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Posts posted by Grimjack.8130

  1. I barely played Chrono in raids opposed to other classes, and I could distort everything but greens on VG. People act like distorting anything was extremely hard, it wasn't.


    Trust me I'm upset I might have to do greens on VG now, but if good things come from it (being better balance) I'm okay with it. Lets save the anger for when ArenaNet doesn't make the best of the chance they have now.

  2. I've been hoping that they nerf the way you can stack trait, upon trait, upon trait, just to make Full Counter broken, because it seems to have no downsides.

    Making Full Counter not act like a burst skill was one of my thoughts that I think could cut it down a good amount, no more Adrenal Health, no more 7% damage from Burst Mastery, and no more Cleansing Ire (not that most run it anyways.)


    Slow Counter, Guard Counter, and No Escape should be all Adept/Major traits as well.

  3. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @Theandil.6045 said:

    > > Yesterday I was 1,5h in Queue .. definitely dead mode


    > **There's 24 servers in NA & 27 in EU.** On each i can name 6 to 9 top servers that are fully active. WoW! As for the 20 +odd can you Prove that there as active? I think not.

    > All you ranters on this thread that keeps throwing insults just for showing off with out at least proving there not playing on one of the top active servers needs to be at least more constructive instead of being abusive & slandering folks.

    > My 2 cents.

    > Ps: 6 to 9 servers is WAY far from being the majority of the community.




    You can't get an accurate count of which servers are dead in the upper tiers because they have linkings, not all servers that are a link server are dead.

    Kaineng has more players than a t4 server, yet its still a linked server, and there are more cases of something just like this. You can see it for yourself, when relinking happens look at the Server population go from Low/Medium to High/Very High.

  4. ESL was cancelled because it wasn't worth it for ArenaNet in their opinion. Unless they are losing resources or money by hosting the servers for WvW, they have no reason to cancel it, it's pretty interesting because Gems are bought pretty often for WvW related uses, be it more bag slots, transfers, or gold for gear.

  5. Defy Pain only works if you take a hit below 50% that doesn't down you, so if you have 20k hp, and you're at 11k hp, and you get hit for 15k damage, you go down because the trait doesn't proc because you were above 50% hp the entire time, the same logic applies to a 25k Death's Judgement hitting that same Warrior. I've never had a berserker mesmer one shot me anytime I've been playing warrior with Defy Pain, it's extremely unlikely to happen, less defensive stats could actually help you in that same situation as a Mind Wrack would hit after the Defy Pain procs, doing no damage anymore.


  6. > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

    > > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

    > > KEK is how WoW translated LoL when horde players typed it at alliance players. Hardly scandalous unless you are seriously looking for a reason to be offended. Hundreds of explanations of this online, but someone is obviously focusing solely on Urban Dictionary. KeK!

    > >


    > kek is what all the 12 year old say in relation to trump and that green frog.


    Good thing this game is 13 and up, no 12 year old boys here!

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