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Posts posted by Milan.9035

  1. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > I'm not here to argue that SB isn't good or how wide the good/bad gap is. I've already said it's not a good weapon and I think it needs to be improved ... and I have no doubt that even if it takes years, changes are made. Therefore, there isn't any real value in just expressing how bad something is. My whole point is that the OP thinks he's doing some massive service for us by simply pointing this obvious fact out in his sensational, sarcastic manner. As a community, we need to demand more of ourselves if we expect Anet to take us seriously. Honestly, how does an Anet dev come to the forum and read this thread (and many others like it) and think they are getting good value for their time? Threads like this are a major disservice to anyone who cares enough to make thoughtful feedback. It's like adding a drop of the most pure water to a cesspool. Frankly, the OP doesn't care about the class enough to do this. He cares enough about making himself cool by making jokes though ... real helpful.


    > I'm ticked off that people who seemingly care don't take the effort to give good feedback and CONTRIBUTE to threads such as this. Do yourselves a favour ... ignore this thread and post thoughtful ideas here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20380/how-can-the-shortbow-be-improved#latest



    Hahaha, this dude is funny



    Anyways there is too much wrong with renegade. This is a aspec that should have been stopped at the brainstorming session. Now its too late to make it useable in pvp or wvw. Lets move on.

  2. > @"Pimsley.3681" said:

    > Being able to play the new profession, Revenant was the main reason I bought the HoT expansion. Im sure that I wasn’t the only one. Now they seemed to have dumped the profession entirely, like an unwanted mistress/girlfriend.


    Same boat as you. The expansion for me was just the helmet from renegade. The rest i didnt enjoy, pve or pvp.

  3. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"Milan.9035" said:

    > > this was good and glad you did it. but i just want to understand something. is spvp not part of the expansion? i know you said it not linked to expansion releases, does that mean like dont expect anything at expansion releases for spvp?


    > We generally don't tie our releases to expansions. Because we generally don't gate much of the content around expansions, we prefer to avoid the confusion and ship new features/content on our own schedule.


    thats actually a good idea........ wish the POF specs were not in pvp.

  4. > @narcx.3570 said:

    > > @Buran.3796 said:

    > > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

    > > > In game: Wow they changed the offhand sword skills. Sword 4 so good.

    > > > Forums: sword offhand ruined revert now!

    > > >

    > > > It really makes you think doesn't it Kiff.

    > >

    > > For PvP in a conformed team the shield is better; for PvP and roaming going solo the axe seems better; for PvE aa s #1 is enough. I'm playing all the Season 9 with sword + axe. What ANet achieved with the change was to rekt the defensive options for core Rev and Renegade, but at the end of the day you are right: Herald is what's played in PvP so no one cares if Rev/Renegade are now in a worse stance.


    > I gotta disagree with that... Shield is borderline useless in the current meta for team fights. When's the last time that you haven't been facing a team with 2 scourges + a smattering of other prof's with unblockable attacks? It's still okay for holding a point to decap or in a few one v one's matchups like FB or non-s/d Thief, but the amount of plays you can make with it vs the number that you can make with oh sword's damage spike isn't even close.


    > Axe is still... Okay. Axe was a really good choice compared to shield I think, but there isn't much that axe can do that sword doesn't do better. Frigid Blitz is really good against guardians, and Rift's great for disengaging or making multiple people waste an evade, but that's about it.


    100% agree with this. Sword is just way better. The damage is too big to ignore. The root can really fuck up thieves. The teleport while short range i find better than axe because even if target is too far it will still port you and then shiro port and boom thats long range. Plus when it crits and hits, rare i know, but the damage is funny.

  5. > @Xibalbar.7459 said:

    > > @Rednaxela.6018 said:

    > > Well about risk-reward relation, fresh air weaver is completely fine.

    > >

    > > Just watch this and tell me weaver is useless.

    > > Btw those enemies aren't Gold plebs.


    > How your weaver fits in any high challenging pvp-match? There is no role you can fill like other classes doing it better. And the fresh air weaver spec will be cutted soon enough, just because of to much mulitple skills can be used in same time.


    > And i wants to see you in a match mirage is sitting on you. Let us see your rank if you did 200 matches on fresh weaver and not 30, we will see how great it worked for you.


    That dude got lots of videos on YouTube. I am sure he iss plat.

  6. > @otto.5684 said:

    > > @Milan.9035 said:

    > > I am sorry but the meta is not condi no matter how much you say it. 2 class doing condi is not meta.

    > >

    > > If you remove mesmer and necro complety from the game do you think there would be any condi builds in the meta?


    > Considering that 1-2 scourges are guranteed on every team and mirages are very abundant, I will strongly disagree.


    Then those 2 classes are the problem. Why didn't you answer the second part.

  7. > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > No when you say "condi needs to be nerfed" what you mean is "scourge and mirage need to be nerfed"





    Yup thats what pisses me off. Condi is fine and the damage it does is fine. Think about if like ranger longbow autoattack crit for 10k every time. Would that be op or would we need to nerf all power damage?


    Why are you not using condi rev as an example of how op condi is? Or condi engi? Or condi ele? Condi warrior? Condi ranger?


    Scourges and mesmers thats the problem. Fix them.

  8. We could have both. I love the new sword. People asking for block back are crazy. Never used sword before this change. Axe and shield were better. Now yes i loved and used equilibrium all the time so having that plus sword would be awesome.


    But i think you just cant have it back. The burst would be insane. Sword 4 then swap then staff5 i dont think anything has the hp not to be dead from that.


    Rev is great now better than before. Problem is scourge and mesmers once they come down from god mode you will see rev explode on the scene

  9. fix scourges asap. this is how you start a season anet after that insane thing you did last season. why not simply disable pvp if you want people not to play pvp. or make it class restrictive?


    god i just did another match, i have so much hate for you anet right now. i think i am done with your "pvp". gonna go buy for honor its on sale and i hear its complete garbage but that means its million times better than this.

  10. The sword changes were good. Invocation is good too. But yea renegade still is garbage.


    I thought sword is no good until i tryed it. Its the best off hand hands down. Not because of design but because od the crazy damage it does. Last night in spvp i was hitting people for 10k with it with the same old power herald build.


    But anet really needa to do something about renegade. Its only good in pve as a number booster. Shortbow still sucks. F2 f3 f4 still suck. Kalla still sucks.

  11. "Why didn’t we restrict duo queue all-together? We didn’t want to remove this option for everyone, when the problem we are trying to solve exists within a tiny fraction of the player base."


    i dont understand this part. are you saying that people duo queuing is tiny fraction of the player base or is the solo players?

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