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Posts posted by Milan.9035

  1. > @"misterman.1530" said:

    > Does the Engi skill Magnet ignore Stab altogether? Its skill description says it's "unblockable". I know I've popped stab, and been immediately pulled off of walls, so am wondering.


    Its unblockable meaning it can't be blocked bit its definitely negated by stability.


    Thief basilisk venom is also unblockable bit it tends to land because thieves use it with steal, so the steal lands because basilisk makes it unblockable then it steals your stab and stuns you.

  2. I just recently switched from holo and rev to play almost exclusively necro and i love it. I feel that reaper is better than scourge but scourge is not bad at all. When i got a good firebrand scourge is the way to go. Problem now is solo as scourge cause you got a lot of deadeye, mesmsers, revs, spellbreakers and holo that are all high burst and everyone knows target necro first so makes the start of a fight hard for necro. But you can just los at the start and wait for someone to port on you then gs 4 on them and just annihilate them.


    I am plat this season if wondering.

  3. > @"Arioch.4810" said:

    > Comparing skills across classes in this manner is not a good idea: Each is balanced around entire profession's kit.

    > Each profession has strong/weak points, it's logical (for me) to have diversity - so skills that have similar mechanic or function should vary greatly across professions.


    Explain engineer.

  4. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"Milan.9035" said:

    > > I spend 95% of my time in pvp and since expansions and pvp releases are now seperate i really dont have the need to buy expansions. I mean i got pof but i am playing hot still since rev is my main and pof made no change.



    > You get new powers and weapons each expansion though


    Yes we got those in pof and they are not in a usable state. I am in the same place if i purchased pof or if i didnt. Thats why i will be waiting on the release then i will see if i maybe buy it. Or i may forget gw2 by that time. Not much to do now for me.

  5. > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > 900 Range electric scepter or 1200(1500)range electric staff imo. What about traps as our new utilities? Fits the techie engineer better than glyphs, signets, or mantras.


    I dont like scepter idea but a long range hard hitting electrical staff build with some mechanical electrical traps sounds really good to me.

  6. pve players want duo right they are always in partys, raid and fractals. anyways i cant believe people are still talking about this.


    how can you have a 5v5 game that allows duo and then giving rating to each person. its either all solo or 5 man teams. choose! or right we can already do that. ranked and at. want to play with friends go play unranked or at. you dont need every game mode to be made for you.

  7. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > Yes, it's very odd to have a solo Q restriction on an MMO where the only ranked mode is 5v5.


    > [https://imgur.com/a/Oqqs5vG](https://imgur.com/a/Oqqs5vG "https://imgur.com/a/Oqqs5vG")



    It would be very strange to have an mmo where 5v5 ranked is played and the biggest team in 2 players and the leaderboard isindividual rank.


    It has to be either solo with personal rating like we have now or 5v5 with 5 man teams and the team gets the rank. Having anything in between makes no sense for anything competitive.

  8. Agreed that dh is not better then those you mentioned but for sure i can win as dh vs those. Its never top player vs top player. You can take you average gold hero and put him on dh and he will be much better for the team than a condi herald.


    I mean i cant believe we are even talking about this.

  9. > @"narcx.3570" said:

    > > @"otto.5684" said:


    > > Do not even attempt anything else. I play condi herald in sPvP and it is not even viable. Core condi guardian and condi ranger work better and I did not even list them as viable builds. And renegade is a straight down grade over herald.


    > Condi Herald is just as viable as a lot of those classes that you listed, DH/Scrapper/Reaper/Condi Ranger.


    > It's probably most similar to DH tho, both are team fighters that have strong point control and are both completely shut down by Scourge/Supp FB. I would argue CondiHerald's actually prolly better than DH at this point tho since you can at least Boonstrip bomb kill targets and have more healing potential when focused.


    funny dude, you really see a condi herald in pvp? like even one? i seen plenty of DH. be serious.


    renegade is bad i hope someone lost their job when it was shown to the boss.

  10. > @"Jannie.2975" said:

    > I was playing Power in PvP and I felt so overwhelmed. I changed my build to Condition and since then I have to work much less for my victories. I personally believe that with just a few exceptions, anybody who plays Power based is shooting himself into his foot. Condition builds are superior to Power builds and that by far. Power builds are like Condition builds with their conditions being removed, well, almost. I have come to my conclusion, whatever you want to play, see if you can play it with a condition build first.


    I tryed what you said and didnt work at all. Condi rev is gabage. So i got in my engi and same thing, didnt work at all. Then got on my ele and tryed, didn't work either. Got in my warrior and same thing, not as good as power. Then tryed guard and same results, power was better. Ranger was okish but power was still better. Thief was not bad but most of the time i had much better results with power. But man its a huge difference with mesmer and necro, so much better on condi. You are right, nerf condi.

  11. I have been againt and with both bry and jay amd i have to say you are both good and healthy for the rev community. I do agree rev damage is on the high side butmost classes are right now.


    Also if you power rev and you lose 1v1 to a guard, holo, or warrior then i dont know what to say. But please no nerfs. Do some other stuff to rev please. Buff shield. Make it a condi cleanse offhand and that would make it a viable weapon amd would reduce damage.


    I can spare some damage for survival.

  12. isnt it very insulting that there is a condi renegade build as an option. are the for real? do they want me to try playing that, if someone see me with a shortbow they will flame me and afk the match.

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