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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > vault not nerfed hard enough. its doing 15k on lights so less then 20% nerf isn't going to bring it in line, especially since it can be used twice. also you didn't even touch heart seeker lol the spammiest high damage skill there is. you need to remove the de dagger rifle one shots as well. that +100% damage is garbage and shouldn't be in competitive modes.




    Once again; i and many others didn't fall for words because history shows that Anet continues to favor Thief Profession instead of healthy competition.


    Refusing to address steallh and teleport didn't not surprise us and now more evidences to support it.


    -Anet will continue to ignore our concerns until the community walks away,-


    That is exactly what must happen so they can value us and show our worth as we walk away

  2. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > few minutes ago couple of us were fighting a Thief Profession player who was teleporting back and forth inside Klovan. Afterward, she told us that she noticed that Anet hasn't even mentioned Thief teleport hack in the upcoming balance and laughed.

    > >

    > > Yeah, she spoke to me after we returned to Klovan; she was quite relaxed with us as her teammates stood by,

    > >

    > > She then asked me to add her to my following list as she added me to hers so she could 'show me after the balance patch how it is done'.

    > >

    > > I'm no longer surprised by Thief Players exploiting their designs and will continue to congratulate them of doing it. Also i encourage everyone to not report them for doing so. As she also said, "Anet is cool with it' so in return, we should be cool with it also.

    > >

    > > Anet doesn't care because if they did, they would have done something about it long time ago, so why bother reporting.

    > >

    > > Kudos to that Thief Profession Player

    > >

    > > (as always, i never put blame on Thief Profession players for being Toxic, but solely blame Anet for designing them this way)

    > >

    > > (as in game, some are good spirit individuals, can;'t blame them)


    > But wait... you don’t play and you were going for another month.


    > So...,


    We took a break from playing Square Enix: Final Fantasy 14 and so i finally decided to help some guild wars 2 twitch players take Klovan. They also play guild wars 2 and had helped me alot so just showing gratitude when i can.


  3. > @"Xenash.1245" said:

    > This whole back and forth here is pointless and I don't really see why you guys are fighting with each other.


    > **Personally yeah I guess I have to admit that I'm going to enjoy people having to think of their own builds for at least awhile, it might make things more enjoyable in turn. But at the same time I don't like the changes overall because they just seem poorly thought out and hit certain classes and specs far harder then the rest which will probably cause some issues with classes you'll see commonly.**




    I completely agree with you on that part.


    -to be honest, i do blame Anet for this because within the few years; this is what they do to us without communicating with us during processing patch notes


    They 'throw us in the 'lion's den' to process the patch notes alone, resulting in us arguing with each other instead of being honest with us and helping ease our frustrations


    Don't you see how Anet play a role in this?

  4. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > > > > Seven years of guild wars 2 and its never been the meta damage type we are in and always have been in a power meta. There were 3 viable condition classes. Rogue, Mesmer. Necro, in within those classes they had 1 meta condition spec.

    > > > >

    > > > > This is just a PSA ima dispel this notion of condition is OP and bring it back.

    > > > > If you wanna say it is or was tell me when and if your account not old enough to have seen it ima call BS.

    > > >

    > > > Let's start at the top of the list, beginning with current meta:

    > > >

    > > > * **FIRE Weaver** <- That is happening right now and it is largely considered the dominant side node 1v1 presence

    > > > * Sagebrand

    > > > * Condi Mirage "Boy does this one have a history staying in the top 3 meta"

    > > > * Core Necro

    > > > * Condi Revs "Yeah, it's a lot stronger than people give it credit for"

    > > >

    > > > Not so distant previous metas:

    > > >


    > > > * Condi Mirage "Yup, this guy was always here"

    > > > * Condi Thief Condi Daredevil

    > > > * Condi Revs "Good players have always hovered just under the radar of meta on these builds. Shao is a good example."

    > > >

    > > > Pre PoF, HoT metas:

    > > >

    > > > * Various Burnserk variants that contested power serk's meta dominance just about every other patch

    > > > * Condi Revs/Herald - This was definitely a thing for awhile

    > > > * The original Impaling Lotus Condi Daredevil that opened the pandora's box of low risk/high reward build structures

    > > > * Super Condi based Chill into mass bleeds Reaper - Yes, Reaper back in HoT, was a big condi class in pvp

    > > > * Auramancer - Could call it a hybrid of power/condi, but it honestly leaned most of its damage into condi

    > > >

    > > > Pre HoT, Core Metas:

    > > >

    > > > * BURN GUARD - This got out of control after the 6/23/2015 patch that was released before HoT dropped, when burn was allowed to suddenly STACK. Burn Guardian experienced about a 12 month life span of being incredibly over powered. It was actually a lot worse in those days than what people complain about condi now. Loooong before power and sustain creep, when everyone only had two skills that cleared condi and each skill only cleared 2 condis on a 30s CD or something, Burn Guards were Judges Interventioning into your face with 20+ burn stacks and constant burn application to follow.

