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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"Alwayshappy.2549" said:

    > I'd rather say that PvP is plagued by players who don't know how to improve their own game. They prefer to whine about any class they lose against. If I have to believe the PvP forums every class in the game deserves a big fat nerf. I get it; it's easy to place the blame on anyone/anything but yourself. Easier than looking in the mirror. To try and improve yourself. Find counters to the problems you face. Accept that there are better players out there. Accept that there are hard counters out there. The game, and PvP itself, would be way less toxic if people would step up.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/16LDjlF.jpg "")


  2. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > pvp is plagued with power rev/mes/thief, who perma stealth/evade and insta gib some one from 1200 range away.

    > really fun, thanks anet




    few minutes ago, i stepped into pvp than wvw and witness and experience it myself. The amount of Toxic +1 shotts, being able to perma-everything, bad design mechanics, Toxic balancing beyond bad design Thief Profession, God like Pulls, having God Like Everything has turned pvp and wvw into a wasteland.


    I can't even describe the state of pvp and wvw anymore


    I still witness Thief Profession exploiting mounts while being attacked even hackers and exploiters 'has come out of the woodworks' in plain view to laugh at pvp and wvw Toxicity


    You can't even tell hows the hackers or exploiters because Toxicity allows all of us to become one


    -Thief Profession whose the biggest offender of hacking and exploits for 7 years in plain view, are continually being excused for destroying the game including its players and potential players and Mesmer Profession are being brainwashed and being used to carry out Thief Profession Toxic bidding


    **It's completely beyond Disgraceful and Disgusting**


  3. **A case of the nver ending Thief Toxicity**


    (posted 2016)


    'happy to see the bad builds back!'


    personal oppinion- I strongly believe that there is someone at Anet who is intentionally reversing all Thief nerfs as if nobody would notice them.


    It is as if this person really does not want Thief to be nerfed. A hard case of Favoritism at the top


    Again, it's an oppinion


    'A Condition-Bursting Thief, with style. Well, not so much style... Also, it appears as if the potato HATES it. Just, everything about it. He really brings the pain this time...'


  4. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aMtaTEn.png "")

    > bois it's ok, we all know by history that spike meta naturally evolves in to bunker meta, because classes without spike cheese are forced to spec hard bunker.

    > either way it will die, i'm sure these guys defending right now will enjoy the bunker meta so much as it's natural progression.




    may i also add this??


    -perma heals, perma bunker,perma evades, perma dodges,perma condition removal, All-in-one meta bad design with perma everything-


    'Hello everybody!

    Bringing you a fresh build for your thieving PvE needs. This build is loads of fun for fighting mobs.**Through exploiting the sigil of stamina** you can have infinite dodges! Hope you enjoy and please be'


  5. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > Yeah, I know there's l2p. Especially since that was my first time seeing it. It was also my first match of the day (warmup), right at the start of the match.


    > I'm not saying anything about changing the build. Just that it felt like kitten playing against it and the rest of the meme team it was on:


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/DQu80qN.jpg "")


    > At least one of the Daredevils was a 1-shot backstab build too (25K from stealth). They kept my team of random solos on respawn. Yeah it was unranked shenanigans, but I think there is something to be said about **how these experiences drive people away.**




    Toxicity in itself drives everyone away including potential players


    (the game does not even attempt to encourage healthy competitive play...all that is left are Toxic gameplay)

  6. > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > I'm not asking for Anet to add raidbosses or increase PvE drastically in WvW.


    > It's just that sentries, camps, lords etc have barely been touched since the release of the game and thus couldn't keep up with powercreep whatsoever. On deadeye for example I can solo a sentry in roughly 3 seconds.


    > For comparison Anet has buffed NPCs on sPvP maps such as Foefire because the guild lord (a potentially gamewinning objective) was getting soloed in a matter of seconds after all the powercreep. WvW NPCs exist for a reason, but they've become a joke.


    > So what do you think? Yay or nay? Why or why not?


    You are correct. I have been asking myself the exact questions for years and would think Anet would realize it. I do find it a joke but seriously, why would Anet not realize it during all the Toxic increase?


    Sure the Npc are computer generated without feelings but seriously, they are there for a reason and do have an impact in the environment,..so why not give them value?


