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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > _1) What was the reasoning behind the change to Unhindered Combatant?_

    > **"One important balance change in this update is the change to Unhindered Combatant. While thieves, and by extension daredevils, are intended to be slippery combatants, the escape potential for this trait was a little too high."**

    > Unhindered Combatant has long been dominant in multiple game-types. It represents a longer distance movement option, condition-break, and swiftness generator. We like these things.

    > The issue, however, is that there is almost no 'counter' play to the functionality... in that neither players nor designers have a way to whittle down the thief's defensive capabilities short of one-shotting them in a time where there are no evade frames occurring. We want the thief to remain incredibly mobile, but need to introduce some soft-counters so that there are methods to hinder the super-defensive nature of UC builds. We'll keep watch of Exhaustion's interactions with Unhindered Combatant and will adjust as necessary.


    > _2) If it was meant for competitive changes, why do PvE Daredevils have to take the blow, too?_

    > First off: As a rule we don't split skill and trait functionality changes ("functionality" being the keyword here). There are some things that we are okay with splitting such as damage, condition duration/stacks, resource cost, etc. However we don't want to make skills which apply different buffs or have different cast times or number of hits based on game mode. This rule is in place to preserve skill cohesion and prevent confusion when switching game modes. It's not a rule that we plan on changing.


    > Secondarily: Its condition-removal is built-in and is inseparable from the dodge-mechanic so long as you have the trait equipped. It's feasibly possible to 'remove' the trait and return you to a 'normal' dodge, but consistency is also important in that your dodge button should pretty much always do the same thing.


    > -SnB


    Appreciate the reply, but __ugh.__


    I hate it but fine, I understand classes can't just be -immune- to three condis because of a trait. Guess I'll have to adapt to endurance being turned off by **cripple**. I still feel like there are several ways to approach this better from giving unhindered an ICD on removing condis to halving endurance regen, but I'll deal with it.



    > @therapite.3645 said:

    > I'm going to chime in here with:


    > I spent a little real money on something that made me happy for about an hour. I didn't do the math, I just wanted a chance at something shiny and I actually got one. The RNG Gods hate me and I actually got the thing that I wanted and I was running around on it and got told by multiple people what an awful person I was, how stupid I looked, how I was feeding the beast or whatever, and how I should be ashamed of myself.


    > This isn't the community that I know and love. This isn't the people that will help anyone at the drop of a had, congratulate people at the forge for making a legendary weapon, answer questions for newbies and veterans alike. There's something fundamentally wrong with this picture and if it's the math and the business model that made it that way then please fix it.


    I don't care how many whales there are or how people may view them, but please do not bash people on how they choose to spend their money because you personally do not agree with it. You deserve a ban if you get so bitter that you're willing to verbally harass people who don't mind this.


  3. > @Dropdown.7460 said:


    > You still have to spend over $120 to get all the skins (or spend up to that amount for the ONE skin you WANT). This is predatory and while there are "no duplicates" it's like saying a diet cola is better for you because it's diet. This is Diet Lootbox presented by Anet.


    This is my problem. There are several skins in that package that I dont want, and a handful I do. I dislike buying things I dont want just to get something I do want, _nobody_ likes that.


    If you were concerned some people would gravitate to certain skins, put the skins you think will be more popular up for purchase outright in the store like you did with reforged, and then make the less popular skins available through gameplay. don't force feed your content to people, especially if they're paying you.


    Poor marks for this. This could easily have been content that, if marketed properly and rotated in and out of the gem store for people to explicitly purchase if they so chose, would last well into 2018 as gem store addons. But to give us 30 skins at once and then ask us to pay to slog through all of them in the hopes that we get ones we like before we hit the... 24th? was it? because thats where the bundle sale saves us 6 skins?


    Its not a good move.


    Dont get me wrong. I appreciate the artists. You guys did AMAZING. Every last skin is nice.


    Marketing though... Ive got my eye on you. you're doing things I dislike with this lootbox venture.


