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Posts posted by Burnfall.9573

  1. > @"Anput.4620" said:



    > I also, think that pressing F should just "outskill" anyone without stability and a billion defenses because you should lose a fight even if you "kill" them 3 times.


    > A+ Design choices game of the year.


    > I downed them 1 time before the recording started btw, 3 times total, there is literally no way downstate ever not benefits the group with more poeple and it has no place in any competitive mode in it's current iteration period. With the new balance patch we really need to rework downstate as finishing poeple with cleave will be even harder then. You can't possibly seriously defend crutch mechanics like these.


    that was entertaining and well played on all opponents alike. To be honest, as much i've been against downstate....i've now reconsider it as being a fair system. It is not fair to the opponent attempting to finish the kill but it is fair in giving the other opponent a fair chance to fight back,


    **Afterall, that is what healthy competition is; giving other opponent(s) a fair chance to fight back.**


    Not giving opponent(s) a Toxic design mechanic, skills that will guarantee a secure kill no matter what; like Toxic Bad Design Thief Profession, Toxic Stealth mechanic for all professions, Toxic +1 shooting skills


    Alhought the Ranger Profession player was heavily focused on making the kill, there were no evidence of downstate being Toxic in the video so in conclusion; i give downsate a +1


    Downstate is not Toxic after all

  2. > @"Imperious.4298" said:

    > I don't think nerfing or removing stealth for thieves overall would be the solution, otherwise you'd have other stealth users coming up and ruining stuff too, **not to mention it would be unfair for a class built around the use of stealth have it robbed from them but not for others**. (Ranger w/ Longbow 3, Mesmers, Scrappers, etc).


    > Not to mention there are times where stealth is useless, even as a DE, some keeps/towers with scouting can screw your stealth up, even with your Elite skill.




    Agree, that is why i ask for stealth to completely be removed from the game including all other professions


    **Healthy Competitiveness Requires Fairness To All**


    Excuses, Exceptions And Trade Offs Are The Reason Why This Game Balance Remains A Big Joke


    That is why Thief Profession Toxicity never goes away, there's always something else that remains intentionally unresolved


    -Instead of redesigning Thief Profession for the better end, let's pretend it's something else


    -**Instead of removing root cause problems indefinitely; let's leave it and focus on something else.......it'll go away**


    The next upcoming patch must remove all root cause problems from all professions alike




    ![](https://i.imgur.com/fhoAtAk.jpg "")


  3. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > Server lag? Random Disconnects? seems like it's working as intended




    as you already know; this is nothing new with the game. Poor servers are the oldest and longest unresolved problems in the game. It has also helped contributed in negatively affecting the game population and Ncsoft Financial Earnings- and we are all talking about everything else being at fault for it lol


    I can play 3 server hungry games at once on a 2,000 mbps internet without having any crashing, lags or disconnects whatsoever...except Guild Wars 2.


    I would even dedicate running Guild Wars 2 alone without anything running in the background and yet having the same disconnects, leggings, Conclusion; Guild Wars 2 servers just can't even handle the speed; not on my end, not my problem, not our problem


    As any other ongoing repetitive unresolved problems, everything is working as intended


    Playing Final Fantasy 14 fluidly at the moment with the new players whom i attempted to help due to Guild Wars 2 Toxic servers

  4. what i don't get is, what is all the talks of 'trade off'? Does everything requires 'trade off'? Hey, life is not fair and same goes for changes. Not every changes requires everything in return...it's just is


    **Not everything you lose is replaceable**


    At the moment; all professions need hard nerfs with no exceptions including Thief Profession needing the most out of it than the other professions. Toxic mechanics- skills need to be either completely removed with no trade off or to be completely redesigned with healthy competitive fairness design


    Nerf is Nerf


    Toxicity can not be negotiated, it is what it is


    Bad Design is Bad Design


    Gimmick is Gimmick-Clown Fiesta is what it is


    Remove and Nothing else to it


    Simple as that!!

  5. > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

    > I think the people who "Balance" GW2 have officially confirmed they have no idea how to balance their own game and should just copy what they did in gw1 from the ground up, It is to this day one of, if not, my favourite Online games where Builds of all kinds work, you don't rely on stats for everything. You could play how you wanted and not have entire skill lines reworked (sans the one dervish Flash enchantment rework) which kills a profession.


    > I have No qualms in stating: This game's Balance in all modes is so Insane that whoever thinks this is "balanced" has no idea how to balance a game.


    the founders of guild wars who tried to keep Guild Wars 1 vision alive no longer works for Anet. In other word; Hope is long gone

  6. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:


    > > I'm sure the Op is skilled but it is Stealth that is badly designed in this game that make it look like the Op wasn't trying hard enough

    > >

    > > -its just more reasons why they make fun of guild wars 2 and it isn't the Op fault for being given a gimmick design profession.



    > No he isn't.

