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Lan Deathrider.5910

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Everything posted by Lan Deathrider.5910

  1. Make it mobile, or a 2s channel, or both. Beyond that making it an arcing slice type AoE using the ammo system that grants quickness when you strike a fie under 50% hp would be cool. Damage would have to be Arcing Slice above 50% hp level of damage.
  2. > @"Vancho.8750" said: > > @"losalamos.5123" said: > > Just remove daze from Full Counter altogether and have it do Eviscerate damage. > At the start it was like that but people kept killing themselves on it and they changed it to full counter with daze instead of damage, you can see the original in PVE with the 2x power coefficient and the 1/2 second daze. > Then just remove the daze and give 1.0 scaling in PvP/WvW and a 3.0 Scaling in PvE. FC's effectiveness scales inversely with the skill of the opponent. Only bads will get killed by it.
  3. So, you need to be careful that you are not inadvertently canceling the animations of your skills. You can easily bench +35k on the golem as a power Berserker. Go test your rotation out and see what you end up with. On an actual raid though while dealing with mechanics your dps will naturally be lower than the golem benchmark.
  4. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"Shroud.2307" said: > > @ those discussing Full Counter- > > It's an evade, grants Stability, is unblockable, Dazes, is on a very low cooldown, and deals damage in an area around the Spellbreaker. With traits it has various other effects, but just looking at the baseline it's still pretty frigging strong. Honestly, it should lose the Daze all together as it is already an extremely strong effect. Giving it a little damage back in compensation would be fine. > > > > Personally I don't have much of a problem with Full Counter. I know how to deal with it, and on Necro even how to make it work against them with Corrupt. But objectively speaking, it is a very low risk/high reward skill that even if in its substantially reduced in strength state, is still very strong. > > Removing the Daze entirely wouldn't destroy the skill assuming it isn't accompanied by any other nerfs. The way I see it, removing the Daze would level it out, adding a little damage back would still be at a good balance. Anything further and it would start to become bad. > > > > Spellbreaker as a whole, and Warrior in general tbh, are a whole other story. It isn't in great shape and could use buffs here and there, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have things that aren't overtuned either. A class/spec can still have overperforming aspects even if much of the class/spec is the opposite. > > They surely won't remove the daze. > > Spellbreaker is a bruiser spec and an integral part of their playstyle is a focus on CC. Just like daredevil has alot more hard CC than core thief or how scrapper can utilise CC for other effects like additional barrier and vulnerability/weakness application. > > And removing the daze would be a mechanical change which carries over to PvE, too. Anet is just adjusting numbers for PvP, but the mechanics of the skills are supposed to be the same across all game modes. Removing daze from full counter in PvP would result to the CC being removed for all game modes. If it can do 8k damage again sure then take the daze, just make it deal more in PvE.
  5. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > That may be hard for them to code up... Not that I disagree. Still it was easy to allow for the negligible damage because of the 2s daze, but now its just a normal daze length, and last I checked other skills that daze like that tend to do damage post CC nerf. > > > > How about just make it a 0.5s daze and give it a 0.75 coefficient in return. That is auto attack levels of damage. > > In theory it shouldn't be hard to code, since I'm pretty sure they must have a variable for "incoming damage" which is used for later calculations with dmg reduction/toughness/hp etc. > They can just slap "whatever incoming damage" that triggered Full Counter into "outgoing damage*0.75" made by the skill, BUT I have no idea how they've structured their code and it's events or even the language they've used for engine. On top of that, it's probably uber spaghetti. > Yeah, in theory it's possible, and in theory it should be 100% reflected damage, because it _is_ Full Counter, but in reality they are dealing with spaghetti code.
  6. > @"Shao.7236" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > > @"Vancho.8750" said: > > > > @"Shao.7236" said: > > > > Full Counter daze duration added way too much sustain over time for how freely accessed the skill is. > > > > > > > > It already counts as a nearly unstoppable evade, having the extra 2 seconds was like making it 250% more effective than a regular one. > > > They could give distortion to SB at this point, FC has a laundry list of stuff so it can pretend it is an invuln but no really, it doesn't do damage or much CC. > > > I wonder if it is worth the one less adrenaline bar and level 2 and 3 bursts . > > > > Just give it _some_ damage back and it would be fine. > > Or even better, it's called full counter. It should return a certain percentage of damage from the last attack. I said that about a year and a half ago. That may be hard for them to code up... Not that I disagree. Still it was easy to allow for the negligible damage because of the 2s daze, but now its just a normal daze length, and last I checked other skills that daze like that tend to do damage post CC nerf. How about just make it a 0.5s daze and give it a 0.75 coefficient in return. That is auto attack levels of damage.
