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Everything posted by Danikat.8537

  1. > @"Solanum.6983" said: > Yeah It's a bit strange to think the End of Dragons wouldn't be the end of GW2 since it's whole focus has been dragons for it's entire existence. > But I think that's the point, There's only so many dragons we can go trough and after so many years I think it'll be nice to move on to something different in terms of story. As we've known since before the game came out there were 'only' 6 elder dragons we also knew it would only be a matter of time until the story had gone through all of them and they were dead/asleep again/otherwise pacified and no longer a threat. The only other possibility is that something would cause the game to shut down before it got to that point. Admittedly there have been times, especially during Season 1 when we didn't know what Scarlet's plan actually was, when some players thought Anet had either abandoned the Elder Dragons storyline early or somehow forgotten they existed and moved on to other things while the dragons were still around. I suppose that's why in later storylines they always made sure to include the dragons and keep on bringing them up, even when another threat was the priority (like in PoF). But it does mean it seems strange now that we're coming to the end of the dragon storyline. (Especially since it's taken longer than expected, I remember early expectations were we'd deal with 1 dragon per year, with 2012 as the first since Zhaitan is defeated in the base game, so we'd be done with them in 2017 and then something else would take their place.) I have to admit I'm actually more excited about what will come after EoD than for the expansion itself. With the return to Cantha (which I assume will cover at least parts of all the areas we visited in GW1, and hopefully some new bits too) and the end of the Elder Dragon storyline they're going to have to move on to parts of the world we haven't yet seen and maybe threats we currently know little/nothing about. The prospect of places and things totally new to us is quite exciting for me, although I do want to find out what happens to the remaining Elder Dragons first, and how we handle the problems caused by their massive amounts of magical energy.
  2. Do you mean basic as in only white quality equipment? I've done that a few times, but never as the only restriction, it's always been one of several rules for a 'challenge run' character. None of them have gotten to level 80, either because I get bored and delete them to free up the space for something else or because one of the rules is perma-death, where if they die even once for any reason I have to delete them and sooner or later I mess it up. My current variation is: 1. Permadeath. 2. Only white quality equipment (unless there is none, like aquabreathers, in which case only the lowest tier available is allowed). 3. No boosters, food or utility items. 4. No help from other characters - no passing equipment to her or using gold she hasn't earned (I estimate this, I can't be bothered keeping track exactly). 5. No mounts or waypoints. 6. Gliding is allowed but shouldn't be relied on (at this point I use gliding without even thinking about it, so banning it completely is overly complicated for me). 7. Anything which is purely cosmetic like wardrobe skins, mini pets, novelties etc. is allowed. 8. No infinite gathering tools, because that makes it easier to earn gold. I'd say the only thing I've learned about gear is that basic gear can be surprisingly hard to come by, especially on an account with over 200% magic find. (I can't remember what it is exactly, but it's over 200 and not maxed out.) Normally I rely entirely on drops and level/story rewards when levelling up a character, but for this I have to resort to buying it from NPCs. Fortunately there's merchants everywhere who sell basic equipment so it's not hard to find or expensive. At first I don't notice any difference in stats but as the character gets to higher levels the difference becomes more and more noticeable and combat gets more dangerous as a result. The difference might be more noticeable for people who always buy/craft top tier level-appropriate gear for their characters as they level up. Permadeath is a much, much bigger factor in how I approach combat because that means I have to be far more careful than I usually am about drawing in too many enemies or getting overwhelmed. A lot of my characters are pretty much based around point-blank AoE damage, so for me having to stay back a bit and avoid letting too many enemies close is a very different approach. It also means I take more time to think about where I'm going and possible danger - not just enemies but cliffs and other environmental hazards. (Anyone who has played with me could tell you I usually notice cliffs a second or two after falling off them!) I'm not sure I'd say it's better or worse, but for me the fact that it's so different makes it interesting...for a while anyway. As I said many of these characters end up getting deleted because I'm just not playing them enough to justify taking up a character slot (although wanting to do longer term challenges like this is one reason I bought extra slots). But while I am playing them it gets me to think about the game in a different way and reconsider situations I'm familiar with, which can influence how I play my other characters. My advice, for anyone wanting to do any sort of themed or challenge character is to think about what you want to get out of it. What would make it interesting or difficult, or just different enough from your existing characters that it's not just levelling another alt? There are dozens of examples out there which could provide a starting point but it's important to tailor it to you. For example a lot of people doing similar challenges to me don't allow cosmetics, or only ones the character has earned, but that doesn't actually make it harder (or easier) and I find it boring so I ignore that rule. Others do allow mounts or waypoints because they'd find it annoying not to use them but I think it adds an extra challenge and I don't mind going slower. Also remember you can create a free account if that would help. It makes it easier to impose some restrictions, like no gliding or mounts and not sharing gold/materials, and adds some you can't do with a new character on the same account, like removing masteries and account bonuses (like magic find). But it also adds other restrictions which might be annoying, like not letting you use map chat and making it impossible to send items you do want to keep to your main account.
