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Posts posted by Crozame.4098

  1. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

    > > > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

    > > > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.

    > > >

    > > > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.

    > > >

    > > > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.

    > >

    > > Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

    > > I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.

    > >

    > > Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.


    > it was his alt thief so it was the same player you imbecile


    Lol, did not know that, shame on me. I watched the final mAT vid and thought the thief had some very interesting rotations. And then one of their team members replied that they got that thief in LFG, which makes sense:) Moreover, I used that argument NOT to say that Best of the Best title is not a good title. Rather, I used that argument to express my opinion that God of PvP and Best of the Best are both very good titles.

  2. > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"bbop.9706" said:

    > > > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

    > > > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.

    > > >

    > > > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.

    > > >

    > > > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.

    > >

    > > Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

    > > I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.

    > >

    > > Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.


    > So you're saying most people are lazy/jealous?


    > Why would they be?


    > What's to be impressed about a mode that gives you no good IRL money prize. No good revenue. No good anything. I could go to a card game tourney and make double the amount of money but simply getting top 3. I could get semi good in League, go to a local tourney and win 300+ bucks for beating local teams. Why would anyone be jealous of a badge that you can't even make a decent living off of? LOL. Most of these streamers have to still go to their real jobs just to make due.


    > You can try to say people are jealous/lazy/whatever but the cold, hard truth is the populace, E-Sports, and general MMO community could not give two dimes about gw2 PvP.


    > Sorry to break the truth to you.


    Then do it, stop spending time on GW2 or post threads that related to the PvP topics. Use this time to win prizes in other games. Don't cry on the forum~~


    You need to know most people play this game for pleasure as in many other games. Some people like pvp, others enjoy pve. The titles in PvP and PvE are a noisy signal of how good you are in THIS game. And this extra little thing might motive some people. Of course, most people do not train everyday, 8 hours a day to get the pvp title of this game, exactly because the reward is not that huge. And the meaning of people have job is that, even if the game had IRL money reward, most people would not spend much time on it, because they have a job. I have a job, and spend at most 5-7 hours a week on this game (except the end of a pvp season, I might spend 3-4 hours more per week).

    Another similar argument is that, why people like weapon or armor skins? Why people take down raid bosses? There is also none IRL money rewarding them.

    Mate, you need to understand many people play games not to earn money, but to relax. And PvP title is a non monetary prize, that some enjoy. Why cant it be pure psychological, why it must be money that motivates people?

  3. Agree with the ranger's range (literally every ranger does that combo from range....) Also agree with War's BC. But just FYI, the teather has already been nerfed, and you CANNOT get 25 stacks of might from it. I would also like them to nerf the Rampage, because it makes war vs war very boring: bite some cool downs, and then pop rampage, and the other has to run. But to nerf these, ANET need to buff some others, otherwise war will be totally trash.



  4. > @"bbop.9706" said:

    > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

    > > The funny thing is that noone cares about the titles.


    > exactly. not exactly a badge you can wear with pride... people either think you've wintraded, think you must be a sad no-life or simply dont care.


    > Best of the Best is a clearer indication of a good pvp-er imo.


    Best of Best is a very nice title. As the previous mAT one gold 3 thief got it because Flandre team's thief did not show up and they got a thief from LFG.

    I mean, the god of pvp title does not mean you are THE BEST pvper in the game, but a silver/browze/plat1/2 player would not be able to get it for sure. Therefore, it is a signal of skill, though a bit noisy. I would like that title, but I know I am not that skillful.


    Moreover, it is more convincing if people who have that title or at least top 25 title to say the gold of pvp title means nothing and the title is meaningless; for those who do not have the top 25 title or no title at all, it only shows your jealousy/envy, and you are either unskillful or too lazy to try.

  5. > @"Vicariuz.1605" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > its not about not dying in 1v1s, it cannot be killed in 1v2, and even 1v3,4 if played correctly

    > This is absolute hyperbole. Watch some vods from both the players I listed earlier, they seem to have ZERO problem winning 1v1 and 1v2+ against scrappers.


    > > @"everyman.4375" said:

    > > Let's not forget their ability to secure any rez.

    > This is also absolute hyperbole.


    > > @"Fortus.6175" said:

    > > Not really providing much context, for all we know that could be a person who just jumped into scrapper as of a day or two before.

