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Posts posted by Crozame.4098

  1. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > instead of making up that you can JuMp OvEr ThE fIeLd.

    > > > > use daggerstorm in it and see if you are blinded during it. your video proves nothing

    > > >

    > > > pretty sure I just proved you can jump over the field and land attack.

    > > >

    > > > did you see the heartseeker land?

    > > >

    > > > because it did.

    > > >

    > > > so did the bull charge, both attacks hit.

    > > >

    > > > **but i am wrong about evading the blind.**

    > > >

    > > > im going to make a compliation of all the attacks from all the classes that can deal damage and ways to handle because players are acting like there is nothing they can do.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > your jump had NOTHING to do with it.

    > > you were about 0,5s in the field and charged between pulses.

    > > so unless you have 140IQ and can time the pulses, you had 50% chance of landing it, thats assuming the thief stands still and doesnt dodge, or that thief stands in the middle. could have walked to the other end and you would be longer in the field, thus have bigger chance of not landin the hit.


    > Ye, im pretty sure thats what happened there as well. I don't think it took longer than a second to connect those skills as you entered the field in the video, therefor not applying the blind. Im fairly certain it simply connected _before_ the first pulse.

    > Otherwise this would also imply that you can jump over dmging fields....which you can't.


    > As said. I bull's charged through a smoke screen (tho I was fairly close to it at animation start) and got blinded as I went fully through it.


    welcome to the world of SBs, mate~

  2. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > > seriously... waited 6+ minutes and you give us this kind of matchup? a group of silvers/golds vs plats/legends

    > > >

    > > > if there isnt enough plats and legend, change it to something like a 2v2 or 3v3 king of the hill style map like GW1's HoH where the top tier pvpers can duke it out among themselves over a single point

    > > >

    > > > even your own data says that the top tier players are capable of dishing out 10x the damage compared to the average players

    > > >

    > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/iay4MOI.png "")

    > > >

    > >

    > > So looking up this match, it looks like the matchmaker did a pretty good job in this case!

    > >

    > > No duo queues.

    > >

    > > **Winning Team**

    > > Elementalist 1229

    > > Thief 1365

    > > Warrior 1298

    > > Ranger 1297

    > > Ranger 1411

    > > Avg 1320

    > >

    > > **Losing Team**

    > > Elementalist 1402

    > > Elementalist 1276

    > > Thief 1214

    > > Guardian 1351

    > > Ranger 1309

    > > Avg 1310.4

    > >

    > > Keep in mind that final score of a match isn't always indicative of good or bad matchmaking. There are a lot of factors that affect it outside of skill rating. Your team could have given up after the losing the first team fight. Sometimes teams just don't play up to their skill level. The opposing team could have been playing above their normal skill level.

    > >

    > > I'm not saying our matchmaking is perfect by any means, but it generally does a pretty decent job of making sure both teams are balanced.


    > What about people sitting at the top of the leader boards with 90% win ratios? Is that not fishy to you? That kind of luck/unholy skill seems fishy to me.


    I would say you go to watch Sind's stream. Then you would know why. Besides that they are very highly skilled, I also think some psychology factors matter. When the other team notices that there are 2 god of pvp as their opponents, some might just give up easily.

  3. > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > > > you point also depends from your teammates and opposite team mmo rank.

    > > > > But not matter you lose 495 -500 or 350 -500,

    > > >

    > > > Comon... think a little bit, we were 4v5 untill we were losing 0vs125, we still won... I guess we should have been given a medal (no got 16 pts) next match I lose 20? o.O

    > >

    > > This means they are really bad.... Should be grateful if the match making is close, then you should not come back.


    > Do you read the whole post or just jump to conclusion?


    Yes, I read the whole thing. You won a few games, lost a few. Point wise, increased a bit.

  4. > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > you point also depends from your teammates and opposite team mmo rank.

