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Strider Pj.2193

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Everything posted by Strider Pj.2193

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > > @"Obfuscate.6430" said: > > > I am kind of confused why people are mocking the OP in the responses here. Arenanet has clearly defined rules when it comes to names. > > > Guild names and pet names must also be subjected to the same rules character names are. > > > I have seen a handful of blatantly hateful guild names in 8 years; guild names that included hate speech and slurs. Some of these were obviously troll guilds designed specifically to provoke people. Troll or not, they are against the Terms of Service and it would be nice to have a more convenient way to report them. > > > > > > > I guess I would ask which posters above are mocking the OP? > > Mocking maybe isn't the right word, but a lot of players have queried either why the OP cares or if a guild name can be inappropriate and would need reporting, implying there cannot actually be a problem and the OP is being overly sensitive. Or they are just curious and others are inferring a different meaning. > > That's in spite of the fact that (as various people have pointed out) Anet has already defined rules for inappropriate names and it's largely irrelevant whether any individual players think they're right or wrong, if they break the rules then they're not allowed. They have, and people have also pointed out where Anet has made changes and has a function for the OP to report.
  2. > @"Obfuscate.6430" said: > I am kind of confused why people are mocking the OP in the responses here. Arenanet has clearly defined rules when it comes to names. > Guild names and pet names must also be subjected to the same rules character names are. > I have seen a handful of blatantly hateful guild names in 8 years; guild names that included hate speech and slurs. Some of these were obviously troll guilds designed specifically to provoke people. Troll or not, they are against the Terms of Service and it would be nice to have a more convenient way to report them. > I guess I would ask which posters above are mocking the OP?
  3. A resolution to Alliances. - say it’s coming - Say it’s not coming - Either works. Just resolve it. Stop the meme of almost 3 years.
  4. > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > I don’t think comparing transmute charges in WvW or PvP is the same as comparing Gifts in PvE. > > But then Gift if Battle tends to be more efficient to work toward than Gift of Exploration as well. Maybe the competitive scene have it easier in gaining some things when compared to PvE? Although you do have to PvP and who really wants to do that!?!? > Except that you need both to build a Gen 2 legendary.
  5. > @"Nightcore.5621" said: > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > > @"Nightcore.5621" said: > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > > > Play WvW. I have over 4300 charges. > > > > > > > > There are effective ways to get the charges. > > > > > > > > Without gold or gems. > > > > > > > > ? > > > > > > just cuz u like wvw does not mean anyone else like that gamemode. i think is fair suggestion for a transmution pass eveytime i want to change my skins i dont want to do wvw for a haour first. > > > > Then sell me a Gift Of Exploration pass I can get for badges of honor. Then we can talk. > > > > But again, I never said you HAD to do WvW. I said it’s an option to get the items for free. > > > > And there are options to buy them from the gem store as well. > > > > Plus, you get them free each month from just logging in. > > And than u can play u dead game mode All by u self :) Ahh. the call of the ill-informed: Ded gam. Was waiting for that. Thank you for not disappointing! And good luck getting more charges! ??
  6. > @"Nightcore.5621" said: > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > Play WvW. I have over 4300 charges. > > > > There are effective ways to get the charges. > > > > Without gold or gems. > > > > ? > > just cuz u like wvw does not mean anyone else like that gamemode. i think is fair suggestion for a transmution pass eveytime i want to change my skins i dont want to do wvw for a haour first. Then sell me a Gift Of Exploration pass I can get for badges of honor. Then we can talk. But again, I never said you HAD to do WvW. I said it’s an option to get the items for free. And there are options to buy them from the gem store as well. Plus, you get them free each month from just logging in.
  7. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > **I don't know if you know, but there are people who don't like WVW and/or PVP.** > And in PVE itself, there is no way to grind them besides map reveal, if you wanted to. Ahh. That stinks. Oh.. I am sure you know there Are people that don’t like PvE. And no way to get the gift of exploration without grinding PvE. Kinda how the developers likely did things. To encourage people to play multiple modes. Of course, if you hate WvW so much, just convert gold to gems!
  8. Play WvW. I have over 4300 charges. There are effective ways to get the charges. Without gold or gems. ?
  9. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > @"phreeak.1023" said: > > EU T1 in a nutshell. > It's funny because this week I have had no less than two rage whispers from people complaining we have the *audacity* to use objectives and terrain to successfully kill them and especially when we happen to be more as we randomly meet them in the field. > > For some reason, both whispers come from Piken too. Not even when we roflstomped T3-4 servers did I get whispers like that but in T1 people apparently cant stand... normal WvW. That.... isn’t exclusive to EU either lol. I won’t mention server names, (as I am shocked this hasn’t been closed due to matchup lol) but I think people figure servers should play differently in T1. ?
  10. Some paragraphs would help get your point across better. There IS a form of balance in all the Imbalance though: each side has the same benefit and access to the superior items and situations. (With the exception being the red BL and the Red keep lol) Well, that and regardless of what you do, population will always have elements of imbalance. And should. Because timezones and 24 hr / 7 day conflict cycle.
