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Posts posted by Eekasqueak.7850

  1. With the mastery system so under utilized and with how weak racial skills are I got thinking. In eye of the North you could earn the racial skills, what if we could do the same and there was mastery tracks to buff the racial skills to be more useful at the same time?

  2. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Expecting them to be asended and visible when you equip them (you see the rings on fingers, amulet, necklace... maybe too much work through.)

    > Would be basically like hunter 500 apart that you make trinklets requiring deldrimor steel...


    It's semantics but I think it would be Xunlai electrum, which is already an ascended material made by jewellers.

  3. > @"Tazer.2157" said:

    > > @"Dan.9304" said:

    > > > @"Tazer.2157" said:

    > > > Anyway whose side are you on? Team Smodur, team Crecia or team Bangar? If I could pick, I would choose Bangar. A Charr trying to control an Elder Dragon? sign me up!

    > >

    > > im on team asura.


    > Next patch the writers will take away the arrogant attitude of the Asura as well. Welcome to the human family where everyone is nice to each other.


    Asura that aren't arrogant are actually pretty common, from many of the pact medics we see to some of the more goofy personal story characters. I'd even say we see just as much arrogance from other races.

  4. > @"Yitsul.8342" said:

    > > @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

    > > Honestly I kind of feel like the ship has sailed on the Utopia theme. We've already had a jungle expansion, a lost underground city, a city of gold, the Asura already have mesoamerican inspired architecture, the Hylek already have mesoamerican inspired names/culture.

    > >

    > > I know it's not as satisfying to have it all piecemeal like that, but at this point I do feel like a Utopia expansion would be retreading too much ground from HoT aesthetically.

    > >

    > > I'd much rather have a brand new aesthetic that doesn't currently exist in either game at all if we're going to have a 4th expansion after Cantha.


    > but we have yet to see a native american in game.


    Norn take some influence with the nature spirit worship.

  5. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

    > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > > @"Dustfinger.9510" said:

    > > > > > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

    > > > > > > Because ArenaNet can't make the story branches in different directions based on our decisions, I would prefer for the commander to be a NPC that we follow as his crew. It always feel weird to be both told we're in charge when we mostly follow what other NPC tell us to do.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Im okay with this. It tells us we are pretty high up, just not the highest up. It feels like a good balance.

    > > > >

    > > > > that's literally the current situation. The Pact Commander isn't the highest - they're below the Marshal, and on par to dozens of others in ranking. And as of Season 3, it's a title and nothing more, we're not even _in_ the military hierarchy anymore. We _aren't_ the "topest dog" who is practically a god among mere mortals. All of the Commander's deeds are done through teamwork, either with other heroes or with a freakin' dragon.

    > > >

    > > > All except when we 1v1 Balthazar :(

    > > > I would have preferred for him to have been injured a bit by Kralkatorrik before our arrival to justify our win.

    > >

    > > We had a dragon help us in the final confrontation, and Sohothin being used to its real potential.


    > 2 Dragons technically.

    > Kralkatorrik also got involved in the battle though he fired at everyone not just Balth.


    > We also had Sohothin too which despite personal use or not in the canon the Commander used it to kill Balthazar.


    > So while we do get the credit for the kill we did have a lot of help in that fight from friend and foe alike.


    I guess I didn't mention Kralk but yes, people forget how powerful Sohothin is supposed to be just because Rytlock doesn't know how to use its full potential. We get turned into a walking nuke for the mission.

  6. > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Dustfinger.9510" said:

    > > > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

    > > > > Because ArenaNet can't make the story branches in different directions based on our decisions, I would prefer for the commander to be a NPC that we follow as his crew. It always feel weird to be both told we're in charge when we mostly follow what other NPC tell us to do.

    > > >

    > > > Im okay with this. It tells us we are pretty high up, just not the highest up. It feels like a good balance.

    > >

    > > that's literally the current situation. The Pact Commander isn't the highest - they're below the Marshal, and on par to dozens of others in ranking. And as of Season 3, it's a title and nothing more, we're not even _in_ the military hierarchy anymore. We _aren't_ the "topest dog" who is practically a god among mere mortals. All of the Commander's deeds are done through teamwork, either with other heroes or with a freakin' dragon.


    > All except when we 1v1 Balthazar :(

    > I would have preferred for him to have been injured a bit by Kralkatorrik before our arrival to justify our win.


    We had a dragon help us in the final confrontation, and Sohothin being used to its real potential.

  7. > @"Stephen.6312" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > @"WafflingMean.4351" said:

    > > > An interesting thing about this and going off the theory I put above of Palawa Joko actually being some sort of spirit that created a lich physical form by possessing 'Ignatious', is that we do have a precedent like you say for massive disasters occurring with the creation of powerful beings like this. Khilbron becoming a lich is one, but in terms of the activities of a spirit, Shiro Tagachi is another. His presence alone was enough to create the plague in Cantha. So it stands to reason that a powerful spirit possessing a necromancer to create another lich could create something like the Scarab Plague.

    > >

    > > Necromancy falls into the domains of Grenth though.

    > > The Jade Winds power mostly came from the immense amount of Dwayna magic Shiro stole from the emperor he killed, so the Shiro incident can't be correlated with the Lichs.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Granted, the Jade Wind likely had something to do with Dwayna. But we mustn't forget the Jade Sea, which clearly has something to do with Abaddon. I think WafflingMean.4351's point is that Abaddon seems to be a recurring theme whenever we learn about the birth of liches, or powerful entities who hold liche-like power.


    > Palawa Joko made a Bone Palace in the Desolation, close to the Mouth of Torment, the point at which a massive explosion rocked Elona - an explosion that marked the climax of the Great Battle at the Gates of Heaven and permanently changed the surrounding landscape. This cannot be a coincidence.


    > Why would Palawa feel the need to go in there? Why build a Bone Palace there? What forces were driving him?


    Abaddon was dead-dead by the time the palace was built though.

  8. The drastic change seems to be because Drakkar absorbed the magic directly instead. The Death Branded shatterer was Kralk absorbing Zhaitan's then resurrecting his dead champion.

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