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Everything posted by Fueki.4753

  1. > @"draxynnic.3719" said: > And mechanical compatibility > all. You're not going to get a revenant elite specialisation that feels more like a ritualist than Renegade already does. The base revenant mechanics just don't allow it. We could get a Revenant elite specialization that focusses on Weapon Spells or on Ashes. Both could feel as "close" to Ritualist as Renegade does. Not, that Renegade feels anywhere close to it. But people need to stop reducing Ritualists to Spirits.
  2. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > All the raid builds for tempest I've seen use warhorn. And all Tempest raiding build's I'm aware of are variants of Aura sharing and transmuting builds. My Open World Tempests, however, use Dual Daggers and don't rely on anything Aura-related. My Tempests certainly are not as optimal for DPS as raid Tempests are for support, but they still fulfil their role efficiently. This just shows that Warhorn is not the the best weapon for Tempests **per se** (which, in this case, would mean on any build in any situation).
  3. The elite specialization's weapons aren't always the best for it. Sometimes they aren't even a good choice. Dragonhunter's Longbow, for example, is not even close to be good. I nearly never use Shield on Herald or Warhorn on Tempest.
  4. Keep in mind that, when they showed the trailer, they didn't have any plans for a third expansion, much to the outcry of many players. They planned for the Grindbrood Saga to be bigger and more popular than it actually turned out. That's why I think they originally wanted to have a centaur centric subplot. But then it got cut, since they needed the developers for the third expansion, which was announced after the Grindbrood Saga ended up mostly being a failure. I don't think that bit of trailer is related to the Lake Doric **Dragon** Response Mission. DRMs likely weren't planned when the trailer was made. At least, it'd be really sad if Arenanet planned DRMs since the beginning of season 5.
  5. I'd prefer this mission over Ossuary of the Unquiet Dead any day, if it wasn't so bugged.
  6. > @"Cynz.9437" said: > My assumption at this point is that login servers are located on some AWS machine and it is just overloaded so much that some of us just can't play anymore. Arenanet put the game on Amazon Web Servers around the launch of PoF (as far as I'm aware). According to them, it was for the better of the game. Yet, the server problems keep happening constantly.
  7. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > How do you define "proper effort"? By that I mean making armours that can be split and thus be mixed with other armour pieces and give each part individual dye channels. This also enable people to hide shoulders and gloves (and shoes, if people got extremely lucky or paid 3.5k for the invisible "skin", which still needs to drop significantly more often and from far more sources). With Outfits Arenanet is stopping short after a third of the proper effort (at the best of times), by only designing the looks and then abruptly stop there. Outfits can't aren't split and mixed, so there is effort missing. Outfits have only 4 dye channels instead of up to 24 like armours do, so outfits are missing out. Outfits can only hide the helmet, but gloves shoulder bits and shoes always are visible, so outfits lack customizability here as well. As you can see, Arenanet puts considerably less effort in making outfits. It's so much effort left out, that the tiniest bit of effort they put into outfits can't be called proper. And sometimes Arenanet doesn't even finish designing outfits, the inside of the monk outfit's skirt (female version, obviously) is a a blob of playdoo with legs sticking out.
  8. > @"Linken.6345" said: > So since gw2 was made with money from gw1 do we then get to blame gw2 for no more gw1? > Its kinda silly to think that they need to branch out to survive. Yes, we get to "blame" GW2 for them stopping making additional content for GW1. But unlike GW1, which Arenanet considered to be done at that point, GW2 is still growing in content, albeit ever so slowly with droplets of living world.
  9. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > I'd rather have the normal Luxon Elementalist **armour** than Cynn's _Outfit._ > > > > There already are too many outfits. > > Arenanet needs to go back to armours. > > They won't make as much money with the number of armor sets that they can with the number of outfits that are being released. Armor sets take a lot of resources; outfits, not so much. I well aware that Arenanet won't bother making as many armours as they ought to do and instead chose the cheap way out. But that doesn't change what I'd rather see them put in proper effort.
  10. Arenanet should know by now that they ought to remove the Stealth part of the rune. But knowing what ought to be done and doing it often are two entirely issues.