  11. > @"Threather.9354" said: > > _Pugs will also be split equally between every alliance_ so you won't get rid of them _and they won't be used to your playstyle as they reset every 2 months_. So things won't be any better for your "guild/alliance", it will be worse for everyone. Do you really think Alliances is wanted because people think they won’t have to play with PUGs? Really? Do you understand that with linking, people can’t recruit effectively? Guilds can’t continue to grow and develop within WvW with how links are. It’s why many left their established servers. Not all, but many. With alliances, if new players are there and want to join the guild, they can then designate that guild as their WvW guild and move with them during the next matching.
  12. On topic: I can see the OPs point on one level if you have a server that never has open tags. But I would not begrudge those commanders that want to run closed with their guilds. As I’ve said elsewhere, ask. Some will welcome you in if your flexible. Others will say no, but normally appreciate the fact that you respected their autonomy. But this thread is interesting to me: We have an OP that stated their thoughts, then gone. No further input, no further discussion. Of course, some of us are ‘forum warriors’ so we tend to comment ‘too much’ but there have been a proliferation of these types of threads. (An OP then nothing) And I wonder why.. (well, I don’t truly wonder but saying what I really think will get actioned)
  13. > @"Chronic Gold.3149" said: > So, Rodgort is my first, and one of my top 5 favorite legendaries, and while I will always like it, I feel like it could use a bit of flair in the footsteps. My own idea, after brainstorming how to make it still different from the other fire-based legends, is to make a unique effect after ever 3rd or 4th step. Imagine if you had a big burst of fire, almost like a mini volcano every so often. I think this would help elevate it, and make it a more interesting legendary. I doubt this will happen any time soon, but please help me make Rodgort truly a legend. The problem I have with torch and upgrading its effects is that it is ONLY an off hand weapon. (Much like focus which is also lacking in effects) I am holding out hope that IF they put out new elite specs, that they give it to the Ele one as a main hand item.. Rodgort from GW1 wise refers to Ele skills (Mark of Rodgort, Rodgort’s invocation) But yeah, I would live to see it ‘buffed’ some.
  14. > @"kippynonarambo.1726" said: > Are there servers with decent community guilds? Mine doesn't have one. Many of the ones with decent community guilds are full. That being said, many servers will tell you that their server is great and that their guild is fantastic. I might suggest you post in Looking For Guild section of this forum and try to get a moment or two to have an in game conversation with some members from the guilds who contact you. And once you narrow them down, open a space or two in your guild panel to maybe try them out/listen in on their discord/teamspeak. Putting everything out there in this forum likely will only lead to people not giving you the most constructive feedback.
  15. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Sarpan.9074" said: > > > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > > > > @"Sarpan.9074" said: > > > > I am new to WvW and playing it mainly for the Warclaw for now. I'm about half-way through the reward track and have put some points into defensive abilities to help a little with surviving as a low-level player. I am thinking about resetting points and moving them to the Warclaw track when I get it. If resetting removes all points, does that affect the Warclaw since the point in its mastery goes away? > > > > > > btw this defense-offense points from the "wvw-masteries" only affect your combat dmg output and bulk against NPCs. just seek some roaming classes and add up with them. > > > > > > the level / rank only gives u better loot income. wvw masteries are mainly for abilites to use the stuff like sieges, supply, glider, warclaw (while it has not much use outside of the standard faster run) > > > > > > u gain ranks btw faster when using guild wxp buff and regular XP boosters (when running with zergs). depending on your class you can join zergs always, just have enough panic buttons. most classes have enough of those, that way u get a quite good farm by just clouding around a zerg as newbie. > > > > Good info. Thanks. Linking up with groups, well, finding them in the first place is being a challenge for me as a starter. I actually addressed that separately. Maybe I should have done it in one thread with a WvW noob motif. :) > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1391628#Comment_1391628 > > > > The few times I've been able to link up with a small group at, say, a camp or a zerg at a keep, things go pretty well. I just need to get better at finding them. > > Most commanders have certain times and days when they're on. Try to find out when they go on (if regularly), and join then. Or try to find a WvW guild and join them in raids. You won't get as much wxp fighting other players, but it'll be pretty steady gain overall. World rank doesn't mean much anyway so... Just go in WvW and have fun. :smile: To add to this: asking a commander or a vocal member of their guild if they mind if you tag along can be helpful. I usually do this via PM. If the answer is ‘no’ I politely thank them, and move on. Of course there will be commanders that are... young cats about it, but often, they appreciate that you respect them enough to ask. Depending on what class you are comfortable with, you may not be in a great party, but Knowing where they are going is helpful. The xp starts to flow in. If they are a ‘fight guild’ you might not even know they are around. But short of that, you can usually jump in. (And if you are mostly looking for WxP, often the non fight guilds harness better WxP) Many will like for you to at least listen in on Discord. Mics tend to be less important. Playing a class they need makes it even easier, but that’s kind of a preference thing.
  16. Just as an FYI, be careful what you ask for. Even the big bad BG spends many hours ‘outnumbered’. There are some creative ways to game the heck out of this. And I am not even a creative person.
