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Posts posted by Aza.2105

  1. Whats wrong with rev is simple. Its the most balanced and honest class in the game, that actually has a risk and reward factor. And also has various weaknesses. Comparing the class with other classes that are top tier then it makes them seem very weak. The reality is that every class needs to be brought down to the level of rev. Then pvp would be mildly healthy.

  2. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > To be honest spellbreaker in this moment is one of the most balanced specs.

    > Warrior in every single game is the starter beginner class pretty straightforward to play and not that risky, but it is not that simple to master.


    > A noob who tries spellbreaker can just rekt other noobs only, it can't handle 3 people like a druid come on, you leave in a different universe or in low bronze leagues.


    > Certainly has good sustain to hold 2 people for a while but at some point he has to leave, druid can hold 2 people forever if he is good enough. So please now don't talk as spellbreakers as bunkers because this explain why you have problem with them, l2p issue.


    > The sb prenerf was capable of this thing but not the actual one, scourge on the other hand even in the hands of a bad player paired with a firebrand was able to get you up to plat 3 no problem.


    > And warrior skills are so easy to dodge and counter, if you get stunned and have zero stunbreaks that's your problem, not sb fault, this is what warrior always did, stun and get the most damage immediately after since the beginning of the game and how? **Only at melee range wow**, you can actually kite, use cripples, wow... didn't know this?


    This doesn't make sense really. You say if the player doesn't have stun break then its their problem. The problem with this logic is that SB or warrior stuns, knockdowns and dazes are on relatively short cooldowns compared to stun breakers. That is to stay if they break stun, its highly likely they will be cced again. Not only that but warrior is very tanky without needing to wear a tanky amulet, making them very hard to kill. SB is over tuned but so are most of the specs, except rev which is actually balanced and why it sucks in practical use.


    I hate to say it, but if anet ever hopes for pvp to have some sort of balance then every spec should be brought down to the level of rev.

  3. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


    > **PvP Armor set 2.5**

    > We are working on an enhanced version of the Glorious armor. No dates on this yet, as it’s still a ways out. We’re aiming for 2 tiers. Tier 1 for Leagues and tier 2 for Tournament prizes.


    What happens to those who have legendary armors already? They don't get the new skin?

  4. HoT has more detailed maps, they have a floor, middle and a ceiling. They were more difficult to navigate than the traditional maps at first but once you learned then it was hard not to appreciate the amount of design and time that went into creating them. PoF maps are similar to that of the vanilla GW2. In terms of exploration, its not as in depth as HoTs. But I think the PoF maps are more visually pleasing than those in HoT.


    PoF has a better story than HoT imo.

    HoT has a better sense of progression of your character with the mastery system. I didn't get the same feel while leveling mount skills.

    HoT also has better map events. PoF meta events are non existent, except for desolation and the recently added map in daybreak.

    PoF has bounties which are definitely fun to do.

    Both xpacs have well thought out elite specs. Its hard to say which one is better.

    HoT has a better musical score.

    PoF introduced better inventory management with unidentified items (yay no more minor/major sigils and runes)

    HoT was more balanced pvp wise, PoF is just a mess.


    I personally think PoF is a better xpac, but I can't help but to feel that Anet put more passion in creating the HoTs xpac.


  5. > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

    > Though I do play firebrand and daredevil in pvp, I am maining warrior for this competition. But my question is why cant I kill a firebrand in pvp? The firebrand just runs in circles and heals too much for me to beat it. I have fought some firebrands that can take a beating from 2 warriors at the same time. This heal is extended to other tough classes like scourge and Mirage who are also on the team, making fighting them god level. So, why is warrior so bad compared to these classes?


    Its not toughness that makes them hard to kill. In fact toughness and flat damage reduction skills and runes don't make much of a difference with how much damage you take. FB is strong because of a combination of things, their healing output, dodge and blocks(pre-nerf).

  6. > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > Once upon a time Guardian was suppose to be the only boon-centric class. Now every class is.


    > Next time you want to lie make it less obvious.


    > You can't have a boon-centric class because most classes predate boons. The correct word is buff. And Guardian only exists because being the only buff-centric class doesn't. It's the combination of three buff related classes.


    Really now? Quoted from old gw2 patch notes:



    The Guardian is a heavy armor class who relies on boons to make up for their low levels of innate health. They focus on area control and punishing enemies for the position on the battlefield. We want them to feel very powerful when their boons are active, but if those boons are removed, they will start to feel pressure. They can remove conditions more easily than the Warrior, but share the Warrior’s need to be in melee range to dole out maximum damage."


    You can also watch this old video of anet devs talking about the state of the game where they refer to guardian as the boon-centric class:



    "Guardian is "boon-centric". They are intended to be intentionally slow, with one or two abilities that bring them into the battle, but nothing to escape it. There aren't any immediate changes for them planned in the future, Arenanet feels the class is in a decent place with a variety of builds ranging from a group-boon bunkering build to a shadow-stepping aggressive damage dealing build. None of the players had any real issues with the class either."







