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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > Playing classes without teleport in this map is like a dancing monkey in a cage specially when playing a melee one.


    > it's 2020 and teleport is still not accessible by all classes and it is still abused in maps and carrying undeserved wins, i admit i abuse these as well.

    > stuff like these either needs to be

    > 1. accessible by everyone for balance

    > 2. maps need removed for balance

    > 3. adds role limit, to limit the number of teleport per team for balance.


    > Mechanics like stealth/flash are broken mechanics and will never be balanced, which is why you should open access or heavy nerf and balance class on other terms.

    > gw2 pvp has forever favored classes with blinks/stealth since release, a viable class with blinks/stealth will always be twice more valuable then a viable class without.


    Stealth, Teleport, Blink never existed in origin Guild Wars. No wonder why, they are Toxic-broken and will always be Toxic because Toxic mechanic like them absolutely have no place in the world of Guild Wars




    (also Please! remove pulling mechanic because it is kitten child-play-being thrown around like a yow-yow is very immature gameplay design)



  2. > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

    > WvW was fun today its just frustrating bad, on servers where no plays any more and if you are on a lower ranked tier you get jumped by 3-6 players so you don't have a chance and new people who get gw2 play for a day or 2 max in WvW and just say the hell with this and go back to PvE. Arent is **not saying any thing or doing any thing** to balance and are you get from them is cryptic messages.




    ![](https://i.imgur.com/MVJBKYe.jpg "")


  3. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > I feel like anyone who plays thief, mesmer, ranger, holo,guard and some rev burst are similar to one shotting are being hypocritical to say warriors riffle is broken considering all but guard in the list I've mentioned outa stealth with way less tell than a fully visible and always visible warrior lol myself included.

    > Not saying any of that should be in game just pointing out it's funny that the class without ports, invisibility or any really tricky skills is catching flack when most classes can do it far cheesier haha


    As i already and always has said, +1 shotting is **Toxic** and has no place in a competitive game that continually market itself as 'competitive' . The fact that Anet has continually ignored calls by players including myself throughout years...during guild wars 2 beta testing to put an end to Toxic +1 shotting design, speaks volumes.


    Speaks the entire Truth


    **That Toxic +1 shotting is good for the game**


  4. > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

    > In this game was supposed to be the best thing mmo games ever saw.


    > But only idea of it.


    > Without dedicated healer class,some builds do so much damage,you literally die in second.


    > I strongly doubt that was intended design (because what we were told in GW2 Manifesto) and how things went is big difference.


    > 30 k hp pools are meaningless with heals only healing for 6 k on 30 sec cd's,toughness is pointless so are other 5000 stat combinations that were added.


    > Pve is great,you can literally play anything you want in open world and still do well,while in pvp,you are limited about as same as 0.2L milk carton.


    > Why cant pvp be more like that?Where you can build anything,and not die in one second no matter what build or gear you have?


    > This was said to me by power mirage


    > https://ibb.co/tYSZ5mR


    > Says enough about state of pvp here.


    > I love Guild Wars,played it since Nightfall,it hurts so much to see what it has become.From queue to have a fun,laughing with your friends,saying 'gg' to opponents after every game,and discussing builds in guild chats,pvp lobby and trying new things out TO praying god you don't meet certain builds in arena or not having a motivation to queue up at all.


    > Massive amounts of people quitting pvp after obtaining backpack just because state of it atm,same people with same builds on top ranks for seasons now means nothing change in this game as far as pvp goes,players openly wintrade on youtube and twitch




    I stand at your side..You speak the truth

  5. > @"Liston.9708" said:

    > Of course we all want the big things like alliances and balance, but how in the world are trebuchets and catapults not fixed to throw snowball / presents when the person using the siege has mastery?


    > **I know it is a minor thing, but a lot of minor things add up** when the major things also are not addressed. This would seem easy to fix.




    ![](https://i.imgur.com/4OJmk1B.jpg "")


  6. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > Deadeyes roll is to be toxic 1 shot sniper or free kills to other enemy gankers.






    'The Deadeye is an offense-oriented class that focuses on projectile damage and utility, gaining access to passive projectile modifiers like extra projectiles, pierce, chain, and area of effect. This class is obviously suited for bow attacks but most of its modifiers apply to any sort of projectile, meaning most projectile attacks (such as those fired from Wands) and some spell projectiles also benefit from them.'



    **Grinding Gear Games gets it right**


    (Deadeye Elite should have been best reserved for the Ranger Profession)

  7. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > Anet biggest mistake was giving Warrior Profession and Thief Profession Rifle, in fact the whole design behind Rifle weapon is badly designed.