    That is the problem with the game design, there is no value whatsoever


    No worth, No meaning, No potential, No focus, No clear direction, No clear decisions, No learning, No Appreciation, No reflection, None whatsoever


    Absolutely None!!


    **At least give NPCS a chance to defend themselves**

  7. > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > I don't have a lot of confidence after watching this. I guess it's nice to know they realize the game mode still exists, but I don't get warm feelings listening to them talk about it.




    I agree

  8. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You fight a thief who doesnt stow a single pistolwhip to bait ur dodges ? congrats looool

    > > > >

    > > > > Interesting.

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > > > Its a mediocre build, cant even dodge biggest tell in the game?? Its rated gold only leauge on metabattle

    > > > >

    > > > > So, you're sending some mixed signals. In your opinion, is pistol whip easy to fight against or not?

    > > > >

    > > > > "PW thief is bad"

    > > > > "LOL you didn't even fight against a good one"

    > > > >

    > > > > ?? I'm on your side here.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, he could've cancelled PW but the skill can be avoided even without dodges.

    > > >

    > > > I'm not sending any signals, I have no issues landing pistol whips as it is, feel free to watch my streams/youtube and see if it performs badly. I like this build its 10 times more enjoyable than playing core S/D. If i could i would play dp but its not on par with either build right now.

    > > >

    > > > But you try showing some educational video of a absolute terrible thief and you get decapped even to some extent hella pressured, imagine fighting someone decent lol.

    > > >

    > > > you can spin the camera/about face until the actual stun is done so you trying to sidestep/go behind does not work either and as i said you can stow as well - all about mindgames, and a good one would pistolwhip you while you are about to do a skill so you have no avoidance, does it mean you will land every PW? no of course not.

    > > >

    > > > fyi this comment: Its a mediocre build, cant even dodge biggest tell in the game?? Its rated gold only leauge on metabattle is a full meme lmao

    > > > but as i have mentioned this build for me personally performs better both in AT's and ranked as it is for me, the only time i can feel useless as PW is if we fight a firebrand heavy comp but since I don't run firebrands myself S/D wouldn't perform better since we would straight out lose that anyway so PW does feel better, I can 2v2/3v3 better than I can with S/D cus of not needing as much CDS as i do with S/D, I can stay longer in fights due to the heavy evade frames from PW and let CD's recycle. oh and not to mention it allows me to 1v1 against pretty much anything but symbolbrands "kinda" i can still stalemate a weaver until i get +1'd

    > > >

    > > > You can basically zone someone into pistolwhips when you fight for the node as well, move towards and pw/stow if needed to bait a dodge and then hit them with another pw, if you get good enough controlling camera/stowing you can pretty easily hit pw's

    > > >

    > > > Do i think its bad? no

    > > > Do i think its op compared to other builds? no

    > > >

    > > > But yeah, I just find it incredibly funny to see how split the community is :) Some people say its trash and some say its OP.

    > >

    > > I'm not saying it's trash but it's definitely not the strongest thief build. Anyways, I'm not trying to spend time arguing this. :)


    > Whats the strongest thief build according to you?


    i have a question, did Anet 'nerf' this build?

    (notice the quote above)


  9. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > I am seriously getting tired of builds that can stealth in at you from 4000 some range and instantly drop your health from 100% to 0% with no tells.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's a bad design that makes for a bad game that isn't fun to play.

    > > > >

    > > > > ~ Edit

    > > > >

    > > > > I'm gonna paste this into the OP because I should have written this here to begin with:

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > Just want to make this post to really elaborate on quite exactly what attributes are stacking up here, to make this build so toxic:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 1. **Nuclear damage output.** This is normally fine imo on glass cannon designed specs. But it begins to get out of control here for the following reasons.

    > > > > > 2. **Too many instant cast pre-charged skills.** It can front load enough damage to drop any build instantly. Again, this is normally not that big of a deal in most situations, when a build provides tells so that it can be counter played. But this leads to the next reason of what makes this so toxic.

    > > > > > 3. **Too much stealth uptime paired with their mobility.** Lately these Mesmers have enough stealth to approach you from blind spots in the map where you are unable to see them visually on the screen, or even their class icon on the mini map. Don't believe me? Watch that video that was posted. This means that you have no ability whatsoever, to counter play the Mesmer's position or to interpret where he is or where he is going. Now your survival vs. the Mesmer burst is entirely dependent upon raw reflex, for when it attacks you, and if you have some kind of an instant invuln or instant mobility stun break with an evade, such as Roll For Initiative. This takes us to the following point to be made, which is the deepest and most toxic part about all of this.