  7. > @"Vancho.8750" said: > > @"Shao.7236" said: > > Full Counter daze duration added way too much sustain over time for how freely accessed the skill is. > > > > It already counts as a nearly unstoppable evade, having the extra 2 seconds was like making it 250% more effective than a regular one. > They could give distortion to SB at this point, FC has a laundry list of stuff so it can pretend it is an invuln but no really, it doesn't do damage or much CC. > I wonder if it is worth the one less adrenaline bar and level 2 and 3 bursts . Just give it _some_ damage back and it would be fine.
  8. Welcome to WvW! Play the class that you are comfortable with. Nothing stops you from following the tag even if they boot you from the squad due to classism, just make sure to play smart and not be a detriment. But DO try other classes. You may find that while you main something else outside of WvW that you enjoy another class within WvW. All classes can roam and cap objectives. Do not go full glass cannon unless that is what you absolutely like to play. You **will** die. It happens. Just use the waypoint and pick up from the nearest objective/tag. /wave or /bow to people you enjoyed fighting, we are each others content after all. Ignore any salty whispers you get.
  9. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > > > To be honest, I don't think togo had enough of an impact to become a legend. As a GW1 player I'd be very tempted to but that's all. > > > > From my point of view, the next revenant e-spec's legend won't be another human legend. I think a prime candidate for an e-spec would be "Nightmare" with Kanaxai as a legendary Nightmare (which is listed both as a demon and a nightmare). I'd model the e-spec after the mesmer with an inbuilt (Upkeep F skill) way to create a nightmare (clone) based on your current legend that harass your target and/or support your allies. It's skills could be _aspects_ (there is 16 of them to chose from in Kanaxai's instance so there is enough material for ANet to make something) working similarly to Herald's facet but as debuff instead of buff (or each of these skills creating a nightmare with an upkeep). Weapon being Off-hand axe because "kanaxai's flavor". > > > > If I let my fantasy lead me I'd even say that the dreamy aspect of EoD teaser support my claim ;) > > What I don't understand is why people are always saying that the next legend won't be a human _again_ as if there would be an overrepresentation of humans in revenants legends. > > There is just 1 human legend for revenant, Shiro. All the other legends are not human. > * Ventari -> Centaur > * Mallyx -> Demon > * Jalis -> Dwarf > * Glint -> Dragon > * Kalla -> Charr > > So I think a human legend is still very well possible. Ventari would also be Sylvari. They haven't been around long enough for one of their own to really become legendary enough. No Treesus please. There are not Asuran legends nor are there any Norn legends. The new Rev espec should be one of those.
  10. > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said: > > > I have played plenty of SBP and Core (even Berserker) in a more supportive role, be it might share, boon strip, cleanses. > > > > > > And it gets absolutely boring after some point. Frankly this is my opinion and whatnot, but, again, as long as Core gets fixed, I'll be ok. Cause then I'll buildcraft better and I won't buy EoD for a bs support warrior spec. Play scrapper bruh. > > > > It all depends on the skill sets and traitline though now doesn't it? > > > > Whatever the weapon set ends up being can very well be DPS viable, and the triatline may very well have a personal DPS line within it (even our core support line does that). > > > > I fully anticipate having both a viable DPS build and a viable support build from the new e-spec. I do not think we'll end up with a heavy armor version of Druid. > > You know warrior better than most warriors, so I'm happy you get my point, although I must admit I failed to fully explain it. > > A warrior spec can be support, but as long as it has a traitline with viable dmg traits which I can pick I'll be happy. What I am against is the idea which seems to hover around about the new espec being a specialization with an Inventions-type of approach. These were my two takes on a Support E-spec neither of which lack in damage: Pistol/Pistol Spec https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/92430/elite-spec-idea-commander Land Spear Spec https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101823/elite-spec-taichou The traitlines are more or less the same. Honestly I prefer the utilities I came up with under Taichou but prefer the Pistol/Pistol skills from the Commander and if I were to consolidate those two ideas that is what I would shoot for (pun intended). The 'Commands' from Commander could be reworked into F2-F5 skills though, but I'd rather have an F2 that is a Burst from OH weapons (or second burst from two handers).
