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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. lol Diversity.




    Picking the most gimmicky cc spammable builds you can find. Or rolling bunker condi.


    Difference from the previous metas does not equal diversity.


    People are just acting pleased about the patch right now because the season hasn't started yet. When it does you can bet you'll be seeing the same 3-4 builds over and over again all season, they just won't be the same builds we had last season.

  2. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > I already moved my legendary armor set to a necro. My mesmer is gone.


    Honestly I might do that for my ele or something. Lol


    I feel like the only thing I ever play in pve anymore is power chrono anyway.


  3. > @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

    > Is this a nerf renegade post? Has renegade finally made it?


    It should have made it a long time ago. But burst was high enough that you had classes to counter it.


    Now that damage is reduced bunker/condi bunker/support renegade is absolute cancer.


    I guess that's ultimately true for anything in this meta, go bunker cc spam condi if you want to be viable.


    It's just far worse on renegade than I have seen on any other build so far.

  4. Make sure to find the most gimmicky cc spamming build possible.


    Bonus points if you play ventari/khalia renegade running staff/hammer with spirits that take up 70% of a capture point. Cooldowns on spirits and tablet knockbacks? Not today!


    If you thought scourge was bad for dominating points, wait till you try out this bad boy! *slaps hood* Trade-offs? You won't find any trade-offs here! This modern marvel comes with endless stability, endless sustain, and full support for your entire team.





  5. OH. I almost forgot. Ventari revs. Along with that fight against the hammer spellbreaker there was a ventari rev using hammer. Ventari rev tablet knockbacks, along with hammer knockdowns, makes an entire point nearly inhabitable.

  6. With the recent castration of the core mechanic of mirage, is there a chance the utilities can be looked at and reworked to compensate? For as long as mirage has been "dominating" in pvp, the go to utilities for the spec have mostly been core utilities. The only one I ever see being used, outside of jaunt and maybe healing oasis, is Illusionary Ambush. Jaunt has already been nerfed multiple times, both with its range and charges I believe?


    We have a shadowstep that has to be casted, and I can't find any reason to use this ability in any game mode.


    We have an aoe that summons one mirror and adds does pretty much nothing outside of adding a stack of confusion. (Isn't even an ethereal combat field that could at least be comboed with axe 2's whirl finisher, assuming it hasn't been removed for being overpowered by now.)


    We have an evade that summons a mirror, and this is one ability that might be fine as it is, as it least still has some use and can make the playstyle slightly more interesting.


    So, I get that the first and third abilities I mentioned were themed similarly to a thief, with the shadowstep and roll back abilities, but they just aren't worth taking and really haven't been in pvp for as long as the spec has been alive. What can be done to make these utilities good enough that mirage is worth considering again despite having its core mechanic gutted?


    If the problem is clone ambushes and infinite horizon spamming loads of conditions along with evading, is there a way to rework shatters on mirage so that they're actually built into the general theme of mirage? Say one shatter summons 3 clones, another shatter causes them to ambush?


    People complained relentlessly about mirage evade spamming, yet we're left after the patch with firebrands spamming aegis, cc, power and condi damage, and condi thieves that can 100-0 you with one well timed shadow step and still evade spam.



  7. It's pretty annoying now. I didn't realize they reduced the cooldowns but it's definitely noticeable. I had a hammer warrior cc'ing me every other ability one match, and I was on a weaver with very little access to stability. So we couldn't kill each other due to our builds, but it was just spammable cc.


    I've noticed a similar issue with firebrands though, especially axe 3.


    Other than that I haven't noticed anything too crazy. Holo is still annoying and there are a few that must have a macro or something because their hip shots seem to somehow act like tracking missles and target the second you teleport away or stealth. Faster than a normal person's reaction time. But that's beside the point.


    That warrior though was ridiculous. I know people don't really play hammer and it wasn't doing that much damage, but just imagining that amount of spammable cc from more than one person or completely locking down a support is crazy.

  8. > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > Your english is great! I didn't have a problem understanding you. Yeah I think FB needs to be toned down, but I think it will be hard for them to do it. FB is unique in the sense that it can transition from condi to healing and support. The tomes present a big problem imo.