    > > But not matter you lose 495 -500 or 350 -500,


    > Comon... think a little bit, we were 4v5 untill we were losing 0vs125, we still won... I guess we should have been given a medal (no got 16 pts) next match I lose 20? o.O


    This means they are really bad.... Should be grateful if the match making is close, then you should not come back.

  5. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > 1. There is no such thing as Diamond, stop talking about it.

    > 2. Back in Season 2, getting to Diamond was NOT any kind of indicator of skill. You just had to play enough matches, and you would get it. You could train a monkey to get to Diamond back then. Just because you were in Diamond in S2, doesn't mean you were a skilled player.

    > 3. Why do you keep talking about your 12k matches..... in a different game? It is not at all relevant.

    > 4. Top Stats (healing, damage, kills etc) don't have any relevance to skill. There is more to the Conquest game-mode than just doing damage. If you don't understand this, maybe this is why you are in Silver.

    > 5. Any decent player, on pretty much any build, can quickly rise up from Silver to at least low Platinum. Builds, balance, duos, metagaming, only become an issue when you're competing for positions in the top 50. If you aren't competing for top 50, it is 100% a L2P issue, not a balance/matchmaking issue.

    > 6. The rating system isn't 'precise' but it is 'accurate' (look up the important difference between these 2 words). The person at rank #99 isn't necessarily better than the person at rank #100. But. The person at rank #99 is most certainly better than the person at rank #1000. If you are legitimately "stuck" in Silver (you aren't intentionally tanking or meming) then you will 100% get smashed by any Platinum players. Just because your matches feel like RNG, doesn't mean that the top players are just people who got lucky with RNG. They made enough difference to tip RNG in their favour. You didn't.

    > 7. I'm fairly sure this is a troll, so I'm aiming this reply more at people who think this is real.


    > ![](http://www.whatissixsigma.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/image001.png "")



    I dont know about 1 and 2, did not play at that time. But I fully agree with 3, 4, 5, 6.


  6. > @"god of slayers.2046" said:

    > Hello Doc Holiday this ~~Boomer~~ Charr has been running around 1 shotting people for awhile now and I'm not too sure why or how this build hasn't been nerfed yet. Its honestly broken and very unfun to play against! I hope ANET really gives this build the big nerf hammer soon! :rage:


    Hi Bonce

  7. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > > > > > > Fb is easy to kill on a + unlike ele war and even a good player on rev. So it’s not as op for fishing.Next it has a Rock Paper Scissors on 1v1s, so I view that as balanced there.

    > > > > > > > Next is team focused fights, it’s good but I think reaper, eng, core grd, rev are more impactful there, so although it can have some impactful combos I think for the fight all around the above would be most impactful for the win.So in my eyes it’s not op there.

    > > > > > > > So the op part must come from the fact that it can do all the roles the best out of all other. From classes such as Eng, staff ele, Dh, core nec. and that offers map control that swings games to a win as it can adapt to the roles needed to sway map.So if that’s the case, its the new Holo. And thats why it was its a S class as top players played it because it’s power won ranked games and could carry noobs there for Securing their rating. and because good players played it it become even More op. haveing games with a team mate rping that role makes games much more interesting!! that’s the games we was 200 ahead and by timer end up looseing.

    > > > > > > > And this is where thf can shine. And why thf can be S ranking. A thf who plays that role and that’s the play every role for map control they will become a S ranking thf like Sin, Vallun And so on and all the other thfs who don’t play that role and just focus on one or two of theM roles will never be.

    > > > > > > > The noobs cry on forums for the nurfs for classes that can play that role as they notice them when vs but never notice that’s why they won that game because that player carries for them securing their own rateing.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > But if they win and it’s touched please only touch fb, and that touch be to axe so it don’t nurf other fb roles, as well as not being a nurf that effects dh and core grd.

    > > > > > > > As for what nurf to axe u could do, I could not tell u.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > In what world is FB easy to kill, lol

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In the current reality of GW2 . Maybe you should try playing FB and see yourself how easy it can be killed.

    > > > >

    > > > > I tried. If you know how to kite a bit, its indeed hard to kill. Especially in 1v1s.

