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Posts posted by Khalisto.5780

  1. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > The best I can think of is giving water sword 2 the same treatment Mesmer sword 2 got.

    > >

    > > That skill was actually a problem before and seeing the similarities here with Weaver, they could do the same to lightly tone down the uptime on evade without hurting much else.

    > >

    > > So really speeding it up.


    > Lots of people suggested a shorter evade uptime and same CD, so you could still use the water field but needed to actually time the evades. They decided to increase the CD of a weapon skill 2 to 18 seconds...


    > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > Too much access to barrier. Too much untellable burning with sunspot and flame expulsion. Giving those an internal cd might help. Weaver has a rough range of 300 so staying outside that range severly reduces burn output. I think its a problem with their defences and not their offense since it can be played around.


    > Flame expulsion applies 1 single burning stack. Yes, the duration can be extended, but the tell is incredibly obvious.

    > Weaver has nothing like a range of 300. Most weapon skills have a range of 130. Primordial stance has a radius of 180. Pyro Vortexes have a radius of 90...


    > I do agree about some random burning decrease if you add the burning to burst skills. But do we really want condi bursts back?

    > Also some barrier and/or projectile denial could be reduced. A solution would be not to force ele into focus anymore. :angry:

    > But **only** if all the other good builds get nerfs too. Otherwise it would be extremely unreasonable.


    God no, i want more proctile denials, i want something that would reflect mauls, pets, shiro ports and thieves in general

  2. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > Personally i'd go back to playing if SoloQs didn't have to play with teams of any kind in Ranked

    > And if the combat was actually fun or remotely exciting at all.


    > Both of which weren't issues at one point, but those good days are distant memories now.

    > But no, Season 13 marked the start of Ranked's slow death.

    > Feb 25th patch finished off PvP entirely


    > The bots and low population are annoying sure, and make everything much worse, but its nothing new.

    > Plenty of games have bots that still turn out successful and enjoyable just like a lot of low-pop games do pretty well with their small communities.


    > People might expect that getting into a game. What they don't expect is to be trampled by 2 of the very best players in the game cheesing the matchmaker, or fighting an unkillable Bunker for the entirety of a game while simultaneously being CC spam-locked out of using their skills.


    I dont think balance itself was the problem, it was more like the last broken promise. They hyped up the community with this big patch and REGULAR UPDATES, 4 to 6 weeks they said. I think the last part was the the main reason ppl left, they were done believing anet. But again, the ones who care moat about balance are vets, and problem seems to be new comes not aticking around, and i believe botting and afking impunity is more of a factor here.

  3. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Rvannith.8364" said:

    > > People in Low Gold-Mid Silver (where most of the bots are) probably would see a ban wave as being significantly more beneficial to our game experience

    > It's very likely that they'll see it very detrimental to the game experience.

    > A ban wave would result in longer queue times and even worse matches, as the rank disparity in matches with exacerbate.




    Something like that would bring some ppl back, if it wasnt anet it could bring a lot more. By now ppl would think "ok, they banning, lets aee how long they can keep thia bots away"

  4. > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > Its not ONLY anet s fault that pvp population is low.


    > Btw even if u block someone, u can get with or vs him.


    Yes, thats why i said friend/block list, cuz you can keep track of them there, whenever they're in a pvp map you are safe to queue up

  5. I've been thinking about this subject, this game mode is in a state where fix yourself became acceptable


    I used to think like this, but it bares the ridiculous the amount of things you have to do in order to have a not terrible experience game experience


    List of fix yourself


    To not play with bots every game you gotta be 1350+


    From there you gotta avoid playing morning or whatever the population is even lower


    Even playing at prime time, at this rating you start being match with top 50 players. So next you have to start adding to your friends/block list to not play a totally rng match of being with or against them, which will define 80% of your matches results


    Ultimately you'll need a duo to have the best game experience possible, but you probably have to do all previous steps depending on your rating to have a chance of an enjoyable experience


    That's a lot of things to do TO TRY playing the game properly


    Game is not dying cuz top player x,y,z left, base of the pyramid is always broader than the top, game is dying cuz new comers have a horrendous game experience and don't stick around, why would they stay here if they could just play probably any other mmo pvp with a better game experience.

  6. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > I find it ironic that doing both at the same time would be the bare minimum to maintain this gamemode, yet the poll is about choosing one.


    Because anet seems to be struggling enough with one and there is at least 50% chance we getting none

  7. > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > > @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

    > > > Bala bc, when u get banned just create a new ftp acc ...

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > those bots are farming gold, which means they're useless as free accounts


    > U can transfer gold via black lion. Idk if its legal to write the way here.


    The amount of work to do that is abysmal. You gotta post it and the othet person has to buy it instantly.


    Unless you selling it cheaper i don't see ppl willing to do that, transfering 100 gold would take hours

  8. Well


    This fire weaver we have now is a nerfed version of that post feb patch, i mean, Obsidian Flesh is worse and might trait has been nerfed. Even tho, that weaver was bad, so weaver is not better, every thing else is worse, and its counters got gutted


    So ya, it will get nerfed, so you better start learning how to fight rangers, warriors and most likely condi herald again cuz those classes alomg with necro and supp core guardian will rule pvp after weaver and trapper runes get nerfed

  9. > @"Weerus.3701" said:

    > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > That's very personal

    > >

    > > And depends on what build you playing

    > >

    > > There are 3 well known weaver builds

    > >

    > > Fire, lightning rod and fresh air

    > >

    > > I find elementalist in general fun to play

    > >

    > > But fire is kinda boring ans fresh air super fun

    > >

    > > But you'd find ppl that will disagree with me class and buildwise

    > >

    > > So is more about trying a lot of different builds and playstyles to find what you actually have more fun with

    > >

    > >


    > True, so far im having fun with revenant so far. Will test other options too before fully commiting.

