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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > Remove mounts

    > Remove food except food from the WvW provisioner (AKA remove t7 food).

    > Nerf boons more, especially AoE boons.

    > Nerf siege

    > Remove guild banners

    > Remove stacking stealth and then also remove the force-reveal from the sentry debuff

    > Revert most of what was done this patch and instead just cut down the expansion-specific content like the elite spec traits/utils/new weapon coefficients/gear with too many stats/etc.

    > Rework every single PoF specs completely from the ground up because they're anti-fun to play against and all failed concepts. ALL of them.


    > It's nothing more than a wishlist. It basically mandates moving back more towards core game in the name of WvW. The raids community would throw a fit if their DPS went down, though, so it won't happen.


    > So yeah, **I don't anticipate on coming back to seriously play the game**. Forum PvP is more satisfying.




    I can compromise with this list with the addition of redesigning Thief Profession and Mesmer Profession with also giving each respectfully giving each profession their own roles and identity like Guild Wars.


    Example: A Elementalist Profession Are Not A Guardian Profession Spec


    The game itself need a complete rework and Anet is not willing to care to implement serious change to it.....so no anticipation for anyone to come back or to play either including myself too


    Necromancer Profession is the best thing that happened in the patch update and that is not enough because the root cause problems continues to exist. ]


    Toxic Stealth, Toxic +1 shot, Toxic Mechanic and Toxic Design Are Exempt From Any Serious Changes!!


    Exceptions To Serious Changes Are Not Acceptable!!


    **---Exceptions Are Excuses--**


    8 Years Of Repetitive Continual Excuses Are No Longer Tolerable!!


    So moving forward,


    Excuses Are No Longer Tolerable!!


    It Is No Longer Tolerable To Me Either



  2. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > Why y'all have to pick on necros? Are they not allowed to win?

    > >

    > > **+1**

    > > exactly this

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/jLEpAhv.jpg "")

    > > Necromancer Profession :(


    > The fact that u defend necro's current post patch state literally discredits every single post uve posted regarding thief and its toxicity.


    I am not defending Necromancer Profession. I am defending Necromancer Profession from those pointing fingers at it.


    -Being a Scapegoat Profession and a Golden Child Profession is a huge difference-


    Necromancer Profession have to suffer and to beg to get what they want, while Thief Profession are freely given anything (like it or not) they want and being forced to accept it

  3. > @"alain.1659" said:

    > Thief builds are becoming more and more toxic. Years ago vault thief would made people to laugh at you, yet now people are using it. And now the same with sword pistol.


    > Last night showed several condi thief builds, including poison perma stealth rifle deadeye which can remove revealed so even if you have a detection skill it is useless.


    > Thief is becoming toxic and really cheesy. But why? Because therr is no other room left for thieves to breathe. Random nerfs and op specs forced their hands to find something useful, and when they did, nobody liked that.


    > Like every other profession, thief is a direct result of the entire game balance. Better not forget that.







    And that is why i do not blame them for being Toxic because it is Anet whose forcing them to be Toxic


    -afterall, Anet have total control over them

  4. > @"Arken.3725" said:

    > Hello everyone, friendly neighborhood FB here. I'll make this short. FB needs nerfs and I hope it gets them soon. I'll go into detail later but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that FB(along with Necro and condi-rev) are shutting out every other build. This may come as a shock to some of you since I'm saying this but it needs nerfs and soon.


    > Anyone who cares about fairness, fun and actual skill would be calling for nerfs to their own main any day of the week to make this game better.


    > Thanks for listening,

    > Arken


    > Edit: here are some of the glaring issues. Biggest offender: symbols. Every kitten weapon has one so you're essentially forced to spec into this boring and powerful mechanic.


    > Second offender: even though mantra's require a charge-up, it's still essentially instant cast. I love the idea of mantra's but I'm not sure how to deal with this one.


    > Third: over abundance of CC. Granted, the axe symbol has an obvious animation and a decent cast time with it having to be traited, it's still too good in combination with all the other forms of CC.



    -this was pass on to me to post this here-

  5. > @"SuperNix.5061" said:

    > Usually i do not make this posts but this is something which is of huge importance for WvW mode in general and should be adressed soon as possible.


    > As someone who has good exp in roaming in WvW i can say that NPCs are the bigest problem right now(aside from mounts ofc),and let me explain why.


    > Even tho roaming scene is quite dead there are people that still do it every now and then and that's when the problem apears.


    > After recent patch and dps nerfs to everything T2/T3 camps are now really hard for 1 person to take especially with mercanary around,just takes way too long as they have way too much sustain and you can't just yolo as they still hit for a lot.


