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Posts posted by Milan.9035

  1. > @"SirTomato.3627" said:

    > You can still reach platinum with condi revenant. Everything viable til plat 2 and 3


    > I reach Platinum1 just by playing condi herald (proof - [https://i.imgur.com/BdRweJU.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/BdRweJU.jpg "https://i.imgur.com/BdRweJU.jpg") ) maybe if you skilled enough, you can go further.


    > Most of the time you rely on teammates and can't 1v1 most of meta builds. But if still do tons of damage and you can hold point pretty long time.


    > If they will fix "Pulsating Pestilence", condi rev will have potential to become close to meta. Just imagine, you remove 5 conditions every 10s, 3 of which will be transferred on enemy in melee zone. Plus do not forget staff 4.



    I tested pulsating pestilence in the mist and one game and workes fine for me.

  2. today i log in to play and looks normal. get a ranked game but there is only 4 of us. game starts and while running i see none of my skills work so my guess some big lag, my end was fine. then i get dc to character screen. i load character again. puts me into the mist and i wait there saying match in progress at the top. so i waited then all of a sudden it started loading the pvp map and puts me in game with all players there . score is 460 to like 10. so yes in 10 sec we lose and then i get -12 points and 15 min penalty. wtf...... great system you got here anet

  3. Pulsating Pestilence: This trait now transfers, instead of copying, up to 3 conditions from the player to nearby enemies when swapping legends


    This looks quite strong. Maybe a condi herald might return to pvp. With cleansing sigil you could remove 5 condi every time you swap legends. Have to try this out.

  4. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > Dawn Wulven.1485


    > Next will be a Norn Elite spec:

    > Turai Ossa - GS https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Turai_Ossa wich IMO should HAD BEEN the PoF elite rather than the charr.

    > Eir Stegalkin - Longbow (i dont onw pof, so i dont recall for sure wich is short or LB is from PoF campain elite spec).



    > I would prefer Turai IMO, and Turai is already late...



    I like this. I never played gw1 nor do i have interest in the lore. But i lile this. Make it happen.

  5. The shortbow skills are just awful. Lets take a look...


    1 is quite good. A really nice hybrid attack, should be torment instead of bleeding but oh well its not bad.


    2 is cool idea. Portals from back and sides ooen and hit the target. Sounds like it would be very hard to avoid. Even los cant stop that. But then the actual can be avoided by simply walking casually. So completely useless in anything other than stationary target.


    3 seven shot. Cool idea. Terrible execution. Enough has been said about this and nothing has been done.


    4 another major problem skill. Long cast time and long time to get the skill on the ground and on top of that cant cast it behind you and will be cancelled if you happen to look away from you target. Look cool though....


    5 almost a perfect skill. Cast time feels a bit slow or the projectile speed. The againt we can get an error saying you are not facing the target and will never auto face target like the auto attack..


    What i do love about the renegade is the art and animations. Thats about it. If this was a single player game it would be fine.


    What i imagined renegade as before the release announcement was a fast paced mid range condi class. Short bow similar to thief. But with the use of portals for mobility. And maybe a copy of mesmer portal for a utility to open other classes to that role.


    But we got what we got.

  6. WOW, just wow.


    i tried a few different variations. but even my best is not close to any other bad class. but the hate and abuse from other players is really what made this so bad. i had to turn off chat to be able to play.


    it amazes me that renegade was released same time as mirage, scourge, firebrand, holo, and the rest. even like core specs are better than renegade.


    did one dev bring spend like 3 months making holosmith then an afternoon making renegade.

  7. Razorclaw's Rage: Increased the bleeding duration from 2 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP and WvW.


    Please anet explain this buff to me. Its for pvp and wvw. Is kala used at in those modes? Do you consider it almost perfect in those modes that you put this little buff in just to nudge it into playable? Why 2 extra seconds? Why not 4 or 6 or 20? You think if it was 20 seconds of bleed people would use kala in pvp and wvw? Do you think the spirit would live longer than 2 seconds in pvp or wvw? And have a fight where you stay within that small radius?


    This kind of stuff shows to me that you guy never even tryed this legend in pvp or wvw. I wish i was wrong. I wish i had a reason to finish chuka and champawat...


    Sorry for the rant... But this did help me.

  8. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > How dare you?


    > Renegades have purpose and uses in pvp, such as:


    > * Punching bag

    > * Target practice

    > * Being a dead weight for the team to carry (and thus grow stronger as a player....see Vegeta)

    > * Throwing matches legally

    > * beating all records for most useless spec in conquest

    > * Providing a good laugh for the other team

    > * Making bad revs quit rev, and ensuring Anet has a belief no one has interest in rev, subsequently ensuring they do not allocate resources to improve the spec

    > * A way to test your patience. Why play naked and with half your utilities, when you can prove skill by playing renegade?

    > * the list goes on for possible uses...


    I know this was a joke but i do this all the time. Really pisses people off, including me. But whatever. I think that is what pvp is right now. Its just whatever. No one cares.

  9. > @"SirTomato.3627" said:

    > > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

    > > They won’t want to admit they made a terrible spec and even if they did, they won’t commit the resources necessary to fixing the least played class.


    > Engineer is even less played than revenant (despite of holo existence), but still, Anet gave some attention to it.


    In pvp or wvw because thats for sure not true in pvp.

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Power herald has been meta since HoT release due to how broken hammer damage is. In WvW. I dont get it.


    Charr is the best looking race for rev......


    This topic is clearly about pve dps. So i dont know why you talking about wvw but whatever.

  11. > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > @"OriOri.8724" @"BlackBeard.2873"


    > If you think nerfing builds that are good is the right path you are only half right if the other options don't have fundamental issues which is why specific weapon sets are not used. Thief for example had S/D and D/P nerfed but no other weapon sets were buffed or changed at all. P/P will still be a cheese build highly dependent on Deadeyes tree, D/D will still be more or less useless, and P/D and P/S haven't been used in ages.


    > I am not against nerfing overperforming builds, but there are also underlying issues to a lot of weapon sets that need to be addressed. At this point it just seems Anet is forcing players to play sets they don't want to play.


    > Back to my car example. If you have two kitten tier cars and a high end car, stripping the high end car does not make the kitten tier cars more attractive because they were also modified to bring them in line, only because they destroyed the better option.


    > You can't just nerf stuff down without addressing issues as well. You need to do both.


    Your example is perfect. Its clearly what needs to happen. Drop the one high car to the "unatractive" level so they all on the same level.


    A question..... Do you think holo or scrapper engi is more fun than core?

  12. My main and still most games played is on engi but aftrr hot i slowly switch to revenant. Kind of a mistake haha. Went from second least popular to least popular.


    I miss engi, the real engi. Not these warrior like especs. I miss p/s triple kit condi engi. That was an amazing spec, fun and rewarding.

  13. This looks 100% accurate.


    Really renegade needs a complete redesign. I really hope someone got into a lot of trouble for this espec. But as far as getting that design forget about it.


    Look at engi, in hot they got a scrapper, a really crappy espec that was useless in raid bit good in pvp. And they never changed it. Now rev is in that position. I bet they are working on the next rev spec first this time and i bet its goona be cool. But i bet i wont be around to buy it. Pof as mich as its praised bt critics i find it worse than hot. Has nothing for me as a rev that plays pvp most of the time.

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