    > > > > > 4. **There are no tells when a good Mesmer player is wielding this build.** Even middle tiered players can sort of "no tell" blow you up a fraction of a second with this build, but the good Mesmers out there, seriously instantly kill you by perfectly timing all of the instants & precharges, and landing them all simultaneously for a visual representation on-screen of seeing your health go from 100% to 0% instantly. There is no counter play to this. By the time any visual graphics appear or you hear any noises at all, you're already dead.

    > > > > > 5. **Subsequently, it is important to compare Core Power Mesmer to other notorious 1HKO builds** -> Even Deadeyes & Soulbeasts provide warning of inc burst when a DE marks a target or a Soulbeast uses Sic Em. A player can see these things on their UI, as a warning that they are being focused. The Mesmer on the other hand, delivers no such warning. The DE & Soulbeast also must approach a general vicinity before engaging in stealth play. Players can see this happening, and are ready to engage the situation. They know the DE or Soulbeast is close, they are being marked or seeing Sic Em on UI, they know if they are being targeted. The stealth's are also short on DE & Soulbeast to where players can intuitively gauge how long the DE or Soulbeast will be in stealth and if he is about to land a burst or how far he could move during that short time. The Power Mesmer on the other hand, yeah reread the points made in 3. Furthermore, the DEs & Soulbeasts don't actually "1shot" anything. The damage may lay down quickly, you may see your health drop from 100% to 75% to 50% to 25% to 0% from a Rapid Fire that takes 2 and a half seconds to complete, or you may see a 100% to 50% o 0% with a Maul leading into Worldy Impact that takes roughly 2s to complete even with quickness. You may see your health drop from 100% to 25% from a Death's Judgement, and then a DE follows up with some other attack to finish the job, requiring a good 2s to complete. <- All of this as annoying as it is, requires like 2s at the minimum to actually do, which is allowing counter play. But the Mesmer? Nah, all that damage lands in the fraction of a millisecond right out of stealth, especially if a person has a good macro set. Even the approach of the DEs & the Soulbeasts are rather obvious and allow players to position themselves to engage them. But the Mesmer? Nah you can't see it or interpret where it is at all. The final point to be made is that: DEs and Soulbeasts are nailing people with projectiles, which can be LOSed. But the Mesmer? That's mostly all melee functioned & ground targeted damage that HIT THROUGH WALLS.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I don't know what else to say. The implementation of this Core Power Mesmer lately, feels like I was eating at a nice dinner and enjoying my meal, then someone tossed a nasty leaky dirty diaper up on my table, and then I had to get up and leave. For real though. I've put up with a lot of bad metas in this game over the years, but there is something extra _bad feeling_ about this no-tell Mesmer stealth across the map and 1HKO you stuff. Like actual instant 1HKO. Not like DEs or Soulbeasts that just deal a lot of damage really fast. No, this is an actual quite literal "instant 1HKO right out of stealth"

    > > > >

    > > > > ~ 2nd edit

    > > > >

    > > > > And this meme deserves to be here too

    > > > >

    > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > How about we just nerf stealth on mesmers just like we did for the thief class?

    > > > If 4 explosions of illusions are a problem and hitting that hard with mind stab cand o 20k well if we make stealth last 2 secs or something and then stealth falls off as soon as mesmer does anything they won't be so overpowered and maybe we might not need to touch their damage or maybe I dunno

    > > >

    > > > Stealth should never last too long anyways. I still remember when perma stealth thief was wreaking havoc in WVW.

    > >

    > > 'Thief perma invi Oneshots'

    > >


    > So wouldn't nerfing perma stealth be a good then? i mean we might not need to touch dmg of mesmers.


    > We can see for instance greatsword because it has that boomerang effect to summon a illusion and that beam channel effect from their 1.



    I suggest completely removing stealth from Thief Profession period and nerfing stealth from the remaining professions

  10. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > I am seriously getting tired of builds that can stealth in at you from 4000 some range and instantly drop your health from 100% to 0% with no tells.

    > >

    > > It's a bad design that makes for a bad game that isn't fun to play.

