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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > In my case I really like the mechanics of GW2 & honing muscle memory. I'm not easily offended by bad words & bad players, and that's just it - bad players, there are few DC's, Rage quit's, early AFK'rs, maybe one in twenty matches. So yeah, I honestly don't mind, it's still entertaining content


    +1 for this

  2. Just send one power oriented person in with heavy range pressure to lay into the scourge from the balcony.


    But yeah, I can see how scourge would be bad for skyhammer. Its easier to tweak a class than to tweak a stage, IMO; but I remember last time skyhammer caused grief with the open walls and platforms they changed the stage instead of messing with scorpion wire/fearmeta.


  3. > @LetoII.3782 said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @EvilSardine.9635 said:

    > >

    > > > Is this getting nerfed or what? I don't mind being outplayed in duels and small fights but being instantly downed out of nowhere feels like you're cheated.

    > >

    > >

    > > A.) See if a mesmer is on the opposing team

    > > B.) Be ready to react when you see power lock.

    > > C.) Keep camera on a swivel to see if mesmer is approaching from behind or the side.

    > > D.) Congrats you now have the advantage.

    > >

    > >


    > What if the opposing team has 10 of everything?


    [Gift of Salt]

  4. > @EvilSardine.9635 said:


    > Is this getting nerfed or what? I don't mind being outplayed in duels and small fights but being instantly downed out of nowhere feels like you're cheated.



    A.) See if a mesmer is on the opposing team

    B.) Be ready to react when you see power lock.

    C.) Keep camera on a swivel to see if mesmer is approaching from behind or the side.

    D.) Congrats you now have the advantage.



  5. No. The game is not balanced around 1v1, It is balanced around acting a particular role in a team. There are certain builds that hard counter other build, and certain classes that are difficult to fight due to the nature of other classes. Doing this would require a rebalance from the ground up, which not only would break conquest if they didnt restrict the changes to 1v1 in particular (which would make practice difficult, if not impossible) , but would only be touched every six months if the current balancing course continues.

  6. > @Ayrilana.1396 said:


    > Getting killed so quickly by a short combo is the fault of the player that got killed. Mesmer clones/phantasms don’t just suddenly appear. If the player could not anticipate the shatter then that’s on them.


    Not to springboard, and I still hate mesmer, but the little **glint** sound for power lock is etched into my mind as a dead giveaway that Im about to get bombed if I dont have stability.


    It looks hard to fight against, but after enough explosions you understand.



  7. > @ArthurDent.9538 said:


    > Playing the class I can not beat is not avoiding adapting, it is adapting, and it is simply the most efficient and effective way to adapt. If both groups get what they want then people like me who are only playing spellbreaker to remain competitive can likely go back to the class they enjoy playing while not being stuck with the handicap of not being a spellbreaker. People who want to play spellbreaker can also continue to do so but will need to actually play with some skill instead of bashing their face against the keyboard to win.


    Yes, exactly.

  8. > @syntohras.1064 said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @syntohras.1064 said:

    > >

    > > > Yes a mesmer can easily oneshot any Full Glass Build.

    > >

    > > Which one skill on a mesmer does enough damage to wipe any full glass build while also preventing escape?




    Sorry, I must not see what you're talking about. Maybe you could link me the skill in particular that is deleting health bars?


    Assuming poes law is in effect, those are multiple skills. Even the setups that do massive damage require several seconds, even if stealthed.

  9. > @troops.8276 said:


    > Can every single class be adapted to potentially get top spot, or even top ten, in every meta?


    Yes. Certain builds might not work but every class usually has a combat viable build.


    > How much time would one need to invest and is the time needed beyond what many can invest?


    This is not a question I can answer in any respect.


    > Is it possible that one particular skill could be so overturned that no amount of adapting can counter it by every class in the meta at the time?


    Yes. Note that whenever this happens though, the majority of complaints are to nerf the _entire class._ Often with detailed lists about what core traits should be gutted.


    > Does adapting included multi classing, duo queuing, etc?


    Yes. If you cannot fight a certain comp on one class, by all means explore using another. This is not mandatory and certainly should not be a last resort though. Duo queuing will help you until legendary rank.