    > >

    > > Nobody is saying they have everything, but right now they are REALLY good at one thing, and in the right conditions it is very strong. Conquest mode is about point capturing and holding, a class that can hold 1-2 people or more for a period of time or indefinitely will be very strong, it doesnt need to kill you, just to survive and continue ticking the point, or preventing your team from ticking from that point. This creates uneven fights if the enemy team cant match the same strategy on the opposite point. Rampage is the bunker killer, everyone knows that, nobody contest its strengths after they blow stunbreaker, and even the warrior himself admitted that the scrapper was bad since scrapper should be of the few classes that can straight up face tank it, meaning, the scrapper messed up.

    > >

    > > The only reason people were ok with weaver self-healing-troll-far-stall was because they have no team fight presence or utility, in contrast with scrappeer with its gyros and fields and blasts and boons and barriers and condi conversions which makes them very, very good supports as well, shining both in teamfights and as sidenodders.


    > If you want more examples or context feel free to watch the vods of both Paul and Boyce.

    > https://clips.twitch.tv/AmusedMistyTubersRiPepperonis

    > Here is the Boyce vod:

    > Here is the Paul vod:


    > I've been reading on the forums "how easy scrapper is to play" as well, so which is it, is it face roll OP easy af to pick up or not? Lots of people are saying they have everything, that they are unkillable, even in this thread alone a person says they CANT be killed even 1v4. "In the right conditions" ANYTHING is strong. There are several builds available right now that hold 1v1 and even 1v2 on sides, and those builds can even secure downs and kills, scrapper is INCAPABLE of killing anything that doesn't actually stand on the point and die, it cannot chase a kill down whatsoever. Against a warrior, there is risk of death to the scrapper, against a rev as well; a rev and tools holo will destroy a scrapper in under 5 seconds and a war rev and tools holo will do it in under 2. There are several things that put enough pressure on the scrapper to pop stealth gyro (instant point neutral) or force the scrapper off the point to heal (slower but sure point neutral). Creating uneven fights is exactly what several other builds do and have done for how long?


    It depends on build. And the Boyce argument can be used to any other class mate~~ He is one of the best 1v1ers in this game mate. ANd playing some random scrappers? Moreover, it also depends on the build mate. There are some tankier ones and less tankiers ones.

  6. > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > its not about not dying in 1v1s, it cannot be killed in 1v2, and even 1v3,4 if played correctly


    > The " if played correctly " is quite the issue.

    > I haven't played engi in PvP for years, and i basically almost didn't die once running that build, not even knowing what passives are doing and mostly using skills on recharge in 1v2 1v3's. That was gold league though, but still, i assume the build shouldn't be so easy to perform.


    > That being said, the meta might shift because you're basically too dependent on teammates if you do have 2-3 scrappers per team. So far, it's really easy to hold points, but it seems like i rely on hoping enemies are going to 1v3 1v4 me. If they are smart to ignore me or only 1v1, while teammates are doing 3v1 the opposing scrapper, it's lost.


    In any case, a class that can survive a 1v3 for long time is bad balance! Moreover, It is very useful in teamfights too. The amount of heal, and condi cleanze, its stupidly broken. Have been spoken to top players, all agree that it is broken, and the amount of scrappers showing up also indicates its broken, so please dont defend it. Its not dependable, and makes you look bad.


    > @"Fortus.6175" said:

    > Not really providing much context, for all we know that could be a person who just jumped into scrapper as of a day or two before.


    > Nobody is saying they have everything, but right now they are REALLY good at one thing, and in the right conditions it is very strong. Conquest mode is about point capturing and holding, a class that can hold 1-2 people or more for a period of time or indefinitely will be very strong, it doesnt need to kill you, just to survive and continue ticking the point, or preventing your team from ticking from that point. This creates uneven fights if the enemy team cant match the same strategy on the opposite point. Rampage is the bunker killer, everyone knows that, nobody contest its strengths after they blow stunbreaker, and even the warrior himself admitted that the scrapper was bad since scrapper should be of the few classes that can straight up face tank it, meaning, the scrapper messed up.


    > The only reason people were ok with weaver self-healing-troll-far-stall was because they have no team fight presence or utility, in contrast with scrappeer with its gyros and fields and blasts and boons and barriers and condi conversions which makes them very, very good supports as well, shining both in teamfights and as sidenodders.


    Also, core guard can also tank the rampage to some extent~~

  7. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > people still want to nerf FC.. what a kitten joke.. You must be gold and below...


    > Yes, it shouldn't proc. on pets, illusions, minions, etc. why on earth should spellbreaker have an inherent advantage to these specs, and they can't do anything about it. It is not a nerf for Warriors who actually time their Full Counter well. But I guess you are not in that category. EDIT: and of course, you did not have any input on the rest, instead you pick out one thing and say "you must be gold lel" and ignore the rest, like a true intellectual.