  11. > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said: > I have played plenty of SBP and Core (even Berserker) in a more supportive role, be it might share, boon strip, cleanses. > > And it gets absolutely boring after some point. Frankly this is my opinion and whatnot, but, again, as long as Core gets fixed, I'll be ok. Cause then I'll buildcraft better and I won't buy EoD for a bs support warrior spec. Play scrapper bruh. It all depends on the skill sets and traitline though now doesn't it? Whatever the weapon set ends up being can very well be DPS viable, and the triatline may very well have a personal DPS line within it (even our core support line does that). I fully anticipate having both a viable DPS build and a viable support build from the new e-spec. I do not think we'll end up with a heavy armor version of Druid.
  12. Okay, so since Berserker LOST Core burst completely, and Scrapper LOST the Elite Tool Belt skill and those are then tradeoffs per Anet's statement above, can we get their negative stats removed? Serious here. Those stat penalties should never have existed in the first place.
  13. > @"Trianox.3486" said: > Berserker can blow up thief super fast at the first thief mistake, while the thief wont kill the warrior if he only does a single mistake. True for warrior in general so long as the Thief has no stunbreaks left or eats a Burst attack for whatever reason.
  14. Do GS/rifle or axe+X/rifle or sword+x/bow. Too drunk to elaborate atm though... That said bow is hybrid damage and I have out ranged a ranger with power longbow before...
  15. > @"draxynnic.3719" said: > > @"Shaogin.2679" said: > > > @"Trianox.3486" said: > > > People seem stuck with the whole "trade-off" part, but you can also see it as a change in terms of game play. > > > Necro, reaper and scourge are great examples of that. They quite differently from one another. > > > > > > Bottom line, all those three play very differently. You could play them similarly, more or less, but they have inherent differences. Here is your trade-off, or change. > > > Unfortunately, the term "trade-off" misleads into thinking about balance... while that is a whole different issue. > > > Of course, we could argue about power level, but that's a different story. One might argue Repear shroud or Scourge shades or whatever to be better or worse... but it depends on circumstances... and individual skills and trait lines then, and their synergies with core trait lines...! > > > > > > The balance discussion isn't about whether those trade-off are sufficiant in terms of change of mechanics. It should be, in my opinion, about the disporportionate strength between "3 core trait lines" VS "1 elite + 2 core trait lines". Is it outof tune completely or not? (Then of course, we have to account that not every single combination of traits is optimal for DPS or survivability. "Everything" more or less work for open world, but not everything is enjoyable or effective, regardless of trait lines, e-specs, and individual traits you took or not.) > > > > The issue is that some classes were placed into this rule set of "there must be a trade off", while other classes skate on by nearly un-touched by this whole trade-off thing Anet was shooting for at one point. For instance, look at the Druid. For some reason it is the only support in the entire game so far that had its damaged nerfed (the pets) due to being a support spec. Firebrand, Scourge, Tempest, Scrapper, and Renegade are all capable of perfectly viable PvE DPS builds despite also being support specs. > > > > Also, lets stop pretending things like Guardian virtue changes between the specs are a trade off. That is extremely laughable. DH and FB virtues/tomes are in no way weaker than Guardian virtues, they are simply different. > > > > What would be nice is if Anet was consistent across the board with this. Either all Elite Specs get a legit trade off, or they don't. This business of handing out heavy nerfs to some classes in the name of E-Spec Trade Offs without doing the same for others is really kitten. > > I think the problem in the case of druid is that with other supports, you had a choice of speccing for DPS or support. Ranger pets, however, always have the same stats, so you could go full support or survivability with a druid while still having good DPS out of the pet. > > With regard to Guardians, for all people point at the virtues, Guardians are still the profession where you see core builds most often, so clearly it _does_ have enough of a tradeoff, even if it's coming more from having to give up on a core traitline than the virtues. Which, IMO, is a better way to do tradeoffs in general - make the core traitlines good enough that they _do_ represent a real tradeoff. Frankly people over value the instant cast nature of virtues. I say this and I enjoy my charrdian, particularly as a burn DH in WvW. Both especs are straight upgrades as far as profession mechanics go, you just see lots of core guards because unlike some classes it has a viable builds still as core.
