lost a huge section of it's player base, but no one is taking down WoW is the #1 MMO, in my mind ever. If it happens, it will be monumental. Then you have a game like Final Fantasy which is available on both console and computer, and it's the XIVth game in the series. It's also very popular in Asia where a lot of it's playerbase comes from.

    > > >

    > > > Guild Wars 2 has been for years in the top five, or six MMORPGs and certainly one of the top MMORPGs in the west. Games like Lineage, which does great in Korea in fact, had to close in the West where it failed. Guild Wars 2 was 6 years old when it had it's first layoffs. TSW and SWTOR had lay offs much sooner. ESO started as a sub game and had to go free to play. FF XIV had to apologize at the start of the game and completely reboot the game, because it was such a disaster. At one point they stopped charging subs, because it was not playable. Due to the fact that they are a popular frachise they got a second chance.

    > > >

    > > > Anyone who says this game isn't successful because WoW is successful is deluding themselves. Something can be both niche and successful. 7 UP has been around for years and it's a successful drink, but it doesn't sell nearly as much as coke. It still has it's niche and it's still considered successful.

    > > >

    > > > Successful in business only means one thing..meets or exceeds expectations. Guild Wars 2 is largely met or exceeded the expectations of it's investors. How is it not successful?

    > >

    > > Because they fired a bunch of people..? That usually means they did NOT meet the expectations. Actually that usually means it is going rather bad.


    > No, that doesn't mean it's not successful.


    Yeah, it does.

  10. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > I dont really understand why people say gw2 is great because you dont need to grind, but that is what most people do, just take a look on how populated are the farming maps : Istan pre-nerf, dragonfall, SW.

    > In gw2 we dont grind for gear, we grind for skins, which is the same thing but more mind numbing and way less rewarding, you just need to faceroll mobs in PvE spamming auto attacks.


    > WoW maybe doesnt compete with gw2 for the casual pve audience which are interested in open world PvE content and single story mode released every 3 months.

    > But it competes for the hardcore Raiders, WvWers to some extent and casual and hardcore PvPers.

    > Combat mechanics in gw2 are better, but the skill ceilling in wow(classic) is much higher because you need to have a knowledge of the game in general not only on classes, wow is way more complex game compared to gw2 PvE and PvP wise.

    > WoW will not have updates but it's better not have updates than have bad ones.








    There's no competition over "raiders". If raiding is THE thing you want from your MMORPG you shouldn't even consider GW2. Theres no competition there, you should just play wow.

  11. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > So how do you explain that I don't like WoW and I like this game?


    > Let's look at the list.


    > Mounts? Completely different here. Mounts are just a speed buff in WOW. Here they have life and become an integral part of gameplay.


    > Raids? Raiding in wow is progressive. There's nothing like LFR in WOW here and more to the point, all the raids are in play all the time.


    > Legendary gear grind? In WoW, each tier of gear has higher and higher stats, and they keep coming out with higher and higher stats. Not so hear. The last time stats were raised here was like four years ago. Legendary gear is, unlike WoW, 100% completely optional. Not having legendary gear locks you out of no content at all. So not like WoW.


    > The Skyscale is a completely optional mount, meant to be a long term goal. People can talk about grind all they want, but that doesn't make it grind. If people had actually been playing the zones all along, they'd probably have had most of the currency saved up already. I know I did. The skyscale's biggest complaints were about time gating, rather than grind.


    > If you tell a WoW player that we had two expansions that neither raised the level cap, nor introduced a new tier of gear, they'd be amazed, if they even believed it.


    > Again, if this game is so much like WoW, why don't I like WoW?


    GW2 is nothing like WoW. OP makes zero sense.

  12. This game is absolutely NOTHING like WoW. Raids/fractals are a side show in GW2. GW2 still caters exclusively to casuals. By the time GW2 releases 3 bosses lol WoW gives it's players a whole raid of 10+ bosses. You simply cannot play GW2 as a player who's main interest are raids. The only mode that constantly gets updates is the casual LS. GW2 still has no gear treadmill and none of the grinds are actually needed or offer much.

    Anyone who thinks GW2 is similar to WoW clearly hasn't played WoW or just didn't think more than 2 minutes about the issue.

