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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"Captain Kuro.8937" said:

    > Loki from Smite has the same exact mechanics , as GW2 stealth application (it will change in the future).

    > They could learn some lesson from an E-sport game , rather than butchering stealth entirely






    This is what serious gaming competitive companies do when dealing with Toxic design.


    1. deal with it at its core root

    2. redesign it completely with a healthy root


    once again I am overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude that more gaming studios companies are embracing healthy competitive design


    **Bravo Hi-Rez Studios!!**

  2. > @"Faline.8795" said:

    > So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?




    **'Preach to the choir requires to see eye-to-eye with the choir'**


    more of the same because the Truth continues to suffer...the root cause problems continues to be shoved under the rug thus new players experience will continue to suffer as well

  3. > @"Acheron.4731" said:

    > They needed new blood to get the ball rolling again.

    > He was not quite cutting it on any level.

    > Wish him the best though.


    it wasn't never about 'needing new blood',Truth suffers......it will always be about the Truth.

    -nothing more to add-


    wish them all good fortune

  4. > @"Senqu.8054" said:

    > Welcome to gw2 where builds are introduced just to swing the nerf hammer and destroy them a half year later. How many build have we got over the past years? And every time we end up with completely incompetent nerfs that makes the build not viable again. Now that there are less complaints about Mesmer it’s on you thief’s.




    as many of you see, as many of us said since the beginning including many of those who left, it wasn't never Mesmer Profession after all, it was always 'the elephant in the room' >Thief Profession.



  5. > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > I will hesitate to buy a new expac. Mesmer **will get another nice spec that will be nerfed to trash tier after sales slow**.



    there will absolutely be no hesitation for me; i will not be buying the expac especially because of that including many other repetitive continual unlearned unresolved factors

  6. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

    > > > this is outrages and insanely strong, condition damage needs a damage nerf and Necromancer shroud from 2nd and 3rd in some cases life bar needs a heavy nerf.

    > >

    > > 1. Necromancer is a condition base Profession

    > > 2. Necromancer have the power to summon death to aid itself at will

    > >

    > > In other word; Necromancer Profession is death incarnate and is to be feared by all professions and is to be the hardest Profession to die

    > > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necromancer

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/HRNCkCh.jpg "")

    > >

    > > -Thank You very much for your understanding-


    > I'm sure you have heard the news, consider yourself warned....


    > The Tahkayun are coming for you.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/PPXVN7u.jpg "")



    'we'll be waiting for them'


  7. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > here is a dual between a Thief Profession player vs a Necromancer Profession player, playing a tank build

    > > 'stability', 'Op healing-tank build'.....absolutely nothing couldn't save the Necromancer

    > >

    > >

    > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRFnPiPMFcw

    > >

    > > the question to be asked is, how does a condition base profession dies to a non-condition base profession and being immune to all of its conditions all at the same time?

    > Ever fought a boonbeast on a condi build that wasn't necro? Similar result. And that's assuming you actually hit the soulbeast with substantial conditions, which is something the necro completely failed to do to the thief in that fight.


    > He'd have been better off on core necro as scourge gives too many AoE's that the thief can dodge through to get cleanses, and shroud also gives you much more effective health to work with than barrier does. He should have put doom and geomancy sigils on his weapons along with the traited AoE weakness and bleed on shroud entry along with one foot in the grave to break the daze, so he can use shroud as an instant cast pbAoE to punish the thief and load him up with condis between his evade frames as he ports in. Doing this alone would have landed 6 bleeds, which is more than the necro lands in that entire fight. He also should have run towards the thief when he ported back, and placed marks on his return points. This would have negated the cleanse the thief gets from porting back, loading more bleeds, and would have put much more pressure on him by forcing more cleanses. Necro is tanky but cannot sustain under pressure, while thief is evasive but, critically, also cannot sustain under pressure. The thief will lose if you force it to trade blows and don't attack into evades, so it's to your advantage to be aggressive but not spammy like this player was.

    > > Example: it's like having a mach 1 aircraft out speeding a mach 6 aircraft and calling it 'balanced', 'good design'

    > I think this is the only time a necro will ever be called a mach 6 anything xD

    > > It's Unbelievable what Guild Wars 2 put up with!!

    > Well, the necro missed the vast majority of his skills. You do tend to die when that happens.

    > > History shows that asking for nerfs, is asking for excuses to not deal with the root cause problem

    > What exactly is the root problem? Usually you complain about one shots from perma stealth, which I actually agree can be obnoxious coming from any class (including mesmer), but this build does neither of those things. Are you outraged that he won because he played better?