  16. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > > > For Rev I think they need a norn (Jora with Greatsword) or an Asura (Vekk with scepter or Focus). > > > > > > Neither norn nor asura have anything to do with cantha, thought. Sure you can hide a giant ancient asura city there lost for centuries (just like in HoT) but that would be a bit ridiculous. That or something from the futur (since the mists don't really care about the timeline), still the norns hardly have anything to do with cantha, that's just not their domain. > > > > Doesn't matter. Kalla had nothing to do with the Desert, and there is already a Cantha themed Legend. > > Considering how hyped Cantha is by the community, I think it would be a waste not to give revenant a legend that has lore ties to Cantha. > Not saying that they have to be human necessarily, but something that was relevant in Canthan lore would be great. > > Maybe a legendary Naga, for example. Then give us Talon Silverwing. I bet Tengu will be involved anyway. Can still do Greatsword then since he was a swordmaster.
  17. > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said: > Berserker Hammer builds huh. Sounds very fun to play. The animation of hammer primal burst is probably my favourite primal burst too. Well Rupturing Smash still does damage, so you can DPS with hammer fairly well as a Berserker still. > And finally, perhaps we could do this whole concept thing with Defense. I have less ideas about defense but 'll try to piece something out based on suggestions throughout this thread. Really it's only the top line of traits that need work on Defense. That and there should be more retaliation in the line and more effects related to retaliation. > Do you believe other warrior mains would appreciate these changes to Arms? (Just realised how much better it will be to run on my mark and sundering leap with vulnerability heals and dmg traited in arms! what a way to augment almost unused skills!). The meta traits were just upgraded and underperforming traits were made to synergize with the condi line more. I'm sure it would be appreciated if Anet made those changes.
  18. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > For Rev I think they need a norn (Jora with Greatsword) or an Asura (Vekk with scepter or Focus). > > Neither norn nor asura have anything to do with cantha, thought. Sure you can hide a giant ancient asura city there lost for centuries (just like in HoT) but that would be a bit ridiculous. That or something from the futur (since the mists don't really care about the timeline), still the norns hardly have anything to do with cantha, that's just not their domain. Doesn't matter. Kalla had nothing to do with the Desert, and there is already a Cantha themed Legend.
  19. > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said: > I read you. So ultimately: > > **Minor Adept** _Furious Bursts_ : Burst Skills grant Fury. > > **Major Adept 1** _Wounding Precision_ : A percentage of your Precision is converted to Expertise (7%). Critical hits have a chance to inflict Torment (50% chance, 1 stack of Torment for 4 seconds, 3 second ICD). If there is an ICD then remove the %chance or vice versa. No need for both. > **Major Adept 2** _Signet Mastery_ : Stacking Ferocity Bonus, reduced recharge for signets, cast Lesser Signet of Fury when striking a foe (180 Precision, 180 Ferocity, 10 Adrenaline) (25 sec ICD, Lesser Signet active for 5 sec). Wasn't it to remove the Ferocity Bonus and replace it with Lesser Signet of Fury or am I misreading somewhere? > **Major Adept 3** _Opportunist_ : Increased outgoing damage to Vulnerable Foes (12.5% for 25 stacks of Vulnerability inflicted). :+1: > **Minor Master** _Deep STrikes_ : Gain adrenaline under the effects of Fury (2 Adrenaline per 1 sec interval). Fury improves condition damage (+180 Condi dmg). :+1: > **Major Master 1** _Blademaster_ : Gain Expertise (120). Gain condition damage while wielding a sword (120). Sword Skills have reduced recharge. > > **Major Master 2** _Unsuspecting Foe_ : Increased Critical Hit Chance against CC'd foes (50%). Striking CC'd foes inflicts Confusion on the enemy (3 stacks for 5 seconds, 9 second ICD). If you want an ICD then make it 5 stacks for 5s. The goal there is to make it a stunbreak trap. Personally I want no ICD and have it be 3s duration. That way you have the option to CC someone, then swap to a high hit rate weapon and put a large stack of confusion on the foe. The skills that can do that are higher CD skills