  13. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

    > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > > > > > > WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

    > > > > > > GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its kitten since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

    > > > > > > Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Holy smokes? When was Guild Wars 2 successful? All along. Since day 1. Since it sold 4 million pre launch copies, it's considered successful. You don't compare every new drink that comes out to coke. You don't see a new drink that doesn't make the money coke does isn't successful. That's not how it works.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > WoW launched at a time when there were very very little competition. The market was tiny. They were competing with very niche games and due to the success of other games, largely the Warcraft and Starcraft franchises, they had a ton of money to advertise. Guild Wars 1 would have been competition back then, but didn't have the war chest to advertise and wasn't at true MMO because it' didn't have an open world.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > At any rate, now the market is more fragmented. Even WOW has lost a huge section of it's player base, but no one is taking down WoW is the #1 MMO, in my mind ever. If it happens, it will be monumental. Then you have a game like Final Fantasy which is available on both console and computer, and it's the XIVth game in the series. It's also very popular in Asia where a lot of it's playerbase comes from.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Guild Wars 2 has been for years in the top five, or six MMORPGs and certainly one of the top MMORPGs in the west. Games like Lineage, which does great in Korea in fact, had to close in the West where it failed. Guild Wars 2 was 6 years old when it had it's first layoffs. TSW and SWTOR had lay offs much sooner. ESO started as a sub game and had to go free to play. FF XIV had to apologize at the start of the game and completely reboot the game, because it was such a disaster. At one point they stopped charging subs, because it was not playable. Due to the fact that they are a popular frachise they got a second chance.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Anyone who says this game isn't successful because WoW is successful is deluding themselves. Something can be both niche and successful. 7 UP has been around for years and it's a successful drink, but it doesn't sell nearly as much as coke. It still has it's niche and it's still considered successful.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Successful in business only means one thing..meets or exceeds expectations. Guild Wars 2 is largely met or exceeded the expectations of it's investors. How is it not successful?

    > > > >

    > > > > Because they fired a bunch of people..? That usually means they did NOT meet the expectations. Actually that usually means it is going rather bad.

    > > >

    > > > They fired Anet employees, who were working on mostly other projects that didn't get off the ground, if you've been paying any attention at all. Companies are not products. Were you the one who mentioned WoW, because Blizzard just laid off a bunch of people too, so I guess you could say that it's going rather bad, but you're not. Compared to something like SWToR which laid off a bunch of a people a year into the game, not 6.5 years. The issue with drawing conclusions in the absence of fact is that you end up drawing the wrong conclusions.

    > > >

    > > > Anet attempted to diversify by going into other projects and couldn't get those projects finished in either a timely manner, or within budget, or to some level of quality satisfaction. Some of those projects have been cancelled, Some of the devs that worked on those projects moved back to Guild Wars 2. That doesn't say Guild Wars 2 is doing badly, though it doesn't speak very highly necessarily of Anet. Again, Blizzard just laid off a bunch of people, so why aren't you applying the same logic to WoW?

    > >

    > > A massive failure like this speaks volumes about ANet's competence though.


    > Or the changing market. Guild Wars 2 remains successful. You know how we know? Stock calls. The company lets people know when games do or don't meet expectations. We've not often (I can only remember one quarter) where it was said Guild Wars 2 didn't meet expectations. And you know, lots of companies go and produce stuff that never gets off the ground. It happens all the time. Look at Everquest Next. Blizzard with Titan. Titan was completely cancelled, but we're not going to use that against blizzard, are we? I'd call that a double standard. Saying that failed projects, or ones that don't materialize indicates anything without knowing a whole lot more than we do is just baseless speculation.


    > We opened a store that failed, because the guy who was supposed to run it backed out the night before opening and we didn't really have anyone to replace him. Sometimes circumstance can cause something to fail that has nothing to do with competence. Markets change. Situations evolve. It's entirely possible that NcSoft saw their games profits going down pretty much across the board and they felt they had to take action to restore investor confidence and this is what they felt they could afford to cut. This sort of thing happens in business pretty much all the time.


    > To be fair, it might well indicate incompetence...however we don't have the data to make that call.


    Not use that against Blizz? What? How? Why?

    Blizzard is a fucking garbage company now and have been pretty much since they got in bed with Activision. Major failures of any kind show something, always.

  14. > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

    > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > > > > WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.