    > >

    > > ~ Edit

    > >

    > > I'm gonna paste this into the OP because I should have written this here to begin with:

    > >

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > Just want to make this post to really elaborate on quite exactly what attributes are stacking up here, to make this build so toxic:

    > > >

    > > > 1. **Nuclear damage output.** This is normally fine imo on glass cannon designed specs. But it begins to get out of control here for the following reasons.

    > > > 2. **Too many instant cast pre-charged skills.** It can front load enough damage to drop any build instantly. Again, this is normally not that big of a deal in most situations, when a build provides tells so that it can be counter played. But this leads to the next reason of what makes this so toxic.

    > > > 3. **Too much stealth uptime paired with their mobility.** Lately these Mesmers have enough stealth to approach you from blind spots in the map where you are unable to see them visually on the screen, or even their class icon on the mini map. Don't believe me? Watch that video that was posted. This means that you have no ability whatsoever, to counter play the Mesmer's position or to interpret where he is or where he is going. Now your survival vs. the Mesmer burst is entirely dependent upon raw reflex, for when it attacks you, and if you have some kind of an instant invuln or instant mobility stun break with an evade, such as Roll For Initiative. This takes us to the following point to be made, which is the deepest and most toxic part about all of this.

    > > > 4. **There are no tells when a good Mesmer player is wielding this build.** Even middle tiered players can sort of "no tell" blow you up a fraction of a second with this build, but the good Mesmers out there, seriously instantly kill you by perfectly timing all of the instants & precharges, and landing them all simultaneously for a visual representation on-screen of seeing your health go from 100% to 0% instantly. There is no counter play to this. By the time any visual graphics appear or you hear any noises at all, you're already dead.

    > > > 5. **Subsequently, it is important to compare Core Power Mesmer to other notorious 1HKO builds** -> Even Deadeyes & Soulbeasts provide warning of inc burst when a DE marks a target or a Soulbeast uses Sic Em. A player can see these things on their UI, as a warning that they are being focused. The Mesmer on the other hand, delivers no such warning. The DE & Soulbeast also must approach a general vicinity before engaging in stealth play. Players can see this happening, and are ready to engage the situation. They know the DE or Soulbeast is close, they are being marked or seeing Sic Em on UI, they know if they are being targeted. The stealth's are also short on DE & Soulbeast to where players can intuitively gauge how long the DE or Soulbeast will be in stealth and if he is about to land a burst or how far he could move during that short time. The Power Mesmer on the other hand, yeah reread the points made in 3. Furthermore, the DEs & Soulbeasts don't actually "1shot" anything. The damage may lay down quickly, you may see your health drop from 100% to 75% to 50% to 25% to 0% from a Rapid Fire that takes 2 and a half seconds to complete, or you may see a 100% to 50% o 0% with a Maul leading into Worldy Impact that takes roughly 2s to complete even with quickness. You may see your health drop from 100% to 25% from a Death's Judgement, and then a DE follows up with some other attack to finish the job, requiring a good 2s to complete. <- All of this as annoying as it is, requires like 2s at the minimum to actually do, which is allowing counter play. But the Mesmer? Nah, all that damage lands in the fraction of a millisecond right out of stealth, especially if a person has a good macro set. Even the approach of the DEs & the Soulbeasts are rather obvious and allow players to position themselves to engage them. But the Mesmer? Nah you can't see it or interpret where it is at all. The final point to be made is that: DEs and Soulbeasts are nailing people with projectiles, which can be LOSed. But the Mesmer? That's mostly all melee functioned & ground targeted damage that HIT THROUGH WALLS.

    > > >

    > > > I don't know what else to say. The implementation of this Core Power Mesmer lately, feels like I was eating at a nice dinner and enjoying my meal, then someone tossed a nasty leaky dirty diaper up on my table, and then I had to get up and leave. For real though. I've put up with a lot of bad metas in this game over the years, but there is something extra _bad feeling_ about this no-tell Mesmer stealth across the map and 1HKO you stuff. Like actual instant 1HKO. Not like DEs or Soulbeasts that just deal a lot of damage really fast. No, this is an actual quite literal "instant 1HKO right out of stealth"

    > >

    > > ~ 2nd edit

    > >

    > > And this meme deserves to be here too

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")

    > >


    > How about we just nerf stealth on mesmers just like we did for the thief class?

