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If Tengu becomes playable.....

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What are the things that you DO and DON'T need?


I DON'T need:

* I dont need old armours and outfits to fit. I can go with whatever is created after Tengu is added.

* I dont need a personal story that starts with the Zaitan arc. I'm fine with it starting with x-pack 3.

* I dont need new starter zones. I can share it with other races. Perhaps add a few new events to existing maps.

* I dont need any racial elite skills that cause damage. They are mostly useless anyway. Make them defensive or movement based only!


I DO want....

I would like them to have:

* A set of cultural armours and weapons.

* Their own dance and animation ofc.

* Their own home town and home instance.



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It needs to be a fully realised race almost without compromises. Otherwise they can just make a tonic. There is simply little point going to the effort of making one and doing it bare bones.


Yes it makes more sense not to have the zhaitan story onwards, but if it starts from expac 3 it would have to have an exclusive story going forward anyway and that’s a lot of work. The expac just continues the main arc and if the Tengu PC wasn’t part of the lead in it can’t be part of the new story either

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Players: just make it bare bones. I don’t care about the extras.


> ANet makes a bare bones new race


> Players: I bought the new race and this is all I get? Where’s my Personal Story, my starter map, my armor??? WHAT A MONEY GRAB!


> ANet: ?


Yeah, that's what I would expect, too, even though many who post here say that wouldn't be the case.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Players: just make it bare bones. I don’t care about the extras.

> >

> > ANet makes a bare bones new race

> >

> > Players: I bought the new race and this is all I get? Where’s my Personal Story, my starter map, my armor??? WHAT A MONEY GRAB!

> >

> > ANet: ?


> Yeah, that's what I would expect, too, even though many who post here say that wouldn't be the case.


They said the same for build templates. Also, why do people think we're getting a new race? I mean, we went to HoT and got nothing. We got PoF and got nothing. What makes this new expansion so different? This hype train is going to crash and burn just like every other hype train that has come before it.

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re: They said the same for build templates. - *I* never said that I wanted build templates to be heavily monetized, or monetized at all. And I know other players that feel the same way. We aren't all "they". You can't see some players want one thing and others wanting another, then say *all* players are flip-flopping. You just need to recognize that you're hearing from two different groups.


But yeah, if they release any new race that doesn't have *everything* available to them, some players would be offended.(Even if other players implied otherwise)

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All I want is more combat Tonics for non-playable races like we got for Kodan. (adding more features to tonics would be a nice bonus, like riding mounts.) It's unlikely I'd reroll to any of the current non-playable races over sticking with my favorite race; Sylvari, but the tonics are fun to mess around with. Every new LS zone I cross my fingers for a combat Skritt or Quaggan Tonic.

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Hello guys! Well i keep hearing 2 arguments over and over against Tengu as playable race (or "any new race" in particular). Don't get me wrong I would love to see them introduced as new expansion feature but I won't go to forums and complain if a.net decides that it's not what they will do. Just hear me out, I think these arguments are reasonable.


- People say it's too much work to introduce a new race but honestly, they are not planning to work on new expansion, they are already doing it, noone knows for how long and it doesn't seem like we will hear announcement sooner than a year from now, not to mention release. I honestly doubt it's more work than designing a new class together with elite spec and balancing it like they did with revenant. They've added new game mode (raids), designed 2nd gen legendary weapons, worked on fractals and pvp (leg. backpieces) + introduced major changes to both modes. They've been working on legendary armor meanwhile. People seem to forget how much HoT brought to the game. They are creative but I'm not sure there is much to add after gliding and mounts. We will probably see just 2 or 3 new mounts but it's not that fresh feature as it used to be when they announced PoF. I think that it's also a good monetisation if they add "Race change contract" as a new gem store item. Housing could be introduced aswell and it would eliminate problem with home instance ppl are rising up when they hear about the idea (not sure why it is a problem to be honest). They've managed to do so much with HoT, I dont think it's something they wouldn't be able to handle.


- Another argument against new playable races is that they won't fit the main story from the beginning. As far as I know, revenants came with rytlock from the mists after the vanila story but somehow they start on 1 lvl, progress main story and they now participate in defeating 1st elder dragon. We just seem to ignore the fact they should start somehow with HoT story . In that case the solution is similar, design a fresh story that will lead you (as a new playable race) to fight Zaithan on some point of personal story. We would just have to pretend it was always the case just like with revenants.


As I said, I won't cry if they decide to go in other direction with this expansion but it would be nice to see a new race. If they add combat tonic i will just ignore it as I did with Kodan one but if people find it entertaining, sure why not, go for it if it's max we can count on.