    > He was panic spamming Stealth combo while revealed at some points of the video.




    the Op could've posted this in Thief Profession own sub-thread but didn't. I am not defending a badly design stealth mechanic but is defending the Op for attempting to play his/her profession of choice at the moment which is Thief Profession at his/her comfort. Panic or not; spamming a broken mechanic or not, it is his/her first video, what matters is the Op posted his/her video here as an attempt to showcase his/her gameplay. Also for trying, failing and learning again....that's all there is to it


    As i always said, my issue is not with Thief Profession players but with their designs, Yasai, i also do not blame anyone for playing a Toxic design profession because it is not their fault and never will. Anet are the ones who are fully responsible for Thief Profession unhealthy influence and its negative impact in the game; not the players.


    In conclusion; Yasai I support and stand by the Op and give him/her credit


    -Good Job! Ciciax-


  7. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

    > > LOL...**_abusing_** mechanics in the game that are legitimately there to use -- good one.


    > Abuse doesn't have to be illegitimate.


    > Abuse means wanton and excessive usage to the point of unhealthiness.


    > Stealth in this game is notorious for being extremely hard to deal with and a 14 minute long video with nothing but Stealth spam just drives this point home.


    > No need to be snide about it, it's no secret that no one likes Stealth, no one likes to play against Stealth and Stealth honestly needs to be toned way down.


    > Videos like these are just proof of the matter since OP is obviously extremely unskilled at Thief and only got away with it due to the excessive Stealth application.


    I'm sure the Op is skilled but it is Stealth that is badly designed in this game that make it look like the Op wasn't trying hard enough


    -its just more reasons why they make fun of guild wars 2 and it isn't the Op fault for being given a gimmick design profession.


  8. > @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

    > > > > What a joke.

    > > >

    > > > here's another joke that will continue after the patch

    > > > (as always, not attacking Thief Profession players but attacking Thief Profession Toxic design)

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > -no amount of 'nerfing' will fix this profession until it is completely redesigned -

    > > >

    > > > **In Fact, the next upcoming patch will force them to use their conditions more**

    > >

    > > I take it you haven’t actually watched the video...

    > >

    > > Lmao..


    > redesign for thief and mesmer at this point.


    Mesmer Profession needs its identity back by returning to its original self in Guild Wars 1. Thief Profession is in need to be either redesign or have itself completely removed for the health of the game


    9 years is way overdue really and nerfing them will never work.


    seriously, (it is like throwing a small cup of water at a large fire for 8 years and thinking that it will go away)


    **IT WON'T!!**

  9. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > > > > I think problem with thieves and stealth overall it’s broken due bugs and exploits being used, if that gets resolved stealth gets fixed.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > +1

    > > > > > > Exactly this.

    > > > > > > I also want to mention; this is the exactly reason why original Anet did not implement them in Guild Wars 1

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Exploits and bugs like what? State your case.

    > > > >

    > > > > I would like to mention them but Anet will immediately remove my post. I would like to also mention; if only Anet kept the original Anet visions of Guild Wars 1; none of this would've been happening. In fact; we would be in a place of throwing ideas of what would make Guild Wars 2 greater

    > > > >

    > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/U7AAisT.jpg "")

    > > >

    > > > Sounds more like an unjustified argument tbh. A lot of people are quick to say that thief stealth is broken because of exploits and bugs, but nobody seems to want to actually name them when challenged, and most people that say this also don't seem to actually play thief themselves so it makes me wonder if they even could point it out. If it's a genuine exploit or bug, submit a report and get it fixed. If it's just you not liking or understanding how something works, you probably need to just accept it and move on.

    > >

    > > Thief Profession exploits has been **posted on the forums numerous times including myself**. To be honest; there are no such things as genuine exploit or genuine bugs. If Anet is quickly ready to throw it under the rug and or ready to punish anyone for exposing it....how is it genuine?

    > >

    > > . Falsifying The Truth is Covering Up The Truth

    > >

    > > For the record; 'it is not about me not liking or not understanding how something works'; which I clearly do....it is about Anet intention of continually allowing it to happen by throwing it under the rug and stating that they they care about us

    > >

    > > Their action speaks to everyone including myself

    > >

    > > Everyone Deserve Truth.........No one deserve Half-Truth....... Nor Falsifying Truth

    > >

    > > Accept It Or Not!!

    > >

    > > Truth is Truth And That's That!!

    > >

    > > (Jugglemonkey, you and I have been here long enough and we know better than that)


    > You and one or two other of your accounts posting the same chopped up and way out of date videos isn't some scandalous smoking gun of thief exploits.


    i have no one or two other accounts. If you have been in the game long enough; you would know of Thief Profession exploits.( it doesn't take long to know it and to see it being happening openly) In fact; few minutes ago, i just finished helping a player (Thief) with a living world story because she kept dying. She's been in the game in about 1 year and had told me that other Thief Players used stealth and teleport exploits to finish the story she was struggling with. Like other Thief Profession players who doesn't believe in cheating including herself; (although that is what stealth and teleport design in the game function as)...anyhow. I finally was able to take some time to help her.