  17. > @"Sarpan.9074" said: > Is the Guildrider Warclaw Skin Track worth it? It’s a gold investment in a mount skin. I would guess if you like the look of it, yes. I got it, but rarely use it.
  18. > @"Ubi.4136" said: > No matter what people wont be happy with the implementation of alliances or alliance battles. I think this will be particularly hard on people who did not play GW: Factions, and don't know what "alliance battles" are. Sure, they introduced the idea with 3 way WvW in mind, but with the way the game is going, I think when they deliver Cantha (which is the earliest anyone could hope for "alliances") people should at least brace for the fact that it may mean the end of WvWvW and the beginning of Kurzick vs Luxon 2 way "alliance battles". Unfortunately that wouldn’t surprise me.
  19. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > Also, i don't think the poster before was generalizing, to me it looked more like an example. Of course people are more complicated than this. But i think he was referring specifically to people who are then toxic towards the mode and start overexaggerating. That *those* people have their power fantasy shattered. Not all people that are for example anxious even when winning, because at least those people are trying and probably aren't spamming "this mode is spawncamping toxic kitten". > Except that this is a generalization as well. > > People can get uncomfortable and angry for a kittenton of reasons. For example, I have personally seen, in times past, a lot of cases of WvW "duelists" that went totally crazy (including sending flamebombs at everyone around, including those not involved) when their duels were interfered with (usually by accident, by the way). There were also cases when angry WvW players went on forums and reddit in order to protest when someone interfered in their GvG match (this happens less now, with the arena in Obsidian Sanctum, but was a _lot_ more common when those matches were held in the Borderlands). There were also cases of _other_ WvW players getting angry at seeing a number of people occupying a map for a GvG match, ignoring everything else, when their side was losing. Compared to some of those cases, the posts about GoB here are really tame in comparison. And those were all veteran WvW players, completely fine with fighting, losing and not anxious about it at all. But each of them was playing with a specific mindset that wasn't 100% compatible with this gamemode. And if you had burned down one of the sides of AB too fast? Or interfered with Triple trouble? Yeah... You’d get a slew of complaints as well. > > Generally, the main problem with GoB is that people that get into WvW for it are usually in a mindset of _farming GoB_. Not of playing WvW. Anything else is a distraction at best, an active hindrance (and something they hate to see) at worst. > > It's a case as if you were asked to make an obstacle course when you went out to your local market. You'd be unlikely to acknowledge the fact that obstacle courses can be fun. And if part of that obstacle course would be _other people actively trying to prevent you from reaching the goal_... well, you get the picture? It really isn’t the same thing. It would be like complaining that there were red lights on the route you took. And you think they should be removed because it’s faster without them. > > That person might not even be bad at all this, but that doesn't mean they'd want to see it _on their way to the market_. > Because the red lights are PART of the route. Just like.., you know, other players in WvW
  20. Which many of the ‘blue tags’ are people who operate because of.... guilds. Even when they pub tag.
  21. > @"Calisanna.8732" said: > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > Agreed. Just drop us a note, maybe a little nod to yay or nay... until then, we will continue to enjoy discussing this topic on this discussion forum! > > > > > > @"vier.1327" > > > > There are posters on this forum that consistently try to troll, and perform this function poorly. Don’t get pulled in..... > > > Sadly I say this too late after responding to a kitten. You’re absolutely right though. > You are not alone. ?. I stopped with this particular one oh.. maybe a month ago. Now I ignore the posts and continue about my way.
  22. > @"Ronin.4501" said: > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > So.., When Anet gives the ‘server’ the ability to take some form of ‘action’ towards said hackers then sure. > > > > Of course, that’s an even WORSE idea as people that aren’t liked by a server will be ‘voted off the island’ > > > > Now, if alliances were somewhat of a thing, then an alliance could require their guilds to kick a member that was shown to be hacking. > > > > How about...., Instead of punishing servers, (which would be an admission of Anet that hackers exist on the server) they just ban them? You know, like they are supposed to? > > > But yeah, it kinda is. I'm on a NA server that routinely goes from T4 to T1 and back every time we get a new link. And it's almost exclusively an issue up in T1. Why is that? > > Because they tend to be the most visible matchups. Theoretically because of the larger populations.
  23. So.., When Anet gives the ‘server’ the ability to take some form of ‘action’ towards said hackers then sure. Of course, that’s an even WORSE idea as people that aren’t liked by a server will be ‘voted off the island’ Now, if alliances were somewhat of a thing, then an alliance could require their guilds to kick a member that was shown to be hacking. How about...., Instead of punishing servers, (which would be an admission of Anet that hackers exist on the server) they just ban them? You know, like they are supposed to?
  24. Agreed. Just drop us a note, maybe a little nod to yay or nay... until then, we will continue to enjoy discussing this topic on this discussion forum! @"vier.1327" There are posters on this forum that consistently try to troll, and perform this function poorly. Don’t get pulled in.....
  25. > @"Vaga.5174" said: > > @"lare.5129" said: > > no, please no > But...Why? I guess I would ask the same of you for the initial post: Why?
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