    > If 4 explosions of illusions are a problem and hitting that hard with mind stab cand o 20k well if we make stealth last 2 secs or something and then stealth falls off as soon as mesmer does anything they won't be so overpowered and maybe we might not need to touch their damage or maybe I dunno


    > Stealth should never last too long anyways. I still remember when perma stealth thief was wreaking havoc in WVW.


    'Thief perma invi Oneshots'

  11. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > one shot from stealth is cheesiest mechanic, how is it not nerfed faster then arcing divider is beyond me.

    > specially with how survivable the build is, even running berserker.



    if Anet wanted to put end to Toxic +1 shotting they would. 7 Years later, almost all Professions including mounts can +1 shot.


    So in other word; this Toxicity has become the standard philosophy of guild wars 2 balancing


    -as long +1 shotting with Toxic Thief Profession including its Toxic Stealth mechanics are tolerated and permissible, guild wars 2 will never experience healthy competitive scenery


  12. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > I donno dont think it's fair to tilt to mesmer alone. This whole game is utter garbage these days and condi as a whole is at a ridiculous level. All u see is condi guards/dh, dire weavers,mirages etc pretty much anything with condi builds are overperforming. **Each point in conquest is like wvw with scourges it's just perma covered in condis**, real fun and if it's not some ridiculous condi burst build(yeah condi's are so OP right now it's a burst worth each tick) than it's some complete cheese power build built to hard cc and strip the opponent to 0 hp in 2 sec flat. That's all this game is nowadays. Hate to think what the population will be next yr lol


    Pointing fingers at Necromancer Profession....Necromancer is a condition base Profession; what else should be expected from them? while Thief Profession is an All-In-One Meta Build Profession...(yes there there is a profession in guild wars 2 who is the Meta itself and who have total control of it at will) who continually being excused and justified for their complete role of guild wars 2 being Toxic in the first place


    Unlike All-In-One Meta Build Thief Profession who are continually protected by Anet for 7 years, Mesmer Profession are continually on their watch and are nerfed more


    Infact, All-In-One Meta Build Thief Profession has been Toxic to the game since guild wars 2 beta and are given more privilege with free pass than every profession in the game to do whatever they want to destroy every potential healthy competitive gaming experience in guild wars 2 yet till this day, absolutely Nothing is done to address them?


    Not even to go as far to rework this Toxic All-In-One Meta Profession for the well being of the game including its players?


    **All fingers should be pointed at this Toxicity until Anet truly want the best interest for the game including its players**





  13. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > @"Jaka.3182" said:

    > > To op. Its not the ranger... its soulbeast. Its pof2win case just like in any other case.

    > > guards are fine only fb is broken, thief is fine only de is toxic gameplay, mesmers are fine, mirage is completely broken, ele is fine only weaver is broken, engi is ok, holo is lol and etc. So pretty much this is the case for every class. Pof destroyed pvp with horrible design that shouldnt exists. Mesmers got distortion on dodge, des can 1 shot from range and were given stealth on dodge, sb can cc you more than any1 what made hammer obsolete.

    > > Devs made possible that and you are trying to ask them to fix this? They are the root of all this


    > How is DE toxic gameplay compared to Mesmer or FA ele?


    'Condi deadeye in WvW GW2.

    'Fighting against some other people with cancer builds, like condi rev, condi mirage and condi trap rangers.'


  14. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > In all seriousness though:


    > 1. Ranger struggles competitively. It actually sucks right now and sees a very low representation in higher tier play.

    > 2. If you're having trouble dealing with glass cannon Rangers, you need to l2p. This stuff is not difficult to counter, especially in this meta.

    > 3. **Every class in the game right is capable of 1HKO bursting or straight 1 to 2 shot KO single strikes. ALL OF THEM.** The truth is that kids in GW2 get absolutely raged from anything that deals ranged damage at all. Even if we halved the damage of Long Range Shot and Rapid Fire, you guys would still be in here complaining about Ranger damage. In fact.... I'm having de ja vu I think... didn't this already happen? Oh and look, people are still complaining about ranged damage.




    I have to agree with you


    -as a former Ranger Profession player, theyve come a long way of neglect. To be honest: as their name says...range. They are the King of Range, (not Warriors, Engineers, Elementalist or Thief Professions..not anyone) their range attacks should hit the longest and hardest and that is well deserved-

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