    They'll just pull a mirage if people keep complaining and remove a tome or something. That'll fix it.

  9. There's really no reason to even play mirage at this point.

    Just play some chrono build or core power.


    With infinite horizons, you have to spam as many mirrors as possible just to get it to proc or you waste your ONE dodge.

    If you roll for condi cleanse on dodge, you waste your one dodge on condi cleanse.

    And I don't think anyone has ever used the third trait.


    In general it's just trash now.

  10. Mirage is trash now.


    But that's alright, because now we have Warrior and Firebrand running around with infinite health regen, blocks, and cc.


    Oh, and holo was barely touched.


    Just delete mesmer from the game at this point. People are never going to stop complaining about it.

  11. > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > It seems like a bad time to advertise an awesome gem store mount, when they're finally releasing a new mount skin awarded in-game. Odds are the Gem Store one is going to look far superior to the first earnable one.


    Probably but I’ve wanted that base cheetah skin for awhile now and didn’t want to buy the pack. It is kind of bad timing, but I’m still excited about unlocking the cheetah, even if it’s just the same one with a guild emblem.


    I also like the fact that they’ve listened to players and added an in game obtainable skin. I think it sets a new precedent and opens up the possibility that they could eventually provide these as rewards elsewhere.


    I think it is pretty bad timing in the sense that the great decision they made to do this will be met with disdain. They probably could have waited a bit to do this promo.


    Anyway, here’s to hoping there are more to come. Maybe a neat sky scale skin in the future. Or a charr car version of the roller beetle or something. Doubtful, but at least they’ve shown it’s a possibility.


  12. It doesn't really help all that much but I was just reading the plaque at ??? in Jahai Bluffs the other day, at the top near the chest. Well, the journal written by Khilbron addressing the king in regards to his motivation for causing the cataclysm.


    I was really just there out of boredom and wanted to read the poem again, but anyway.


    I was kind of expecting to get something involving the Foefire this Saga but I'm not sure that's going to happen. After we deal with Bangar I feel like there will be less of an opportunity, and I have a feeling we will be dealing with Bangar next episode. Well, next living story episode. I'm not sure what their format is now or if the next episode release will just be a vision, with the next half of a map coming out 2 months after that, but anyway.

  13. I would be interested to find out if Skorvald the Shattered and Viirastra have any connection to any of the ancient Tyrian races or how old they are in comparison the the Human Gods. Viiastra is just weird in general, but Skorvald always seemed like some ode to a Norse deity. With the Jotun being heavily into astronomy and originally being highly magically adept, I've always wondered if it was possible that they were Jotun that somehow wound up in the mists. Jotun before their civilization's fall, when they weren't such ugly mugs.


    It's probably cannon somewhere that Jotun and Norn aren't related in anyway, but I've always found it strange that current indications are that Norn are descendents of migrating Kodan. Especially when we have this race that looks far more typically humanoid. Then I again, I suppose somewhere in ancient history they could have all derived from the same beings.


    So many mysteries.

  14. I think one of the reasons they rarely add them is the complexity of the phasing. They'd have to have multiple models for the different phases.


    Honestly, as much as I would love a Shiverpeaks Forest/Arah(Not likely but one can dream) themed guild hall at some point, they should probably redesign the whole system first.


    I think they gave up on them during Heart of Thorns because of how poorly they were received and failed to continue expanding on them. They wanted them to become these grandiose community driven progression systems, and they failed because many guilds are small and don't have the gold/mats to constantly pump into them. Not to mention the scribing system is tedious and can be outrageously expensive.


    They need to:

    1. Make them less expensive to upgrade.

    2. Provide some more incentives for people not interested in decorating or hanging out in map chat or dueling in the arena, like somekind of guild mission invasion system where you can spawn bosses. Maybe even add a strike mission building where people can practice bosses/mechanics with guild members. Aerodrome golemn system would be nice in here as well.

