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Posts posted by Grimjack.8130

  1. some skills that are pushed can have niche counterplay like lightning reflexes does now, the same is true for alot of skills, its good for the game, its annoying for the user of the skill, but good for the game


    riptide has the same thing, and instead of asking for anet to remove it, i recommend players to counterplay it in this way if they recognize they have the opportunity

  2. Just because OP is complaining about Reaper damage does not mean they are asking for it to get gutted. It needs a nerf there is no denying that, just as most other specs need a nerf and there is no denying for them either.

  3. Retal is just annoying on old Core Guard variants, like GS/SwordFocus, but now because of how tanky a Core Guard can be built on the sidenodes you really need to use all of your offensive cooldowns and just spam with no regards to your own HP to even have a slight chance of killing the Core Guard on a multitude of classes, either its sustain needs to be cut by ALOT, retal uptime needs to go down, or the Symbol Trait needs to be completely revamped. The latter of the 3 changes would do both, cut its sustain just a tiny bit of course, but also make the counterpressure of the build much lower.


    Your counter pressure on any sidenode build should not be putting down fields, your counterpressure on any build should not be Retaliation.

  4. Entangle probably needs to be tuned down along with all the other pulsing immobs to 1 second per second for 3 seconds, instead of 5 seconds with the overall lower power level, yes we're higher than Core and Entangle existed back then, but there are also Ancient Seeds, CA5(easy to dodge) and JacarandaF1 on top of it nowadays.

    That being sad strictly for Weaver its a bit annoying because the intended counterplay is to kill the Roots to remove the immob instantly, however that doesn't happen all the time and that bug should be fixed, its also a bit harder to kill the Roots on Condi builds, it should for sure be updated to take conditions. That alone might fix the issue.


    I see people often underestimate Immob, Immob is basically a CC, its stronger than most CCs in my own opinion. Its worth noting that I also think other Immobs need to be toned down too, Overload Earth and Aftershock for sure.



  5. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"kybraga.7103" said:

    > > Surely I'm not the only one to notice this, but balance has actually been pretty good so far. Some classes are preferred in terms of meta but others can effectively serve a purpose and certain classes compete for the same roles.

    > >

    > > Example:

    > > LR Sword/Focus Weaver vs Sword/Sword Staff Power Herald.

    > > * Both have heavy burst potential

    > > * Both are susceptible to conditions

    > > * Both have a 'form' of invulnerability. (Counting Herald's Heal.)

    > > * Both can roam around the map quickly

    > > * Both have heavy cleaving on downed targets

    > >

    > > Surely people aren't just whining about their classes without noticing that classes are slowly settling down again like they did Pre-PoF.


    > One has infuse light, staff invuls, heavy armor,nearly 18k base hp(herald minor trait), and very high prot uptime while the other has 11k hp and light armor.

    > What does this mean? It means that Weaver needs to run marauder amulet to make up for it's base HP, while power rev can run berserker amulet instead due to having more base HP and armor. This means power rev gets +25% damage from amulet over the weaver essentially for free.


    > For this to be balanced, weaver would need to do a LOT more burst and dps than power herald - it doesn't.

    > Your post actually explains why balance is bad.


    Berserker is better than Mara on Weaver :)

  6. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > > A CC skill that has damage will do damage even if the target has stability.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you fear a target with stability they take no damage.

    > > > >

    > > > > It is in line.

    > > >

    > > > You realise that for hard CC skills, we are literally talking about like 14 crit damage in berserker gear?

    > > >

    > > > Don't see terror as an issue, but this is not really an argument here.

    > >

    > > That's my whole point.

    > >

    > > You haven't understood.

    > >

    > > My point was that Terror is not an issue because if it doesn't CC (i.e. the target has stability) then no damage will happen, and no CC will happen, the same as other CC skills that land on stability.


    > How is that the same?


    > If another hard CC skill hits, then you get cced, but the skill itself still does no damage because they changed all the power coefficients to 0,01.

    > If fear lands with terror on the other hand, then both cc and damage happen. Because terror makes that hard cc skill deal actual damage while other hard cc skills won't deal any.


    Your reading ability is in the negatives. If a Fearw/ Terror lands into someone with stability you get nothing. If a pre nerf CC hit someone with stability, it would still do 2k+ damage. If either hits someone with stability NOW, they both do 0 damage. Understand?

  7. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

    > > No duo queue = more RNG. Duo Queue allows good players to achieve higher than a 50% win ratio more than others and more than they would solo. You contradict yourself so much and you're too blind to see it because you despise duo queue. Unlucky.


    > Being able to guarantee one singular person to your team doesn't make the rating gains/losses any less RNG.


    > It actually makes it considerably more RNG if you go by rating alone, because the other 3 people on your team are usually going to be low-rating if you DuoQ as the top two players in the game. If the way rating was awarded was anything other than complete RNG like it is, that would actually be a huge benefit to "good players" as you put them.


