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Posts posted by Eekasqueak.7850

  1. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > > @"hatsamu.4327" said:

    > > > > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > > > > Honestly, thief has dabbled in magic since the beginning. Not as much as the GW1 assassin did, perhaps, but shadowstepping was always presented as being a magical technique. Your build (including elite specialisation) can influence just how _much_ magic you're packing down to the point of their being plausible deniability if you do tell yourself that Shadowstep is just moving really fast (and for shorter range shadowsteps like Swipe, this might even be plausible if you ignore the Factions cinematic), but there's always been a _bit_ of magic in there.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Even if you ignore that, there's precedent to elite specialisations adding magic to a previously mundane profession like the Warrior.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I could see an offhand focus being a weapon for a thief elite specialisation that goes back to the more magical aspects of the Assassin, albeit still oriented more towards close combat (rather than the long-range sniping of the Deadeye). Such a specialisation's focus would probably still be on close-in combat, but the focus could provide magical defensive options and/or a couple of offensive options harkening back to Assassin.

    > > > >

    > > > > For a spec that evokes the Assassin, why offhand focus when Thief still doesn't have offhand sword? There's plenty of ways to get a magic flavor with sword as well.

    > > >

    > > > because when ppl say magic thief they mean generic mage with a the aesthetic of the gw1 assassin rather then something that'd be fitting for thief

    > >

    > > Speak for yourself, a spellthief/arcane trickster with a scepter is what comes to mind for me and that fits the fluff just fine. The sword obsession is really annoying honestly.


    > by all means try to proove me wrong but all i've seen were mesmer (or necro) knock-offs


    Spellthief based on the DnD class of the same name, duh

  2. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"hatsamu.4327" said:

    > > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > > Honestly, thief has dabbled in magic since the beginning. Not as much as the GW1 assassin did, perhaps, but shadowstepping was always presented as being a magical technique. Your build (including elite specialisation) can influence just how _much_ magic you're packing down to the point of their being plausible deniability if you do tell yourself that Shadowstep is just moving really fast (and for shorter range shadowsteps like Swipe, this might even be plausible if you ignore the Factions cinematic), but there's always been a _bit_ of magic in there.

    > > >

    > > > Even if you ignore that, there's precedent to elite specialisations adding magic to a previously mundane profession like the Warrior.

    > > >

    > > > I could see an offhand focus being a weapon for a thief elite specialisation that goes back to the more magical aspects of the Assassin, albeit still oriented more towards close combat (rather than the long-range sniping of the Deadeye). Such a specialisation's focus would probably still be on close-in combat, but the focus could provide magical defensive options and/or a couple of offensive options harkening back to Assassin.

    > >

    > > For a spec that evokes the Assassin, why offhand focus when Thief still doesn't have offhand sword? There's plenty of ways to get a magic flavor with sword as well.


    > because when ppl say magic thief they mean generic mage with a the aesthetic of the gw1 assassin rather then something that'd be fitting for thief


    Speak for yourself, a spellthief/arcane trickster with a scepter is what comes to mind for me and that fits the fluff just fine. The sword obsession is really annoying honestly.

  3. The fact that Caithe assists Faolain with genocide and follows her despite how _obviously evil_ she's acting really made me loathe the character. The two's relationship is very forced and poorly explained.

  4. Low points for me would probably be the lead up in episode 3, Aurene killing Joko was satisfying but the rest of the episode mostly felt rushed and the map was kind of disappointing. The scarab plague thing was kind of meh as a plot too. Aurene's resurrection could have been handled better too but otherwise overall this was the best living world season so far to me.

  5. > @"Psientist.6437" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > The resurrection doesn't bother me inherently because they wrote themselves into a corner with the death itself which IMO wasn't needed.


    > Or was it? Aurene was not the same dragon after she resurrected. She may have discovered something while dead that set her on the path of revealing the true nature of The All. I wouldn't be surprised if her death and resurrection ended up being important plot points that they tried to camouflage with pretentious and unrealistic trauma drama and anguish kitten.


    I don't think they plan that far ahead.

  6. > @"Psientist.6437" said:

    > I wouldn't put any money on the "three and pregnant" plot, but I would put even money on Aurene "dying for real this time" plot. She discovers a way to balance magic by transforming herself into something lifeless or without consciousness. Perhaps transforming herself into shrines across Tyria that act as magic routers/capacitors.


    She's not going to die, that ship has sailed.

  7. I'd actually say Asura have the most diversity of NPCs. We see the usual brainy arrogant types, selfless and matronly Asura medics, no nonsense Asura vigil crusaders... That's quite a range imo. Humans are pretty flat and generic overall, and Norn are even worse, the majority get shoehorned into being idiot drunkards who like to fight.

  8. > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

    > To really get water combat back on its feet.. bin off water weapons, and rework all land based weapons to work under water, giving them new water skills. This way you can play the way you want to under water.


    > Each weapon i can see has an attack that would work under water. This would mean they would need new animations and effects for water x land. Its doable and i believe this would save water combat for many... but, I suspect this wont happen since 'the code doesnt allow it' or its just too much work. Which would be a shame, id love to see a fleshed out ocean, filled with islands ships and reefs and... horrible ocean dwellers.


    > As an example, using the greatsword, [swim around your target, slashing on each pass and evade attacks]


    > Shield could be used to smash you and the target back creating a 400 range gap.


    > only weapon im not sure on is warhorn... its just going to be bubbles.

    Keep the underwater weapons but let us use them on land too, on top of the rest you're suggesting.

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