  10. > @Burnfall.9573 said:

    > i really do not know how much many former gw2 players including ESL players must repeat this but, nerfing thieves is not the answer. 5 years of nerfs of thief and what has it resulted in? The same problems over and all over again.


    > Suggestion: remove thief and to redesign it from the ground up.


    > "Stop Fixing the Symptoms...Find the Root Cause Instead"


    The root cause does not include pissing off every thief across PVE, PVP, and WVW because a handful of people dont know how to not die.

  11. > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @crewthief.8649 said:

    > > > > @Strages.2950 said:

    > > > > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

    > > > > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

    > > > I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.

    > >

    > > The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.

    > >

    > >


    > The problem is that the easiest and most effective way to adapt is to do what me and many other players do and just re-roll spellbreaker when you want to win.


    So, to avoid having to adapt, you either call for nerfing the class you cannot beat or play the class you cannot beat?


    what if both of those groups get what they want?

  12. > @Rodzynald.5897 said:

    > I had a hearty chuckle reading some of these comments. Spellbreaker may not be overpowered, but it's definitely got too much for too little. Now it is countering mindless players by being mindless on its own.


    A couple things on the argument posted above.


    I agree with you on the fact that it has "too much for too little", but with different context.

    Is "countering mindless by being mindless" a problem of the class or a problem of the team? At some point you need to stop blaming a class for exploiting your teammates not being tactful and actually blame the teammates.


    apart from that, I am fine with either making it do less damage or altering the mechanic in such a way that it cannot proc without a _big stupid obvious tell_, but not both.


  13. > @Menem.4307 said:

    > So just when are you allowed to hit a Spellbreaker? Let's take a look:


    > Let's say you walk into a one minute fight with one.


    > 4 seconds of evade from 8 Dodge rolls

    > 10 seconds of taking 0 damage

    > 6 more seconds of 0s from 10 Full Counters

    > 4 seconds from sword evades

    > 9 Seconds of shield block

    > = 33 seconds of no direct damage


    > 12 seconds seconds of stability auto from Last Stand


    > 25 seconds of resistance from Full Counter

    > 12 seconds of resistance from berserker stance

    > = 37 seconds of no condition damage


    > And that's not including time where they might kite or kill you. This is the most OP any class (maybe DH) has ever been in this game.



    Lets not run a flawed analysis.


    The warrior only gets resistance if you hit every full counter, and get hit by the return.

    Where are you getting 10 seconds of taking 0 damage from? Endure pain only lasts 2 seconds in pvp per minute?

    The warrior is also not dealing any damage to you during full counter, and is losing his adrenaline to perform it whether or not it hits. He is also not dealing damage to you during dodging.


    A large part of damage mitigation comes from people actually hitting and subsequently getting hit by full counter. It is not as simple as "How many seconds can a warrior sustain if everything goes right for them in a minute.


  14. Most of the "Spellbreaker OP" cries boil down to "I'm banging my face against this thing and its making a weird noise and hitting me back! HELP!"


    But I'm far too tired to fight this kitten complaint meta. It's easier to get nerfed, adapt, and still be good than it is to get killed, come whine, get things bubble wrapped for you, then go die some more.

  15. I'm okay with AoE. It forces you to not only pay attention to your opponent but also your immediate surroundings.

    It also allows things to hit stealth-utilizing classes, like Thieves, Mesmers, Druids, and Engineers without having adds take all of the damage just for existing.

  16. > @crewthief.8649 said:

    > > @Strages.2950 said:

    > > Yes, its annoying that there was no time in between to adjust, but you all are acting like you've been slapped and then spit on. Jeez, take a chill pill.

    > > I'd rather have a late patch than a kitten patch.

    > I think it's easier just to be a drama queen.


    The majority of players also think it is easier to cry for nerfs than it is to actually put in the work needed to adapt, so that checks out.



  17. > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:


    > Even if it was today ZERO of our feedback would have any impact on anything cause next balance update would be still AFTER season 9. It was like this in past, it's now and it will be till death of gw 2.



    As disappointing as it is, this is the truth.


    Once they ship it, they ship it, even if its broken or too weak. The next one is in 6 months.

    Grit your teeth, jump in a duel room, figure out what works and what doesnt, then go try the ladder climbing.


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