    > > > >

    > > > > When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

    > > > > GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its kitten since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

    > > > > Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.

    > > >

    > > > Part of GW2’s appeal is that it _doesn’t_ have an endless vertical “progression” — run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place. As you said, most MMO’s have that so you and everyone else who likes to grind for what will be made irrelevant can go play any one of those. GW2 is for people who’d prefer to work toward fun things, horizontal expansion — gliding, mounts, etc.

    > >

    > > Are you mentally challanged?

    > > I'm on a GW2 forum, playing GW2.... clearly I dont like the way most MMOs (especially wow) do progression and I prefer GW2.

    > > When I get the itch for a game with good itemization I go for Grim Dawn/ PoE


    > I suppose I might be before I’ve had my morning coffee. :o I had read your post as a criticism of GW2 for not having vertical progression, which I’m tired of seeing along with all the doom threads of late, and just posted on reaction against that, sorry. (You’ll have to concede that posting on the GW2 forum does not, in fact, mean that you like or even currently play the game, going by some of the other threads posted, but I did jump to an assumption).


    That explains it all. I'm basically retarded before my morning coffee. I think GW2 is designed for specific players and the progression reflects that.

  15. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

    > > > > > WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.

    > > > >

    > > > > When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

    > > > > GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its kitten since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

    > > > > Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.

    > > >

    > > > Holy smokes? When was Guild Wars 2 successful? All along. Since day 1. Since it sold 4 million pre launch copies, it's considered successful. You don't compare every new drink that comes out to coke. You don't see a new drink that doesn't make the money coke does isn't successful. That's not how it works.

    > > >

    > > > WoW launched at a time when there were very very little competition. The market was tiny. They were competing with very niche games and due to the success of other games, largely the Warcraft and Starcraft franchises, they had a ton of money to advertise. Guild Wars 1 would have been competition back then, but didn't have the war chest to advertise and wasn't at true MMO because it' didn't have an open world.

    > > >

    > > > At any rate, now the market is more fragmented. Even WOW has lost a huge section of it's player base, but no one is taking down WoW is the #1 MMO, in my mind ever. If it happens, it will be monumental. Then you have a game like Final Fantasy which is available on both console and computer, and it's the XIVth game in the series. It's also very popular in Asia where a lot of it's playerbase comes from.

    > > >

    > > > Guild Wars 2 has been for years in the top five, or six MMORPGs and certainly one of the top MMORPGs in the west. Games like Lineage, which does great in Korea in fact, had to close in the West where it failed. Guild Wars 2 was 6 years old when it had it's first layoffs. TSW and SWTOR had lay offs much sooner. ESO started as a sub game and had to go free to play. FF XIV had to apologize at the start of the game and completely reboot the game, because it was such a disaster. At one point they stopped charging subs, because it was not playable. Due to the fact that they are a popular frachise they got a second chance.

    > > >

    > > > Anyone who says this game isn't successful because WoW is successful is deluding themselves. Something can be both niche and successful. 7 UP has been around for years and it's a successful drink, but it doesn't sell nearly as much as coke. It still has it's niche and it's still considered successful.

    > > >

    > > > Successful in business only means one thing..meets or exceeds expectations. Guild Wars 2 is largely met or exceeded the expectations of it's investors. How is it not successful?

    > >

    > > Because they fired a bunch of people..? That usually means they did NOT meet the expectations. Actually that usually means it is going rather bad.


    > They fired Anet employees, who were working on mostly other projects that didn't get off the ground, if you've been paying any attention at all. Companies are not products. Were you the one who mentioned WoW, because Blizzard just laid off a bunch of people too, so I guess you could say that it's going rather bad, but you're not. Compared to something like SWToR which laid off a bunch of a people a year into the game, not 6.5 years. The issue with drawing conclusions in the absence of fact is that you end up drawing the wrong conclusions.


    > Anet attempted to diversify by going into other projects and couldn't get those projects finished in either a timely manner, or within budget, or to some level of quality satisfaction. Some of those projects have been cancelled, Some of the devs that worked on those projects moved back to Guild Wars 2. That doesn't say Guild Wars 2 is doing badly, though it doesn't speak very highly necessarily of Anet. Again, Blizzard just laid off a bunch of people, so why aren't you applying the same logic to WoW?


    A massive failure like this speaks volumes about ANet's competence though.

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