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Posts posted by Crozame.4098

  1. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > Is this a troll or something?

    > >

    > > ... You use ranger that one shots ranger to show ranger is fine....

    > >

    > > Clip 7, yes, grim jack simply ran away..... He just ran away... Fair enough, good strategy.


    > Dodge PBS, LoS projectiles, use movement to counter pets, GS, and merge skills.


    > Was there anything I just listed that can't be done on every other other classes besides ranger?


    > You're making it sound like the clips I linked only worked because I used ranger-specific skills to kill another ranger. But that's not relevant at all. The videos show the same few ways to completely nullify the damage from rangers without having to do much more than dodge once and hold W.


    It could also be that SLB is just learning and not good at it. Also, clip 7 is meaningless. Also, not many classes have a 4.75 sec cd on 6-7 dmg skill... Or two set of offensive weapons. Oh, sorry, I think that's only ranger....

    ANd I am not saying that ranger is good or bad. I am just saying your evidence here is not conclusive. Also, from a statistical point of view, at lest clip 1-3, you are farming the same Slb in the same game? So, your INDEPENDENT observations are less than 9...

  2. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > Free kill? If it is severely underpowered then at least one duoQ with mirage would not be able to win DuoQs with cancer builds and top players.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > What kind of logic is that? Ofc when players are 10000 times better than others they can make up stuff work. Just as low skilled noobs can win vs much better players only because of buildcarry.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > ...... They are also against top players. So they are not 10000 times better. Maybe slightly better, but cannot compensate if the builds are as you mentioned, very very weak.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Barely, most times i see them vs clearly worse wannabe goods or simple nonames. Maybe they get q dodged a lot, no clue. And Sindrener does a lot with his Thief to make that comp work. But i am not even saying Condimirage is unplayable, why should it? Anet didn't fix the real issues at all. They just forced Mirages more into toxic retargeting mechanic and from an offensive passive dodge trait (passive because of the condi ambushes, not because of IH itself) to a mostly passive defensive dodge trait (EM), which is rly strong right now, because condis are stronger than power dmg atm. The change didn't add any skill ceiling to Mirage, they just deleted all potential skill ceiling Condimirage could get with reworked condi ambushes.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I am just saying your logic doesn't make sense. Also even for Condimirage (what is still braindead spammy and passive) you barely see anyone else except Misha playing it successful. Maybe it could be few more when you give them a Sindrener at their side too but still it makes more sense and is a way easier life to play Ele, Necro, FB... most other classes,... than a Condimirage, not to mention Powermirage what is now even more only something for masochists.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I mean, I am simply saying mirage is ok, and might not need a buff. Thats all I am trying to say. And you said it is not unplayable.

    > > > > > > Regarding the logical part. If it is completely garbage, then no one can make it work. . I don't see why its flawed. Also, there was just a video on forum: power mirage & rev got into plat, and I think they are not those who consistently make to the finals of the MATs.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I have no clue if those players even participate in Ats but that does not rly matter. When you look at the footage you can clearly see and it got mentioned more than once already that this Player was/is most likely the best/ for sure one of the best Powermesmers in the whole game. Means until now we have 2 ppl in EU can make Mirage work vs decent ppl, one Condimirage and one Powermirage. How about we nerf all other classes in a way only 2 ppl can play it? Did you try Mirage yourself? I did try Condimirage and just switched back to Necro, not because Condimirage is totally unplayable but because Necro and other classes are way more chill and (compared to Powermirage at least) easier to play (clearly easier to survive also compared to Condimirage). Not to mention Powermirage clearly is for masochists. Let me see some footage from you playing it at plat+, preferable Powermirage, to show how viable it is and then talk.

    > > > > > That you can make something work when you play a lot better than your opponents and when you have way more work to do for the same reward than on other classes can hardly be called good balance. If you think Mirage is ok, then prove it and play it yourself and show some footage vs decent ppl. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.