    3. They need to revise the Scribing system so that it isn't insanely expensive to craft decorations, as its a niche passion among a select few within the game and the financial burden typically falls on individuals. They need to just remove the Aetherium/Construction blueprint device and timegate. It really doesn't add any value running over to this machine and clicking a few blue prints. There's no animation showing these things being made, it doesn't really make any sense to begin with, and it's not something that adds immersion to the experience. They also need to revise the recipes of these decorations. Sometimes you're crafting 50 planters/pots just to make a potted variant of a basic decoration? The whole system is needlessly convoluted, and I imagine that's why they've shifted over to selling decorations from vendors in Living Story episodes.

    4. Revisit the technical restrictions of decorations, i.e. the global and local caps. If these restrictions cannot be tweaked, then perhaps better decoration design would make that easier. Example - Instead of a player needing to craft pillows, chairs, couches, bookshelves, carpets - have one large decoration that has all of these as one mesh. Obviously that would be a lot of work though and they wouldn't be able to easily reuse existing assets. (Which they really aren't doing much of anyway.)

    5. I know a lot of people asked for smaller guild halls, which is probably part of the reasoning behind Windswept aside from just seeming rushed in general, but for me it wasn't the size of the guild hall that was overwhelming, it was the cost. The cost of upgrading and the cost of decorating. I've decorated, pretty expansively, three guild halls because it's something I really enjoy doing and a way that I enjoy expressing myself even if my guildmates don't normally care or see it that much, but it always saddens me to continue to see little investment put into this area of the game. Sure, more decorations with releases lately, and that's appreciated, but I just wonder why we don't get even more when there are sooo many assets already in the game between flora and structures that seemingly wouldn't be that difficult to convert to a decoration if they skipped the whole scribing recipe format.


    The undoubtedly have no resources for anything guild related at this point, but for Guild Halls especially they still have a lot of potential to make them more engaging and exciting. Same for guild missions and even adding missions for newer releases/expansions, as well as various missions for different activities i.e. races, adventures, strike missions, bounties, etc.


    I'm really surprised they haven't revisited this content for the potential that it has to become an easily monetized feature. When you think about how many existing assets they have in the game, they could add collision to some of those assets that don't have them, skip the scribe recipes, and sell decoration bundles on the gemstore. Half the time, decorating enthusiasts like me wind up converting gems to gold to afford to craft the decorations anyway, so why not skip the middle man and just make reasonably affordable bundles that save development time and player time.


    Ideally, I would love to have a completely sandbox style Guild Hall feature that lets a Guild leader or designated person, when claiming a plot of land, shape the terrain and environment how they want. Whether that's painting the land with a selection of different textures or simply plopping down some pre-built structures, or just choosing from pre-built terrain types. Choosing from a list of pre-built flora assets and ambience creatures, lighting settings.Then being able to place the structures where they want, including the waypoints. This is obviously a pretty monumental undertaking and would probably be better for something like player housing, but I've always loved games that implemented this (though I don't think I've ever played an mmo that did). I don't ever expect anything like this in Guild Wars 2, and while not knowing what they're working with or what resources they have can understand how unreasonable it sounds. But I'm just tossing it into the wind!



  15. Someone else wished that it would be cool to be an entrance to a new Guild Hall. I don't think that will happen, but it would be nice to have another option. (Hopefully I could move my Windswept Market kitties to that one!)


    That seems doubtful though. 1. It's so far North that I feel like they would have to expand the world map to compensate. Unless it's a long map where as the others are all fairly square. 2. I just don't think they would put any resources into a new guild hall at this point.


    I think it's likely that it could have been a scrapped light puzzle or a chest room that got shut off at some point, similar to how the Tarir meta is with its rooms that get unlocked.



  16. > @"Fundor.2098" said:

    > Is it truly so difficult, it's comparable to raids?

    > I've never done raids before (well, after a couple of epic failures after Vale Guardian was added to the game), but I'm quite interested in them nevertheless. Always expected them to be far out of my skill level though, and finding a group to learn them with has been too much of a hassle thanks to my irregular gaming times. Let me tell you, a three-shift work and a long-distance relationship make it impossible to attend literally anything regularly.

    > But after figuring out the strategy for the Whisper, the groups I've attended haven't failed a single run, despite there having been people who were new to it. A simple explanation of what is to come and what to keep an eye for, making sure at least a portion of the people are playing with team support focused builds, and everything goes smoothly!