    The whole point to this is; Thief Profession design is Toxic because it can be exploitable and Anet know it and allows it to continue for years. Every posts of Thief Profession exploits in the forum posts are take down and thrown under the carpet.


    In fact: PvP is clearly evidence of it. 8 years of reports of players of all professions has openly reported it to Anet and all result in Nothingless.


    And many of those players who reports those exploits are punished so what else is left to do? (see>Ncsoft 2019 Financial Report) They leave and spread the news that Exploits are permissible by design in Guild Wars 2 and that they were punished for doing the right thing.


    That is why i contest Thief Profession to be completely redesign because everything about their core design are exploitable and are Toxic. If that can not be done; than the only option left is to remove them completely alongside with their Toxic elements from the game.


    ((there are evidence why Toxicity is kept on a leech in Guild Wars 1))


    see>> Guild Wars 2: Thief Profession


    (-once again; i have absolutely nothing against Thief Profession players (see all my posts) but in their core designs-)



    --Thief Profession Need To Be Seriously Dealt With Or Be Completely Removed From The Game!!--




    by the way, PvP, PvE, Mesmer, Ranger, Necromancer, Elementalist and Warrior were not Toxic until Thief Profession came to Guild Wars


    Their Toxic Design Ruined Everything For Everyone!



  10. > @"Anput.4620" said:

    > Why all the crying about DE when there is a profession that can do the same thing to your healthbar except unlike DE it has followup right after if they fail and infinitely more defenses/invuls.




    remove stealth entirely from the game is the only solution and Anet know it


    (during the meantime, i will make preparation for Amazon's New World game which will encouperate guild wars 2 wvw archetype game play (thanks to former guild wars personals ) )


    This patch is my last straw and Anet must prove to their player base if they're serious about resolving our overdue concerns or not. Also, i want to add; all the gimmicks need to go to the trash as well...it's becoming too much of a child play game.


    Lastly, all rest in Anet's hand:

    -To Care For Once Or We Are Done For Good!!-



  11. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > We had 6 years of pve balance.


    > But don't get me wrong. I do agree that it is likely this patch will make things worse and there may not be enough patience for the player base to handle it. But we're long past the point of no return-- any effort to have made this game mode sustainable required decisions made years ago. It's like telling a dying person that has spent their whole life neglecting their health that they should have exercised more and eaten healthier. At this point, any solution will not be comfortable or pretty, nor do we have the luxury of such either. There is nothing left to cling on at this point; it either works or we finally just move to another game.


    > Basically we shouldn't even be here having this conversation. But here we are.



    ArchonWing; Great example...quite true....You said it perfectly


    This patch will be indefinitely the last straw for me, To stay or to finally just leave for good


    I am willing to give Anet the benefit of the doubt to get this game back on the right track

  12. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > So what? many games have skills and traits that are changed many times over time to fit with new mechanics in the game. Especially when expansions are launched with new classes. You seem to forgot during those "6" years there were two expansions and 19 more specs added to the game on top of the original 8, with power creep of boons, conditions, gear, and stats, and a lot of outliner stuff were allowed to stay around for long periods of time. Each expansion destroyed the balance before it, a giant example was stability.


    > You're right, this isn't a balance patch, this is a reset patch, lowering most damage down 30% and reducing problem support skills and traits, from there on balance will happen on a faster cadence than previously.


    > If you don't think terrible power creep and balance didn't play a part in chasing people away from wvw you're deluding yourself.




    XenesisII and others speak the entire Truth- this is indeed a reset patch


    I completely agree

  13. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > I think problem with thieves and stealth overall it’s broken due bugs and exploits being used, if that gets resolved stealth gets fixed.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > +1

    > > Exactly this.

    > > I also want to mention; this is the exactly reason why original Anet did not implement them in Guild Wars 1


    > Exploits and bugs like what? State your case.


    I would like to mention them but Anet will immediately remove my post. I would like to also mention; if only Anet kept the original Anet visions of Guild Wars 1; none of this would've been happening. In fact; we would be in a place of throwing ideas of what would make Guild Wars 2 greater


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/U7AAisT.jpg "")



  14. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > I think problem with thieves and stealth overall it’s broken due bugs and exploits being used, if that gets resolved stealth gets fixed.





    Exactly this.

    I also want to mention; this is the exactly reason why original Anet did not implement them in Guild Wars 1

  15. > @"Dralor.3701" said:

    > This isn’t solely a thief issue. Mesmer is just as unfun to play against, granted they can’t invis for as long.


    > Both professions need some tweaking but I don’t think most people understand the concept of fun game design.


    'I had no special training at all; I am completely self taught.

    I don’t fit the mold of a visual arts designer or a graphic designer.

    I just had a strong concept about what a game designer is.

    Someone who designs projects to make people happy.

    That’s a game designer’s purpose.'


    -Toru Iwatani,

    Creator of Pac-Man

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