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Posts posted by Eekasqueak.7850

  1. > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

    > > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said:

    > > Either ArenaNet is going to give me us a kind yet misunderstood therapy dragon that's autistic as heck, or they're going to just be another autistic villain trope. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of that trope. I'm also tired of the hurr hurr smash thing stories that Guild Wars 2 has told prior. I don't know that the community has enough toxic masculinity for that to be a good sell.

    > >

    > > What if the story was actually about confronting the abstract concept of suffering in Tyria (the torment) though? That'd be different. A cancerous force that's causing cycles of pain and death. _That_ would be a compelling story to me.

    > >

    > > (It's only fair that I admit my own biases as well. I have a vested interest in therapy and hypnotherapy, and I have a deep love for dragons. So seeing an autistic dragon who's interested in easing pain and suffering... That would be a very cathartic, meaningful experience for me. It's just as easy that Jormag could be an evil autist trope though who's just going to die at the end and I'll end up very depressed.)


    > Thank you for your answer, I like what you said in your post. One question: Why do you refer to Jormag as "They"?


    > I liked to be surprised. A straight forward vilain story isn't what I like to see. Just like you said. I'm convinced ANet will give a good twist or surprise to the story.

    > For some reason I can't shake the feeling Jormag is a good one. And honestly it scares me. Because what if (s)he is an hardcore bad one? What does it say about me?


    > > @"Khandarus.2738" said:

    > > Na don't care. The dragon is the reason Almora is dead so Jormag is getting suplexed through as many tables as it takes. Even if they are a "good guy". Mostly cause anet seems to kill every character I care about... Except traherne, ooh boy did that feel good.



    > Did Jormag kill her? No Bangar killed her.. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > It might be a case that Jormag isn't a "good guy" but also doesn't want Tyria to end. There's a very real problem with magic destabilizing and destroying the planet. It's Jormag's home and they probably do want to preserve it- just for selfish reasons. Really the only dragon we've seen try to actively destabilize things is Kralkatorric who was driven to madness. Jormag seems more calculating and might be trying to turn this into more of an enemy mine situation or leveraging the fact that we can't kill them without making things worse.


    > Mordremoth did the same. He Destabilized the entire maguuma forest.



    Not quite what I meant, mordremoth didn't contribute more to the destabilizing of the all/magic on Tyria, their death did but Kralk was actively speeding it up by eating the mists. Jormag seems to be more cautious and probably aware of the whole situation with us being unable to kill dragons without a replacement.

  2. It might be a case that Jormag isn't a "good guy" but also doesn't want Tyria to end. There's a very real problem with magic destabilizing and destroying the planet. It's Jormag's home and they probably do want to preserve it- just for selfish reasons. Really the only dragon we've seen try to actively destabilize things is Kralkatorric who was driven to madness. Jormag seems more calculating and might be trying to turn this into more of an enemy mine situation or leveraging the fact that we can't kill them without making things worse.

  3. > @"Funky.4861" said:

    > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > > @"Tazer.2157" said:

    > > > Yes it is cringe because Crecia is the one who tells Rytlock the time to use his own weapon. Give me a break! The story makes Rytlock seem like an incompetent fool. Crecia should stop creciasplaining. She’s the worst character ever created in game.

    > > I can only imagine how you can even begin to see things in this manner.


    > It's really obvious that Rytlock has taken the beta role in their relationship; Crecia tells him what to do all the time- have you done the Grothmar Valley strike mission? There's dialogue in it where Crecia is completely controlling. This seems at odds to me with Charr culture. If you open your mind a bit, you'll see that we are surrounded by weak male characters and that's sad, because it means the female characters can't be strong in their own roles; they take over the male role too.


    There aren't "male and female" roles in Charr culture.

  4. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > The thing with Ryland seems out of nowhere but I think we're missing some backstory. Like it seems pretty obvious that this is all part of what Jormag wanted not Ryland, there's probably been a ton of behind the scenes manipulation going on with Jormag.

