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Posts posted by Grimjack.8130

  1. Lava Skin could get slightly tuned down, not too hard since its VERY important for Sword.

    Stone Resonance both as a Passive and as an Active needs being toned down. Stone Resonance makes it very EASY to play Weaver. Mistakes don't matter with it really, just nerfing this by 50% or so would make the average Weaver die in many situations where they should but aren't.

    No one likes Mud Slide I guess but I know this thread is about Fire Weaver and this is not a Fire Weaver skill. CD increases are always weird though for Ele, maybe just make it NOT hit twice ever like I think its supposed to not.

    A big change would be revamping scaling with Healing Power. I'm not sure if this would kill Weaver running Healing Power amulets or not, or if it would kill the class. Not good with the actual numbers, ideally we'd get a patch of just Stone Resonance getting gutted and then if thats not enough this change next.


    People seem to like how Fire Weaver counters condis, but you could tone Smothering Aura transmutes down to 1. Not even a big concern of accidently nerfing Core Ele or Tempest with this change.

    Don't nerf Weavers damage though, its not fun thinking 30+ seconds in advance and still not being able to kill someone with a Gale Tailored Victory Pyro Vortex.

    Its actually stupid how you have 0 reliable finishing techniques on Fire Weaver, even into people who waste 1 stunbreak or 2+ dodges.

  2. i see a warrior who seems to think him killing bad scrappers means he'd kill good ones, it doesnt, scrapper doesnt lose to war. man thinks hes the only person capable of playing warrior i guess

    i see people who are talking about grenades on scrapper, they certainly add alot to this thread

    and i see another person who has watched a video and suddenly thinks he knows the gamemode better than the people who actually win in pvp



  3. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > Guild Wars 1 only had knockdown(and snare, but thats not really CC). Imagine how fun that was, getting chain CC-d meant in some special cases you couldn't get up. At all. For 10+ seconds. And then you died.

    > > What we have now is actually an improvement. Not saying it couldn't be better, but as far as "design" goes, do you have any proposals?


    > how is that even relevant


    ook ook i think gw1 better

  4. Sidenoders tend to run bunker for many reasons

    1 is you don't really miss your sidenoder being more impactful in teamfights recently

    2 if theyre not, they auto die to thief plus or even worse revenant plus

    3 the path of least resistance, if you cant die to the enemy player even tho theyre better than you, you're making yourself way more relevant

    4 bunkers recently havent been getting punished for being bad in 2v2s


    that being said, alot of DPS sidenoders, typical bruiser ones are much closer to the meta than they were before now, if the balance patches keep coming it wont be long until we see Warrior, Ranger, Ele, and Engi all hopefully on equally footing.

  5. In Core, Entangle being a 1-5 second Immob as an elite was certainly balanced. However now that there are many more sources of Binding Roots that Immob being 1-5 seconds is without a doubt overtuned. As a result of there being Jacaranda, Entangle, Ancient Seeds, and Natural Convergence, the max duration needs to go down.

    A 3 second Immob on all of these all make them still very strong, plenty strong enough to use and try to play around but will limit the times where you can be Immobed for up to 10s at a time.


    A small increase to their recharges(5s to ancient seeds/f2?) could also be justified so it feels less annoying to play against the constant brief immobilize, even if you can get out of it relatively regularly.

  6. FA has and always will be degenerate and you never want it to even be close to meta since it'll just kill the game even more like Holo did, remember when POF launch FA weaver could 1 do 15k+ damage with almost no CD since you had 3 different bursts? Arcane Blast hit for 5k on a 12s recharge with 3 charges yeah, please never again.

    Or Core FA that could kite 90% of the things in the game just whiffing Phoenix until they hit it and 1 shot you since it hit 5 times.


    FA is fun and playable. But you never want it to be really good.

  7. Pre Feb wasn't perfect, but some combination of the Pre Feb patch and the slightly different meta we had before then would've been perfect.


    Weaver beat Mes, Mes Beat War, War beat Weaver, and Holo against all of them were skill matchups. None of these matchups were 100-0. All of these matchups were at least 60-40, one of the healthiest sidenode metas I've ever seen.

    Firebrand and Scourge made the typical teamfight duo that everyone complains about, but is a healthy dynamic for the game. If they could've added alternate supports and teamfighters on top of this duo it would've not felt as stale as it did.

    Revenant was meta, allbeit a bit overtuned. Along with Firebrand and Scourge, the 3rd class that people would complain about the most if this would come back.

    Mesmer and Portal, both Power and Condi were seeing play on Mirage.

    Thief was underpowered but still certainly a fine class since Mesmers were seeing play, and it brought strong teamfight value to the table through Steal, especially when Signet of Mercy was being played.

    Ranger's Boonbeast was seeing play around this time, but sadly overnerfed, it was mainly the boonuptime(resistance,quickness, and prot mainly) as well as chill, slow, weakness, and immob uptime that were making it overperform. Actually would've been a very fun class to see played if it was just a bit weaker, its teamfight interactions were always fun to watch and see.

    Ranger and Thief mains won't have the best time back in this meta, but small adjustments to everything could've made this meta great, even if it was being played for quite awhile at this point.

    Its the best meta I've been apart of, and certainly one I could see myself enjoying for an extended period of time(like we have now)


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