    What advantage? War atm is a 1v1er and it is the worst among the three. It also cannot kill good Engis, who knows how to disengage and reengage. It has minimal influence on teamfights where FC are more likely to proc, in such cases, the game is either easy win, or nearly impossible to win (for example, winning 1v1s but other teammates lose every other teamfight.) Therefore, in teamfighting cases, it does not matter.


    In 1v1s, then the argument is that, other players should learn to stow their weapon/skill/pet to bite FC. Even they cannot, the dmg now cannot even kill a fucking clone, so whats the point for further nerfing it? I might not mind this change, they bring the dmg back.


    Yes, I dont need to read your other notes, because it already shows how clueless you are when making this one comment.

  8. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > Probably because whenever most of the team wipes at mid, the Thief is the only one who is able to disengage and stay alive. Most players don't look at the mini-map until after they are dead and create irrational conclusions based on what they see as they are re-spawning, which in this case, is a thief running in between nodes, which would appear, at that very moment, to be useless.


    > In other words, because most players tunnel vision and have terrible map awareness - myself included, I aint pointing fingers here (but I never blame the thief :D ).


    soo true.

  9. > @"Jaka.3182" said:

    > I would just like to point out these 5 meta pof2win sustain and insane number of getoutofthejail cards they have. I play mostly core ranger.

    > 1. Spellb. forget that they can 3 hit me down and half (not really half but feels like it) of those attacks are cc. But when I avoid all off that they simply run away. I dont know how, I play perma swiftness and have some quickness too and I cant catch them. Basically they can 3 - 4 hit me down and run away at any point they want.

    > 2. Soulb. Same thing. Insane surv., big dmg and if things go bad they simply 'fly' away and are faster from my quickness core ranger.

    > 3. Holo. Well enough said about this anomaly in this thread already. I do remember beating one good holo 3 times down to 5 - 10% and they just ran/invuln and healed up and eventually chain cc me when i was out of stunbreaks and killed me in 3 - 4 hits.

    > 4. de. Anet I just want some pvp pls. Because when i 'fight' this... its not really a fight. Every de has an ability to get away from fight at every point.

    > 5. Mirage is just a joke. If you some how get them to low vitality they simply port, stealth, blink whatever away.

    > So Anet can you please nerf all these get away abilities cuz it doesnt feel like pvp anymore. Can i please kill something as core ranger too? I also play dh and i cant catch any of these if i get them to low morale. Or these pof2win anomalies will continue to have it all from dmg wise, cc, escape capabilities, heals etc?

    > Also careful when nerfing core traits... obviously the problem is in pof specs so nerf pof specs... as common sense this sounds.. you never know with anet. Last thing we want is even bigger gap between pof and core/hot. Maybe only radiant hammer guard... no need for precision for them while they have 100% crit chance, 100% retaliation, power as if you have berserk amu and vitality as 2x mara amu all on expense on no need for precision stat. is a bit much. But thats just 1 core class that can fight meta pof trash so i d nerf this lastly.

    > But honestly in next balance patch i expect buffs from anet...



    gold 1 player at most

  10. The lesson is, if you want to make a point, don't only mention one class that has been heavily nerfed again and again. You need to mention all the other classes that also have this passive proc.


    Moreover, the passive endure pain is not even possible on the strength line variant of the war, that trait is on the defense line.That Strength variant war can be killed very fast, if not played careful. For the dagger/shield defense traditional build, passive endurepain is possible, but its a bunker and it has way less dmg. So, it is not fair to say war has insane DMG as well as high sustain. Failing to acknowledge the above fact shows you do not understand the game well, and your opinions are not informative at all.


    Moreover, it is not immune to condi, it can be cced, blinded etc. And more importantly, it only has 2 seconds and the CD is f***ing long. So, for all the war haters out there, you guys are just bad and probably complain every class that is not your main.





  11. > @"ybintell.1984" said:

    > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > Forum: NERF SPELLBREAKER!!!

    > > Anet: Nerfs Spellbreaker. Full Counter does no dmg anymore.

    > > Forum: NERF SPELLBREAKER!!!

    > > Anet: kitten?


    > Why should a class be able to both be tanky and do high amounts of damage? Either give up your tankiness or else understand that your damage will have to be nerfed,


    You might not know that there are two variants, one is with the strength and sword (the trama build) and the other is normal dagger /shield. Dagger shield is tanker, but has less dmg. And the strength build, its not even a bunker mate. So, your comment is retarded mate.

