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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming


    > which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.


    The game gets continuous updates. It’s hardly on life support.

  2. > @"FizCap.6573" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > There is a wide range of skill levels in this game and too few worlds to make this work.


    > It's clearly obvious some worlds are just superior to others and if you're not in the winning world, people just won't play WvW because who plays video games to lose?


    A lot of it is due to numbers, coverage, and the commander(s).

  3. > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > > > everything these days is racism, you can't have any kind of fun because ppl are too soft...

    > >

    > > So taking racial stereotypes and using them to describe something completely unrelated is your idea of fun?


    > Its not fun, but its not offensive either. I get called names, stereotypes and all (im a aprt of a minority) but that is not an offense, unless the sayer is intending to offend.

    > Its like not using "Black Friday" term anymore because is stereotypical to Black people.




    For something to be offensive, it doesn’t require intent. Plenty of people have made racist jokes, and even used slurs, without the intent to cause offense.


    Black Friday has never had anything to do with race so I don’t get why you brought that up.

  4. > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > everything these days is racism, you can't have any kind of fun because ppl are too soft...


    So taking racial stereotypes and using them to describe something completely unrelated is your idea of fun?

  5. > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > They just need to offer all of the seasons as add ons. Currently only LS2 is available.


    > If you were here when the others released, and logged in during the window of time that they were available, you got them for free, and they won't show up in the store. I got s4, but had to buy 2 and 3.


    Unfortunately your response really has nothing to do with what I said. My post, including this thread, isn’t about existing players. If you go to buy the game on the website, you’ll see that only LS2 is available as an add-on.

  6. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > LS3 bridges the gap between HoT and PoF expansions and LS4/5 will do the same between PoF and EoD. I don't see LS2 being any different in that regard.


    > You see no difference between going from HOT to POF and going from Core to HOT? Someone that finished HOT will have no issue playing in POF, but that's not the same as going from Core to HOT. Talking about a performance/challenge gap here, not a story gap


    There were players who played LS2 that still struggled when playing HoT. Playing on the LS2 maps is also sufficient. All that’s locked behind LS2 is the story and some achievements.

  7. > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > Show of hands: How many people posting here already have Steam accounts? *Raises hand*


    > What is it about Steam that makes people believe, reading through the last half of this page, that Steam players just won't be able to handle HoT or PoF if they don't get LW 2 for free? Purely speculation on my part, but it sounds more like "I'm going to get it through Steam when I can, but I don't want to lay out that extra cash". "But Rob, what about the new players??". Hi, I was one of those. I bought HoT and PoF, and then bought the LWS. I wasn't put out, I understood that DLC and the like are sold separately from the main game, and with all the fuss about DLCs and other monetization floating around the big bad web, including on Steam's own forums, you can bet that most, if not all of the players that do come over from Steam as new players will already understand that.


    People are only thinking from their point of view

  8. > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > > @"Sheader.6827" said:

    > >except for one dev who streamed WvW on Twitch last week and made a sort of "throw away" statement about it. He said that its something within the code and fixing it is pretty hard so there might not be a fix anytime soon.


    > Do you have a link to the video or to a citation/statement of this?

    > thanks.



    There won’t be one that backs up their post. The most recent WvW stream mentioned performance issues, that they were working at it from different angles, across different game modes. Pretty much no different from the sticky made awhile ago. This was about 1 hour and 19 min into the stream.


    It’s just a statement that was made up with the dev stream used as a source in hopes that people wouldn’t actually watch it to verify it.


    The video also shows some insights about dev interactions on the forums around the 1 hour and 23 mark. Many of them read the forums but are not comfortable posting. Some of the bigger posts require localization so that it could be shared to other forums.

  9. > @"Wolfhound.4381" said:

    > I was the last one alive and still fighting each time. My group was telling me to /gg. Maybe my full zerk ascended gear wasn't squishy enough. I suppose my 70ish AR wasn't enough for the level 25 fractal either. But yeah, totally my fault.


    > A problem with the fractal and let's blame the person saying there's a problem. Typical forum warrior response.


    Have the gear or being last alive doesn't matter if you weren't doing the mechanics.


    > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > 2. It was never set as a mainstream game mode. Of course no one is going to dedicate practice to a beta-test only 1 map game mode. Even if the mode was every bit the equal to conquest, it would still go empty when ranked seasons start and when ATs are live for that same reason.


    It was a mode that you could do for ranked when it was first released.

  11. > @"radda.8920" said:

    > people really see racism everywhere,it's scary this society of benevolence.

    > there is absolutely no form of racism in this post, you really don't know what it is.


    > Suddenly the racism which is supposed to be something serious and to fight loses all its meaning, by dint of seeing it everywhere




    > @"asterix.9614" said:

    > Shaniqua peak fractal because of the name.


    >It sounds hood


    > dragging the h03's weave


    All of the above statements use stereotypes about a specific race which have nothing to do with the fractal. The poster is also is using numbers to get around the profanity filters in the last statement.




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