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Everything posted by Ovark.2514

  1. > @"Gwaihir.1745" said: > > @"Yasai.3549" said: > > What the F > > I'm at a loss at how yu came to the conclusion that not only should CC skills have damage back but essentially become 1 click bursts on their own. > > People running CC builds with huge power hits before the nerfs was the entire reason why it was nerfed in the first place. > > So not only do yu want to be CC chained, yu want to instantly die to the CC. > > Why bother playing the game then? The moment yu step out of spawn, yur head just gets removed, or yu get CC'd long enough that the next hit kills yu. > > > > Literally all we need is for chaining CC to have reduced effectiveness the more its being chained, and that's all we need. > > This could call for a CC effect rework, or Stability rework, but in the end it will be way healthier than whatever yu intended to suggest. > > Or maybe. Just maybe. Each cc skill should be treated on its own, on a per case basis. Guard hammer 4 is one of the hardest cc's to land on an enemy, it should do normal damage. Some cc skills should do more than normal, others less. True. There is no blanket fix. If, say, mesmer daze mantra suddenly did tons of damage that would be a huge problem.
  2. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > People running CC builds with huge power hits before the nerfs was the entire reason why it was nerfed in the first place. But those power builds didn't rely on the CC damage most times. They just set-up with the CC. The reason people don't play them as much anymore is because of the damage loss on the burst part, not on the CC part. > So not only do yu want to be CC chained, I explicitly stated I didn't want to be CC chained. . . I don't know how you reached this conclusion. > Why bother playing the game then? The moment yu step out of spawn, yur head just gets removed, or yu get CC'd long enough that the next hit kills yu. > It's the difference between having to dodge a burst and having to dodge the set-up for the burst. As it stands, if you don't dodge the set-up for the burst you're eating the burst too so why not just cut out the middle man? > Literally all we need is for chaining CC to have reduced effectiveness the more its being chained, and that's all we need. Maybe. It's an idea.
  3. I play for glorious 1v1s because that feels the most fair and fun to me. On a unrelated note, Albert Einstein never said what you are quoting him as saying. It's just popular misinformation because it SOUNDS like something intellectual.
  4. > @"phokus.8934" said: > You can block and dodge the damage ticks too if it does hit. Can, but the thing about multi-hit attacks is that dodging or using aegis to block the strikes after the skill already landed it really inefficient.
  5. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said: > There's already a giant glowy effect when it's cast that gives ot away. What more do you need? I need a chance to dodge. It's always just a little bit faster than every other especially dangerous attack. I would blame my internet connection except I am able to dodge all other prominent damaging attacks.
  6. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > - allowing weapons, utilities, and traits to be unusable for yeeeeaaaars ^ this. So many useless traits and skills that never get looked at.
  7. The most basic changes I looked for in the balance update: Remove trapper runes, Change shocking aura, rework or nerf engi shield, rework elixir S. I knew not to not expect anet to do anything substantial with Elixir S or Shield because their motto seems to be "if only we tweak the numbers JUUUUUUUST right we can avoid having to rework obviously poorly designed skills." So in the end all I was really hoping for was the removal or rework of trapper runes.
  8. I suspect they are waiting until the expac to release the reworks. It's apparent to me that since they didn't touch Flashbang this patch that is their goal.
  9. > @"KrHome.1920" said: > > @"Ovark.2514" said: > > > @"jpsssss.7530" said: > > > > @"Ovark.2514" said: > > > > > @"jpsssss.7530" said: > > > > > The trade off to minions is you dont have a stunbreak or a big condi clear. You also cant team fight well on a minionmancer because AOE damage is to high for the buggers. If you're trying to 1v1 a minionmancer, you deserve to get wrecked. > > > > > > > > You're missing the point. See response to Brimstone Jack > > > > > > In the same respect, stealth could be pointed to as a mechanic that can withhold TOO MUCH information as it removes telegraphs and other info. If you want to see visual clutter, go play WvW and go zerg fighting. Its not nearly as bad as it could be. > > > > You seem to be implying with that logical fallacy that any amount of visual clutter is acceptable. There is no need to settle for less. The game can easily be better and so it should. > Mesmer class mechanic is visual clutter and confusing the target. Should we remove the class? Maybe GW2 is just not the right game for you in terms of design? The necro meat circus is designed in a way that it is very easy to distinguish from the necro itself. And the game has tons of shortcut options to make target selection very easy. Yes mesmer was a badly designed class from the get-go. I do have a solution to fix the visual clutter: Clones are now invisible to and un-interactable by anyone that is NOT the clone's target. I don't find the necro easy to distinguish and that doesn't help the visual clutter problem and neither does it help the fact that minions intercept attacks for the necro. I simply have very well developed philosophy with respect to game design that GW2 reflected fairly well in vanilla but has diverged significantly with each subsequent expansion. I post about this game because I care about it and want it to succeed. This is the longest balance drought we have had that I can remember so my hopes are high that something is being done behind the scenes to rework all the bad ideas. I know better ofc. . . It's just that all any of us can do is hope.
  10. > @"jpsssss.7530" said: > > @"Ovark.2514" said: > > > @"jpsssss.7530" said: > > > The trade off to minions is you dont have a stunbreak or a big condi clear. You also cant team fight well on a minionmancer because AOE damage is to high for the buggers. If you're trying to 1v1 a minionmancer, you deserve to get wrecked. > > > > You're missing the point. See response to Brimstone Jack > > In the same respect, stealth could be pointed to as a mechanic that can withhold TOO MUCH information as it removes telegraphs and other info. If you want to see visual clutter, go play WvW and go zerg fighting. Its not nearly as bad as it could be. You seem to be implying with that logical fallacy that any amount of visual clutter is acceptable. There is no need to settle for less. The game can easily be better and so it should.