    > Are the Strike Missions actually doing their job? If so, I'm even more grateful for them, than I was before!


    > Anyhow, your point numer 5, about a strike mission currency, the like of raid currencies, was a very good one.


    Aside from Grothmar I think the rest are pretty challenging, but it depends on whether you're going in with a group that has a comp designed for it. I haven't really bothered with them because the rewards aren't there for them, and without the neat immersive environment that raids provide there really isn't anything that interests me about them. But difficulty wise I think they're probably comparable to the few bosses I've killed in raids. It also feels like the area you fight in is much smaller than most of the raid bosses I've fought. So you have all of these markers and visual effects in a smaller area that makes it a little difficult sometimes to know how to position yourself.


    I'm sure with plenty of practice it could be better. The one whipsers kill I got I did in a group with three druids, me being one of them, so there were so many heals that people didn't die off as quickly. It can still get pretty messy though.


    I don't think the public version of Strike missions are ever successful though, outside of Grothmar. You really do need a decent comp of people running builds designed for the content, instead of whatever people run in open world. I.e. Whatever builds people are using against Drakkar that they hit like wet noodles and the timer runs out!

  17. This really doesn't have much to do with Revenants I guess but I found it interesting when I was looking up Jotun the other day.


    "The jotun do not have a traditional religion. Instead of gods or worship, they take their legends of the past almost to a religious level and look up to their ancestors, calling upon their aid and attempting to emulate them through their actions. There are also cases of jotun preferring to revere themselves. Similarly, the jotun hold a high reverence for their ancestral homelands and, as such, are territorial when other races pass through their land."

  18. Things based on the Chronomancer Utopia concept art, Razzah's armor. The rest of the gods outfits, like Kormir, Abaddon, and Melandru.


    The Envoy from gw1 that looked like Hel from Thor: Ragnarok.

    Multiple existing npc armor skins, like some of the awakened mobs, or the Grenth priest from the Arah dungeon.


    As far as weapons go, I'm not really sure! None of the last few black lion weapon sets have really appealed to me.


    Some anicent race armor could be cool. I.e. Seer, Dwarven, Jotun, etc.

  19. > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Given how the episode ended, speaking about the Charr having to pick sides and Andrew Gray’s message about episode 3 and 4 Meta being similar to WvW. I would imagine we will be seeing a charr civil war in the Blood Legion Homelands. Possibly with Bangar being defeated, licking his wounds and eventually running to Jormag to be corrupted.


    > I agree they're building up to a civil war of some kind, but I have a hard time coming up with a place/motivation for it that makes sense. Bangar is already the Imperator of Blood Legion, and the rank and file don't have much reason to revolt yet, so I don't see why they would be fighting in their own lands unless the other Legions are the aggressors. Maybe he declares himself Khan-Ur and tries to rally the footsoldiers of the other Legions to join him, so the remaining Charr from the other Legions... attack? I don't know, it doesn't really gel together for me. This seems like something Bangar might do, but I don't know if the other Legions would actually *invade* Blood territory over this, rather than simply try to keep a tighter grip on their soldiers and prepare their defenses while spreading their own propaganda.


    > We do have that unopened gate at the south end of Grothmar Valley though. Seems like they plan on introducing Sacnoth Valley and that's where the entrance will be. So I think it probably *will* be a fight in Blood Legion territory.


    > Either way, my big question about bringing in a Civil War subplot is how they advance the Jormag narrative at the same time. I have a hard time seeing them suddenly dropping this whole Jormag plot for two whole episodes while we fight Bangar's civil war. If there *is* going to be a civil war, it's because Jormag wants something from it, and I think it needs to be more specific than "chaos". I can't think of how a war in the Blood Legion homelands advances Jormag's agenda.


    > Edit: (Although come to think of it maybe Jormag just wants a Khan-Ur as its champion rather than just an Imperator and pushes Bangar to try for it.)


    > I think a big part of this is going to hinge on what the heck Bangar was *doing* in the Shiverpeaks this whole time, which we'll find out more about in this upcoming Vision of the Past with Darkrime Delves.