anyway, but then 19 stacks of confusion may be overkill. > **Major Master 3** _Sundering Burst_ : Burst skills inflict Vulnerability (5 stacks, for 10 sec, 5 sec ICD), your Vulnerability lasts longer (25%) and you heal yourself for every stack of Vulnerability inlficted on foes (45 HP recovered per Vulnerability stack inflicted). :+1: > **Minor Grandmaster** _Bloodthirsty_ : Inflict Bleed (1 sec) on critical hits (33% chance). Your bleed lasts longer (15% longer). Heal for a percentage of your outgoing critical damage (7%). :+1: Although that double dips into Sun and Moon Style > **Major Grandmaster 1** _Furious_ : Gain bonus adrenaline on critical hits (+1). Gain a stacking Effect (for 10 sec, up to 25 stacks), which improves condi dmg (+10 per stack) and reduces incoming condition damage (0.2% per stack). :+1: > **Major Grandmaster 2** _Burst Supremacy_ : Burst skills have an increased Critical hit chance (100%). Consuming adrenaline grants 2 stacks of Unblockable (5s) per adrenaline bar spent. :+1: > **Major Grandmaster 3** _Crisis_ : While below the Health Threshold (75%), gain Quickness (5 sec) and Alacrity (5 sec) (20 sec ICD). :+1: > kitten is it fun to speculate! Sure as fuck is. Now you know why I'm constantly permeating through builds in game. Current build is Hammer Berserker. Merciless Hammer in Berserk Mode makes me smile when I Fierce Blow spam all the bad players in WvW.
  20. For Rev I think they need a norn (Jora with Greatsword) or an Asura (Vekk with scepter or Focus).
  21. > @"ZarexWolf.5637" said: > So, I just had a thought, maybe Revenant could get the Legendary Prisoner stance that was used for a certain part of the story, if that's still possible. Not sure what weapons could be chosen, but it'd definitely be interesting. Though, I prefer Scarlet over Joko in all honesty, which could tie into the use of rifles like I mentioned earlier. Sorry if I've been all over the place with this post. Joko. Legendary Lich Stance. Summons Minions. Uses Scepter.
  22. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > I'm just of the opinion that if some especs get negative stats, then they all should. > > I'd say it's appropriate when if it fit the flavor and it there is a gain that's worth the loss coming along. > > Let's not make it like the berserker don't get 300 condition damage and 300 power at the cost of 300 toughness. ANet want the flavor of the beserker to be one that sacrifice it's defense for high amount of offense and that's understandable. > > The same goes for scrapper (albeit it's the trad feel a bit more arguable) who chose to sacrifice vitality for temporary hit points. Technically the scrapper sacrifice 180 vitality (or roughly 1800 hit point) for the opportunity to build up barrier out of power damage. > > I mean, those traits who come with stat loss also come with great advantage, they aren't trade-off for advantage that already exist. And FB doesn't get 450 stats from imbued haste but no stat lose? Or Soulbeast getting 200-300 stats while merged with no negatives, which would certainly be thematic for the pet archetypes would they not? Not to mention all the stat gain from Beast mastery that Soulbeast can leverage. There shouldn't be stat penalties on the especs, and certainly not on only a few.
  23. > @"Kodama.6453" said: > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > I'm just of the opinion that if some especs get negative stats, then they all should. > > I don't think this should necessarily be a thing. > Berserker (in my opinion) gets the stat penalty, because it is built upon a naturally tanky class (warrior has both the highest health tier and highest armor class in the game), while the elite spec is supposed to function as a glass cannon. > > Taking daredevil as an example, which stat penalty would you want to install in this class? > Vitality/toughness? Counter-intuitive, since the spec is supposed to be a bruiser playstyle for thief. They are supposed to be more resilient. And thief already is in the lowest vitality tier... > Power? Bruisers are supposed to deal some damage, even if not as much as dedicated dps elite specs. > And every other stat (healing power/expertise/concentration/precision/ferocity) has a baseline of 0 and therefore the potential to hold no penalty at all. Welcome to the crux of my point Kodama. There _shouldn't_ be stat penalties at all.
  24. Post your build that you used and we may be able to give better insight @"Skyy.5380"
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