    > > > * Shortbow Condi Rangers - There was a very very very long era of Ranger play in core, where condi shortbow was the meta. It wasn't a trapper build either, it was a sustain core Ranger that held nodes that bounced around, survived, and killed you with condi attrition. It was the equivalent of fighting a Mirage on a node now but without all the teleport, pretty much.

    > > > * Condi Core Engi - Blame Chaith for this

    > > > * Pistol/Dagger Condi Core Thief - Yup, that was a thing for awhile, in both pvp and wvw

    > > > * Of course Core Necro in the early years. The best Necros were always Carrion based. Berserker Lich stuff emerged for a minute but it didn't last.

    > > > * DAGGER DAGGER CELE ELE - This is the original build that defined being Over Powered in Guild Wars 2. Such to the point, that it is the only build that was ever so much stronger than the other metas around it, that it was granted it's own category listing through metabattle, that sat above the "meta builds" of every other class. It was the only build that ever breached that category. It was largely condi attrition based.

    > > > * Cele Rifle Core Engi - There was a lot of condi in this actually.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > "Condi hasn't been meta"

    > > >

    > > > Yeah ok

    > >

    > > **+1**

    > >

    > > spot on....

    > > nothing more to say


    > Meta damage type read the thread. You legit named all the classed i named that had meta condition builds.




    so we all can agree that condition has been meta than....

  5. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > Seven years of guild wars 2 and its never been the meta damage type we are in and always have been in a power meta. There were 3 viable condition classes. Rogue, Mesmer. Necro, in within those classes they had 1 meta condition spec.


    > **This is just a PSA ima dispel this notion of condition is OP and bring it back**.

    > If you wanna say it is or was tell me when and if your account not old enough to have seen it ima call BS.


    we are not asking to bring it back, Anet is going to bring it back as the typical traditional balance patch usuals



  6. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > > Seven years of guild wars 2 and its never been the meta damage type we are in and always have been in a power meta. There were 3 viable condition classes. Rogue, Mesmer. Necro, in within those classes they had 1 meta condition spec.

    > >

    > > This is just a PSA ima dispel this notion of condition is OP and bring it back.

    > > If you wanna say it is or was tell me when and if your account not old enough to have seen it ima call BS.


    > Let's start at the top of the list, beginning with current meta:


    > * **FIRE Weaver** <- That is happening right now and it is largely considered the dominant side node 1v1 presence

    > * Sagebrand

    > * Condi Mirage "Boy does this one have a history staying in the top 3 meta"

    > * Core Necro

    > * Condi Revs "Yeah, it's a lot stronger than people give it credit for"


    > Not so distant previous metas:



    > * Condi Mirage "Yup, this guy was always here"

    > * Condi Thief Condi Daredevil

    > * Condi Revs "Good players have always hovered just under the radar of meta on these builds. Shao is a good example."


    > Pre PoF, HoT metas:


    > * Various Burnserk variants that contested power serk's meta dominance just about every other patch

    > * Condi Revs/Herald - This was definitely a thing for awhile

    > * The original Impaling Lotus Condi Daredevil that opened the pandora's box of low risk/high reward build structures

    > * Super Condi based Chill into mass bleeds Reaper - Yes, Reaper back in HoT, was a big condi class in pvp

    > * Auramancer - Could call it a hybrid of power/condi, but it honestly leaned most of its damage into condi


    > Pre HoT, Core Metas:


    > * BURN GUARD - This got out of control after the 6/23/2015 patch that was released before HoT dropped, when burn was allowed to suddenly STACK. Burn Guardian experienced about a 12 month life span of being incredibly over powered. It was actually a lot worse in those days than what people complain about condi now. Loooong before power and sustain creep, when everyone only had two skills that cleared condi and each skill only cleared 2 condis on a 30s CD or something, Burn Guards were Judges Interventioning into your face with 20+ burn stacks and constant burn application to follow.

