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Posts posted by Khalisto.5780

  1. > @"BadHealer.3608" said:

    > Does someone is really playing ranked with a F2P account? Are there any non-elite-profession in the meta?


    Symbols guardian was a thing last season till the symbol nerf.


    Core necro has been a solid pick for like an year at least.


    Condi core thief is still performing well high tier games.


    I guess there are core rangers in top 50.



  2. > @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

    > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > > This poll isn't even close.

    > >

    > > Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll.

    > >


    > There's only 58 people left playing this game !


    Kinda accurate, once you get past 1300 you start being placed with top 50 ppl. So i don't doubt you have like 60 ppl playing on prime time


    40 ppl -1300


    2 plat duos


    2 solo plats dodging the duos and complete it with ppl from 1300-1500.

  3. > @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

    > You guys would be lost without metabattle.

    > Or straight up copying lol.


    > "Warrior is the weakest class in the game and has no builds"


    > - February


    Funny how you ignoring all the rounds of nerfs tempest had until ppl even considering playing this build.

  4. I guess the answer would be not, no matter what meta is. You know, this is just forums.


    But the amount of unfun builds to play against this meta is just insane, after Team USA used it, trap DHs have swarmed ranked games, we have more and more decap builds and trapper rune builds. Supports are a bit overtunned.


    I think this is the worst meta since fb/scourge. Which we may see again but this time with warrior replacing guardian

  5. > @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

    > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > > ahaha, asking them to delay their pve wallet plans to do a balance patch, good joke

    > > >

    > > > Yeah i'd love to see healbreaker losing at least 33% of his healing, trapper runes with and icd, extra nerfs to holo and renegade aoe spam tuned down

    > > >

    > > > Maybe we get the first one this year, cuz you know, wars and eles can't shine

    > >

    > > We've done it! We've come full circle.

    > >

    > > People now want warrior nerfed.

    > >

    > > Anything is possible.


    > lol What happened to "Warrior is the worst class" .?That build was possible to play in February.


    tempest had tornado to offer every single team fight, plus better survivability overall with lower invul cds and more protection uptime


    dps were also different, you had super busted condi herald and lightning rod weaver hitting like a truck

  6. I'll try to bring you things that worked for me when I was silver, after this i almost instantly went from silver 3 to gold 2.


    https://www.godsofpvp.net/ Go to guides section and read it all, very helpful when you learning game basics


    Those two vídeos are like a must watch for begginers




    try to understand what role you playing and where i should be in the map most time, this "detail" took me from silver 3 to gold 2 in like a week, at the time I was playing defense spellbreaker which is a duelist, but i would always go mid, had all my stunbreaks eaten in 2 secs and die, when i learned i should be 1v1 most time i just started winning 70% of my games till i reached gold 2.


    Shorts was also very important to my evolution at the time https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe9CyX6v4tsPl0nde0Mn43g

    he has a lost of educational content and he also streams and he is willing to answer questions most of the time


    one of the most important steps is to find ppl that play the class you playing and are better than you




    most builds here have a streamer suggestion somewhere in the page


    watch streams is better than watch videos, cuz videos are mostly highlights


    streamers are usually friendly to questions





  7. Yes


    You can even get good in a short period of time


    I think your main go right now is getting close to 1300 rating to stay away from toxic players and bots


    As soon as i get home I'll post things i used to get there and try to gather basic information about the game mode that is all scattered throught forums

  8. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > I assume the icon is greyed out on the boss right?


    > I'm pretty sure that any boss with a break bar will have a number of conditions greyed out when they get cast on them.

    > Specifically Blind, Chill, Weakness, Immobilise, Cripple and Slow are the conditions that do this.


    > What it means as far as I can tell is that the boss is immune to the effects of these conditions.. however the conditions still exist on the boss in order for you to trigger other effects from traits etc.


    > For example Rangers have a trait called Predator's Onslaught that allows them to do 15% extra damage to disabled and movement impaired enemies.

    > Specifically this triggers when an enemy is Stunned, Dazed, Taunted, Feared, Immobilised, Crippled or Chilled.


    > Since these bosses can't be Stunned, Dazed, Taunted, Feared, Immobilised, Crippled or Chilled like normal enemies can it would make the trait utterly useless against them with exception to the short stun effect they suffer when their Break Bar is broken.

    > Traits like this however should still activate against bosses if they have one of the required conditions greyed out on them.

    > So even if the boss isn't suffering from the effects of Chill or Cripple, Rangers should still get their 15% damage increase if the boss has those conditions on him.

    > The conditions themselves also contribute a small bit of damage to the enemy's Break Bar as well while they are on the target.


    > So while you can't blind the last boss of HoTw, all the blinds you cast on him will do some damage to any active Break Bar's he will have up at that time.

    > Likewise any Traits you may have that gives you benefits when fighting an enemy that is blinded should also trigger even though the boss won't suffer the blind effect.


    Tyvm for your detailed answer


    But, like you said, it shouldn't work on any boss with a defiance bar.


    I'm probably missing something on kulag cuz sometimes and can't kill it without taking a single hit. I'm not perma blind it, but only its aoe attack, gotta pay more attention to blindness icon on it

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