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Posts posted by Amaranthe.3578

  1. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > The game is balanced, just not around PvP.


    > The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)



    > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > The game is balanced, just not around PvP.


    > The only area that balance matters is pvp. (and maybe for those that play meter wars)



    That's bullshit. The game is mainly a pve game. PvP is a side thing nobody upstairs really cares about.

  2. > @"leunamsil.6742" said:

    > More GW2. Its way to soon to even start thinking of GW3. We still have 3 dragons alive that we need to deal with and find replacements for 2 of them. What i would like would be a engine update. I know its a lot of work but it could really revitalize the game and bring some new life into it. But i doupt it will happen.


    new engine = new game.

  3. > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > > > Arena Net seem like they dont realize how big of a Goldmine they have with the Outfit skins.

    > > > They release them often; it would seem as if they do realize.

    > > >

    > > > > The potential to split of the outfites and sell the individual parts as Armor skins on the Gem Store is huge!!!

    > > > Not possible.

    > > > Outfits are a goldmine because they are less costly to design _because_ they are onesies; by definition, they are not made of individual parts that can be sold separately. Creating an armor set (or even pieces that match) requires a lot of the same work needed for any armor design.

    > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I want more armor skins like there are Weapon Skins in the game from Black Lion Trader Post. Come on. You sitting on a Goldmine. Whats it going to take for you all to see this?

    > > > There are all sorts of reasons that weapons are easier to deliver: they aren't customized per race or gender, they aren't dyed, they don't have to mix & match with other weapons, etc.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > > > Hope you not talking about the Clippings Argument. Come on, thats a load. You and I know that. Lots of skins already clip.thats not stopping anybody. Shoot thats basic life as a Charr pretty much.

    > > >

    > > > In fact, it's a fact that the reason we have so little clipping in the game is that the designers spend a ton of time reducing it. Sometimes, they intentionally (or accidentally) allow some clipping, as the benefit from further design changes starts to diminish relative to the cost. A number of the devs have spoken and written about this over the years.

    > >

    > > So little? Almost everything clippa with charr lol


    > It's okay, charr are probably the least-played race, so they don't actually have to worry about doing anything about it.


    > _goes and cries in the corner_


    It's absolutely not O.K. Especially since they dont offer race changes. All those terrible clipping and ill fitting armor is probably the reason why they are the least played race.

  4. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > Arena Net seem like they dont realize how big of a Goldmine they have with the Outfit skins.

    > They release them often; it would seem as if they do realize.


    > > The potential to split of the outfites and sell the individual parts as Armor skins on the Gem Store is huge!!!

    > Not possible.

    > Outfits are a goldmine because they are less costly to design _because_ they are onesies; by definition, they are not made of individual parts that can be sold separately. Creating an armor set (or even pieces that match) requires a lot of the same work needed for any armor design.


    > >

    > > I want more armor skins like there are Weapon Skins in the game from Black Lion Trader Post. Come on. You sitting on a Goldmine. Whats it going to take for you all to see this?

    > There are all sorts of reasons that weapons are easier to deliver: they aren't customized per race or gender, they aren't dyed, they don't have to mix & match with other weapons, etc.



    > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > Hope you not talking about the Clippings Argument. Come on, thats a load. You and I know that. Lots of skins already clip.thats not stopping anybody. Shoot thats basic life as a Charr pretty much.


    > In fact, it's a fact that the reason we have so little clipping in the game is that the designers spend a ton of time reducing it. Sometimes, they intentionally (or accidentally) allow some clipping, as the benefit from further design changes starts to diminish relative to the cost. A number of the devs have spoken and written about this over the years.


    So little? Almost everything clippa with charr lol

  5. > @"Derdzvero.7051" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > GW2 is optimised very poorly, can't port it.


    > Although Linux users claim game is running OK..might not be difficult to make PS4 port at least. I never tried it though so might be completely off here.

    > Of course, Anet has to re-design the interface and optimize it a bit (if it makes sense at this stage of lifecycle..)


    I don't think it does at this stage. GW2 is a niche game and I think it has it's own corner now.

  6. > @"Zephyr.5382" said:

    > I agree about the balancing issue. But, then again, I think that can of worms has long since been opened. I would just like to have enough e-specs to make each profession desirable to everyone. For example, necro, in its current state, doesn't really appeal to me, and my necro characters have all been shelved for longer than I can remember. No offense, necro mains.


    But that doesn't make any sense....if all classes are desirable for everyone that basically means they are all the same and offer no unique features.

  7. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > Elite specs will eventually become bloat for sure. We can squeeze in two more elite specs for now, but eventually for more variation we should get weapons open ended at least for future variation beyond that.


    Eventually? You really think GW2 will even last for 2 more expacs? I doubt it. I mean, if you look at the sPvP population things look very grim.

  8. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > > i dont think they were frowned upon, their role back in the days probably was acted as a medium to communicate with the dead, as we saw in human's personal story, calling upon the soul of the dead pirate

    > > >

    > > > but to create undead, was treated as a forbidden art

    > > > > _It wasn't long before Eve's curiosity (and her ability to both manipulate and avoid Matron Irma) led her to a secret library in the bowels of the Academy. There, forbidden texts opened up an entirely new world to young Eve. By the time she was 15, she had raised her first bone minion._

    > >

    > > But in the personal story one side is shocked that the priory would disturb the dead,like its a terrible thing.


    > not surprised, he does look pretty shady to me


    > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/d/dc/Scholar_Josir.jpg "")



    The way he (the other side) reacted to "disturbing" the dead made it sound like its something terrible.

  9. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > i dont think they were frowned upon, their role back in the days probably was acted as a medium to communicate with the dead, as we saw in human's personal story, calling upon the soul of the dead pirate


    > but to create undead, was treated as a forbidden art

    > > _It wasn't long before Eve's curiosity (and her ability to both manipulate and avoid Matron Irma) led her to a secret library in the bowels of the Academy. There, forbidden texts opened up an entirely new world to young Eve. By the time she was 15, she had raised her first bone minion._


    But in the personal story one side is shocked that the priory would disturb the dead,like its a terrible thing.

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > "Are necros pariahs in human society?"


    > *Tons of necros running around as commanders, while every human happily greets them as friends*


    That doesn't mean its consistent with the lore. Watlocks run around WoW all willy nilly yet they are really hated in the lore.

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