  4. This is now the only class in the game that can be punished by use of a basic mechanic when affected by a handful of common conditions by nature of design, whether or not it was used properly, and it is both one of the most fragile classes and intended to be the most mobile.


    If the escape potential for thieves is too high, maybe it would behoove the devs to focus on allowing them options to be capable brawlers instead of making their only viable option fragile, but speedy, then nerfing their speed from the ground up.

    I'm not going to stay near a fight if I am outnumbered and do not have the vitality or defense options to survive, regardless of what class I am on.

    There's several other ways this could have been handled, if it was a problem at all.


    Bandit's defense nerf was also unnecessary, both of them in tandem seems maliciously destructive.


    And _I'm not playing deadeye._ I don't want to. It's not filling the niche that the thieves needed. (Brawler). I will play something else.

  5. An additional note:


    Touch of madness is a very creative skin, props to the designer/concept artist for that.

    The other skins (namely the ones obtained using the failed attempt in the forge) are creative as well. but due to the designers making me remember Nina there will be no props given. shame on you. Good work. but shame on you.

  6. > @Torolan.5816 said:

    > > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    > > I have a "Trophy" issue. I never know if I can throw these out safely or not.

    > > For the rest, can be cleaner, can be messier.


    > So much this. As soon as it wants to have its name typed to delete, my drive to delete it suddenly vanishes.^^




    My inventory is cluttered but I try my best to keep it clean. My bank is a nightmare that I need to address but everything wants me to type to confirm deletion.

  7. > @shadowpass.4236 said:

    > For those unaware, Dota has a system in place where if people don't load in at the start of the game, the match doesn't start. Also if someone disconnects, and doesn't reconnect within 5 minutes then the game becomes safe to leave (no deserter penalty), and you don't lose MMR (elo). Oh also it has something called Low Priority Queue, where if you leave games a lot you get put in that, with all the other people who leave games a lot.


    > Why doesn't gw2 have any of this? I've been asking myself that question for over a year.


    This takes priority. Put the toxic people in a queue hell to improve the quality for people actually trying, and Both refrain from punishing people who are on the smaller end of a 4v5 and HEAVILY punish the deserter for abandoning in ranked.



    > @Exedore.6320 said:

    > **PvP Systems**

    > * Ignore solo queue whiners; they'll always make excuses for losing. Ranked should be 1-5 player groups like it used to be when the old solo queue failed. ATs are not a solution.


    This. In a game centered around team play, gutting the ability to premake team comps is a step backward. That being said, Queue times are abysmal when that happens, so maybe this idea needs some sharpening somehow. Having your mmr determined by 4 other people whom you are not sure will perform is more than a little annoying.

  8. > @choovanski.5462 said:

    > > @paShadoWn.5723 said:

    > > Nonsense. I run Paladin's Dolyak Daredevil and can tank anything


    > how this is not the focus of the thread is beyond me




    I appreciate you for drawing my attention to this, I had a solid laugh for 5 minutes

  9. > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

    > Inherently there is nothing different between ranked and unranked other than no spirit watch and no queuing with more than one friend. People have a tendency to take it more seriously and get more upset if you do something they don't like but if you have reasonably thick skin none of that matters. People will want you to play meta builds, but you don't really need to, it just may reduce your rank, which there is nothing wrong with being low ranked, you should in theory just be matched against other low rank players. Unfortunately bronze tier is apparently relatively toxic with lots of people that afk, I don't really have any first hand experience though so maybe it isn't too bad. While the season is active, the rewards are straight up better than they are in unranked so the only reason not to do it is if the toxicity is too much, or you are stuck in a tier where there are so many afk'ers that most of the games are determined by whoever doesn't have an afk wins. I can say if you reach platinum the toxicity is generally pretty mild with only occasional trash talk.


    This. Once you step out of bronze you generally have a better time, with less toxicity the higher you go. It is generally bad players that have bad attitudes, though some outliers exist. Placing out of bronze into gold/plat is even better.