    > Where would I find fresh air build guide?




    Not really that good of a guide, but it'll give you the basics


    Search for grimjack stream for more info, he's the only one pulling out crazy stuff with this build at highest level.


    I played a fair bit this build, weak against condi and teleporting skill, so not the strongest build right now, specially for someone who is trying it first time.

  10. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > There. That was a terrible struggle but I got it.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/skDxfoI.jpg "")


    > Some of my experiences for anyone who likes to achieve the same as lower ranked player:

    > * It is easy to get teams, just use LFG and join a group that is accepting to all players.

    > * As silver-3 skilled player I get less than one win per tournament. I guess my amount of wins is around .7 to .8 per tournament. This means that you can get 2 or 3 tournaments with 0 wins in a row if you're unlucky and then two wins per tourney. So, it will take roughly 30 tourneys to win, depending a lot on luck and your skill level.

    > * If you can, disable your emotions. It will be a hard grind and you will be matched against full platinum teams against which you will have absolutely 0 chance to win. Be prepared to lose a lot. And be happy with every win.

    > * Stay until the end. If you get a few terrible matches, this does not mean that all of the matches have to be this way. I had a double win after a double loss in the same tourney.

    > * Expect some player misconduct being used in your favor and against you. You may get players who sabotage your team by being idle, players who rage quit after a terrible match, trolls who choose to join your party and then choose not to click ready and if you're lucky you get a full enemy team of terrible bots. Overall you will lose more due to player misconduct than you gain. Report and follow the rules.

    > * You will get a match skip (bye) from time to time. These do not count as wins for the emblem but do count as win in the tournament.


    > Live to Win and may the Six be with you and your character.



    > Now I can try the same with my second account. :s


    I imagine the struggle, it was annoying for me being g3/p1. I believe a good part of your wins were against afk teams.


    At first it was very frustrating cuz i was joining those all welcome teams. Then my experience was very similar to yours, I'd join tournament expecting 1 win. Then i started joining g3 p1 teams i things got a lot better like 2 3 wins every tournament

  11. That's very personal


    And depends on what build you playing


    There are 3 well known weaver builds


    Fire, lightning rod and fresh air


    I find elementalist in general fun to play


    But fire is kinda boring ans fresh air super fun


    But you'd find ppl that will disagree with me class and buildwise


    So is more about trying a lot of different builds and playstyles to find what you actually have more fun with



  12. > @"Sileeent.5861" said:

    > The question is, if you remove all bots from sPVP, how many real players are left? I just try to understand it logically somehow. As a programmer, I'm 100% sure that bots can be completely removed from sPVP. But the fact that bots have been in sPVP for years, as if they were welcome guests. I mean, nothing is done against bots in sPVP. So I could really imagine that Anet leaves the bots in, because without them the population would decrease too much, which ultimately leads to longer queues or even to endless queues, and a completely dead game. But the big problem with this theory is that it would then even be likely that the bots could even come from Anet themselves.


    > Complot or fact, we'll never know! But the bot problem has been around for how many years without any solution? Normally, these problems should always be in focus of a company as these are guests who consume resources without paying rent and in doing so they usually even make potential paying customers unhappy. From a purely logical point of view, there must be a reason for this permanent problem, and no, ignorance won't be the reason.


    At some point you get to this conclusion, bots now the pop is even lower are very easy to identify.


    Number of matches, most of them are scourges, there is a few builds they play, and all bots play like the same 5 builds, axe staff mirage, condi scourge, hammer guardian, hammer warrior.


    In 2v2s devs would just have to lower their rating to silver and queue up as double scourge, and they would pull at least one of those bots 100% chance and watch they stand still once timer reaches 0

  13. > @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

    > I don't know if there are all that many bots, a lot of them are just PvE players. I always ask people if they are a bot before I report them no matter how bad they're playing, and I almost always get a sarcastic or sincere response. So frankly I think the issue might be more that PvP is pulling in a boatload of really bad players who are only there for the rewards. The nice thing would be for Anet to nerf rewards for people who lose.


    I can send a ss of my friendlist on leaderboards, and you will see how many of them have now 1300-1400 games. Then you do your math and see they playing at least 14h/day every single day since season started, which is highly unlikely for human capabilities.


    Today i got one of those in my stream, it couldnt turn around a leave a corner in the map.

  14. 0 buffs since feb patch


    Obaidian flesh has been nerfed 3 times in a row


    Even a pve nerf to might generation


    Right after patch fire weaver dmg was laughable


    Things have been nerfed across the board, holo nerf was a huge breath of life to weaver, then thief nerf made it really good. There wasn't much weaver action before that.


    All natural counters are meh or not popular, warrior, mesmers and reapers


    All that combined with sidenoders being either condi or/and ranged specs made weaver great again.


    Devs are very quick on their fingers when it comes to nerf weaver


    So who will be the next side node god.





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