  3. Oh, so it's just the infusions which are off-centre on the victory rock? That would explain why I never noticed, since my charr doesn't use infusions. It's not the best screenshot (it's the only one I already had uploaded) but you can see here a charr is in the same position on the rock itself as other races: ![](https://i.imgur.com/PFEC5fbh.jpg "")
  4. I've never understood why they took the time to convert them into a novelty but then never brought them back. It would be nice if they were offered again for those who want them.
  5. I'd like somewhere between the two, in the sense that I think there should be more freedom to play solo without the risk of being overwhelmed than in HoT, and more safe areas (towns etc.) since it's a land inhabited by humans so there should be places humans and the other playable races could live safely. But what I'd really like is difficulty in the form of enemies that require specific tactics to beat, which we see a lot more of in HoT than PoF. (As opposed to enemies who are fairly straight-forward to fight but just have a lot of health and/or do a lot of damage with each attack.) Admittedly the downside of that is once you learn to beat them they become relatively easy - fighting pocket raptors on my ranger is trivial now, I just drop a spike trap, wait for them to trigger it and then drop a bonfire on top of it and mop up any stragglers. But the first few times they were a real struggle to fight, and each time I take a new character through HoT I have to figure out how best to handle them with the skills that character has, and the same for the ones which need CC or are more vulnerable to conditions or heal others around them etc. I find that much more interesting, and more challenging, than simply hammering away at an enemy with whatever until one of you is dead and concluding afterwards it was technically a hard fight because it took a few seconds longer to complete.
  6. If you're playing PvE which area/s of the game are you in? I only have that problem fighting jacandara (or whatever they're called) in PoF maps and certain mobs in Hot. In the base game maps stun, knockdown ect effects are relatively rare. So if this is PvE my first suggestion would be to try going to a different area and see how you get on. It might also be worth looking for traits which can mitigate the effects of those conditions. The specific options depend on your profession (and level) , but I think they all have some options.
  7. I can confirm that the cost for the nearest waypoint is reduced to what you have, even if that's nothing. But it is only the nearest one, further ones cost the full fee. I've actually gotten back down to literally nothing in my wallet twice since starting. Both times it was mostly due to buying large volumes of materials from the TP. Once just by coincidence I was able to spend exactly what I had down to the last copper on a buy order. Another time I had a tiny bit left and for some reason decided it would be a good idea to go to Dry Top (which at the time was still very active) to get more gold. I waypointed in during the sandstorm, got killed and the reduced waypoint cost used up the last bit of my money, then got killed _again_ and got to use it for free. After that though we killed the champion dust mite twister and I managed to survive a couple more battles and ended up with some coin and an inventory full of stuff to sell. Admittedly I could have just sold some materials i already had in the bank, but since I was in the middle of a big crafting project I didn't want to do that. (What I should have done was just headed into the nearest map and gathered whatever was growing there to sell, but I think at the time a champion train seemed like a better idea.)
  8. Are you on an NA or EU server? Either way I'm sure you'll be able to find people to help, but only people in the same region can play with you, so we need to know which it is to work out who can help you.
  9. One short answer is that equipment with toughness and vitality will increase your survival. Toughness gives you additional armour and vitality gives you additional health. Both together is probably unnecessary, but that is an option if you want it. Also look for traits which offer protection or regenerate health. Traits are passive - they work automatically without you needing to do anything so it's one less thing to worry about. Each profession has at least 1 specialisation which is mainly defensive, but other specialisations will have some defense options too. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > There is of course the classic "bearbow" ranger. Using a longbow weapon at range whilst the bear pet tries to keep the mob occupied. For casual, open world play I think it's still valid, although I've never actually used it myself. The further back you are, the less dodges you are going to be making as well Personally I wouldn't recommend bear bow for anything except very early open world content (where rangers are almost pushed into it due to starting with a longbow). When it works as intended it's ok, but if anything stops you from staying at range, like too many enemie spawning or doing an event where you have to capture a circle, or just being in a small area, you don't have many options. I prefer weapons like axes or shortbow which are ranged but work just as well close up, and using traps and spirits so getting close to my character is dangerous - it doesn't put enemies off of course but it makes them easy to deal with.