    > > > > > Overkill or not, as mentioned already the biggest problem with that change is that it dumbs down the whole mechanic instead adding skill ceiling, what is for sure a bad way of balancing, in particular when you do not even solve the balance issues of the one op playstyle (like Conidmirage is still passive and braindead dodgespam, now even more to not waste endurance reggen).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There are better ways to balance Condimirage (without dumbing down the spec, without overnerfing skillful Powerbuilds, with adding skill ceiling to even Condimirage and make it finally less passive and for that solve the issues instead nerfing around them) and they got mentioned several times already, do the effort to read forum and you will find them.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Ok, think of the current meta. Besides the 3-4 busted builds, can you find other classes with more than 2 players that also can reach the top and win against top players with busted builds?

    > > > > And, footage from me is also biased, since I do not main mirage. I played it before prior to nerf, and I think it is very easy to play. At least again melee classes (not thief). But again. Similarly, maybe because you are really really bad at mirage or pvp in general so you just switch back to Necro. So your statement is meaningless. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.... Your own arguments suffers against your other arguments mate. Try to be consistent.

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't understand. 1) This thread is title "Mesmer needs a buff". 2) You said it is not too bad. 3) You said the way Anet balanced is not correct and hence reduce the ceiling. Balance != Buff right? So, I really don't understand what are you arguing here. It gives the impression that you also want to buff mirage.

    > > > >

    > > > > > That you can make something work when you play a lot better than your opponents and when you have way more work to do for the same reward than on other classes can hardly be called good balance. If you think Mirage is ok, then prove it and play it yourself and show some footage vs decent ppl. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.

    > > > > So you know him but way more effort in this game even there is no other incentives to do so (no ESL etc...) Similarly, how do you know others did not put a lot of effort in the game?

    > > >

    > > > Footage of you is not biased, you also can get enough time to get into the class, no problem, you even played Mirage already as you say, means you don't even need that long. Coming on forum and claiming opinions without explaining anything just claiming is easy. You even call it easy to play, even better, should be easy for you to prove that then. Give me some easy Powermirage footage then please.

    > > > I was not replying to the thread name i was replying to you saying Mirage is ok and your only prove of that is, that 2 ppl can make it work in plat+. The same players could also just switch on any other class and get the same result with way less effort and skill investment. So that is not proving anything. Mirage is not "ok" with only one dodge. Powermirage is pretty butchered and that for the sake of nerfing Condimirage what didn't even solve the issues on Condimirage. I gave enough suggestions of how to nerf Condimirage in other ways instead the one dodge change. I will not repead them for you the 1000. time because you are unwilling to do the effort to inform yourself before you claim stuff and accuse me of stuff clearly not true, what you would know when closely reading my stuff.

    > >

    > >

    > > Coming on forum and claiming opinions without explaining anything just claiming is easy. Same applies to you mate. How do you know there are only 2 mirages? and how do you know others invest less efforts? Without knowing the answers, you make those claims. Have you put the effort you inform yourself about your two claims?

    > >

    > > And you don't even main mirage. As you mentioned, you tried it a few times and then switch back to Necro, then how on earth your suggestions are useful?

    > >

    > > And in the last, the logic that: if one class is truly trash in every aspect, then no one can make it work, is legit. So I did not make rootless claims. If I have data, I would make stronger claims.

    > >


    > I am not talking about how many effort ppl invest in the game i talk about how many effort it needs to play certain classes rewarding and competitive and how much skill that needs compared to others. That is easy to do by playing the game and all classes, like i do as a multiclass player. I currently miss Ranger that is why i do not rly comment on that despite the obvious that npcs should not have high dmg on passive skills. And no i do not just claim, i invest a lot of time to explain, based on gameknowledge and facts and logic, why i say what i say. But it seems you just want to play an semantic game to distract from the fact that you cannot prove what you claim, while you don't even have logic behind you to back you up. Again, you said you played Mirage, you say it is easy (again no logic, no prove, just a claim means nothing), so where is the problem to show some footage playing that easy spec vs decent ppl? I even give you some time to get back into the class. You don't need to upload tomorrow or in one week. Ez thing for you to do.



    > I am not talking about how many effort ppl invest in the game i talk about how many effort it needs to play certain classes rewarding and competitive and how much skill that needs compared to others.

    How do you know that? Proof? Or this is based on logic? I don't see the logical point here tho.


    >Again, you said you played Mirage, you say it is easy (again no logic, no prove, just a claim means nothing)

    yes I said I once tried mirage, even before the previous nerf. Its perfectly fine that you do not believe me but that not relevant...