    > * Shortbow Condi Rangers - There was a very very very long era of Ranger play in core, where condi shortbow was the meta. It wasn't a trapper build either, it was a sustain core Ranger that held nodes that bounced around, survived, and killed you with condi attrition. It was the equivalent of fighting a Mirage on a node now but without all the teleport, pretty much.

    > * Condi Core Engi - Blame Chaith for this

    > * Pistol/Dagger Condi Core Thief - Yup, that was a thing for awhile, in both pvp and wvw

    > * Of course Core Necro in the early years. The best Necros were always Carrion based. Berserker Lich stuff emerged for a minute but it didn't last.

    > * DAGGER DAGGER CELE ELE - This is the original build that defined being Over Powered in Guild Wars 2. Such to the point, that it is the only build that was ever so much stronger than the other metas around it, that it was granted it's own category listing through metabattle, that sat above the "meta builds" of every other class. It was the only build that ever breached that category. It was largely condi attrition based.

    > * Cele Rifle Core Engi - There was a lot of condi in this actually.



    > "Condi hasn't been meta"


    > Yeah ok




    spot on....

    nothing more to say

  7. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > Stealth is a lot worse than evades or block (like, a *lot* worse) at anything in-combat. Out of combat stealth has its big uses, but now burst isnt really going to work anymore, so all its good for is sneaking past people who are respawning. Which is not that big.

    > > >

    > > > 1) Its good for sneaking respawners, its good for sneaking sidenoders, its good for sneaking anybody.

    > > > 2) Stealth lasts much too long (talking bout thief here), thats why we want it to get nerfed. We dont want to delete stealth, but the duration has to get shaved hard to make it more fair.

    > > > 3) No class can spam blocks, but thief can spam stealth.

    > > > 4) If you dont miss the right moment, you can escape easily instead of being killed. Half of all classes cant escape at all because of being to slow.

    > > > 5) When I m fighting a thief on half way between our free close cap and fought over mid cap, I dont know where to run then. If I take the wrong choice, the match could be decided by this. In a case like this, stealth is effective just because of being in stealth.

    > > > 6) When theres a team opening a match in stealth while the other team hasnt got stealth, its mostly a free kill for the stealth team.

    > > >

    > > > Of course stealth is not a combat ability, but it gives you so much tactical advantages, that if I had the choice between block or stealth, I would immediately chose to have stealth. I can understand that you defend your class, but in my and many other players opinion, PvP would be much more fair balanced and enjoyable, when theres less stealth. I mean much less !

    > >

    > > Its only good for sneaking on people if you dont need initiative to fight them (which is to say, soon not at all). Stealth only lasts long if the thief goes out of his way to deplete all his initiative for blast or leap finishers in black powder. Several classes can spam block or block-like abilities (not to mention evades), in fact moreso than thief can "spam stealth" (gotta wait for at least 15 seconds for the slowest stealth that lasts about, uh, 2 or 3 seconds?). Yes it can be used to run away, but you know what also can be used for that? Shortbow 5. Which is faster, costs less initiative and is much safer. Stealth still leaves you vulnerable to AoE or melee cleave, since the enemy knows your position right after you stealth, and can track you if sufficiently skilled. Plus why single out stealth for its ability to escape, Warrior is quite easily the best class for running away on flat ground, and they dont use stealth.

    > >

    > > I will say that the stealth on open thing is fair, but Im also not sure how you can fix that. Since yknow, thats a smoke field + finisher thing. I guess you could make blast finishers not grant stealth in smoke fields anymore. But at the same time, what would you replace it with? Blind? Given that smoke fields usually blind anyway, thats pretty redundant.

    > >

    > > Yeah thats something you only say if youre so accustomed to your blocking ability you really dont realise just how broken it is. If Thieves had the option to swap stealth for block, they would immediately take it and laugh as people realise just how *much* stronger block really is. There is a reason the most popular thief build over the last couple years was the one that couldnt stealth *at all*. Says everything, doesnt it? Besides, what are your suggestions for "nerfing stealth"?

    > >

    > > Edit: Actually, for that matter, how exactly is the thief stealthing up in-combat, with you not knowing where theyre going and unable to kill them? The only way any real thief build has to go into stealth is Black Powder + Heartseeker. Even at its fastest, thats 1.5 seconds you have time to just hit the thief, and you also know where theyre going (unless they then turn around, but theyre not going to be able to do much with the 2 seconds of stealth youre getting).