  11. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > How does people who worked on other projects unrelated to GW2 mean missing content from GW2 when they were laid off? Those same people working on other projects were likely doing that during LS4 too. As GW2's is Arenanet primary source of income (if not their only source), it means those side projects were financed with GW2 money. This means, money that had been made with GW2 had not been used to make content or other things for GW2. Imagine these people had worked on GW2 instead of the now-cancelled side projects (which resulted in loss of the GW2 money spent on them). One can easily consider that "missing content".
  12. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said: > Devs, the imo blackest dye isnt black enough! Make it blacker! > > Alternatively, the whitest white isn't white enough! Make it whiter! > > Why do I have the feeling these requests always seem so ridiculous. > > You might as well buy a different monitor where black pixels are more truly black then cheaper monitors where they are one gradient off of "true black". Yet, the problem with **all** dyes is, that the material of the armour pieces display the colours different. Arenanet hasn't yet created a "black" that is absolute black on **all** surfaces. Some people just want to be perfectly black, instead of some hue of very dark grey.
  13. I'd rather have the normal Luxon Elementalist **armour** than Cynn's _Outfit._ There already are too many outfits. Arenanet needs to go back to armours.
  14. Many people who worked on GW1 have left Arenanet. I wouldn't want the current GW2 team touching it outside of server maintenance.
  15. If the original art team would come back and modernize GW1's visuals, I wouldn't mind it. But the current GW2 art team needs to stay far away from GW1. That excessive shininess would only ruin it, just like it keeps making GW2 visually worse.
  16. It definitely is worth playing. However, if you also are invested in other MMORPGs, like WoW or FF14, GW2 wouldn't be worth being your main MMORPG though. In such cases, GW2 would be better regarded as a game you play while taking a break from your main MMORPG.
  17. > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > Sadly you cant have the obnoxious screaming, but you can have the get beaten over and over again part! Aren't you forgetting about shouts? The Reaper's Greatsword (and Dark harvest, too, I believe) is dark grey, like Asta's rusted swords. Reapers also can wrap themselves into a Dark "Form" with Reaper's Shroud, analogue to Asta's black form. Reapers also use shouts, like Asta. An Asura Reaper is the closest you can get to Asta. Asura obviously should be taken for the body height.
  18. I don't think an Elite Specialization should touch anything about any race's religion or way of life.
  19. In it's current iteration, Sunqua Peak is not worth playing. too long bugs out regularly The boss' HP and damage are too bloated, **even on T1 and T2,** making the fight too cheap to be enjoyable for many.
  20. I'd rather have the option to completely hide Commander (and Mentor) tags from the minimap than having more variety of them.
  21. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said: > The first time I found Toypocolypse I had a blast. It is a great example of the fun these devs generate. The developers who made it over eight years ago might not even work for Arenanet anymore.
  22. My oldest remaining memory I have about WvW is popping Shadow Refuge to do map completion as peaceful as possible, back when it was part of World Completion.
  23. Connectivity issues are server-side, so using a VPN is unlikely to help. Many people have problems with connectivity or lag. Allegedly, Arenanet is looking into the issue. But there haven't been any results yet.
  24. > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > Given us back Fall damage reduction would also help a lot on many Jump Puzzles. > > If not in traits, Arenanet should reduce is baseline for everyone. > > I don't see anything wrong with being able to fail some of the content. In fact it would be weird for me if you couldn't and it seems that's exactly what some people here want? Nobody just *deserves* succeeding for simply showing up. Not only that, but the rewards for jps are usually pretty low, nothing about most of them is mandatory, so if it's so hard/unenjoyable for someone then... just don't do them? Did you ever try out the Griffon Rook Jump Puzzle **without the bomb,** after Arenanet took fall damage reduction away? Some of the jumps are taking away over 90% of your health and you land immediately next to griffons. That's hardly fair. And "Not so secret" already was impossible for many (maybe even most) players **with** the fall damage reduction. I can't imagine the nightmare it is now. Just because falling damage would be reduced doesn't mean people automatically "succeed for simply showing up". If one can't do the jumps, that player will still fail them. And if getting rewards "for simply showing up" was a problem, Arenanet could always disable portals. Having less falling damage means less people die, thus less time is wasted by waypoint'ing and running back. There may even be less players giving up on Jump Puzzles, since they are no longer getting frustrated due to dying over and over and over again.
  25. Given us back Fall damage reduction would also help a lot on many Jump Puzzles. If not in traits, Arenanet should reduce is baseline for everyone.
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