    > Now add any random player that could join your fight vs 10 npc or just afks inside camp as people usually do,some even with golem/bali(why 1v1,when you can 10v1 right? :] ),it makes it so 1 person on his own pretty much can't do a thing anymore,i know mode is made for zergs mainly and i zerg a lot too but doesn't mean it should be unplayable for people trying to solo.


    > In short,doubt anyone wants to fight NPCs for 5 days,you got PVE for that.


    > This comes from a person that used to solo towers/camps+1-2 players on top of it on pretty much any class and any dps build i played so i can only imagine how it feels to an average player or someone just trying to get into WvW,so no wonder why 80% of day on most NA servers is a ghost town,mode is just less and less forgiving on solo players which used to be mayority and now barely exist.


    > So my idea is to either nerf NPCs sustain/dps or to at least improve NPCs mastery so it gives you more damage reduction/more damage against them(that still leaves problem for low ranked or new players that won't have acces to those mastery).


    > Hope this doesn't end up like one of those posts crying about unbalances in the game,just trying to point out a mistake that was made in recent patch from my perspective.




    > Have a good day


    there was a thread not too long ago about buffing Npc's and many including myself approved it. I really do no see any reasons why to nerf them because their presence do matter, no matter how you look at it. Just like a chess piece; all pieces plays a role and are important in the board.


    In fact, i even suggested in giving all Npc's the ability to +1 shoot stealth players including +1 shotting players who hide inside keep after it has been captured. I would introduce creating Knight Npc's to add more layer of protection to the Lord


    **All quality of life matters including AI's-Npc's, they all should be treated with great care**


    So again no, i do not approve nerfing them

  6. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > That would prevent necro from being able to do any competitive PVP which sucks.

    > > >

    > > > Any time you completely prevent a class not sure if you know what sunwell is, but its a term used in WOW when paladin was completely excluded from a raid and felt neglected and left out.

    > > >

    > > > banning necro would prevent them from competing, and competition can actually show how and what needs nerfed.

    > >

    > > One class feeling excluded and left out is less of a problem than literally every other class feeling excluded and left out.


    > Are you not entertained?


    > First it was "Mirage main spotted"


    > Then it was "The Ranger police"


    > Now we have the "Let's act like it's not completely game breaking Necro defense force"


    how about being in Necromancer Profession place.....having everything given to you and seeing it all taken from you all over again?


  7. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > People have been wanting ranked 2v2s since this game was initially released. It has been eight years asking for an arena type mode. And now that we've finally gotten it 2v2's in the form of a miniseason comes with a balance patch that has left Firebrand and Necromancer in particular universally agreed to be over tuned.


    > Now obviously, balance is always going to based on a mix of Ranked and MAT performance. The main game mode is conquest and it always will be. I'm not asking for nerfs for builds in game modes that aren't the main mode. But while we wait for the balance team to observe and balance for conquest, can we get an emergency disable on Firebrand and Necromancer in ranked? People have wanted 2v2s for so long it'd be immensely disappointing for the developer team to finally release it only for the only viable team to be Firebrand+Necro.


    > Plenty of games and tournaments make no bones about outright banning things from play. If you were playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl competitively, Metaknight was banned. In Smash 4 Bayonetta was banned. If you played Street Fighter Old Sagat and Akuma were historic banned characters. During Street Fighter 4 Seth and Gouken had been banned. BlazBue Chronophantasma Kokonoe was banned. In Dragon Ball Fighter Z there are immense calls for GT Goku to be banned and a number of locals have done so. Every single TCG game from Magic, to Yu-Gi-Oh to Pokemon has banned cards.


    > Can we get an emergency disable on Firebrand and Necromancer in 2v2s for the love of god?


    Mortrialus, none of those games mention have stealth. Wouldn't banning Stealth be top priority instead?


    -Stealth is the most Toxic mechanic in the game since Guild Wars 2 release and continually being responsible for the game being unhealthy, non-competitive, unstable and for the low population= Ncsoft Earning Report...why not ban it for once?-

  8. > @"Sunshine.5014" said:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lich_Form


    > It didn't get touched during the Great Nerf. Pop it together with FB and win any 2v2. Try it out before it gets nerfed :bleep_bloop:


    when was the last time Lich Form was viable in PvP?


    hint; not months

    how about if i say 2 years+?

    5 years and 7 years being the most of it


    -finally Necromancer Profession have something to be proud of, to stand up for and once again...yet again; we do not deserve anything at all-

  9. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > It's simply not **playable**, what even this class supposed to be at this point ? a pseudo - healing bot with zero pressure? a flashing eye candy for pvers?.