    The discussion here is whether the current state of mirage needs a buff. And I argue because of the logic I mentioned... I did not say that I tried the CURRENT mirage and its stupidly easy to play...I Did not say that..


  3. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > > > Free kill? If it is severely underpowered then at least one duoQ with mirage would not be able to win DuoQs with cancer builds and top players.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > What kind of logic is that? Ofc when players are 10000 times better than others they can make up stuff work. Just as low skilled noobs can win vs much better players only because of buildcarry.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > ...... They are also against top players. So they are not 10000 times better. Maybe slightly better, but cannot compensate if the builds are as you mentioned, very very weak.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Barely, most times i see them vs clearly worse wannabe goods or simple nonames. Maybe they get q dodged a lot, no clue. And Sindrener does a lot with his Thief to make that comp work. But i am not even saying Condimirage is unplayable, why should it? Anet didn't fix the real issues at all. They just forced Mirages more into toxic retargeting mechanic and from an offensive passive dodge trait (passive because of the condi ambushes, not because of IH itself) to a mostly passive defensive dodge trait (EM), which is rly strong right now, because condis are stronger than power dmg atm. The change didn't add any skill ceiling to Mirage, they just deleted all potential skill ceiling Condimirage could get with reworked condi ambushes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I am just saying your logic doesn't make sense. Also even for Condimirage (what is still braindead spammy and passive) you barely see anyone else except Misha playing it successful. Maybe it could be few more when you give them a Sindrener at their side too but still it makes more sense and is a way easier life to play Ele, Necro, FB... most other classes,... than a Condimirage, not to mention Powermirage what is now even more only something for masochists.

    > > > >

    > > > > I mean, I am simply saying mirage is ok, and might not need a buff. Thats all I am trying to say. And you said it is not unplayable.

    > > > > Regarding the logical part. If it is completely garbage, then no one can make it work. . I don't see why its flawed. Also, there was just a video on forum: power mirage & rev got into plat, and I think they are not those who consistently make to the finals of the MATs.

    > > >

    > > > I have no clue if those players even participate in Ats but that does not rly matter. When you look at the footage you can clearly see and it got mentioned more than once already that this Player was/is most likely the best/ for sure one of the best Powermesmers in the whole game. Means until now we have 2 ppl in EU can make Mirage work vs decent ppl, one Condimirage and one Powermirage. How about we nerf all other classes in a way only 2 ppl can play it? Did you try Mirage yourself? I did try Condimirage and just switched back to Necro, not because Condimirage is totally unplayable but because Necro and other classes are way more chill and (compared to Powermirage at least) easier to play (clearly easier to survive also compared to Condimirage). Not to mention Powermirage clearly is for masochists. Let me see some footage from you playing it at plat+, preferable Powermirage, to show how viable it is and then talk.

    > > > That you can make something work when you play a lot better than your opponents and when you have way more work to do for the same reward than on other classes can hardly be called good balance. If you think Mirage is ok, then prove it and play it yourself and show some footage vs decent ppl. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.

    > > > Overkill or not, as mentioned already the biggest problem with that change is that it dumbs down the whole mechanic instead adding skill ceiling, what is for sure a bad way of balancing, in particular when you do not even solve the balance issues of the one op playstyle (like Conidmirage is still passive and braindead dodgespam, now even more to not waste endurance reggen).

    > > >

    > > > There are better ways to balance Condimirage (without dumbing down the spec, without overnerfing skillful Powerbuilds, with adding skill ceiling to even Condimirage and make it finally less passive and for that solve the issues instead nerfing around them) and they got mentioned several times already, do the effort to read forum and you will find them.

    > >

    > >

    > > Ok, think of the current meta. Besides the 3-4 busted builds, can you find other classes with more than 2 players that also can reach the top and win against top players with busted builds?

    > > And, footage from me is also biased, since I do not main mirage. I played it before prior to nerf, and I think it is very easy to play. At least again melee classes (not thief). But again. Similarly, maybe because you are really really bad at mirage or pvp in general so you just switch back to Necro. So your statement is meaningless. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.... Your own arguments suffers against your other arguments mate. Try to be consistent.

    > >

    > > I don't understand. 1) This thread is title "Mesmer needs a buff". 2) You said it is not too bad. 3) You said the way Anet balanced is not correct and hence reduce the ceiling. Balance != Buff right? So, I really don't understand what are you arguing here. It gives the impression that you also want to buff mirage.