  11. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said: > I love that we've scraped the bottom of the barrel so badly that MINIONS are complained about, and by thief players no less. Upset you're not hard countering a necro build for once? Lol Why does everyone think I'm a thief player? I played thief for maybe the first year of GW2's existence.
  12. > @"jpsssss.7530" said: > The trade off to minions is you dont have a stunbreak or a big condi clear. You also cant team fight well on a minionmancer because AOE damage is to high for the buggers. If you're trying to 1v1 a minionmancer, you deserve to get wrecked. You're missing the point. See response to Brimstone Jack
  13. > @"Exile.8160" said: > > @"Ovark.2514" said: > > There is no skill anymore. Whoever can spam the most garbage on the screen wins. Seriously the most cancer meta in 8 years. Thanks scourge, renegade, nade spam holo, immob spam druids, Symbol spam guardians. > > Symbol spam guard? Or burn trap Dh? Well that too.
  14. > @"Brimstone Jack.3462" said: > Seriously? Minions are your big gripe here? You can't cc, avoid, or kill minions? Or just face tank them? Even fully powered with shades, minions shouldn't be giving you that much trouble. Seriously, they don't have a return command. Lure them a few hundred feet away and bum rush their necro. It'll take about a month for them to catch up. > > I'll go easier on you next time, bud. <3 It's not a matter of being able to fight them it's a matter of visual noise/clutter and passive gameplay. Adds are fine for single player games but have NO PLACE in competitive multiplayer games. Dying to adds feels bad because you just lost to AI instead of the skill of an actual person, even if that player controlled the adds optimally. Games like this live and die on how the players feel while playing. I know a lot of players come into GW2 from other games, including GW1 where adds are a big part of gameplay and they love that. Anet needs to bite the bullet and either redesign those aspects out of the game or simply disable it for PvP.
  15. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said: > > @"Ovark.2514" said: > > > @"megilandil.7506" said: > > > know you that the condition problem (conditions being bursty instead of DoT)is caused by the exesive condi cleans availability(passive and active)? > > > > > > adding more ways to clean it is going one step further in the arms race that caused this problem, the solution is return conditions to DoT and limit the amount of condi cleanses > > > > This is interesting. Wouldn't it be fascinating if anet removed all condi cleanse and resistance for a while (or even permanently) to see just how strong conditions actually are and to assist in balance. . . > > and that would prove what exactly? > " to see how strong conditions actually are to assist in balance " > how about anet sets everyones toughness to 500, so that we all take 3x-4x damage. We would see how strong power damage really is, and to assist in balance ;p It would highlight which condition builds can be played against with proper dodging, kiting, blocking, etc, and which can't. A lot of the condi builds right now are essentially unbeatable unless you have cleanse or resistance since they apply very heavy-hitting and/or long duration conditions either very frequently (ex: burn guard and ranger) or in very strong bursts that are very hard to predict and evade (ex: Thief and Mirage). It would also be interesting to remove all CC for a bit and see how the game plays.
  16. > @"megilandil.7506" said: > know you that the condition problem (conditions being bursty instead of DoT)is caused by the exesive condi cleans availability(passive and active)? > > adding more ways to clean it is going one step further in the arms race that caused this problem, the solution is return conditions to DoT and limit the amount of condi cleanses This is interesting. Wouldn't it be fascinating if anet removed all condi cleanse and resistance for a while (or even permanently) to see just how strong conditions actually are and to assist in balance. . .
  17. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > At this point I'm inclined to think most of staff skills need a buff. > Ele staff is trash, mesmer staff is trash, guardian staff is trash, soulbeast staff is trash. Daredevil staff is... sort of acceptable, the only ones good are revenant's and necro's. Necro staff needs rework, so it should be on this list despite being used heavily
  18. Can Renegade just be reworked altogether? Please.
  19. Meta now is cancer but the feb balance was in the right direction. We now must wait a year for anet to complete the job. . .
  20. I'm on the maguuma wastes track because I will eventually need a lot of Bandit Crests and Geodes for legendary weapons and can't be bothered to farm the maps.
  21. Renegade was horrible design for any game mode for this reason alone. I hope anet is in the process of revamping it.
  22. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > I'd rather have Arenanet disable finishing during Elixir S. > When nothing in the game can interact with you during Elixir S, you should not be able to interact with anything either. That too. It was like that for a brief window not that long ago but I guess anet thought that was too balanced or something.
  23. > @"Tharan.9085" said: > It actually still deals dmg when you overheat and enter elixir S No, I mean I want players to still remain in photon forge (gain heat) when in elixir S (but not have access to the skills). It's too much of a get out of jail free card and basically negates the whole drawback of the elite specialization.
  24. I haven't even thought about those easy investment skills in so long OP because I am so focused on stuff that is far more noticeable like Elixir S, and Shocking aura and engi shield, and ports and stuff like that. You make a good point. I wish I could go back to playing the warrior the way I used to back in the day, but with spellbreaker and might makes right, my playstyle was hijacked and dumbed down so much it feels insulting to play now. I 2yo could now play it without having to invest in learnging enemy skills/animations. I can only hope that this extremely long hiatus that anet is on with respect to PvP is the result of MASSIVE CHANGES on the scale we have not seen since the trait system rework. If ever there was a golden opportunity to fix the mistakes of PoF (mainly) this is it.
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