    > Ryland was never one of the good guys. He should've been killed on sight just for stealing Braham's bow. Anyone who believes differently has fallen victim to the very obvious emotional manipulation all through the story so far.


    I never said he was? There just wasn't build enough up to him seizing power like he did because he came off more as a follows orders type before that. I'm just wondering if it was Jormag influencing him and grooming him to be their Champion over Bangar.

  5. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > > > My vote is for the humans and the asuran to be removed. I don't like Jory or kas and Taimi and whats his name are annoying...

    > > > > omg RIGHT???

    > > > > I effing HATE What's his name... and the writers keep shoving him in our face!

    > > > >

    > > > > If the writers don't get rid of What's his name soon, I'm going to go play ESO, I swear it.

    > > > > They may have That Guy, but at least he's not What's his name.

    > > >

    > > > lmfao Its just I Can't remember what bug-boys name is, he was one of the two asuran from last living world. He just bugs me.

    > >

    > > Gorrik


    > Yea that, kill that one.


    Eh I don't really have a problem with him, he's mostly a side character and does fine as one. I do miss Blish though. I'm also firmly not in the "I don't like this character so they should die" camp, that just makes for bad story telling.

  6. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > > My vote is for the humans and the asuran to be removed. I don't like Jory or kas and Taimi and whats his name are annoying...

    > > omg RIGHT???

    > > I effing HATE What's his name... and the writers keep shoving him in our face!

    > >

    > > If the writers don't get rid of What's his name soon, I'm going to go play ESO, I swear it.

    > > They may have That Guy, but at least he's not What's his name.


    > lmfao Its just I Can't remember what bug-boys name is, he was one of the two asuran from last living world. He just bugs me.



  7. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > I'm really wondering whether some people even bother to read what I wrote....


    > Where did I say that I wanted Rytlock killed??? :s


    > 1. Read what was written.

    > 2. Respond afterward.


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > I don't really see anything wrong with how he acted in the latest episode.


    > I'm not talking about his actions, I'm talking about his character, his manners, his behavior.


    His character is fine, he's flawed but any decent character is.


    Feel like it's a bit of a flawed statement because if you actually play the story there are plenty of examples of Asura breaking this stereotype.

  8. > @"Taril.8619" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > Wouldn't be lore friendly for a Human to be able to transform into a bear.. nor a Sylvari to have a Charr Warband XD

    > > >

    > > > Honestly though i've made many posts about Racial skills needing a rework.

    > > > My personal preference would be to have them reworked into PvE only F-6, 7, 8 & 9 skills with the 9th skill being defined by your racial choice in the character creation.

    > > > Norn: Animal Form.

    > > > Asura: College.

    > > > Charr: Legion.

    > > > Human; Divine.

    > > > Sylvari: Cycle.

    > > >

    > > > So 3 shared racial skills and 1 defined by choice.

    > > > There's no way to do this without reworking the skills, some would have to be replaced entirely and some new ones added and some races would have more choices than others.. Asura and Charr only have 3 Colleges/Legions giving them only 3 skills to choose from where as Humans have 6 Divines giving them 6 skills.. Sylvari and Norn also get 4 since they have 4 cycles and 4 main spirits of the wild.

    > > >

    > > > They'd still be weak skills though, balanced as such to avoid contributing too much into any class builds.

    > > > But now they wouldn't require sacrificing a utility to use them so everyone can enjoy a little feeling of racial diversity without having to screw their build over.

    > >

    > > Humans could turn into bears in the first game though! It was part of the Norn skills you could get. Just like how Asura had a similar line of skills. The shapeshifting isn't a racial thing it's a blessing from a spirit, I suppose warband support would have to be renamed to be more generic but other than that I could see it working.


    > Lorewise, it makes no sense for;


    > - Races other than charr to have Warbands (With exception of norn due to the personal story option where you end up being an honourary Warband member...)

    > - Races other than human to receive gifts from the human gods.

    > - Races other than asura to have access to personal golems (While, yes, all races can pilot a golem mech suit, not all races will have ready access to one, unlike the asura who build their own as part of their culture and schooling)

    > - Races other than sylvari to be able to produce plantlife and mordrem minions (Fern Hounds) at will and summon druid spirits or growing roots into the ground...