    > >

    > > > That you can make something work when you play a lot better than your opponents and when you have way more work to do for the same reward than on other classes can hardly be called good balance. If you think Mirage is ok, then prove it and play it yourself and show some footage vs decent ppl. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.

    > > So you know him but way more effort in this game even there is no other incentives to do so (no ESL etc...) Similarly, how do you know others did not put a lot of effort in the game?


    > Footage of you is not biased, you also can get enough time to get into the class, no problem, you even played Mirage already as you say, means you don't even need that long. Coming on forum and claiming opinions without explaining anything just claiming is easy. You even call it easy to play, even better, should be easy for you to prove that then. Give me some easy Powermirage footage then please.

    > I was not replying to the thread name i was replying to you saying Mirage is ok and your only prove of that is, that 2 ppl can make it work in plat+. The same players could also just switch on any other class and get the same result with way less effort and skill investment. So that is not proving anything. Mirage is not "ok" with only one dodge. Powermirage is pretty butchered and that for the sake of nerfing Condimirage what didn't even solve the issues on Condimirage. I gave enough suggestions of how to nerf Condimirage in other ways instead the one dodge change. I will not repead them for you the 1000. time because you are unwilling to do the effort to inform yourself before you claim stuff and accuse me of stuff clearly not true, what you would know when closely reading my stuff.



    Coming on forum and claiming opinions without explaining anything just claiming is easy. Same applies to you mate. How do you know there are only 2 mirages? and how do you know others invest less efforts? Without knowing the answers, you make those claims. Have you put the effort you inform yourself about your two claims?


    And you don't even main mirage. As you mentioned, you tried it a few times and then switch back to Necro, then how on earth your suggestions are useful?


    And in the last, the logic that: if one class is truly trash in every aspect, then no one can make it work, is legit. So I did not make rootless claims. If I have data, I would make stronger claims.


  4. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > > > Free kill? If it is severely underpowered then at least one duoQ with mirage would not be able to win DuoQs with cancer builds and top players.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What kind of logic is that? Ofc when players are 10000 times better than others they can make up stuff work. Just as low skilled noobs can win vs much better players only because of buildcarry.

    > > > >

    > > > > ...... They are also against top players. So they are not 10000 times better. Maybe slightly better, but cannot compensate if the builds are as you mentioned, very very weak.

    > > >

    > > > Barely, most times i see them vs clearly worse wannabe goods or simple nonames. Maybe they get q dodged a lot, no clue. And Sindrener does a lot with his Thief to make that comp work. But i am not even saying Condimirage is unplayable, why should it? Anet didn't fix the real issues at all. They just forced Mirages more into toxic retargeting mechanic and from an offensive passive dodge trait (passive because of the condi ambushes, not because of IH itself) to a mostly passive defensive dodge trait (EM), which is rly strong right now, because condis are stronger than power dmg atm. The change didn't add any skill ceiling to Mirage, they just deleted all potential skill ceiling Condimirage could get with reworked condi ambushes.

    > > >

    > > > I am just saying your logic doesn't make sense. Also even for Condimirage (what is still braindead spammy and passive) you barely see anyone else except Misha playing it successful. Maybe it could be few more when you give them a Sindrener at their side too but still it makes more sense and is a way easier life to play Ele, Necro, FB... most other classes,... than a Condimirage, not to mention Powermirage what is now even more only something for masochists.

    > >

    > > I mean, I am simply saying mirage is ok, and might not need a buff. Thats all I am trying to say. And you said it is not unplayable.

    > > Regarding the logical part. If it is completely garbage, then no one can make it work. . I don't see why its flawed. Also, there was just a video on forum: power mirage & rev got into plat, and I think they are not those who consistently make to the finals of the MATs.


    > I have no clue if those players even participate in Ats but that does not rly matter. When you look at the footage you can clearly see and it got mentioned more than once already that this Player was/is most likely the best/ for sure one of the best Powermesmers in the whole game. Means until now we have 2 ppl in EU can make Mirage work vs decent ppl, one Condimirage and one Powermirage. How about we nerf all other classes in a way only 2 ppl can play it? Did you try Mirage yourself? I did try Condimirage and just switched back to Necro, not because Condimirage is totally unplayable but because Necro and other classes are way more chill and (compared to Powermirage at least) easier to play (clearly easier to survive also compared to Condimirage). Not to mention Powermirage clearly is for masochists. Let me see some footage from you playing it at plat+, preferable Powermirage, to show how viable it is and then talk.