    > This^ but ur assuming players of this game actually would attempt to learn to fight a opponent instead of thinking their carry build will do it for them and if not run to forums to complain. Few nights back a thief kept throwing insults at me calling me a bs hacker cuz hed drop black powder and I'd cleave him to death while I know hes jumping thru the field for stealth lol hed become visible in downstate and say "that's bs I was invisibile". The fact that u can be cleaved while stealth'd and the fact the smoke fields are visible give u a small area u know where the thief is, use it lol.

    > I kno that's a lot to ask of this community lol


    how about this brilliant idea by a Thief Profession player who suggested today in chat, ''how about using a system that punishes Thieves whenever they stealth like self-inflicted conditions wounds, similar to Necromancer? I think that would be fair?'


    I believe the community would find that fair and would agree also to it


    Psycoprophet and Thief Profession players; your thoughts?



  8. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > * Long Range Lad: Deals spike damage from the maximum possible distance in order to avoid fighting in melee for a prolonged period of time; often bursts from off-screen or from stealth.

    > > > * Melee Boi: Uses a number of passives, block/evade skills, or teleports in order to enter into melee range for a burst rotation.

    > > >

    > > > >!* Super-Secret Third Profession: Thief (because it does both of these things at once)

    > > >

    > > > Having respectively lost anywhere between 25-66% damage effectiveness in its handful of most popular skillbar choices, Mesmer is almost obliterated. Guardian, which has always been litttle more than "Blue Warrior with 1 teleport and a free block," has almost no purpose anymore as a damage option; and if it does, said purpose is entirely indistinguishable in playstyle or goal from any other damage option. When looking at the potential damage output, Ranger is basically falling in line with Mesmer, blurring the lines between the classes. Never before has Revenant just been "even edgier Thief (but worse?)," and by ripping their 3-4 most popular damage buttons from this plane of existence, the class is left utterly broken and mostly worthless outside of just being an annoyance to anyone attempting to cap a point (then again, they could all just go condi, but then they're literally just a Scourge with how they become a moving AoE bubble on fixed intervals; see how this works now?). And really, these are only a few of the mountain of comparisons to make.

    > > >

    > > > Now, to clarify, this is not a petition against the coming patch in general or even against any particular nerf, all this means is that Guild Wars 2 launched, in 2012, with **three or four TOO MANY professions**. This game, while featuring avatars which are satisfying to move, features very little, if nothing at all, when it comes to actual movement tech or juking. Beyond this, combat is entirely locked into cooldown-based decision-making rather than operating within a constant flux of aggression, mobility and defensive objectives. The game also features skill bars loaded up with, at the very least, 16 skills, often totaling far higher (sometimes up into the 30s), despite a massive number of them serving little purpose more than [DEAL X DAMAGE TO TARGET].

    > > >

    > > > GW2 has a shallow gameplay cycle. It's so shallow, in fact, that this game was cursed to be dominated by patch notes the moment it released. This game has far too many classes for its own good, and this particular patch is perhaps the best proof of this. Anyone left playing this game is caught in a conflagration of shouts and complaints over how this class or that class has nothing left to contribute to PvP based entirely on notes which **did nothing but change some numbers.** If this game featured classes which had ANY sort of unique mechanics to them, ANY SORT of actual role to play within a team, then a global nerf to damage probably wouldn't create such a forum firestorm as you see now.

    > > >

    > > > You have to understand: ArenaNet, as a company, has lost nearly every (or possibly every) developer who actually worked on the nuts and bolts which support Guild Wars 2. This sort of titanic balance patch is truly the best that Anet can do for GW2, and it's not even something that will REMOTELY address the main problem with the game. In fact, reducing every class' damage on a global level will only HIGHLIGHT this game's biggest problem more than anything else: the professions of Guild Wars 2 have NO ROLES to play. In their attempt to "be the most innovating MMORPG," the original developers of GW2 stripped the flavor and unique roles from their franchise's flagship classes, and reintroduced everything as a homogenized slurry of "I do DPS." Over time, powercreep had become the unique role to play; the only role to play; and, naturally, not every class could play it all at once. By removing the powercreep, GW2 is once again barren and gray.

    > > >

    > > > Again, this patch is probably one of the better things that Anet could do for GW2 at this point; the underlying problem remains, however, that even if its the best thing that the staff could do, it doesn't, and it will never address the fundamental issue of how GW2 is just a game with a shallow gameplay cycle that buries nine, generic classes under a deep abyss of homogeneity.

    > >

    > > This is the end result of removing the trinity, rather than innovating it or creating a form of it which it works for your design. By removing the " Tank, healer, dps" trinity they have made sure that there will never be true balance. There will never be anything outside of "I do dps" with a tad of support, the game was designed for people who could not handle the real mmo-rpgs out there. Those who could not and refused to learn their roles... Guild wars 2 even goes against its original counter part which DID have the trinity but it was not heavy handed with it.