  10. I agree that it's difficult to put them into order because it's different for everyone. For example I was disappointed by Chaos Crystal Cavern because I'd seen people in my guild talking about how difficult it is and how long it took to complete, but I found it very simple. Sure you have to look out for which effects you get hit by, but as long as you're aware of whether your jumps will be longer or shorter than normal there's not much to it. It's no different to doing a basic part of another puzzle while random people around you apply speed boosts at unexpected moments. Meanwhile some of the same people say Scavenger's Chasm is easy because there's few/no tricky jumps and in most places if you fall you land in water so there's less risk of dying. But I find it really annoying because it takes me ages to find all the orbs without a guide. I spend longer trying to do that than some of the ones where I keep falling and starting over.
  11. I don't see the big deal. I'm sure there's been lots of stories with 'end' in the name, especially in long-running series. For a start there's 'Zone of the Enders' where the franchase name includes end, and the next-to-last book in the 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' series is called 'The End'. If it wasn't for the fact that I saw a bunch of game developers on Twitter talking about it I'd never have thought twice about two game expansions with 'end' in the name being announced several months apart. > @"Balsa.3951" said: > Lack of creativity and self-confidence > End of Dragons/ End of Jedi > Heart of Thorns / Game of Thrones > > Very embarrassing.... > > > Being original is a risk for big companies now In addition to the points already made there's never been anything called 'End of Jedi'. There was a movie called The Last Jedi and I suppose it's possible the name in another langauge could be directly translated into English as 'End of (the) Jedi' but that would be a _very_ vague link. (Heart of Thorns and Game of Thrones is a pretty vague link too. Ok it's the same format - something of something else, but there must be hundreds of variations of that. I know some people mix them up and call the expansion Heart of Thrones, but that's just a typo, likely a result of auto-correct software.) > @"Teratus.2859" said: > Gw2's always had a childish sense of humour even in the personal story there were some good laughs so I don't really see much in the way of a "style change" as you put it regarding humour.. it's still pretty childish at times but still funny. > If anything the game has gotten slightly more mature and a bit darker over the years which imo was a big positive from the more kiddy friendly way this game started out.. everyone was far too happy and vanilla and cheesy back in the early days of the game.. something I think Anet has remedied quite a lot over time. Not just GW2. The first game was full of jokes and pop-culture references. Amongst other things the entire 'God Walking Among Mere Mortals' title track is a reference to an absurd speech in the movie Anchor Man and there's a quest based on Snakes of a Plane, where your reward is a scythe shaped like a banana, which is itself a reference to a Monty Python sketch.
  12. I agree. this would be really useful. I'd prefer something in the home instance to putting them in the Priory library or wherever, partially because it would be more convinient when I want to read them, and partially because it would mean it still feels like my collection, rather than part of someone else's.
  13. Can you get a screenshot with the bot's name on screen? If so you can report it by creating a support ticket. They won't tell you what the outcome is, but it will get the message to the relevant people at Arenanet.
  14. I'd also like an underwater map, specifically one out in the open ocean which gets progressively more dangerous as you go down. On the surface there's a ship or flotilla which acts as a kind of floating 'city' - it's got a waypoint and basic services, and is most likely the place where you enter the map. If possible I'd like it to move around the map, but slowly (so a player swimming without speed boosts could catch up). Oh, maybe it could be a kodan fortress? The surface would be relatively safe and calm, maybe there's some small islands dotted around and some friendly NPCs (I imagine several events would end with reaching the surface too) but not a lot to do, most of the action takes place under the water. As you go down it gets progressively darker and more dangerous, with increasingly strange creatures to encounter. Maybe there's a world boss or something right at the bottom, in an ocean trench or something like that. If possible I'd also like to have a largos city in some kind of underwater dome, so you can stop swimming and walk around, but I don't know how that would work with the physics engine, I'm not sure we can have dry areas below places you can swim (just like we can't have water you can swim in above the map's water table, even if it's deep enough you just walk through it). If not it could be like the quaggan villages where you're swimming around instead of walking, but it would function as a small safe area in the most dangerous part of the map, but lacking most services because the lagos don't have any ties to the Black Lion Company, the bank system etc. Somewhere in amongst all this there could be a mini dungeon (or a jumping puzzle if it is possible to have dry areas underwater), several short event chains showcasing the different creatures and dangers at the different levels and maybe longer event chains which cross all the levels and get progressively more difficult as you go.