    > - Arguably, races other than norn having access to transformations (Yes, it was a thing for humans in GW1 and there are some hearts in GW2 where a Havroun can allow someone to become an animal but it's often mentioned in game that its a uniquely norn thing to be able to transform, especially given that their lives revolve heavily around praying and paying respects to the spirits and even going into the mists to help defend them) - Especially for charr whom are atheistic to the fullest as well as asura who'd sooner run experiments on the spirits than respect them (There may also be something to be said about sylvari potentially being immune to transformation by the nature of being dragon minions, just like how they can't be turned by other dragons - I.e. They can't become Risen/Destroyers/Frostborn/Branded)


    > And then, even if we ignore all this and somehow write in the ability for all these things to be feasible across all races...


    > All it surmounts to, is a generic mastery line with fancy race themed effects. Since if it's not specifically designed around a race and locked to them, it's not really a "Racial" mastery.


    > Not to mention the adverse effects it could have on balancing too, such as trying to balance PvP/WvW around everyone having access to Snow Leopard form and thus stealth (Y'all wanna deal with Reapers/Rev's popping out of stealth and murdering your face?)


    Masteries already don't work outside of PvE so that last point would be a non issue. The "warband" support could just be generic charr support. There's already plenty of precedent so I don't really buy your reasons for them not working for everyone personally. Besides, it'd be fun.

  9. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Wouldn't be lore friendly for a Human to be able to transform into a bear.. nor a Sylvari to have a Charr Warband XD


    > Honestly though i've made many posts about Racial skills needing a rework.

    > My personal preference would be to have them reworked into PvE only F-6, 7, 8 & 9 skills with the 9th skill being defined by your racial choice in the character creation.

    > Norn: Animal Form.

    > Asura: College.

    > Charr: Legion.

    > Human; Divine.

    > Sylvari: Cycle.


    > So 3 shared racial skills and 1 defined by choice.

    > There's no way to do this without reworking the skills, some would have to be replaced entirely and some new ones added and some races would have more choices than others.. Asura and Charr only have 3 Colleges/Legions giving them only 3 skills to choose from where as Humans have 6 Divines giving them 6 skills.. Sylvari and Norn also get 4 since they have 4 cycles and 4 main spirits of the wild.


    > They'd still be weak skills though, balanced as such to avoid contributing too much into any class builds.

    > But now they wouldn't require sacrificing a utility to use them so everyone can enjoy a little feeling of racial diversity without having to screw their build over.


    Humans could turn into bears in the first game though! It was part of the Norn skills you could get. Just like how Asura had a similar line of skills. The shapeshifting isn't a racial thing it's a blessing from a spirit, I suppose warband support would have to be renamed to be more generic but other than that I could see it working.

  10. > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > I'm not sure a Sylvari or an Asura moprhing into a giant killer bear is a good....

    > >

    > > What am I saying...? Go for it!


    > Sylvari can turn into a moss tree or plant monster while an asura can become a golem ? Idk it could probably work . Guild wars 1 we had norn racial skills. It could prob work for guild wars 2 if done right.



    They don't even necessarily have to change the effects imo, they could just have other races getting a blessing from the respective spirit to be able to morph as an example. Heck you could have Norn learn to pilot a golem to use the Asura golem suit summon, any race can already pilot golems in WvW after all.


    Edit: Also there's a story instance in core where every race gets to pilot a pact golem suit now that I think of it.

  11. > @"Taril.8619" said:

    > It'd end up facing the issues that current Racial Skills face.


    > Which is they're intentionally bad so that people can play what race they like rather than what race is objectively the best for their class/game mode.


    > It's easy enough to buff the Racial Skills into being relevant, but the thing is that they're not supposed to be relevant.


    > Unless you make every Race have the same skills, just with a different graphical effect, which would be a lot of work for what would essentially be a generic mastery.


    Oh I'm suggesting that every race be able to earn another race's skills just like human PCs could in eye of the north.

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