    > Lowest HP, lowest armor married to low/mediocre damage mostly reliant on a single easily removed condition...if not stacked quickly and high enough, an aspect that has been consistently reduced to uselessness every single time ele would move from joke status to threat level. It seems this class is not allowed to be of any real threat, merely a flashy presence in the background waving his hands.


    > I can play few other classes...I have sustain- dmg -mobility -teleports...**I have pressure**....I go back to ele and ask myself : "how can you kill anything with a brain using this class?"


    > The worst part is these devs **never come here and explain what this class supposed to be** , no honesty....


    It is called, not respecting Profession roles and the continual consequences of it.

    Never in Guild Wars this would ever be tolerated!!


    -**It is the exact problem with Guild Wars 2 design, it destroys Profession roles**-




  10. > @"Tycura.1982" said:

    > It's seems like the good thieves always want thief nerfs y tho


    It's always been like this since the beginning. In fact; Thief Profession players would post their own nerf wishlist on their Thief subforum for healthy change.....even approving full redesign to Thief Profession and removing stealth altogether for overall well being of the game including its players.


    It is Anet who are the ones whose keeping Thief Profession at its state and are even not listening to Thief Profession players asking for a complete redesign once after all for the better


    In other word, they are not even in the best interests of Thief Profession players and do not care for them either



  11. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer/Ignore-Mode-ON


    'Hey necromates!

    The purpose of this thread is to try to get some ArenaNet attention over us (yes, I know this must be the 218342424 thread about that).'


    -Different thread-


    Player, 'That was all we needed Anet, just so you know. Just something to show us we’re not invisible. Lol.'


    Anet, 'Na, it’s ok. From your point of view, it makes sense: you feel like no one is responding to threads, which must mean we’re not listening or that we do not care.


    But as I’ve said before, we read the forums, takes, run to meetings, etc. We’re here, and we’re listening.


    I understand your position and it makes sense. I just wanna let you know that we’re here and we are working hard. We just have our heads down as we fix bugs and put new things into the game.'

  12. > @"Rouien.5234" said:

    > There are a lot of people super upset about the new pacing, of course. But what's happened with the reduction in power was a MUCH MUCH needed turn and is better (IMO) for the health and longevity of GW2 PvP. Of course, you can still get face rolled if you're completely new, but at least it's not NEARLY as unforgiving as it has been and I hope this not only brings in new people but makes them want to stay... It may look super tanky/slow now, but that's mostly because we've been dealing with one-shot wars for years.


    > This slower gameplay allowing for much more counterplay, making people think about who to focus, where to go and what to do and giving people a little more time to learn their class mechanics in combat during PvP that's not just "This is your CC and this is your burst" and it's almost nostalgic to see it like this. It's why I even started sPvP in the first place back in 2013-14.


    > I missed those long lasting battles against two (or more) high skilled opponents. Each person reading the others moves and trying to time interrupts, not to just mindlessly burst but to set up for another combo or throw the other off rotation.


    > I agree that a FEW healing and damage mitigation abilities/passives need to be looked at as well as other things, but I feel like nothing needs to be increased in terms of damage and to be honest, the meta/game will never perfect for everyone, but it's MUCH better than what it has been for a while and is heading back to the path that guild wars 2 had initially started. People, even me, are just going to have to come to terms that there are a lot of better players/teams than them. And, that doesn't just mean getting killed 1v1, it could be, getting out rotated, out supported/bunkered, kill deny'd. ETC.


    > All in all, it's not perfect, but it's a LEAP forward and I hope we keep this momentum.


    > **I hope the power creep of the past stays in the past, the toxicity it brought is lessened during the weeks or months to come and the GW2 team makes modifications to better the basis of balance we have right now.**




  13. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > It is very terrible game experience when you fight all the cheesy builds that class have.

    > > This short video is recorded yesterday, well after the famous balance patch. All done while totally invisible. Ah yes i forgot to dodge.. Right.


    > Yeah everything **outside your peripheral vision** are not visible to you.


    > >

    > > That thief was invisible the all time as i didn't see it although i spend almost a minute walking around that campament. That class has idiotic mobility as well as damage meme worthy (i wanted a video to prove the mobility of the deadeye):


    > You're getting juked hard bro. Again, they are outside your peripheral vision.


