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Posts posted by Grimjack.8130

  1. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

    > > > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > > At the very least, the concept of no dmg to CC skills is a joke on LR. I don't care how they fix this, but as long as it is in line with all other CC skills, I am happy.

    > > >

    > > > Oh, and make the Elit CC blockable would also be nice.

    > >

    > > If you can't realize you need to dodge instead of block a skill with 3/4 or more casttime, you probably should go to a duelling server.


    > 5 CC's, then shocking aura, and nado. Too many things to dodge! Something must be nerfed.


    That argument can be said for literally every single class in the game.

  2. > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > At the very least, the concept of no dmg to CC skills is a joke on LR. I don't care how they fix this, but as long as it is in line with all other CC skills, I am happy.


    > Oh, and make the Elit CC blockable would also be nice.


    If you can't realize you need to dodge instead of block a skill with 3/4 or more casttime, you probably should go to a duelling server.

  3. Oh, please change tornado to the following:

    Increase the CD by 20-30%

    Increase the automatic knockback pulse from 3 seconds to 3.5 seconds, giving you a window to dodge before the second pulse hits you, which you don't have right now.

    Increase Dust Charge's CD in sPvP to 12 seconds so you can only use it once per Tornado.

    Nerf Electrified Tornado's power scaling by 50% and remove 1 bounce or cast.


    These changes add alot to Tornado, now to CC lock you have to forfeit Electrified Tornado casts (you dont have to cast the KB during Tornado a single time right now)

    Dust Charge is more punishing to whiff, and doesn't reward you for camping Tornado for the whole duration.

    More counterplay to the default KB it does.

    Great changes all around, makes the skill actually engaging, have more counterplay, and more skillful.

  4. When you say "Pulm is nerfed" or "Lost Time, Power Block" etc has been nerfed and LR is the last trait of the variety that hasn't been, it shows a fundamental lack of understanding the differences between classes. That is not a good argument. Ele's damage is too low to operate without Lightning Rod as of now, it needs massive buffs if Lightning Rod were to be nerfed.

    Lets be clear here, Weaver has almost 0 stab, almost 0 condi cleanse, and almost 0 ways to resustain right now, all it has is it's damage and it's weakness.

    So we can nerf Lightning Rod, putting its weakness down to 1s base and nerfing the damage by 1/2 or something, and buff everything on Ele thats needing it. I'm cool with that. Except thats also a buff to Lightning Rod in 90% of the changes they could make the spec.

    ArenaNet is not good at nerfing unhealthy gameplay and rebuffing the class in the areas it should be buffed to compensate, its a very bad idea to nerf the only thing keeping a should be underperforming class up close to the high end especially without understanding how the class works, or how or where to re-compensate it .


    ******I'm all for Lightning Rod being nerfed, however Elementalist needs compensation for it.******


    Weaver has been pigeonholed into playing a scuffed version of Fresh Air Weaver that runs Lightning Rod and tries to burst the same way Fresh Air has/had in the past.

    Weaver needs to be pushed back in the direction of a bruiser rather than teamfight/roaming where it is now. To become more of a bruiser it needs a reliable way to heal its self, like Steam Surges water field going up in duration and Riptide going back to a 9s recharge but nerfing or even removing the evade frames from it(this provides counterplay to remove the consistent way of healing through rupting the Riptide to prevent the field even). However the damage on Lightning Rod will need to be toned down, otherwises you'll just take Lightning Rod still and reap the buffs that came with the healing coming back.


    Making a sidenode Ele build sucks right now, it has for the past 2 years, if its not a condi build so it can abuse Primordial Stance/Glyph/LavaSkin/Weave Self 20% modifier, you do no damage and you just take Water. Power Fire Weaver isn't good, even though Fire is amazing. Power damage on Weaver doesn't work very well unless its uncounterplayable like Lightning Rod or Scepter Fresh Air bursts, getting a CC chain for 6+ seconds as a Power Fire Weaver PREPATCH would result in only like 8k damage(this is with old CC doing damage mind you), meanwhile a warrior would've been able to do 30k easily within those 6 seconds of CC locking. This is for comparisons sake, I know CCs dont do damage anymore, but its to prove a point of, you either 1 shot on it, like you do now or with old Fresh Air, or you play death by 1000 cuts (which doesn't even really work) or you just intentionally spec out of even doing the slightest bit of damage.


