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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > some of these classes need to be caught with their pants down unaware, otherwise they can draw the fight out far too long.

    > >

    > > assassination is healthy when you got high sustain, bunkerish classes that still can deal some dps.

    > >

    > > stealth helps catch these fools unaware.

    > >

    > > i vote stealth assassination stays.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > You don't need stealth for high dps/"assassination" type game play. Look at fa ele same dps role but no invis to cheat with.

    > Stealth is a cheat mechanic and doing 15k+ damage from a no tell advantage ruins the game play for everyone.




    i was moved once again by this player we were playing a healthy competitive game during my temp. stay away from this Toxic game. Posting this on his behalf.



    >> **2012>>2020>>beyond>>**

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZKIzW2R.jpg "")




  2. i was encouraged to post this here while taking time of from the thread. Ok, no more encouragement after this. :)

    Until than, take care.



    'This weekend, Amazon Game Studios revealed that they were ditching their initial plans for an open-loot free-for-all PvP system in New World and making PvP an opt-in feature instead. Why the sudden change of heart? Well, apparently testers and devs ran into a little problem called griefing, and they weren’t too happy about it.'


    '“One of the problems we observed with this system was that some high level players were killing low level players, **A LOT.** Sometimes exclusively. This often led to solo or group griefing scenarios **that created a toxic environment for many players**. To be clear, this behavior was not shown by all PvP players, but enough to cause significant issues.'


    'We set out to build a compelling world full of danger and opportunity that begs to be explored. The intended design was never to allow a small group of players to bully other players.”'


    ''''- confirming all the worst fears of people who had looked hopefully on the talk of consequences and incentives and wondered if, again, they weren't just being baited into being sheep''


    '“PvP is important to us and we are committed to ensuring it plays a significant role in our game. To be specific, by PvP we mean, fair fights that are organized, skill based, and opted into by all participants.Not PKing (Player Killing), which is a predatory behavior that relies on exploiting another player’s lack of experience, progress, readiness, or willingness''


    >>'Player Killing and griefing have always been problems for free-for-all PvP games forcing developers to come up with various ways to keep them to a minimum, if not eliminate the problem altogether.'<<


    >>'“**That model is toxic by design, because the PKer’s fun comes directly at the expense of someone else’s fun. It’s not a zero-sum game, and it’s not competitive.**'<<

  3. > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'

    > >

    > > She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.

    > >

    > > What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,

    > >

    > > Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,

    > >

    > > Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now

    > >

    > > I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual

    > >

    > > **GoodBye**


    > Imo, DE is the only real badly designed class that has not enough counter play when it comes to roaming and support specs in general. But honestly.. league of legends is just as bad.




    last response, https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/riot-one-year-later-my-reflections

  4. not too long ago a leader belonging to one of the largest clan in League of Legends-LOL including few others, finally called it quit playing guild wars 2. The main reasons, as the thread title says, she kept getting ganked all the time 'by bad design Op classes'


    She was not the only who quit, all her party club members quit all together-327 as exact numbers. They spent approximately $200-$800 per month in the game within 4 years.


    What continue to amaze me is that, Anet sees absolutely nothing wrong with this and will continue to ignore us,


    Oh well, i see absolutely no results from the next balance patch without Anet changing within. No amount of 'balance' will fix this unhealthy game until Anet admit their wrong doing and to regain their Trust to the community that they are in our best interest,


    Until than, until Anet care, good luck for now


    I will return to the forum next month and to expect nothing as usual



  5. can Anet learn from Ninja job design in Final Fantasy 14?



    -before the changes, there were just too many things happening at once with the Ninja job so Square Enix had to spread them out resulting in slowing them down. Same thing happening with Anet: Thief Profession; they have way too many rewards built in their designs including their mechanics and in their use of weapons as well. Crab Fear also mentioned this in his thread.


    I more thing, a source of the problem is that Thief and Rogue concepts are built in Anet:Thief Profession, that is why it is bad design resulting it being Toxic. **Anet must decide which concept they want: Thief or Rogue?**


    Can not have both without separation!! **Giving Thief Profession-Rogue specialization would also be a solution to the source problem**





    -as you can see, nerfing them will result in nothingless as always-


    -**Redesigning Thief Profession or separating Thief/Rogue built-in concepts are the only way**-




  6. > @"HardRider.2980" said:

    > Zero and with the state of things and how Anet has allowed things to get this far, I never will.

    > I will however tell new people who have already got the game that new players have things to do that they may enjoy etc. But I refuse to try and sell something bad-**Toxic** to friends.

    > If Anet wants to sort things out finally. I don't mind relooking at the evidence in the future.