    > > -once again, Bad Design is screaming all over Thief Profession design-

    > How is evasive, non stealth thief bad design? What should the thief do instead, given he has no blocks, no stability, and his passive cleanses are tied to sword 2 return ports and dodges? What you're asking for is for thief to become a warrior, there's already a class that plays like you want thief to.

    > > Thief Profession either need to be completely redesign at once or be immediately removed

    > If anything this video is a reason to redesign necro, as pbAoE skill spam encourages lazy play.



    if to bring Necromancer Profession back to Guild Wars Necromancer Profession design, that would be great



    -Necromancer Profession is a condition caster and that's all i can say :)-

  8. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > > > > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > > > > > This covers it pretty well.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I've played Thief many times in the past but I always end up deleting it out of frustration because I'm terrible at it despite really enjoying it. I made another this past week and have been punishing myself playing it trying to force myself to improve but progress is slow. I'm not a fast learner and I'm a mediocre player.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I've never had much trouble with Thieves and I can appreciate a good one when I meet one but playing it makes me realize even more how high the skill floor is. Thief isn't an easy class to just jump on and do well with. It has a high skill floor and near infinite skill ceiling in that it isn't a good beginner class but you can do some crazy things with it when you get good with it. That's a part of what makes good Thieves so irritating - it feels like they can do what ever they want and it's hard to stop them.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I think Thief is fine right now and if anything could use buffs. It has been in pretty rough shape for quite some time now and comparing the entire class to one cheese build ( 1 shot DE ) is an extremely unfair way to pass judgement.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > When I first played the game I used to hate thieves, I abhorred them. They were annoying. They brought the fear in me. HOWEVER, I also come from a point of gaming where these kind of things are the exact challenges that excite me, and motivate me to improve more. This is also another reason why I multiclass. I want to overcome the odds, I want to outskill and outplay, and when the challenge is too little I minimize my kit. I was really motivated in wanting to beat thieves, I didn't want to fear every corner of the map. Why was I being killed all the time? Why were thieves always choosing me? I realised at that point I was always making myself an easy target. Always out in the open, always unaware of surroundings, always going to exactly the hot spots on the map where these classes would excel, thinking I can just run in a straight line, thinking that ally over there will help me, etc...

    > > > > > Anyways, I decided at one point I should actually roll a thief, and visit the thief forum, ask questions, look at their tips and see past threads, and especially look at youtubers who main or multiclass on thief. Instead of bringing my hatred into that place, I asked questions and tips, and I looked beyond my bias and I really appreciated all the people giving their thoughts and feedback in there. That's why I always chuckle when I see nerf thief threads, because I think these people were truly unable to look beyond their bias when there are solutions.

    > > > > > Whenever I see a thief now, if it's just a common average thief, I'm just like "oh you gonna die now", but if it's an above average player you can usually tell in the first exchange, and it gets the blood moving for a nice exciting fight. Sometimes you just gotta pull a Rocky Balboa and train yourself to deal with things. That's how I did it anyways. I enjoy seeing high skill plays from all classes, I think everyone should at least dabble in a bit of multiclassing, and playing with all the weaponsets and also power/hybrid/condi builds. It's great fun for me at least.

    > > > > > Always nice to see someone elses perspective on it. Trust me, when you suddenly feel that progression even though it is a small one, it is like a great burden has been lifted.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > PS - I know not everyone is like this, but when I get pwnt by a thief, my first thought is always, "kitten, I need to play my thief more like that"

    > > > >

    > > > > in summary, 'If you are not it, you can not win it'??

    > > >

    > > > No, in summary: "I always chuckle when I see nerf thief threads, because I think these people were truly unable to look beyond their bias when there are solutions."

    > >

    > >8 years is a very long time to look for solutions. Maybe what the community are asking.... is for a new vision to a better solution. Would you agree?


    > The thing here is that you're not looking for a solution, you don't seem to even understand the problem. Instead you just keep spamming about nerfs and reworks, which make no sense. Even here you've completely missed the point to try and push your usual agenda.


    once again, i tried to be respectful yet you chose to be condescending.



  9. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > > > This covers it pretty well.

    > > > >

    > > > > I've played Thief many times in the past but I always end up deleting it out of frustration because I'm terrible at it despite really enjoying it. I made another this past week and have been punishing myself playing it trying to force myself to improve but progress is slow. I'm not a fast learner and I'm a mediocre player.