    Make sure you know what you're doing, then step into ranked. Unranked wont vanish the moment you do, and if you need a break from people yelling at you to do your job while they clearly cannot do theirs, you can always hop back in to decompress and actually enjoy the game.


  10. > @paShadoWn.5723 said:

    > would equalize all professions in terms of an out-of-combat mobility and disengage

    > and incite sPvP players to buy PoF same as elite specs and Revenant incite them now to buy HoT.


    This is literally why you wouldnt do this lmfao

  11. > @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > I am generally enjoying the new forums, particularly the poll addition until dragon minions corrupt it.

    > >

    > > I am, however, unsure as to why my privileges to edit suddenly vanished. Iunno if that's new policy or a bug. Makes sense for non-repudiation, but kinda annoying to have to stare a typo in the face for eternity as soon as you press "post".


    > There is a forum bug where signatures seem to be blocking the edit function. Try disabling signatures in your profile settings to see if that works.


    Will give that a shot, ty

  12. > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

    > > > LAST DAY

    > > > Candycandycandycandeeeeee

    > >

    > > Be sure to hoard those bags to punish people who dont know [Touch of Madness] is a thing!

    > >

    > >


    > I sold everything(precursors, mats...)for keys in hopes of ghastly shield skin.


    > I start farm again this evening. I regret everything!


    Omfg rip

  13. I am generally enjoying the new forums, particularly the poll addition until dragon minions corrupt it.


    I am, however, unsure as to why my privileges to edit suddenly vanished. Iunno if that's new policy or a bug. Makes sense for non-repudiation, but kinda annoying to have to stare a typo in the face for eternity as soon as you press "post".

  14. > @Ellisande.5218 said:


    > Clock Tower is still impossible for some of us and we are being unfairly penalized for being unable to do poorly designed jumping puzzles like this.


    > the fing skeleton from the Labrynth that is impossible to run away from


    ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

    I have several thoughts on this but I'll get an infraction if I voice them


  15. Okay, so. All things considered, my take is such:


    > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > @Swagg.9236 said:

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/y8GgdTm.png "")




    > @Razor.6392 said:

    >Because resistance is the only boon that warriors have (swift, might, fury, prot, sometimes quick), and because resistance doesn't pulse or can be reapplied from a successful FC or featherfoot whatever utility, right?


    > @coro.3176 said:

    > That wouldn't even help much because the resist is PULSING. It reapplies on a MUCH shorter cooldown than those boon strip sigils/traits .. and that's assuming it even strips resist!


    > No class should be completely immune to damage unless your opponent just happens to have the right sigils. That's just kitten.


    These are both true. I only play one condi class at the moment, but if you get to the point where "Just make sure half your team uses their sigil slots to down this one player" is your defense, you've gone too far. I've played Spellbreaker for a while, and Ive seen several other competent players play against it and lose because in addition to zerker stance, you get pulsing resistance from an 8 second cd that, -lets face it-, will always proc in a team setting. Someone is either going to be dumb, or have an AOE out, or just mistime things, and itll ruin the whole rotation for everyone else. No class should be able to force that situation.


    > @Lighter.5631 said:

    > actually, logically, the weaver/holo just hitting without thinking, procing full counter which results in resistance and no landing damage.


    so no to this. Yes, people need to git gud, but theres a limit to how much you should be punished for a team comp not paying attention.



    So. Solutions.


    Make resistance not pulse. Make it static so it can be ripped.

    Make boon rip sigils prioritize stability then resistance, or the inverse.

    Make resistance not apply on a successful full counter alone. Like other burst skills, have resistance only apply if it hits someone.






  16. > @Vertep.2498 said:

    > maybe because its still rare to find on pvp because most players still dont know true power of this like everyone know about spellbreaker and you will get in almost every match atlest 2 spellbreakers


    Holosmith is strong, but not as strong as Spellbreaker. And people dont like when what general population deems the "starter" class is stronger than the others.

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