  12. stupid post, you playing fresh air ele, all your burst is at range. Moreover, you are not supposed to be an 1v1 class, and the whether nerf the war further should not depend on the photo, which is not general at all.


    Again, this post suggest how low people can get when posting on PvP forums.



  13. > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > > > > @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

    > > > > > anyone saying holo needs more nerfs in the current meta is incredibly mistaken and should reevaluate their understanding of this game.

    > > > >

    > > > > I dare to say they do need some nerfs.

    > > > >

    > > > > But not just holos. In general, there are certain classes with too much CC, packed with too much boon & self healing. Compare that with other classes like Revenant & Necromancer, and it's just too kitten much. I'm not saying said classes don't have their own issues that should be addressed, but Holos are just too kitten much.

    > > >

    > > > As I mentionned in another post of that nature, Holo is Very powerful, but Extremely brittle. It's most often down to impecable timing.

    > >

    > > The problem is that experience says that other classes cannot outperform a Holo even with the very same impecable timing.

    > >

    > > > Holo is powerful and can down a player but is not sustainable if he deals damage, and doesn't deal damage if it tries to stay sustainable.

    > >

    > > For example, an ele cannot decide if he wants to deal high damage or become sustainable, and swap between the two in the middle of a fight. And thereis were you see the inherent over power in the Holo, as they are given that choice, whereas other classes must pick 1 and are stuck with that for the rest of the battle. It just seems that the tradeoffs put on the Holo are not punishing enough as with the rest.


    > I'd actually consider Eles out of all classes to Be able to do just that though, by Simply switching to attunements.


    > I do main a holo, I Constantly get screwed over by people's CC, pulls in particular are good at disrupting me, because they throw me off position, which is critical to perform well as a Holo. I'm also limited to -1- stunbreak with consequential cooldown, if I want to deal high damage. My only recourse is to chain a player to death by opening with a knockdown, Following with a bullethail to increase my condi damage, switch to sword pistol, use the big laser, glue shot so they stay in the field of fire, then finish with a sword jump, which gives me quickness.


    > In case that's not obvious this is Not a "Push 1 button = Win" like everyone makes it seems. This is a full rotation that if It is broken at Any point results in my death : because being interrupted screws with cooldown, throws me off balance, and generally switch the advantage entirely to the other side.


    > If someone stunbreak my initial opening, they generally proc a damage reflection which throws my bullet right at me, which, with my low HP (in order to deal damage) halves my healthbar.

    > If someone dodges the laser burst, most of my damage from the chain is gone, and I have to duke it out with more than likely someone with a stronger, -More Reliable- damage ratio.


    > I've seen warriors Negate my Entire Chain of damage. Not dodge, Negate, they literally stand in front of me, invulnerable and caving my face in. Deadeyes can easily shoot me down Long before I can Start my chain. Mesmers are near impossible to get with that tactic. Rangers with longbows are the bane of my existence, with that instant long range Knock shot that screws my cooldown Every Time.

    > I should also give the medal to scourges, which to this day, I have Never been able to beat in a one on one fight. Each time I see a scourge in the opposite team, I know that is a match I'll lose.


    > This high damage is not -easy-. It's Work. And it's faillible, otherwise I'd win my matches constantly.


    > Edit : Ignore the capital letter words, they're not meant to put emphasis, my keyboard automatically tries to correct words that arent french, and it tends to put capital letters Almost everywhere


    > I want to add Something since the main point of contention to everyone seems to be CC and damage.


    > Why nobody bothers Warriors about this ? They can kit their skills to Literally have all but their heal skill to do CC, most of them are Hard CC, Knockback, and Knockdown, and double as Damage. Why is that fine on warrior but isn't on Holo ? The actual Reason is that warriors dont rely on CC in competitive matches. If they did, you would not complain about Holo's ability to chain 3 CCs at max, when a warrior can chain constant CCs.


    As one of the post already made it quite clear, you indeed have l2p issues. You have stealth as well, learn to use it properly~

  14. Still people referring warriors as OP..... Even before this patch, the Dagger Defense variant was not meta. And the strength Sword variant is not a bunker. It is bad against soulbeast and against condi mirage even in 1v1s, not to say holding 2 or more ppl. Check Trama's twitch. He does not bunk on nodes, most of the time he is running around.


    So sick of players still state warrior is meta or OP, its f**** not. It is only good in lower tiers.

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