    Well they did abandon Kralk after killing Balthazar in Path of Fire, despite the power boost, to focus on Joko for three episodes. So it really wouldn't be unusual for them to focus solely on the Charr for two episodes, especially as they're technically just one season 4 episode delivered in two halves and at about the same combined cadence.


    With the cinematic we had at Pax, we saw the snowy mountains in the back and a Raven flying that led to images of a Charr city burning. I've always thought that was indicative of the Flame Legion, not Primordus. So with that, are we going to see an revolt of Flame Legion against Bangar? Or are we going to see Flame Legion acting with Bangar?


    I think they mentioned they were going to try to do something similar to the election they did with Ellen and Evon, so I imagine that will come into play for the election of a Khan-ur or something. Whether that's before Bangar leaves the plot and Bangar revolts, or after he dedicates himself solely to Jormag and they need a replacement I don't know. I suppose it could also just represent the Renegades instead of the Flame Legion.


    As far as Jormag's motivations go, Jormag works away at people's spirit. Tries to knock them down, encourages them to betray each other, tries to alienate them so that she can swoop in and save the day. Having a civil war, depleting forces and morale could make them more susceptible to her whispers. Could also force them to rely on her for a power boost to strike back. I really wouldn't be surprised to see this situation wind up looking initially poorly against Bangar's favor at first, with him leaning that much more into his dependence on Jormag.


  20. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > > His swimming in the Ice may have been from Mordremoth's magic being adjusted so Drakkar can become part of the ice itself similar to how Mordremoth became part of the Maguuma Jungle.

    > I would definitely disagree. Mordremoth "being the jungle" is a slight misnomer - Mordremoth wasn't the jungle, but rather "all of his corruption" and this was an attribute of his Mind domain, allowing his mind to traverse and inhabit anything he corrupted, which was living plants (via his Plant domain). This is vast different case of a physical body phasing through solid material.


    > > Not to mention the spawning of more Illusion beings (Green, blue, and Red) created by opening Rifts to bring the dead corrupted back which we know is most likely from Kralkatorrik due to him consuming Balthazar , the part of the Mist, and his power over Chaos Magic.


    > The red/blue/green hues are from the Lost Spirits. Not sure what you mean about bringing the dead corrupted back. The only case of "the dead coming back" is the corruption of souls via Fallen and Aberrants. As for the portals - we see the icebrood make portals since the core game, via "borrowing" powers from the Wolf Havroun; so those portals are also likely the Lost Spirits'.


    > We don't quite know if Jormag got any magic from Balthazar, and we haven't seen anything we can solidly classify as being from Kralkatorrik's magic (and same for Mordremoth's magic beyond the Unstable Abomination).


    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > The undead appearance could be from Zhaitan or from the hunger and Wolverine's influence. Wolverine's influence makes sense, as the Fraenir is the only other one I can recall immediately that looks deathly and decayed and isn't a boneskinner. But the Fraenir seems like it's really Zhaitan's influence.

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Wiki:Projects/Shared_Model_Project/I#Icebrood


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Icebrood_Colossus.jpg - You can see a rib cage, and if you look closely at the model, there is a skull inside the block of ice.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Champion_Svanir_Tyrant.jpg


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Icebrood_Oppressor.jpg - Image is wrong side, but the left side of the face is just a skull.


    > Icebrood corruption is well known to slowly have flesh and muscle replaced by ice, until all that's left is bone inside ice.


    > > And Chaos Magic? I would have thought Chaos magic would have been Lyssa more than Balthazar.

    > He's relating chaos to Kralkatorrik, a long standing and unproven theory that is part of the repeatedly failed attempts to 1:1 associate Elder Dragons's domains to the Six Gods' magic.


    I never look closely enough in game and didn’t realize there were so many Icebrood with skeletal features. I only ever notice the ice constructs, normal norm svanir, and the griffins and Kodan and such. Always found it weird that the Icebrood norn looked like oak hearts. But maybe I’m getting confused or there are other variations? Especially when Kodan are pretty recognizable as kodan. I’ll have to pay more attention to some of these mobs. Anyway, thanks for the clarification.

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