  15. Arenanet are, or were, working on adding controller support but I don't know what's happening with it as it's been a while since I heard anything about the project. But in the meantime there's a topic here with lots of discussions on different options and suggested key bindings: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9417/controller I also found several youtube videos and web pages dedicated to promoting and explaining different ways of setting up a controller to play GW2, but I've never done it myself so I wouldn't know which one/s to recommend.
  16. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > > @"Furious.1205" said: > > > So many people state "there can't be horses in GW2 because they don't exist" Yet Centaurs do which is horse enough along with a whole line of other mounts that don't exist yet they are in the game (Warclaw, Roadrunner, Armadillo, sacred Pegasus etc which I won't go there...) . It's a fantasy game & they can actually make the rules what you wish, so why not bring in a set of various horses, heck even a camel which would work in Amnoon.. Give them abilities if you must & I LOVE underwater mounts Idea. . > > > > This thread is a tad out of date. We have an underwater mount > > And a second flying mount. And a speedy mount. We pretty much have something which can climb walls too - the skyscale. So those were some good guesses. :) > @"Furious.1205" said: > So many people state "there can't be horses in GW2 because they don't exist" Yet Centaurs do which is horse enough along with a whole line of other mounts that don't exist yet they are in the game (Warclaw, Roadrunner, Armadillo, sacred Pegasus etc which I won't go there...) . It's a fantasy game & they can actually make the rules what you wish, so why not bring in a set of various horses, heck even a camel which would work in Amnoon.. Give them abilities if you must & I LOVE underwater mounts Idea. . Horses do exist in Tyria...or they did. It's not clear if they're extinct or only found in some distant part of the world, but they are definitely known to the people of Tyria and used to be ridden by Krytans in the distant past. There's even one horse who appears in both Guild Wars 1 and 2, but he lives in the Mists and well, [you won't see him](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mr._Gum_Drops). I still like the idea of a horse skin for the warclaw, either a 2k gem skin or (preferably) one from a difficult/long achievement. I love that this game turns the convention on it's head and gives us lots of unusual animals as the basic mounts - normally a raptor would be a rare mount, definitely not the starter mount. I'd like to see them come full circle and add a basic brown horse as a rare skin. I think it should be a warclaw skin because I think the abilities and animations would work better than for the other mounts.
  17. **How to clear some space with Birthday gifts** * If you've got any you haven't removed from the mail or haven't opened you can leave them as they are for now so they'll take up less space. * Bag of Spirit Shards: Just use these right away and they'll go into the wallet, no need to keep them in the bank. * Birthday Card: Double click it to get karma. There's no other use so no reason to save them. * Mini Queen Jennah: Right-click one and select 'add to wardrobe' (it might say something like unlock or store instead, I can't remember the exact wording). That will enable all your characters to use it whenever you want via the Minis tab in the Hero panel, or you can just ignore it. Any others can safely be deleted. * Birthday Finisher: Like the mini you can store this in the wardrobe (just double click it) and then it will be available for all your characters to use, there's no reason to keep it in your inventory. * Dye Packs: You might want to save these until you know which dyes you want, but you could [use the Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebratory_Dye_Pack) to see which colours are available and choose either the ones you like best or the most expensive. You can't sell the dyes but if you want to have lots unlocked it makes sense to use the dye packs for expensive ones so you don't need to buy them. * Birthday Boosters: If you put them in the bank they'll stack. You can then remove the whole stack for a character to hold onto if you need the bank space. (Alternatively you can use them and the effect will stack duration up to a maximum of 7 days, so each character could use 7 boosters, but you might want to hold onto them until you know which characters you'll be playing.) * Experience scrolls: These will stack with others of the same type. For some reason the level 20 scrolls from the 1st and 2nd birthday gifts won't stack together, so you'll have 2 stacks of 20, but even so if you combine all the ones from your different characters in the bank they'll only take up 6 slots instead of however many you've got now (and they can go into a character's inventory once they're stacked, to free up bank space.) * Teleport to Friend: Like the boosters these will stack so you can condense them down to just 1 inventory slot in total. If you haven't yet opened them I'd keep the Anniversary Backpack and Weapon Pack Combo, Devoted Anniversary Achievement Box, Victorious Anniversary Achievement Box and Dedicated Anniversary Achievement Box as they are for now, because each one will give you several new items to deal with. Just don't lose or delete them (including deleting a character holding one) because you'll have to go through customer