    **Exactly this**

  7. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > And? Seems like u got some obsessive vendetta against me **following me around** trying to ignite what I guess is an argument? This is like the 5th or more times uve brought up that I got frustrated and quit, why? Who cares? I tried uninstalling but threw a error at the time and in the end still play here and there but still frequent the forums to pass time at work, why is that a big deal to u? Are u a child or an adult with seriously nothing better to do cuz if so I'm dry for u.

    > Also 90 percent of my post are defending thief unlike u and others who's history would show 90% are calling for nerfs on other classes(usually directed at a set few) over and over and over like a broken record all while defending their usually as OP class as fine lol. There's a big difference posting a lot to defend a class and only here and there calling a few builds op on other classes than constantly squawking about certain classes and their mechanics as being OP like people didnt hear u the first 100 times :)


    I encourage everyone not to attempt to harass others. Thank You!

  8. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > I don't think thief will ever see any redesigns of skills especially in the life stage of gw2 maybe the rogue class will be designed way differently in gw3 if there's one. Number adjustments and splits between game mode are more realistic probably.




    I think the same way, I think its too late for any changes. Anet has given us players; Toxic gaming experience,; i doubt guild wars 3 will even succeed when it launches.


    Having a game company intentionally ignoring their player base for 8 years whose only desire is to have a healthy competitive experience will only leave their player base with negative-unhealthy experiences.....resulting in severe consequential resential backlash for any potential future guild wars franchise.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/FyxQkCj.jpg "")


    Anet choice is to ignore us

  9. > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

    > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > > > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

    > > > Swtor does stealth and stealth-classes much better.

    > > > Each class that has access to stealth, can prolong stealth indefinitely, though you´re a bit slower and can get detected when too close/touching enemies.

    > > > Also, each class with stealth doesn´t deal high damage.

    > > > Chosing such a class is trading damage for stealth, which is how it should be in any pvp-mode/game with stealth-mechanics.

    > >

    > > SWTOR half assed its class design so bad more than half of the classes are basically the same. And the classes with stealth do have high damage, no clue where you got that from. They traded out of stealth SUSTAIN for stealth.


    > Their damage is so high that even a squishy dps-class can outheal them. /s


    > What I´m getting at is that no stealth-class has one-shot-potential, nor do they have high dps. Though, this is also due to the lack of updates that the game has received so the power-creep wasn´t as bad but that´s not the point.


    > Stealth-classes in swtor have got two advantages of stealth, the ability to traverse the map without being seen and the element of surprise.

    > They don´t have enough damage to outright kill you and that´s what´s important.


    >**In order to achieve balance, stealth-classes needs to have trade-offs** that even out the odds due to stealth being quite opressive, be it visual tells when someone is about to strike from stealth or severly reduced damage.




    Exactly this. This is why Anet Stealth design is Toxic Bad Design


    --it is the reason why many potential players who play healthy competitive stealth design games stay clear far away from this game-


    **guild wars 2 harbors it and promotes it to extreme levels!!**


    (even hackers, exploiters can agree to this)


    I don't encourage or recommend anyone to play this game at this Toxic state until Anet care to take action to resolve it **indefinitely**

  10. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > I'm not sure skilled play is desirable, tbh.


    > Kinda feel that Anet tried to segregate part of the “balance is needed player's” by discouraging with more unbalance and easy access gimmicks.



    > @"jul.7602" condition are easy to fix, it isn’t needed agressive changes.


    > Classes need to apply much less conditions or less stacks but maybe stronger ones.

    > Some conditions need to become hexes.

    > Some boons need tombe something else.



    > Problem of conditions is due Anet want players tonoverperformace.


    > I play builds that can stable apllly 40-50 torments stacks and condi thief still does a lot of low effort condi spam.

    > I’ve won by being lame, that’s how one must play.





  11. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > I don't understand why Anet didn't continue with the Assassin Profession from Guild Wars instead.

    > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukqzYhvJTK8'

    > >

    > > The game and the community would've been in a much healthier state than this Toxic state.

    > >

    > > (to be honest, I really would like Anet to replace Thief Profession with Assassin Profession; without stealth of course!!)


    > I love how your suggestion to make thief "less toxic" is to compare it to GW1's Assassin and then post a trailer where one Assassin unstoppably **kills a dozen people** until another assassin OHKO's him.


    you said it

  12. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > well you are implying the stealth mechanic is the problem and not the dmg done by everyone


    > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > well you are implying the stealth mechanic is the problem and not the dmg done by everyone


    > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > well you are implying the stealth mechanic is the problem and not the dmg done by everyone


    Stealth is not the root cause of the problem, Toxic-Unhealthy mechanic is.


    **Stealth is the agent that triggers Toxicity to its unhealthy state and does it doing in disguise, that is why it need to be targeted first**


    Example: Stealth is the trigger and Toxicity is the weapon and bullet


    **Anet created the most dangerous profession in the game and that is why Thief Profession need to be redesigned**


    'Been using it on deadeye for so long ??'