    > >

    > > I agree, Warrior Profession are not Ranger Profession... so as Thief Profession are not Ranger Profession.

    > >

    > > -Long range weapons should be restricted only to the Ranger Profession, 1200 range should be restricted only to the Ranger Profession-

    > >

    > > -**This is what happens when when you want everyone to share same identity as somebody else, to be like everyone else, their builds, their mechanics, their designs-stealth, teleport, pulls, vulnerabilities, evades, (same Profession runes, Profession sigils, same for everyone),-+1 shotting bad design to everyone...**- It becomes a clown show, clown fiesta-

    > >

    > > Everyone is everybody

    > >

    > > Everyone wearing the same mask

    > >

    > > **Everyone is a clown**

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > I disagree i think ranged sniper assasin fits thief perfectly. They are already assasins, so it makes sense for them to go stealthy and shoot people down from ranged.


    > They bows so why not a rifle?


    No, crossbows fits Thief Profession perfectly


    -removed picture-

  8. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > Definately let them 1 shot thieves and deadeyes and reveal for 10 secs.


    **+10** Brilliant idea


    '**True Sight**'




    'A sight detection ability used by certain mobs that is so powerful that Invisible is useless against them. Unlike a True Hearing mob, you may walk behind the majority of True Sight mobs and not get caught; however, there are some mobs (wyrms in particular) that have very good side vision.'



  9. > @"GewRoo.4172" said:

    > Thief shouldn't be able to perma spam weapon skills my solution is give them a maximum of like 100 initiative per match which they can spend like they want but they can't regenerate any ini. But when it's spent they aren't able to use weapon skills anymore they still have their utilities and can move tho. That will show skill and prevent skill abuse.



    seems fair


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/iqL9GGC.jpg "")


  10. Anet biggest mistake was giving Warrior Profession and Thief Profession Rifle, in fact the whole design behind Rifle weapon is badly designed.


    I agree, Warrior Profession are not Ranger Profession... so as Thief Profession are not Ranger Profession.


    -Long range weapons should be restricted only to the Ranger Profession, 1200 range should be restricted only to the Ranger Profession-


    -**This is what happens when when you want everyone to share same identity as somebody else, to be like everyone else, their builds, their mechanics, their designs-stealth, teleport, pulls, vulnerabilities, evades, (same Profession runes, Profession sigils, same for everyone),-+1 shotting bad design to everyone...**- It becomes a clown show, clown fiesta-


    Everyone is everybody


    Everyone wearing the same mask


    **Everyone is a clown**





  11. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > > Scared to vote lol. My build can technically 1 shot if they are super glass, however the build itself is built around smaller sustained bursts.

    > >

    > > nothing to be scared of :)

    > >

    > >


    > Well ppl dont like Mirage regardless of build (non meta for mine) so ppl may think my input is biased or moot :)


    I've survived 8 years including guild wars 2 beta against Toxicity, defender of Mesmer and Necromancer Profession...you're good :)

  12. > @"AznCandyPie.2580" said:

    > So I recently took a few months break from GW2, and upon coming back, I noticed the LFG seemed to have a lot more sections than before.

    > Honestly, I don't like this new layout. It feels too fragmented, and upon opening the panel it seemed to be completely empty despite a lot of events happening around me.


    > Now this probably isn't true for everyone, but from the friends and guildies I've talked to, the layout seems to actively discourage a lot of people from using LFG at all. I've noticed a lot more people asking map chat for help in large scale events (eg: bounties) rather than listing it in LFG.


    > My biggest concern is for new players as it really gives a bad impression of the size of the player pool. Imagine opening a tool meant for finding players, only to discover so many sections and every section being empty.


    > I think instead of grouping it by map, just have one general section for each big expac/season or something, and players can title it themselves. Just like in raids, where players will actively specify which wing, etc.



    i completely agree with you and should be easy and simple but as Blocki stated, have to get used to it

  13. > @"Hoover.6394" said:

    > I hope the GW2 Cantha adopt some true Asian art aesthetics, just watched a video of the mmo “Justice online” and cant stop thinking how cool it is if our Cantha is beautiful like that, I also hope with Cantha expansion there will be some KungFu inspired profession or elite specializations, that the character can fight with Qi, and leap high, etc...


    It would be nice but it won't happen at all in guild wars 2. As much many would want it, Guild Wars is its home, where it stays,


    In a healthy competitive safe environment



    **Guild Wars**

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