support to get them back. You could open the Anniversary Backpack and Mail Carrier Pack because that gives you just two items: the mail carrier can be used right away to unlock it (like the mini pet and finisher) and you can choose a backpack skin to unlock now. If you've gotten up to the 8th birthday gift then you'll have enough backpack unlocks to get all of them so it doesn't really matter which one you choose. **How to get more space quickly and cheaply** Option 1: Buy new bags from the Trading Post. Each character can have up to 5 bags (and starts with 1 by default). You can buy 8, 10, 12, 15, 18 or 20 slot bags from the Trading Post. The bigger bags are more expensive so it's up to you to decide how much it's worth spending for the space you'll get. Option 2: Pick an existing character you're not likely to use much, or if you have a spare character slot create a new one and use their inventory as extra storage space. New characters start off with 20 slots instantly, and space for 4 more bags so you can store between 20 and 100 items on one character. **How to familarise yourself with the game again** Pick your lowest level character or create a new one and play from the begining. Take your time and explore the world, and pay attention to the pop-ups you get whenever you gain a level as these are designed to explain different features of the game and the options available to you. Don't delete your other characters, especially the level 80, whenever you feel ready you can switch to playing on them so you don't have to start over from scratch entirely, but a new character will make it easier to learn the game because you'll be introduced to systems gradually rather than hit with everything at once and no direction.
  18. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > > @"SexyMofo.8923" said: > > > > > Use it to unlock all the karma fashion so your wardrobe unlocks don’t go to waste. > > > > > > > > Is there a website so you can see were you still got heart vendors with skins to unlock? > > > > > > > > > > Does the Wiki have an API function for it? Or is there a place on GW efficiency? > > > > > > (I am actually asking, but thought they might). ? > > > > I'm not sure if there's a quicker way, but you can use [this page on the Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_weapon_sets#Karma_weapons) to see all the karma weapon sets, and there's an API box on each set's page to check which ones you've already got. > > > > I also use this site to check for weapon and armour skins I haven't unlocked yet: http://immortius.net.au/wardrobe-unlock-analyser/ > > Not really familiar with those, but do they say what heart on what map have said item or do you have to go around and search all 300+ hearts? The heart vendors are listed right on that first page, and on each weapon set's page. If you click on their name it will show you exactly where they are and which heart they're the vendor for.
  19. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"SexyMofo.8923" said: > > > Use it to unlock all the karma fashion so your wardrobe unlocks don’t go to waste. > > > > Is there a website so you can see were you still got heart vendors with skins to unlock? > > > > Does the Wiki have an API function for it? Or is there a place on GW efficiency? > > (I am actually asking, but thought they might). ? I'm not sure if there's a quicker way, but you can use [this page on the Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_weapon_sets#Karma_weapons) to see all the karma weapon sets, and there's an API box on each set's page to check which ones you've already got. I also use this site to check for weapon and armour skins I haven't unlocked yet: http://immortius.net.au/wardrobe-unlock-analyser/
  20. > @"ZemsBond.2547" said: > Can anyone tell me where I can find this place? This is one I want for collection. > ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807721707669422131/808048809041068094/003.jpg "") That's Griffonrook Run in Lornar's Pass. Here's the Wiki page with information on it. If you want exact instructions for getting there you can click the link to the Jumping Puzzles, that article goes into more detail: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Griffonrook_Run
  21. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said: > > @"alcopaul.2156" said: > > well no one made the petition yet so how can you be sure that ANET wants them to underperform? > > > > lelz. > > Because they have come to us and said exactly that. That they are deliberately designed to be weak so race isn't a factor when picking class. Yep. It never got as far as anyone making a petition, they stated while the game was still in development that they didn't want race to be a factor in builds, they wanted all races to be equally viable in all builds so players never felt they had to pick a certain one or had to make a new character to be acceptable to meta groups. One of the ways they did that was to make racial skills underperform compared to profession skills so they're available for flavour or role-playing if you want them but there's almost no chance anyone is going to make meta builds which require a specific race. (The Mistfire Wolf isn't a racial skill but if anything it would be even more of a problem if players felt like they had to buy the deluxe edition upgrade just to meet other player's standards for builds.) I'd like it if they were a bit more useful, but I use the Mistfire Wolf anyway, and I'm not sure what they could safely change without running into problems.