    > That you can make something work when you play a lot better than your opponents and when you have way more work to do for the same reward than on other classes can hardly be called good balance. If you think Mirage is ok, then prove it and play it yourself and show some footage vs decent ppl. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.

    > Overkill or not, as mentioned already the biggest problem with that change is that it dumbs down the whole mechanic instead adding skill ceiling, what is for sure a bad way of balancing, in particular when you do not even solve the balance issues of the one op playstyle (like Conidmirage is still passive and braindead dodgespam, now even more to not waste endurance reggen).


    > There are better ways to balance Condimirage (without dumbing down the spec, without overnerfing skillful Powerbuilds, with adding skill ceiling to even Condimirage and make it finally less passive and for that solve the issues instead nerfing around them) and they got mentioned several times already, do the effort to read forum and you will find them.



    Ok, think of the current meta. Besides the 3-4 busted builds, can you find other classes with more than 2 players that also can reach the top and win against top players with busted builds?

    And, footage from me is also biased, since I do not main mirage. I played it before prior to nerf, and I think it is very easy to play. At least again melee classes (not thief). But again. Similarly, maybe because you are really really bad at mirage or pvp in general so you just switch back to Necro. So your statement is meaningless. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.... Your own arguments suffers against your other arguments mate. Try to be consistent.


    I don't understand. 1) This thread is title "Mesmer needs a buff". 2) You said it is not too bad. 3) You said the way Anet balanced is not correct and hence reduce the ceiling. Balance != Buff right? So, I really don't understand what are you arguing here. It gives the impression that you also want to buff mirage.


    > That you can make something work when you play a lot better than your opponents and when you have way more work to do for the same reward than on other classes can hardly be called good balance. If you think Mirage is ok, then prove it and play it yourself and show some footage vs decent ppl. Talking on forum is easy and words are patient.

    So you know him but way more effort in this game even there is no other incentives to do so (no ESL etc...) Similarly, how do you know others did not put a lot of effort in the game?

  5. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > Free kill? If it is severely underpowered then at least one duoQ with mirage would not be able to win DuoQs with cancer builds and top players.

    > > >

    > > > What kind of logic is that? Ofc when players are 10000 times better than others they can make up stuff work. Just as low skilled noobs can win vs much better players only because of buildcarry.

    > >

    > > ...... They are also against top players. So they are not 10000 times better. Maybe slightly better, but cannot compensate if the builds are as you mentioned, very very weak.


    > Barely, most times i see them vs clearly worse wannabe goods or simple nonames. Maybe they get q dodged a lot, no clue. And Sindrener does a lot with his Thief to make that comp work. But i am not even saying Condimirage is unplayable, why should it? Anet didn't fix the real issues at all. They just forced Mirages more into toxic retargeting mechanic and from an offensive passive dodge trait (passive because of the condi ambushes, not because of IH itself) to a mostly passive defensive dodge trait (EM), which is rly strong right now, because condis are stronger than power dmg atm. The change didn't add any skill ceiling to Mirage, they just deleted all potential skill ceiling Condimirage could get with reworked condi ambushes.


    > I am just saying your logic doesn't make sense. Also even for Condimirage (what is still braindead spammy and passive) you barely see anyone else except Misha playing it successful. Maybe it could be few more when you give them a Sindrener at their side too but still it makes more sense and is a way easier life to play Ele, Necro, FB... most other classes,... than a Condimirage, not to mention Powermirage what is now even more only something for masochists.


    I mean, I am simply saying mirage is ok, and might not need a buff. Thats all I am trying to say. And you said it is not unplayable.

    Regarding the logical part. If it is completely garbage, then no one can make it work. . I don't see why its flawed. Also, there was just a video on forum: power mirage & rev got into plat, and I think they are not those who consistently make to the finals of the MATs.

  6. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > Well you can:

    > - Attack from further than 240 units.

    > - Use blinds.

    > - Stab.