    > Even though I was only talking about that there, DuoQ still makes matchmaking more RNG.

    > SoloQing like nearly everyone else? Better get on your knees and start PRAYING ? to them RNGods that the game puts the legendary DuoQ on your team, otherwise the entire game is pretty much a boring mulligan.

    > Same goes for DuoQing for fun rather than for a straight numbers advantage. Nothing near the same.


    > DuoQ is anti-fun so i'm anti-DuoQ. I am not unlucky because it finally gave me an excuse to stop wasting time in Ranked.

    > Stay blessed.


    I solo queue up to 1750 every season on 3-4 accounts per season, sounds like a player skill issue you're blaming on Duo Q

  8. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > I'd say that DuoQ is the main culprit behind almost all forms of metagaming. If that goes away; whether it gets its own separate queue, or just gets straight up deleted, then nearly every instance of metagaming that currently exists will nearly all go away too. Even if they don't go away entirely, they'd be much harder to pull off in SoloQ than in Solo/DuoQ.


    > I also think that removal or split are the only ways to handle DuoQ. I don't think there's much sense in just removing the rating reward and keeping it in the game. That's just inviting top players to troll people who are actually trying to climb.


    > The leaderboard suggestion sounds g.


    > I agree the rating system needs a overhaul. It's still using the very old system where the only thing that determines rating gain/loss are the people you're matched with/against. It doesn't work well at all in a low pop game that has people of wildly different skill levels going against eachother every other game.

    > Most games use a system that combines personal contributions, streaks, and rating to determine how much you gain/lose and it's much better that way rather than being totally RNG like Gw2 is. RNG is not a measure of skill.


    No duo queue = more RNG. Duo Queue allows good players to achieve higher than a 50% win ratio more than others and more than they would solo. You contradict yourself so much and you're too blind to see it because you despise duo queue. Unlucky.




    Condi Rev



    Condi Thief



    LR Weaver


    Power Thief







    Power Rev







    Mender Core Guard








    Warrior in general




    Nerf everything from S and A

    Buff everything from D and F

    Slight nerfs and buffs to certain skills in B and C, but thats where you want to be.

    Unhealthy gameplay can be nerfed when a class is still deserving of buffs still.

    Not in any particular order within the tiers.

  10. >"Permanent stability" would be 100% stab uptime, but If we only focus on jalis, it is 80% stab uptime. If you focus on the whole rotation (aka legend swapping) then it falls down to 40% uptime. hyperboles are real.


    apparently this is okay?


    >Do you mean that CC you can "spamm" once every 20 secs? We definitively do not have the same definition of spammable.


    20s? where do u see 20s? even the energy cost gating it to 20s


    X D

  11. whoever you are, this is not BM, i dont think ur good enough to make a guide, search out help for making it or you will actively hurt the community and not help it, the last thing we need is more bad guides going around and people actually listening to it

  12. the cast time is a pistol mainhand thief walking into melee range, if you're complaining about steal with it, thats fine, steal should be used to make some skills unpredicatable


    the issue is with the burst, sustain, and leeching venoms, not shadowstrike being "undodgable"

  13. > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

    > > lowering the skill ceiling? no thanks, count them like you should've been for the past 7 years.


    > I don't understand this logic. Players, in a casual game, arrive to the PvP scene expected a laidback experience where they can compete but are instead assigned the job or keeping track of literally every single element that I can think of. How many times did the Revenant dodge? Did they just use Riposting Shadows? Hmm, lemme guess how much energy that have-- oh wait there's a decap now! Let's go there- oh I can take care of that as soon as I plus this guy near me... oh shoot he just dodged, guess I should've kept track of that too huh!



    PvPers who are brand new cannot count everything, but PvPers who are brand new are not new forever and changes shouldn't hurt the game mode as a whole just for players who are brand new? If you are playing casually, you can't keep track of everything in any game.


    This post is somehow worse than the person who wanted weapon stow removed lmao, what a joke.

  14. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > > > Remember when people said thief was unplayable a few weeks ago after the patch, and I had to come in and tell people thief was fine. Now when people are yelling that condi thief is too overpowered and brain dead, here I am to tell you that there are ways to counter play the build. Yes it is a bit strong right now, and I suggest that the duration of some of the condis be lowered, and the animation on shadow strike be increased.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > The only people who shouted "thief is garbage" were all..thieves, extremely biased individuals...everybody else already knew the truth


    > Or they were talking about power thief which is certainly not performing well, and not the condi thief noone had on their radar. Then again, you let your bias define all your actions, so I suppose asking for accuracy here from you was a moot point anyway.


    power thief is doing great, shadow portal is warping the meta right now and the only reason you dont see "nerf power thief" threads is because ranger and engi are keeping it from being an issue, once those are gone you will see that its more than fine

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