    > > >

    > > > Your statement is true to any other class. It's l2p issue .

    > >

    > > Every class of course has l2p issues, I mean, you cant win anything if you are new to the class. So, making a irrefutable argument is not helping.

    > > Second of all, check your arguments: you said play it your self and see whether it can be killed. And I replied: yes I tried, its hard to get killed. And then you say: its every class, its a learn to play issue. Godlike logical arguments mate, bravo!

    > > Third: related to my first point, its true that every class asks for some basic understanding to be playable. However, the intensive margin differs. Symbolband for example, one does not need to invest a lot of time in order to beat other melee classes nor to win a MAT. For the first few games, I did bad. But after 8-10 games, I understand a bit, and kitten on melee classes: especially wars.

    > >

    > First - you are the one making irrelevant comments -'if you know how to kite' etc.

    > Second - This is again an l2p issue and/or personal feeling which doesn't add any proof point to the subject.

    > Third - Again, this is merely personal experience. I actually can relate -- So many people cry on forums that thieves are OP. Well, I personally absolutely suck at playing thieves. I tried. Tried very hard to learn - but no. It's just not the class I can play.


    > To sum up - don't make this another PLEASE NERF -insert class here - thread. Facts vs biased statements would be a good start, Cheers


    Your Third point contradicts your second point mate.



  8. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > > > > Fb is easy to kill on a + unlike ele war and even a good player on rev. So it’s not as op for fishing.Next it has a Rock Paper Scissors on 1v1s, so I view that as balanced there.

    > > > > > Next is team focused fights, it’s good but I think reaper, eng, core grd, rev are more impactful there, so although it can have some impactful combos I think for the fight all around the above would be most impactful for the win.So in my eyes it’s not op there.

    > > > > > So the op part must come from the fact that it can do all the roles the best out of all other. From classes such as Eng, staff ele, Dh, core nec. and that offers map control that swings games to a win as it can adapt to the roles needed to sway map.So if that’s the case, its the new Holo. And thats why it was its a S class as top players played it because it’s power won ranked games and could carry noobs there for Securing their rating. and because good players played it it become even More op. haveing games with a team mate rping that role makes games much more interesting!! that’s the games we was 200 ahead and by timer end up looseing.

    > > > > > And this is where thf can shine. And why thf can be S ranking. A thf who plays that role and that’s the play every role for map control they will become a S ranking thf like Sin, Vallun And so on and all the other thfs who don’t play that role and just focus on one or two of theM roles will never be.

    > > > > > The noobs cry on forums for the nurfs for classes that can play that role as they notice them when vs but never notice that’s why they won that game because that player carries for them securing their own rateing.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > But if they win and it’s touched please only touch fb, and that touch be to axe so it don’t nurf other fb roles, as well as not being a nurf that effects dh and core grd.

    > > > > > As for what nurf to axe u could do, I could not tell u.

    > > > >

    > > > > In what world is FB easy to kill, lol

    > > >

    > > > In the current reality of GW2 . Maybe you should try playing FB and see yourself how easy it can be killed.

    > >

    > > I tried. If you know how to kite a bit, its indeed hard to kill. Especially in 1v1s.


    > Your statement is true to any other class. It's l2p issue .


    Every class of course has l2p issues, I mean, you cant win anything if you are new to the class. So, making a irrefutable argument is not helping.

    Second of all, check your arguments: you said play it your self and see whether it can be killed. And I replied: yes I tried, its hard to get killed. And then you say: its every class, its a learn to play issue. Godlike logical arguments mate, bravo!

    Third: related to my first point, its true that every class asks for some basic understanding to be playable. However, the intensive margin differs. Symbolband for example, one does not need to invest a lot of time in order to beat other melee classes nor to win a MAT. For the first few games, I did bad. But after 8-10 games, I understand a bit, and shit on melee classes: especially wars.


  9. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Gamble.4580" said:

    > > > Fb is easy to kill on a + unlike ele war and even a good player on rev. So it’s not as op for fishing.Next it has a Rock Paper Scissors on 1v1s, so I view that as balanced there.