  22. > @"arukAdo.2047" said: > While on the principle I have no issue with the food design overall, it was mentioned that they had meetings about "economy" and ingredients, they apparently totally failed at this. > The situation right now, and since many years, is that 90%+ of the materials are worth nothing, only coppers. > So we have a huge material storage for many food ingredients, that are not worth picking up anyway. > And there was almost no efforts to fix that, sure the 500 cook update did partially solve the issue of food value, for a limited time, but its not fixing the root issue at all. > The real issue behind the worthless food is that its worthless... make food matters and bingo ppl will craft more of them, gather more materials, and make the market alive again. > Right now, been a crafter is just a waste of gold, more or less, the only thing that keep cooking revelant is the ascended food, it probably wouldnt take much efforts to make it worthy as a whole, but I dont believe thats what they want. The question is what they were attempting to achieve in these meetings. If they want it to be profitable to gather and sell most cooking materials then yes there's an issue, if on the other hand they want to make sure most foods are relatively cheap to craft so most players can afford to make and use them without worrying that they're wasting gold when they do then it's a success.
  23. When I sold the Dreamer it took less than 24 hours. (I'm not sure exactly because I put it up shortly before going to bed, then had work the next day so it was most of a day before I could log in again.) I was making it primarily to do the precursor collections. I'd already made the Dreamer for myself before HoT was released, but I liked the collections for the Bifrost and wanted to do the Dreamer one as well, but I didn't need a second one and selling the precursor would actually lose me gold so I decided to finish the legendary and sell that. As a result I wasn't too concerned with maximising my profit, but I also wasn't willing to just sell it instantly to the highest buy order (I think at the time the difference was a few hundred gold). When I knew I was only a couple of weeks away from finishing it I kept checking the price so I could get an idea of fluctuations and what would be a good 'safe' price. I think I could have listed it for a bit more and it would still have sold eventually, but I wanted to play it safe.
  24. I don't know if this applies to you but if you're putting a group together for a specific bounty it helps a lot to say which one it is. I've seen a lot of vague LFG messages in PoF maps (especially Crystal Oasis), often just saying "bounty" and once literally just saying "lfg". That means anyone joining the group doesn't really know what they're committing to doing, which makes it hard to know if it's a group they want to join or not. Also one suggestion I haven't seen mentioned (I might have missed it) is to ask your guild/s for help. Bounties don't need a lot of people, a group of 4 or 5 can do most of them and people are often more inclined to help their guild members. Even if it's not a guild that normally does PvE events together it's worth asking. If it is a guild that does PvE events together you could even talk to the leader or one of the officers about arranging a guild 'bounty night' where you get together and do a bunch of them. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > I've found that joining a squad that is doing other Bounties will often help out with a particular Bounty, if you just ask them. > That's how I finished all the Bounties in PoF maps. I agree, but I'd also point out that if they say they're doing all of them in a set order, or they have a few others to do first it's important to accept that. It gets really annoying when someone joins a bounty train and keeps going on and on about wanting to do the one bounty they came for and complaining whenever another one is chosen. Basically unless they say they've already done that one and won't be doing it again you just need to be patient.
  25. I use the wedding outfit, on all races, as general purpose formal wear. I love that it changes based on your race and that each version is like a fancier version of the clothing you can see NPCs wearing. I don't think any of them are so distinctly associated with weddings that they can't be used for anything else. Even the human versions are somewhat unconventional for a bride and groom. (Specifically the human versions remind me of the costumes worn by Axl Rose and Stephanie Seymour in the November Rain video. They're not exactly the same, but they're similar enough that to me they're the weirdest versions of the lot.) The charr one is probably my favourite, because it's so distinctly part of their racial style and so different from anything else in the game.
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