    > This is not a Thief problem.




    you are correct, it is not a Thief problems but a Bad Design Problem

  14. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > I mean sustained stealth is the problem and has been the problem since launch, and all I see is people whining about damage. As it is, all that thief has left is DE because this round of nerfs kinda gutted core thief so badly there's little reason to play anything else except stealth-camping DE. Plus DE gets stupid amounts of damage from MBS and Malice anyways which again, were the core of the issue for DE and not baseline weapon damage numbers lol.


    > But honestly, you can't entirely fault thief here. Your gameplay is actually straight terrible and you'd have lost to pretty much anyone that wasn't terrible. Maybe it's that you got way too comfortable on Soulbeast which was downright busted before?...


    > Your reaction to being immobilized is to stand there and take it in video 1 despite having accessible cleanses and heals, if not also a block on GS swap like you're running in the other videos, which negates the initiative he just spent and keeps you alive, as heal->swap->4


    > In video 2, you have ample time to cast Sic 'Em when the DE was attacking, and you just don't because you're waiting to wombo-combo off the damage or something?


    > In video 3, you knew he was there because you were laying the trap, and proceeded to lay the trap while knowing your character becomes incapacitated for several seconds, basically giving the guy a free kill. Doesn't matter what class it was; if you lay a trap with them nearby, they just kill you. Again, doing so while Sic 'Em is equipped and when you can just use a regular trap or your elite to gain visibility. You should swap into GS while being OOC for the block and to force rifle, or feel him out while pivoting because you're going to be on the defensive early against a DE regardless.


    > It's a terribly-designed spec but you can't seriously claim it's OP with the videos you posted, because your build and play are both awful, there's no semblance of tactics used, and you're hard-countered and camping longbow while OOC.


    > So yeah. Very few sympathies from me, even despite the validity of the complaint that DE is terribly-designed.


    Deceiver, when Thief Players dies to Perma-Stealth Thief, do you share the same blame to that Thief Profession player?

    -I'm sure you know, not every Thief Profession plays Perma-Stealth and many are well experienced with it-


    Also, i salute you for agreeing that Thief Profession design is indeed Toxic

  15. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"SehferViega.8725" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).

    > > > > > > > > > A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..

    > > > > > > > > > What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > We expect you to be be courteous in return

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You play or main Thief Profession correct?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger, **Guardians,** Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Period~

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Find me where ‘guardians’ are more rooted in GW than thief.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Protection_Prayers

    > > > >

    > > > > -here is an interesting read-

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Pssst: look up assassin. Minus stealth, the skills are oddly similar.

    > > >

    > > > Don’t waste my time.

    > > >

    > > > Stealth isn’t going away.

    > >

    > > 'As assassins are weak in terms of armor, they can die very quickly if they do not keep an eye on their surroundings and health. Moving far beyond your group, especially moving far from your healer(s), can quickly result in death.'


    > **Yup, still true**, what's your point?


    Explain Thief Profession weaknesses and what are they?

  16. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > @"SehferViega.8725" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

    > > > > > > > > so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).

    > > > > > > > A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..

    > > > > > > > What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > We expect you to be be courteous in return

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.

    > > > >

    > > > > You play or main Thief Profession correct?

    > > > >

    > > > > As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger, **Guardians,** Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth

    > > > >

    > > > > Period~

    > > >

    > > > Find me where ‘guardians’ are more rooted in GW than thief.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Protection_Prayers

    > >

    > > -here is an interesting read-

    > >


    > Pssst: look up assassin. Minus stealth, the skills are oddly similar.


    > Don’t waste my time.


    > Stealth isn’t going away.


    'As assassins are weak in terms of armor, they can die very quickly if they do not keep an eye on their surroundings and health. Moving far beyond your group, especially moving far from your healer(s), can quickly result in death.'

  17. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"SehferViega.8725" said:

    > > > > > > @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

    > > > > > > so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

    > > > > >

    > > > > > my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).

    > > > > > A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..

    > > > > > What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

    > > > >

    > > > > And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

    > > > >

    > > > > Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

    > > > >

    > > > > We expect you to be be courteous in return

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.

    > >

    > > You play or main Thief Profession correct?

    > >

    > > As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger, **Guardians,** Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth

    > >

    > > Period~


    > Find me where ‘guardians’ are more rooted in GW than thief.






    -here is an interesting read-


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/YW81LtG.png "")


  18. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"SehferViega.8725" said:

    > > > > @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

    > > > > so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

    > > >

    > > > my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).

    > > > A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..

    > > > What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

    > >

    > > And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

    > >

    > > Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

    > >

    > > We expect you to be be courteous in return

    > >

    > >


    > You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.


    You play or main Thief Profession correct?


    As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger, Guardians, Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth



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