    > > > Next is team focused fights, it’s good but I think reaper, eng, core grd, rev are more impactful there, so although it can have some impactful combos I think for the fight all around the above would be most impactful for the win.So in my eyes it’s not op there.

    > > > So the op part must come from the fact that it can do all the roles the best out of all other. From classes such as Eng, staff ele, Dh, core nec. and that offers map control that swings games to a win as it can adapt to the roles needed to sway map.So if that’s the case, its the new Holo. And thats why it was its a S class as top players played it because it’s power won ranked games and could carry noobs there for Securing their rating. and because good players played it it become even More op. haveing games with a team mate rping that role makes games much more interesting!! that’s the games we was 200 ahead and by timer end up looseing.

    > > > And this is where thf can shine. And why thf can be S ranking. A thf who plays that role and that’s the play every role for map control they will become a S ranking thf like Sin, Vallun And so on and all the other thfs who don’t play that role and just focus on one or two of theM roles will never be.

    > > > The noobs cry on forums for the nurfs for classes that can play that role as they notice them when vs but never notice that’s why they won that game because that player carries for them securing their own rateing.

    > > >

    > > > But if they win and it’s touched please only touch fb, and that touch be to axe so it don’t nurf other fb roles, as well as not being a nurf that effects dh and core grd.

    > > > As for what nurf to axe u could do, I could not tell u.

    > >

    > > In what world is FB easy to kill, lol


    > In the current reality of GW2 . Maybe you should try playing FB and see yourself how easy it can be killed.


    I tried. If you know how to kite a bit, its indeed hard to kill. Especially in 1v1s.

  10. Its only RNG to a certain extent. I legit silver player's rating might fluctuate between silver and gold, but never reach mid - high plat.

    Similarly, Legendary players' ratings might change around high plat 2, plat 3 and Leg, but not lower. Skill still matters. And if you always think it is because of the match making, not your mechanical skills or rotation awareness, then you might not be able to improve.


    I mean seriously, no matter what class you are playing, try to duel with someone top 100 or higher. You will notice the difference. In a 1v1 environment, a gold 3 - plat 2 thief will never win against Sind, similarly, war cannot 1v1 Boyce, Rev cannot 1v1 Trama. and there are other top players of course.

  11. > @"xardan.2874" said:

    > Also Anet should make pistolwhip cost initiative at the start of the cast. This stowing is dishonest gameplay.

    > Remember stowing sword2 on mesmer and how quickly it got fixed after Helseth made guide showing it? But thiefs skills abusing same things are totally fine and balanced :)

    > Ok, i see, i see.


    No. Dumbing down the game further is not a good idea.

  12. After trying out the build myself for about 3-4 games. I would say its not a easy build to start with, but it has very high potential. You do not spam 3 that much, but combined with dagger storm, short CD steals, pistol 4, and other utility, it is very powerful. I would say the team must balance it carefully, otherwise it would be useless, like the berzerker war

  13. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > I really wish there is some sort of basic understanding test so people do not post kitten feedback on the forums.

    > But then you wouldnt have so many mesmer threads and such . Where is the fun? :confused:


    Ah, defending mesmers again~

  14. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > New rampage is fine. You just can't "two fisted monkey style" with it anymore.


    > Instead of just spamming CCs for free damage, you now how to CC and followup with 1. No more 2345 roll face on keyboard.





    Giving it 1-2k max dmg is not two fisted monkey style. With regarding to spamming, there are other classes with spamming issues.

  15. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > What if they reverted the damage but removed the CC from it?


    Then people will think its not nerfed at all. Maybe a solution is to make it a daze and reduce the dmg to 1/3 or even 1/4.

  16. > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > It took about 10 minutes. Believe it or not, whatever. Moreover, you can also Check Lord Hizen 1v1 against Cellofrag.