    > >

    > > The trinity is not evil, it is not bad. It is actually the core principle that these type of games need, I love playing a tank in games like this and yet I cant? Why ? Well because the dev's have ensured such a roll in its true nature will never exist. They could of handled it like ESO does which makes it so tanks can do dps, just not as well but come loaded with damaged mitigation's FOR THEIR TEAM and cc as well the ability to shut-down big threats and dive into the back-line. This is what happens when you try to be so different from EVERY OTHER GAME rather than focusing on being the best innovation of the foundation. Why scrap the entire idea, when its not flawed but needs to be shaped into something beautiful? You should of ran with the original trinity and made it your own, now you're here and the game is doomed to repeat this cycle until the day the game itself ends.


    > I think removing the trinity so heavily is definitely one of Guild Wars 2's biggest Original Sins PvE and PvP.




    That is why guild wars 2 is suffering the consequences for forgetting their ancestor: Guild Wars


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/PAn4g5Q.png "")


    **Consequence For Dishonoring Guild Wars Holy Grail- Gwen/Mesmer**

  9. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > SO, when will the condis be nerfed?


    > They are atm equally strong to power and if power specs die out, condis will be overpowered², since classes can put up 20-30stacks of condis within seconds




    >>(Toxic Condition Thief version 2.0 with Counterplay version 2.0) after patch


  10. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > This talk about thief being OP after the patch especially one this size is laughable but if course this coulda been easily guessed as who else would the community center out as the class that got the least shaved? Or who's gonna be top dog lol.

    > Community is so predictable it's kinda sad at this point, I wonder if the team at anet find it humorous?


    Psycoprophet, it will continue as long Anet allows it to be. The Community had Faith in Anet to take serious measures in dealing with especially Thief Profession including with its Toxic Stealth designs. And once again, Anet chose to intentionally continue to take us for granted by using 'marketing persuasive terminology words 'counterplay is important' as a mean to make fun of us, knowing well enough that Thief Profession is excluded from it.


    That is nowhere funny and it is blatantly wrong!

  11. I don't think the problem has to do with anything being nerf really; the real problems is that those elements are still there and not either removed or redesigned.


    Example: You can tell someone that they no longer can not use a machine gun and instead give them a rifle.


    Let me ask you; what do you see wrong with this picture?


    **Anet is not going to hard-cap anything**......different numbers, different wordings, different scenarios, different strategies,


    It Is All An Illusion Folks


    -**After few days after release of the patch; you'll all figure it out all over again**

  12. +> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > Its by far the most effective unfair unfun ability of whole PvP, better than any blocks or evades, and has even got very little to do with skillful playing. In conjunction with high mobility the perfect tool for map control. And this will be now the only thing that doesnt get nerfed hard? Hallelujah




    Yet again, we are being told to our faces that "Counterplay Is Important?"



  13. > @"PLS.4095" said:

    > > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > > This is what happens when you put a bunch of people who at best handled excel documents in the office in charge of balance.

    > >

    > > This part killed me btw:

    > >

    > > "We want cooldowns to feel meaningful"

    > >

    > > Quick scroll down shows that Holo Leap still has a 2 seconds cooldown.

    > >

    > >


    > The only one dead here is you.


    That was cruel and was not needed. be Respectful!!

  14. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Barnesy.5839" said:

    > > The new patch has nerfed damage. The new patch has nerfed healing/sustain. The new patch has **not** nerfed your max HP.

    > >

    > > It's going to take longer to kill players.

    > >

    > > I think this is a fantastic move in the right direction. At it's core, GW2 has great combat mechanics. The thing which has let down GW2 PVP in the past, has not been it's core mechanics, but rather the tuning of skills. Slowing combat down allows time for meaningful gameplay and counterplay. Slowing combat down allows time for GW2's great combat mechanics to shine.


    > Except that with all hard CCs dealing no damage, and all of the classes that can't avoid having hard CCs on their kits, are going to be losing like 25% or more of their Kit damage output, in addition to the hard damage nerfs on other non CC skills. People aren't quite noticing this yet. There is a lot more damage loss with this patch that it looks like. And this isn't even to mention the loss in quickness access an boon duration intra-class wide. <- That alone is an enormous loss in damage. Now we're talking actual big damage cuts to every skill in general, and then all hard CCs going to no damage output? **My dudes, there is A LOT more damage going away than people are quite yet realizing.**


    > The meta is going to be overly sustainy, mark my words. And now with elongated CDs and situations where people want to maintain DPS instead of use CCs that deal no damage, they'll get stuck in skill rotations where everything is on CD except their hard CCs and auto attack, so we'll be doing a lot of auto attacking spamming in the near future.