    > > > >

    > > > > I've never had much trouble with Thieves and I can appreciate a good one when I meet one but playing it makes me realize even more how high the skill floor is. Thief isn't an easy class to just jump on and do well with. It has a high skill floor and near infinite skill ceiling in that it isn't a good beginner class but you can do some crazy things with it when you get good with it. That's a part of what makes good Thieves so irritating - it feels like they can do what ever they want and it's hard to stop them.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think Thief is fine right now and if anything could use buffs. It has been in pretty rough shape for quite some time now and comparing the entire class to one cheese build ( 1 shot DE ) is an extremely unfair way to pass judgement.

    > > >

    > > > When I first played the game I used to hate thieves, I abhorred them. They were annoying. They brought the fear in me. HOWEVER, I also come from a point of gaming where these kind of things are the exact challenges that excite me, and motivate me to improve more. This is also another reason why I multiclass. I want to overcome the odds, I want to outskill and outplay, and when the challenge is too little I minimize my kit. I was really motivated in wanting to beat thieves, I didn't want to fear every corner of the map. Why was I being killed all the time? Why were thieves always choosing me? I realised at that point I was always making myself an easy target. Always out in the open, always unaware of surroundings, always going to exactly the hot spots on the map where these classes would excel, thinking I can just run in a straight line, thinking that ally over there will help me, etc...

    > > > Anyways, I decided at one point I should actually roll a thief, and visit the thief forum, ask questions, look at their tips and see past threads, and especially look at youtubers who main or multiclass on thief. Instead of bringing my hatred into that place, I asked questions and tips, and I looked beyond my bias and I really appreciated all the people giving their thoughts and feedback in there. That's why I always chuckle when I see nerf thief threads, because I think these people were truly unable to look beyond their bias when there are solutions.

    > > > Whenever I see a thief now, if it's just a common average thief, I'm just like "oh you gonna die now", but if it's an above average player you can usually tell in the first exchange, and it gets the blood moving for a nice exciting fight. Sometimes you just gotta pull a Rocky Balboa and train yourself to deal with things. That's how I did it anyways. I enjoy seeing high skill plays from all classes, I think everyone should at least dabble in a bit of multiclassing, and playing with all the weaponsets and also power/hybrid/condi builds. It's great fun for me at least.

    > > > Always nice to see someone elses perspective on it. Trust me, when you suddenly feel that progression even though it is a small one, it is like a great burden has been lifted.

    > > >

    > > > PS - I know not everyone is like this, but when I get pwnt by a thief, my first thought is always, "kitten, I need to play my thief more like that"

    > >

    > > in summary, 'If you are not it, you can not win it'??


    > No, in summary: "I always chuckle when I see nerf thief threads, because I think these people were truly unable to look beyond their bias when there are solutions."


    Sobx 8 years is a very long time to look for solutions. Maybe what the community are asking.... is for a new vision to a better solution. Would you agree?



  10. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > This covers it pretty well.

    > >

    > > I've played Thief many times in the past but I always end up deleting it out of frustration because I'm terrible at it despite really enjoying it. I made another this past week and have been punishing myself playing it trying to force myself to improve but progress is slow. I'm not a fast learner and I'm a mediocre player.

    > >

    > > I've never had much trouble with Thieves and I can appreciate a good one when I meet one but playing it makes me realize even more how high the skill floor is. Thief isn't an easy class to just jump on and do well with. It has a high skill floor and near infinite skill ceiling in that it isn't a good beginner class but you can do some crazy things with it when you get good with it. That's a part of what makes good Thieves so irritating - it feels like they can do what ever they want and it's hard to stop them.

    > >

    > > I think Thief is fine right now and if anything could use buffs. It has been in pretty rough shape for quite some time now and comparing the entire class to one cheese build ( 1 shot DE ) is an extremely unfair way to pass judgement.


    > When I first played the game I used to hate thieves, I abhorred them. They were annoying. They brought the fear in me. HOWEVER, I also come from a point of gaming where these kind of things are the exact challenges that excite me, and motivate me to improve more. This is also another reason why I multiclass. I want to overcome the odds, I want to outskill and outplay, and when the challenge is too little I minimize my kit. I was really motivated in wanting to beat thieves, I didn't want to fear every corner of the map. Why was I being killed all the time? Why were thieves always choosing me? I realised at that point I was always making myself an easy target. Always out in the open, always unaware of surroundings, always going to exactly the hot spots on the map where these classes would excel, thinking I can just run in a straight line, thinking that ally over there will help me, etc...