    > Hizen vs Cellofrag it's been 1 year ago ;) (many things have been nerfed in mirage since and the condi weaver build dosen't even exist...at least in Metabattle)


    > Still why we're talking about Mirage/Weaver when the problem is the warrior :p


    Remember, you asked about mirages. And I simply how passive game play style it is. OMG, whats wrong with people.... I am gonna stop, otherwise might be banned again...

  17. > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > TO be very honest, I actually played Mirage and Symbolband.


    > > The first time I played Mirage, I can win a very good weaver player. Its so simple, spam clones, and when the opponents are close, staff 2 or port away. And after 30 mins, I can beat a lot of wars.

    > A basic condi Mirage can't win actually vs a fire weaver who know what he's doing (too much cleaning)


    > > I also tried symbolband. One main issue is the skill that grants 3 charges of blind, weakness and other conditions. Combines with other condition output, its just a nightmare for any melee class. And also, it takes about 70 games of symbolband to win a MAT (someone said that on forum, not me.).

    > Agreed for symbolbrand, can't tell much about it (even if i'm a good core/DH, i can't play FB correctly)


    > > Its really hard to understand how people reason on gaming forums.. Maybe should play less games mate.

    > The lesser you'll play pvp, the higher your rating will increase. (personal experience, accounts to just enjoy the game and 1 account for the leaderboard, 1-2 game per day)



    > > The first time I played Mirage, I can win a very good weaver player. Its so simple, spam clones, and when the opponents are close, staff 2 or port away. And after 30 mins, I can beat a lot of wars.

    > A basic condi Mirage can't win actually vs a fire weaver who know what he's doing (too much cleaning)

    It took about 10 minutes. Believe it or not, whatever. Moreover, you can also Check Lord Hizen 1v1 against Cellofrag.


    > > Its really hard to understand how people reason on gaming forums.. Maybe should play less games mate.

    > The lesser you'll play pvp, the higher your rating will increase. (personal experience, accounts to just enjoy the game and 1 account for the leaderboard, 1-2 game per day)


    You misunderstood, but again, whatever.

  18. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > I dont see a connection between your whine about absurdly OP skill is being less absurdly OP and fact that I played this game long ago and mesmer. Definitely my problem ?


    So I suggesting the nerf is a bit too far is whining? OMG, ok, I would stop here, its a waste of time trying to communicate with people like you.

  19. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > While Rampage deserves a proper nerf, but isnt three of five skills now can only do less than 50 dmg a bit too much?

    > > > > > > > > > > Make the dmg to 1/3 or even 1/4 should be enough, but instead you make it 1/100.... Hard to understand the logic. Now the rampage cannot win the 1v1 the Gazelle.

    > > > > > > > > > Who could have thought, braindead warriors want their braindead OP elite back :joy:

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Did I say I want it back? Cutting it to 1/4 of dmg means want it back? Ah, you are a mirage main. Seems plausible now.

    > > > > > > > Except, I dont play this, nice try with "mirage main", clearly doesnt make you look even more stupid /s

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Oh come on Odik. Its not like I never seen you in 1v1 arena and ranked and unranked games using mirage or mesmer in general.

    > > > > > I bet you couldnt see me the last... emm... when the last time I played? Or you seen me? :joy:

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Yes, you might not log on for a while, but you used to play mirage. I mean please. And look at the tones in the threads related to core mesmer oneshot builds. You are just double standard as hell mate.

    > > > Silver level plebs that need 3 seconds to find a breakstun or cant differ NPC from a player in 2020? (I could agree only that stealth extension traits shouldnt ever existed, MoP too.). Game never had so many bad players as now, thus, tons of complains about mesmer/clones.

    > > > How its related to braindead rampage anyway? *inserts spiderman pointing meme*

    > >

    > > I can say similar things about rampage, i.e., only silver plebs trigger every FC or cannot dodge\line of sight rampage skills. The relatedness about double standardness mate.

    > Nop, thats a logical fallacy and has nothing to do with a rampage,F for you


    Wow, logical fallacy. Impressive. But its your problem if you dont see the connection.

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