    'this sigil really makes my s/p build shine. it's true not many know about it ;)'


    'Lel, been using this forever. Bought a ton of celerity when it came out. BTW getting it nerfed won't really change anything'


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/z6n3u1v.jpg "")


    (I no longer blame Thief Profession being Toxic, Anet is fully responsible for it, they allow it, they promote it, they encourage it by continuing to ignore our concerns.... so therefore, as result, we open our eyes, move on)



    Enjoy and have a good day


  14. > @"trianglecubed.3750" said:

    > It's taken me years to come anywhere close to liking the thief. Compared to every other class I always felt like I did far too little damage for how impossibly squishy it was regardless of what I ran. This has caused me to try and delete the thief for another character numerous times through my GW2 life, that is until I finally had at least one of each class. At that point I decided "Eh, may as well" and slogged through leveling it primarily with dual dagger. And I died. A lot. Way more than I ever have on any other class.


    > I tried PvE builds from meta battle but can't seem to quite do the stats correctly as I'm just buying Exotics from the TP for the most part instead of going full ascended and in such they don't seem to offer quite what I need, not to mention they're all specifically focused on damage, leaving me rather vulnerable, as they're *raid* builds and that's the only PVE that sort of site really cares about.


    > I made this character specifically in anticipation of the Deadeye. so I saved up hero points and fully unlocked it day one. Unfortunately, I've found the same problems I had before have carried over. I don't do enough damage to most Veterans or higher and can't avoid getting hit enough to stay up long enough to kill them without some delaying tactics to allow for heals.


    > Not all Veterans are this way, mind, just most I've run into in POF.


    > So with all that in mind I'm looking for a build that has a lot of survivability and does a lot of damage. I'm not talking top of the charts, but enough to generally solo veterans, elites, and maybe even champs with the adds they often come with/spawn. This means, in general, I'm going to need AOE and a fair deal of it, something I find the thief lacks in spades. Yet with enough single target damage and re-targeting I can see it being viable against small groups of four or less, though I fully admit to not knowing at all as my expertise, despite lots of reading and looking at builds on metabattle, is highly lacking.


    > I've found or figured out great builds that generally suit my needs for most of the other classes, yet thief still feels so impossibly lacking. Rifle feels like it attacks too slow and it feels really restricted with having to kneel to put out the best damage and d/d, while better feeling, generally still tends to get two shot by things like those veteran+ awakened canids due to having to be in melee range and me not being able to take a hit.


    > So, again, not looking for super DPS, but respectable damage combined with respectable survivability. If needed I'll even grind to get Daredevil, though I'm really going to miss the mark from Deadeye, yet if it means I might actually get some damaging aoe attacks it may be worth it.


    > Thanks for your time and patience for reading this and thanks for any suggestions you put my way that aren't "Just do X class, instead" because that is not an answer.


  15. > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

    > https://imgur.com/a/nFNqSxC


    > This type of behavior is sole reason of why you do NOT progress.


    > I just don't know who's idea was to design chest progress like this


    > Long time ago,when you gained/lost pips based on win/lose pvp was much better.


    > People are going to join with mentality 'oh i need to lose 100 games in order to obtain ascended pvp backpack,tons of pvp tickets,gold and transmutation charges,so i won't even bother to win' and same those people are going to ruin your whole games.




    The true mentality actually is,


    'PvP is a Toxic mess anyways, so why not l lose 100 games in order to obtain ascended pvp backpack,tons of pvp tickets,gold and transmutation charges,so i won't even bother to win'


    sorry, I do not blame them one bit

  16. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > It's not like warrior can shadow step AND the skill is on a cooldown so why not? Damage while invlun? Check. Overloaded skill? Check. I mean, I can't believe this change hasn't already been made. Seems right up the ally of the current meta.


    > This is obviously a satire thread...


    Hundred blades should have a built in stun and evade for the duration


    **No Thank You!!**


  17. > @"maximusmann.1263" said:

    > Thieves. The never ending cycle of burst-dodge-evade-stealth combined with "i'm a lonewolf ninja. deal with it" mentality makes me want to vomit. Removing this class altogether would improve the imbalance tenfold. I dread every match with and/or against thieves.


    to be honest, as much i blame Thief Profession for the Toxicity; i have met many good hearted Thief Profession players who would gladly compromise with Anet to lessen their Toxicity for healthy improvement changes.


    The truth is; I would rather Anet to redesign them instead of nerfing them because all that does is making them worse and be hated more


    (No! i am not feeling bad for them but i do feel bad for them being the most hated Profession in the game especially for 7 years straight while Anet does nothing to help them improve in a healthy positive way)


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