    > Anyways, I decided at one point I should actually roll a thief, and visit the thief forum, ask questions, look at their tips and see past threads, and especially look at youtubers who main or multiclass on thief. Instead of bringing my hatred into that place, I asked questions and tips, and I looked beyond my bias and I really appreciated all the people giving their thoughts and feedback in there. That's why I always chuckle when I see nerf thief threads, because I think these people were truly unable to look beyond their bias when there are solutions.

    > Whenever I see a thief now, if it's just a common average thief, I'm just like "oh you gonna die now", but if it's an above average player you can usually tell in the first exchange, and it gets the blood moving for a nice exciting fight. Sometimes you just gotta pull a Rocky Balboa and train yourself to deal with things. That's how I did it anyways. I enjoy seeing high skill plays from all classes, I think everyone should at least dabble in a bit of multiclassing, and playing with all the weaponsets and also power/hybrid/condi builds. It's great fun for me at least.

    > Always nice to see someone elses perspective on it. Trust me, when you suddenly feel that progression even though it is a small one, it is like a great burden has been lifted.


    > PS - I know not everyone is like this, but when I get pwnt by a thief, my first thought is always, "kitten, I need to play my thief more like that"


    in summary, 'If you are not it, you can not win it'??

  11. guys, if you are asking for Thief Profession nerfs, 8 years of being immune to 'nerfs'.....should be enough evidence that nothing will change for the better. In other word; without a complete redesign/rework on Thief Profession, they will continue to be as Toxic as it want to


    **'without finding the root cause and resolving it at its core; fixing the symptoms will not change anything**

  12. > @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

    > this is outrages and insanely strong, condition damage needs a damage nerf and Necromancer shroud from 2nd and 3rd in some cases life bar needs a heavy nerf.


    1. Necromancer is a condition base Profession

    2. Necromancer have the power to summon death to aid itself at will


    In other word; Necromancer Profession is death incarnate and is to be feared by all professions and is to be the hardest Profession to die



    ![](https://i.imgur.com/HRNCkCh.jpg "")


    -Thank You very much for your understanding-

  13. > @"aleron.1438" said:

    > It's like you're stuck in gw1 and never accepted gw2. It's 2020 and some of us even moved on from gw2.

    > Why do you constantly feel the need to deny the right for arenanet to have the freedom to design the gw2 game as they see fit?


    It all begins here

  14. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"appelflap.8310" said:

    > > > I was a mesmer main since day 1 and im tired of thiefs still dominating in wvw roaming, so now i play thief myself. **I would suggest to just make a thief and play it, its way easier to play then mesmer have been**. I mean how can you die with 3 dodges, sig of agility, roll for initiative, withdraw and on top of that you can permastealth. Oh dont forget you heal, remove condis when you evade an attack. Get even more condi cleanse and healing when in stealth if you traited shadow arts wich all thiefs do anyways to get perma stealth. All this while backstabbing mesmers or zerk specs for 10-13k (sometimes even more) lol. Want an even easier time? Go play deadeye, even after patch this build is broken. There is a reason why you only see thieves in wvw roaming.. **yet anet seems to dont care.**

    > >

    > > **+1**

    > > (+1 shotting included...yes even after recent 'balance' patch)

    > >

    > > -**current build variations included**-

    > >

    > >

    > > -Bad Design Can Not Be Balanced-

    > > **Redesign Is The Only Way**


    > I cringe at some of the play by the opponents in that video to be honest.


    > That last reaper may actually take the spot for the single worst reaper I've ever seen.


    i never blame players but the profession itself. Thief Profession Toxic Design is to be blamed because a non-condition base profession shouldn't never outperform a pure condition base profession...reaper or not...Necromancer Profession is its base core.


    it is like putting a bicycle against a motorcycle and having it outperform the motorcycle speed.....that would be unheard in a competitive scenery but in the world of Guild Wars 2 '_competitive_' scenery, Everything is true=possible!!






    -Necromancer Should Be The Strongest Condition Damage Dealer Profession In The Game Because That Is Their Root Core!!!!-


    Nor Thief, Elementalist, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer Profession should ever be capable to resist their conditions


    **Guardian/Monk being the only Profession who is capable of cleaning all of Necromancer Professions conditions and Mesmer being the only Profession having the power to stop Necromancer conditions from ever casting**


    **Restore Condition**

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/3sV1SIf.jpg "")

    'Removes all conditions. Removal effect: heals for 10...58...70 for each condition removed.'