    > - Stow weapon for 4 seconds.

    > - Counter CC.

    > - Chill for 66% recharge increase

    > - Bait them

    > - Interrupt air overload

    > - Pressure when they not in air attunement



    This is not helpful at all.

    > - Attack from further than 240 units.

    may melee classes.

    > - Use blinds.

    How does this work with shocking aura?

    > - Stab.

    Many classes have stun break, but not many has stab. Also, if you use too many stun break/stab for the shocking aura. then might be CCed to death later.

    > - Stow weapon for 4 seconds.

    Yes, can also not playing this game. Please note that its 2v2, they are 2 not 1, with that 4 seconds they either heal up, or do shit dmg to you. also, if you stow 4 seconds for every shocking aura, then cannot kill them.


    I mean, every OP class has its weakness. For bunker Necro, you can kill the other. Or you can argue that since they don't do much dmg, just slowly kill them. And about resin signet and ressing power, you can argue that you can interrupt the signet or put more poisson on the downed. This does not mean it is not OP.




    Is the spam excessive? Let's assume it's 2 eles, both aurashare. Every aura last 4 secs (else they do way less dmg):


    Dagger 3 (4/20 secs ×2)

    Rebound (4/75 secs ×2)

    Only Air Overload can do more, which not only is a PbAoE (can be ranged), at most give them 1 stack of stab and leave them vulnerable to counterpressure for 4 full seconds every 10 .


    You are assuming that all they have... But they have other abilities....

  7. > @"Stallic.2397" said:

    > The main culprits of aura share are tempests, and tempests die if the team focuses them. Wha? Yes, shocking.


    > Even with all the lightning auras and other annoying defenses, nothing can save a low armor, low health, melee class.


    > The only successful tempests I've seen are the kitey ones. So bring range and wait for the small amount of stability that tempests have to go away. They'll die faster than any other support class you've seen


    > The only successful tempests I've seen are the kitey ones. So bring range and wait for the small amount of stability that tempests have to go away. They'll die faster than any other support class you've seen


    I don't know what to say, if you don't kite even necros will die. in 2v2 tempest is very strong.


  8. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > Free kill? If it is severely underpowered then at least one duoQ with mirage would not be able to win DuoQs with cancer builds and top players.


    > What kind of logic is that? Ofc when players are 10000 times better than others they can make up stuff work. Just as low skilled noobs can win vs much better players only because of buildcarry.


    ...... They are also against top players. So they are not 10000 times better. Maybe slightly better, but cannot compensate if the builds are as you mentioned, very very weak.

  9. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > > GS should be balanced a bit. When traited with BM, 4.75 second maul which hits a lot, and can be refreshed by 5. and also GS4, 20 second CD, which is shorter than Revs shield and war shield. And it has knock. Note that although rev's shield heals, rev cannot move. And war's shield stance has no other functionality (very few players in sPvP run defence right?)

    > > >

    > > > Personally not a fan of nerfing GS yet again

    > >

    > > it is still OP. less than 5 second GS2 which does up to 7k? 20 CD block which can also stun


    > I think this argument goes for a lot of weps and classes, just works in different ways. Ranger has all its GS damage in maul. But that's a trade off that if you dont get hit by maul ranger wont kill you. For like power mesmer or something as an example you need to dodge 4 and 2 for damage. For war you need to dodge 2 and 3 and 5. But they do slightly less damage than maul.


    > It's all about trade offs. A ranger with 7k mauls is running Bm and Mm and Sb and has little to no condi clear or sustain.


    > Nerfing GS just will make sic em more needed and rangers to find other ways of doing more damage. Also it forces more rangers to go glass because GS will then be garbage on druid and core.


    Are you serious? GS5 stuns and reset GS2; GS4 has the potential to stun too; Also there are random pet CCs, and pets hurt a lot. And on top of that, you still have LB.

    No sustain? You can stealth from LB, you can invul when merge with certain pet, you can also GS3 and stealth with smoke field.


    They indeed need to nerf GS to some certain extent. In most other builds, one weapon set is offensive and the other is defensive. But for ranger, LB is offence, and GS is both offensive and defensive. Thats too good, and need to be balanced.


    And you compare the power Mesmer; their burst CD is much longer. Ranger is simply OP, no need to defend it.