  7. If I was everyone else, I'd be insulted by Anet's stance in regards to the lack of resign button in pvp. Basically they are saying that all the players lack the intelligence to use the /resign feature right. Mind you it was perfectly fine in gw1 just like pvp was perfectly fine in gw1. But just like they assume players were too idiotic to create builds for themselves they also assume that 5 players wouldn't know how to use /resign properly without it being abused. Lets ignore the fact that people just go afk in pvp when teams are stupid, lets ignore the fact that players intentionally sabotage their team, lets ignore the facts that we have hacking going around and lets ignore the fact that Anet doesn't really ban offenders in pvp.




  8. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > @Aza.2105

    > It is a defensive line, but barrier feels more towards honor than valor itself.


    > IMO it is way to hard to make a skill that competes with MOnk focus, it is a reduce on amazing skills meditations that cleanse, heal, damage, wich traited meds kinda feels it is mandatory for every non FB based build.


    > Even AH is weak compared with MF.


    Maybe, but at least its competitive. AH is more universal compared to MF since you don't have to take meditations to use it. You can run mantras, shouts and consecrations. I think for the 3rd GM trait to be competitive it has to provide some sort of sustain that doesn't rely on healing power.


  9. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > Tenacious Defense just seems weak. I can't see how its a true competitor to AH or Monk's focus. Maybe they should of kept the old effect in addition to the new one.


    > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > As if spirit weapons issues had anything to do with the CD.

    > >

    > > Retributive armor change is useless. Compare it to monks focus. 2k heal and 4 sec fury.


    > indeed issues with SW where not the CD between ammo, they their effect and the bugs were and are the issue.

    > I actually prefer the old CD timers, it helped the skill management.


    > After tried the new trait... it is extremelly weak, completelly useless...


    > Well the older trait was nothing special either....


    > Sugestion:

    > Revert the CD on SW, give light aura to Bow of truth, and increase healing coeficient slightly, while on shield fix the still existent "wont cast when in combat with target selected" bug, and add 1 or 2 sec resistance, or aegis to players arround the caster, and fix the tooltip.

    > About the new trait, merge with AH, and creat a new one that makes guardian use hammer and shield :} for more 250 armor to guardian and 4 allies in the same party has the guardian.



    Maybe the 3rd valor trait should give barrier? It kind of goes with the valor theme, which is a defensive line.


    Each time you lose aegis you gain barrier. Something like that would be a lot better I'd say.

  10. > @"deShinigami.2387" said:

    > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > > @"deShinigami.2387" said:

    > > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > > > > @"deShinigami.2387" said:

    > > > > > No nerf to Elusive Mind.

    > > > > > No nerf to Druid sustain. (Good thing they nerfed Reef Drake though.)

    > > > > > No nerf to Larcenous Strike.

    > > > > > Adding damage to Warrior Greatsword of all weapons is just a slap in the face.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This patch will do absolutely nothing.

    > > > >

    > > > > Read. Those buffs were for PVE on warrior only. Smh.

    > > >

    > > > Greatsword Slice: The damage of this skill has been increased by 35%.

    > > >

    > > > No, it was now. Smh

    > >

    > > You're getting mad basic autos getting buffed. Again, why are you crying? They usually use two skills to try and kill you. This is actually making them use their greatsword now.


    > Yes, because no Warrior ever equipped a Greatsword before this patch hit. It's not like Greatsword has been the strongest weapon on Warrior since release. I'm not saying that it will make THAT much of a difference. It's more of a question as to why.

    > Greatsword has and will always be meta as long as Whirling Attack is the stupid busted kitten that it is today. This buff was completely unwarranted.


    You guys can't read, those changes are mostly pve.

  11. I've been pvping since game launch...and before that gw1 pvp since launch. I refuse to touch spvp until they do some significant balance changes. It just isn't fun. The interesting thing is the balance pass that happened right before pof was pretty good. The game felt alright...then pof hit and game over. Seems like after that Anet just said fuck it. Lets focus on raids completely.

  12. > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > > @"jihm.2315" said:

    > > > i found more enjoyment in wvw and high lvl fractals than spvp and the reason is mentioned in that video

    > > > also its laughable move from capcom trying to adapt a colossus like street fighter to fit to the scrubby esport scene

    > >

    > > Street Fighter has always been a esport pretty much.


    > Fighting games have been the OG competitive game experience, sadly they've been pushed away by mobasLUL and FPS.


    > People love their team games, it's nice to have someone to blame for your shortcomings, because how else would you deal with a resounding loss if it's a 1v1?


    Yea I remember people playing sf for money down at the arcades in my town. It was a big thing. I think the biggest barrier to fighting games is that they are difficult to get into. They have a very high learning curve. Mobas and FPS aren't hard to get into but to play competitively you have to be very good of course.


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