    ![](https://i.imgur.com/Xi2oNQo.jpg "")

    'You can use this skill as an interrupt, since any skill being activated by the target when he is blacked out will fail at the end of the skill's activation time'




  15. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > first: i play ranger not mesmer.

    > second: mesmer are just food and a legit free kill in 2vs2 or conquest !!

    > third: kitten what to buff but pls buff the class is dead !!!!! (listen to the players)


    listen to players?? how about returning Mesmer Profession identity back to they are supposed to be without the Toxic Bad Design and without being a Toxic killing machine??



  16. > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > As much as I hate siege (which as someone who does smallscale really is a lot). This is a silly complaint, the condis from siege do extremely little, even the mortars burning can safely be ignored until it reaches 20+ stacks.


    > Siege almost only does power dmg


    the point is, siege damages has always been excessive....no matter if its by power or condition


    (while Toxicity continues its comfort and its lavish freedom in Guild Wars 2 balance, Amazon Gaming Studio is considering Open World Pvp for New World after listening to feedbacks from players wanting competitiveness)




    **It's a healthy competitive industry, without Guild Wars 2 Toxicity......i hope all goes well for them including the new-potential others**

  17. > @"hayabusafmw.9370" said:

    > Love the balance of things. 1 hit from canon got me today at 10 stacks of bleeding. Someone else hit me with something and got me with 20 stacks in 1 single hit :)


    > Looks good to me.




    once again, until serious action are taken to change Guild Wars 2 Toxic balancing direction; nothing will ever change


    8 years of repetitive un-Learn Lesson continues, **'Serious Action Get The Job Done At Its Core!!**



  18. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > WvW community: *"Bunkers are too strong now, we cant counter them!"*


    > Also WvW community: *"Poison is too effective at countering bunkers, nerf it!"*


    > *triple facepalm*


    Guild Wars 2 balance revolves in 3 cycles


    1. Bunker, Power, Condition


    can not blame the community especially when this is how the game balance itself instead of tackling each root cores to finally put an end to their Toxic cycles once after all


    -what the reset balance did was married both Toxic cycles together resulting with more dangerous Toxicity-




    what is crawling up next to the dualtatility Toxic cycle is Power....resulting in triple Toxic Cycles married all together which will put end to Guild Wars 2


    Trinity Toxic Cycles all working together at the same time(Condition+Bunker+Power) is the worst mistake to take place in Guild Wars 2 balance history that will only result in no point of return for Guild Wars 2


    ---Expect excessive drops in Ncsoft next quarterlies earnings with excessive population drop---

  19. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > They should just tie pips to _doing_ things. Killed an enemy player? 1 pip (on a cooldown, perhaps 30 seconds). Escort a dolyak? 1 pip. Successfully defend a structure? 1 pip. Capture a camp? 2 pips. Capture a tower? 4 pips. Capture a keep? 6 pips. I'm not entirely sure why pips _need_ to be tied to a 5-minute cycle. We're not trying to participate in some form of pve meta event.

    > >

    > > ~ Kovu


    > That would create more KTrains.


    i agree with Kovu here. There's really no win-win in this

  20. > @"Rickster.8752" said:

    > Stealth is oppressive to the game and needs some sort of trade off.


    > Ideas:

    > - Movement and endurance-gain is 30% slower in stealth

    > - Power is reduced by 400-500 when in stealth and for 3 seconds after coming out of stealth (to stop stealth 1-shots)

    > - Once you come out of stealth you cannot re-stealth for another 20 seconds

    > - Players are removed from stealth when another player is within 600 range of them

    > - Skills do not recharge whilst stealthed


    > I am sure others have ideas. Stealth needs to come with trade offs and there needs to be counter-play available to stealth-ed characters.




  21. **Ranger Profession Pet**




    'A pet automatically evolves as it levels up, and its specific evolution depends on the kind of fighting it gains experience from. Average evolutions go from Unevolved to Elder, but pets usually evolve from the defensive Playful to Hearty or from the offensive Aggressive to Dire. The easiest way to get a pet of the desired evolution is to unlock all possible evolutions by death leveling the animal in the Zaishen Menagerie Grounds.'




    Give Guild Wars 2 Ranger Pets the ability to evolve as its predecessor than we call it fair and square??

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