  10. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > GS should be balanced a bit. When traited with BM, 4.75 second maul which hits a lot, and can be refreshed by 5. and also GS4, 20 second CD, which is shorter than Revs shield and war shield. And it has knock. Note that although rev's shield heals, rev cannot move. And war's shield stance has no other functionality (very few players in sPvP run defence right?)


    > Personally not a fan of nerfing GS yet again


    it is still OP. less than 5 second GS2 which does up to 7k? 20 CD block which can also stun

  11. GS should be balanced a bit. When traited with BM, 4.75 second maul which hits a lot, and can be refreshed by 5. and also GS4, 20 second CD, which is shorter than Revs shield and war shield. And it has knock. Note that although rev's shield heals, rev cannot move. And war's shield stance has no other functionality (very few players in sPvP run defence right?)

  12. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > Agreed. Thief is annoying af. And hard to punish at least in 2v2 arena.

    > >


    > Hard to punish in a small area made for reveals and AoE damage that hits everyone, including in stealth?


    > Yeah, let’s pretend that thief is OP in 2v2.


    Lol, how small? You can do the same play style as core thief. Stealth, burst, heal, stealth burst again. Sword thief, can port all over the place.

  13. > @"Revolution.5409" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > Agreed. GS2 can still do 8k dmg. I don't think further increasing the CD is the way. Rather, reduce its power coefficient.

    > > Regarding the previous comment. Some pets do random CC, which is really annoying. And also, there is taunts right? There is a reason that all the ranger related class use LB and GS.


    > Maul's damage has been nerfed, if you like playing full dps you will get the same numbers from other professions.


    > So what? Remove CC from all pets because annoying? Seriously xD


    > Yes 2 seconds on a 20 second CD, Protect Me now applies barrier no longer Taunt.


    > No there is no particular reason, I use double ax because I don't like LB after these updates.


    > So what? Remove CC from all pets because annoying? Seriously xD

    No, I was simply pointing out that rangers have more than 2 CCs.


    > No there is no particular reason, I use double ax because I don't like LB after these updates.

    It is safe to say a large majority is using LB GS.

  14. Agreed, duoQ in 2v2 has more advantage, other things equal. two solutions: 1) duoQ match with duoQ only; 2) increase the duoQ matchmaking MMR. But the second solution is also problematic due to the existence of FB.


    Also, I don't know why there are also many core guards. Since the match making is based on class, not elite specification, they put themselves into disadvantage once they que.

  15. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > I believe there are still many things that shouldnt have been that OP are not properly addressed yet. Like the thief blind field utility as one example.


    > It will have 45 second cooldown. In a way it is addressed.


    increase cool down is not enough. They should make it focus on one functionality. For example, if serve as a field to stealth, then should remove the blind. etc.

  16. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > >

    > > >

    > > > Firebrand got healing nerf on healing skill and mantras. Monks focus got reduced healing for both core guard and dh. Warrior isn't an outlier.

    > >

    > > > Firebrand got healing nerf on healing skill and mantras.

    > > Both of the two are the main source of healing. So nerfed about 33%?

    > >

    > > > Monks focus got reduced healing for both core guard and dh.

    > > You are right, but this a second source of healing for guards.

    > >

    > > Tether's might gen got halved.


    > Tether shouldn't have had might to begin with.


    Already got nerfed. And I believe there are still many things that shouldnt have been that OP are not properly addressed yet. Like the thief blind field utility as one example.

  17. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:



    > Firebrand got healing nerf on healing skill and mantras. Monks focus got reduced healing for both core guard and dh. Warrior isn't an outlier.


    > Firebrand got healing nerf on healing skill and mantras.

    Both of the two are the main source of healing. So nerfed about 33%?


    > Monks focus got reduced healing for both core guard and dh.

    You are right, but this a second source of healing for guards.


    Tether's might gen got halved.

  18. > @"GewRoo.4172" said:

    > That's no overall 'bigger' nerf compared to other classes but to certain builds that rely on all three points mentioned (Strength Spb). Core Warr doesn't suffer from the tether nerf obviously. Other classes' traits got adjusted too btw.


    I am not sure how and to what extent other class's traits influence overall healing. But this is a larger than 33% healing hit for Strength Spb, which is the most used in sPvP.

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