    > I don't know man. I'm down to try new things and support Arenanet, but this 0 damage hard CC stuff has got to be stopped before it happens. -50% damage to all current hard CC damage would suffice and be a safe move, whereas lowering all of that stuff to 0 damage output..... that's just not going to pan out well. I really don't think it will.


    Trevor, you and I and others know better than this. As i said earlier; we've all been here before.


    Here is the next step after everything gets settled with; release of new sigils, new runes and new variant of damages including new ingredient intakes to compensate the loss


    --soon in no time we will be here all over again --


    It's Simple Marketing Strategy

  15. > @"Ysmir.4986" said:

    > Considering how much the game will change, trying to anticipate the effects of the balance patch on the game mode and on the meta is frankly...


    > ... idiotic.


    what's 'idiotic' is that they are not attacking the root cause. by removing its entirely or redesigning it in a healthy way. Instead what they are doing is shuffling big numbers around and reducing its effects.


    -The majority of us have been here before, have seen this all before; instead of dealing with the cause, dealing with its effects is far more important-

  16. > @"Barnesy.5839" said:

    > The new patch has nerfed damage. The new patch has nerfed healing/sustain. The new patch has **not** nerfed your max HP.


    > It's going to take longer to kill players.


    > I think this is a fantastic move in the right direction. At it's core, GW2 has great combat mechanics. The thing which has let down GW2 PVP in the past, has not been it's core mechanics, but rather the tuning of skills. Slowing combat down allows time for meaningful gameplay and counterplay. Slowing combat down allows time for GW2's great combat mechanics to shine.


    ~~Toxic Instant Kill - ~~ Toxic Stealth

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/t8iJEPZ.jpg "")


  17. > @"Kalaina.8245" said:

    > I think this is a step in the right direction. GW2 balance has always been a world of local maxima, where balance changes have just been poking the current state of things to try and move it toward some goal, but never really taking a step back to look at the game as a whole.


    > I think GW2 really benefits from a top-down approach like this, but I have two primary concerns. The first is that these nerfs seem to be done across the board based on the types of skills and traits that exist, but the reality is that these skills and traits fulfill different roles and have different levels of importance in WvW. So you're essentially nerfing things that are already underperforming; this would be fine if we had some reason to expect that these things will later be buffed, but it feels to me like this is the first step before moving back to the status quo of tipping balance toward a local maximum.


    > I think you should rate every single skill in the game based on its damage, cooldowns, utility, and reliability. A skill that's hard to hit with (aka easy to dodge) can have a higher power level than one that's much more difficult to hit with. Similarly with a skill on a long cooldown. A skill with a lower cooldown, or one that's hard to avoid, should have a lower overall dps because you'll be more likely to be dealing damage with it. I don't see anything indicating that this kind of top-down analysis was done. When the ultimate metrics are damage and healing, everything should be rated according to how much dps and hps it can deliver, modified by how likely it's going to be able to actually deliver on that damage and healing.


    > The second concern is this: "Condition damage reductions are a bit less math-y, but ..." I don't think there's a place for balance in GW2 that _isn't_ mathy. There aren't a great variety of stat sets to be concerned about in WvW. You know what Viper's can do, and similarly for Trailblazer, Grieving, Celestial, Minstrel, Berserker, Marauder, etc. It should be more than possible to calculate the amount of condition damage that a skill will do, and that should be calibrated just like power coefficients are. And just like power skills, they should be rated on damage, cooldowns, utility, and reliability for a variety of possible stat combinations. Moreover, entire weapons should also be evaluated according to the combination of all their skills, and while it's not possible to make every weapon excel with every stat combination, you can at least make sure nothing overperforms (or underperforms) with stats that work best for it.


    > You have a fresh perspective on what GW2 balance should be, and you need to take the time to really understand the game. The chaos theory is much less pronounced than you might think; the chaos stems from changes made just like this - without a full analysis of all the facets of what a skill or trait can do - and the resulting fallout. A controlled, math-driven take that actually includes numerical stand-ins for softer factors like reliability is necessary if we're ever going to get to a level of game balance that's healthy, rather than one that players grow used to and learn to tolerate.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/gDPLk7K.jpg "")


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