    Which brings me to point 2 of Weaver Sidenoding Sucks; some of those condition skills I mentioned got slightly overnerfed, they would've been fine with the 1.5 treatment if you could still get decent burning duration, but with the nerf to the duration that traits and runes give, speccing into even more things than you did prepatch results in less than 1/2 of the damage that you'd get from speccing into ZERO duration prepatch. Probably buff the Burning duration on Primordial Stance(maybe glyph but idk i hate that skill, and so do most afaik) to actually function with the little bit of duration you can get right now.

    Without those skills doing decent damage you're also forced into the same decision making of death by 1000 cuts or intentionally forfeiting your damage and taking Water or Earth.


    Overall almost every ele skill does too little damage.

    What needs to be done is somehow:

    Nerf Lightning Rod to where it doesn't become OP with all the buffs Weaver gets, this may involve making the trait terrible.

    Buffing the damage to where you don't need to spec into all of these stupid extra damage things like Berserker Amulet or Air's Ferocity but making it not an issue like it is now when you do. Buffing its condition damage is a simple fix to making Air or Berserker amulet not an issue but bringing up its damage.

    Adding a reliable way to consistantly heal like it had prepatch.

    Nerf Earth and Water to where these sustain buffs don't make you want to run no damage setups like Prot Holo or Bunker Rev.

    Nerf the very few overperforming sustain traits Weaver has, mainly Smothering Aura cleanse to 1 on transmutation instead of 2.

    Ele needs to still be able to roam around like it was able to with Fresh Air or LR.



    To be quite honest Fire Weaver prepatch was exactly what Weaver should've been as a Bruiser and the only negative things anyone had with it from what I know was how overtuned it was, its been destroyed as a choice and will never see play in its current state. I have my thoughts on exactly what I would buff and nerf to bring it back where I think it'd see play but not be overtuned like it was.

  5. > @"GewRoo.4172" said:

    > > @"guest.9472" said:

    > > Seems like youre projecting your lack of ability, attributing it to something out of your control. Utterly primitive.


    > wrong, i played 3 ats this month and won all 3 of them. not talking about better teams tho. i am pretty sure low and mid tier teams will not be as present as pre swiss this month.


    Why is that a bad thing in a tournament thats supposed to be competitive? :)

  6. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > There is a reason we made both the T1 and T2 versions legendary. The T1 version (slumbering) doesn't require tournament wins. But if you want the version that provides some fancy effects, it's going to take a bit of effort to find a team (maybe put one together yourself!) or brave lfg. T2 is purely a cosmetic reward, so I personally don't feel it's out of line to make it require a bit more leg work and team coordination. GW2 PvP is essentially a team mode and at least some of the higher tier rewards should reflect the effort it takes to build and maintain a team.


    I love you Ben

  7. First off, it obviously depends what type of Weaver it is.

    You said you were playing Core Guardian, which means if you fight almost any type of Weaver, you lose that 1v1. The only 1v1 against a Weaver you can reliably win is against Fresh Air Weavers.


    How to beat Weaver in general is counting their active dodges and other mitigation; Weaver has always had alot of dodges, however they use more than half of them for non dodge related reasons, be it for a water field, blasting, or doing damage, etc.

    When you pressure a Sword Weaver they'll want to use their healing evade combo that involves 4 straight evades to resustain themselves, however that is all of their active dodges for 5s+, this is when you start playing for the actual kill. They might have Obsidian Flesh, or their Energy sigil might proc, just repeat the same thing and they will eventually die even in a 1v1 if you can actually do this.


    When you pressure a Dagger or a Scepter Weaver, all they can really do is run away and try to kite they don't have many extra dodges, if you have the chase potential to catch them, its a pretty free kill, just be careful you don't get turned on by a Shocking Aura or Mud Slide burst.


    Also PSA team, you don't run Twist anymore on Weaver, CD way too long.

  8. Most players can't and shouldn't be able to consistently CC chain you for it to be an issue, as well as being CC chained won't have you automatically die against most players either, as focusing targets isn't something thats too easy for a majority of the playerbase.


    If you are nonstop dying to CC chains in this new meta, it will be because you mismanage your cooldowns.


    Its much better this way, as opposed to 1 mediocre Rev or Holo player who can CC chain you and kill you by themselves.

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