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Coming from original guild wars, Norn was the one race I was looking forward to. But the core Tyrian armor is really bad on Norn & Charr as it is, I don’t think we need to add another race to the list. At this point, I don’t think we should be getting new races. They should just improve on the ones we do have & make the previous/future armor fit more better on them. That’s just my opinion though.


Also, if they do add the tengu I would hope they add more lore to them because I feel asura and Norn are neglected when it comes to their lore

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I think some racial skills wouldn't be that big of a deal to include, regardless of type. Cultural armor, a new city, and dancing are all a must for me also.


I suspect people would expect armors to work with any new race, especially legendary armors. I don't really see any way around having to make all the armors and outfits work if you are to add a race. They're kind of like an upright charr, so maybe that'd take less tweaking than it first appears, though I haven't much faith in there being easy-to-code aspects of the game at this point.


While I'm no fan of leveling, it doesn't sit right with me to have a character that would start at level 80 automatically, and it would be both a bit weird and a bit cumbersome to have to do levels 1-80 WITHOUT having a personal story to help carry you through. So I think the 1-80 grind might be a must, and that sort of requires a starter zone or a few.


Tengu would need _some _kind of backstory that would somehow merge with the ongoing living story in a way that makes sense--this is a must. The most obvious way to fit it in would be by using the Scrying Pool and actually writing the story differently for Tengu and non-Tengu characters for enough time to get them into the same place, which would imply a divergent outcome of the personal story/living world that would allow the Tengu character to step into the role of the previous Commander/Champion, who would have to die in the Tengu version of the story and not in the other race's version of the story.


IDK if they SHOULD do it, let alone if they WILL do it, but HOW they could do it would require the writers to do pretty much what they're already doing. Someone playing a character from one of the original races would proceed as normal, they continue to save the world, etc. They'd probably need to lose their status as "The Commander" and instead make a full shift to "Champion." (Shouldn't be difficult with the Jormag business going on, and the lack of trust everyone is demonstrating.) For the Tengu character, they'd get a personal story from 1-80 that meets up with the Commander's story nearish the end--only in the Tengu version, the Commander fails and dies and through some maneuvering of storytelling and use of Aurene as an elder dragon, the Tengu character then gets to take the Commander's place as the new Champion. Previous story from, say, the Battle of Claw Island onward, could then be unlocked for the Tengu character through the Scrying Pool, allowing them relive the (non-race specific) Commander's life as they take their place. From there the story could continue same same for everybody.


Like I said, this isn't a vote for this as a good idea (or a bad one), just an observation of how they might make it work, speaking generally, so that anyone starting at Tengu at any point could get the full game. Realistically, the player who buys the game at the next expansion and rolls a Tengu character first is the player that the devs have to please, not you or I.


It'd be a lot of work.

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Story-wise, the simplest way to do tengu might well be to retcon. Come up with some storyline where the Commander was actually an exiled tengu all along (when you're playing as a tengu) where the initial parts of the story are how you get exiled, and then it links to the main personal story after the 'join an order' step. Afterwards, do the same as you would if you were asura, charr, human, norn or sylvari, except as a tengu.


Personally, though, I'm not sure I'd make a tengu character unless a new profession shows up to combine with a new character. One character per profession is enough virtual mouths to feed for me.

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If they're adding tengu then I'd expect them to work like every other race, personal story and all. Their level 30 story could end up with them joining an order as an exile or emissary. No problem there, there's no reason why the commander couldn't be a tengu instead of an asura, charr, human, norn or sylvari.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> If they're adding tengu then I'd expect them to work like every other race, personal story and all. Their level 30 story could end up with them joining an order as an exile or emissary. No problem there, there's no reason why the commander couldn't be a tengu instead of an asura, charr, human, norn or sylvari.


I really doubt Tengu would be made to go through the regular Personal Story, HoT, PoF, or the LW seasons in between/after them. It would just be a really crazy large amount of dialogue, including unique lines, to add (unless they just use a voice filter or something, but even then it would look very weird lorewise since there's no Tengu in Destiny's Edge, the Pact, or Dragon's Watch).


I think if there is a new Tengu race, it would either start in Cantha/Dominion of Winds with entirely new level 1-80 areas/story, or, more likely, it would just start immediately with a level 80 character jumping into the expac story. As for how Tengu players could be the "commander," I think Tengu characters could have an intro cinematic after character creation, where its explained how they became a commander among the Tengu, which would work lorewise, as the current PC isn't even the "Pact" commander anymore.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:


> I really doubt Tengu would be made to go through the regular Personal Story, HoT, PoF, or the LW seasons in between/after them. It would just be a really crazy large amount of dialogue, including unique lines, to add (unless they just use a voice filter or something, but even then it would look very weird lorewise since there's no Tengu in Destiny's Edge, the Pact, or Dragon's Watch).

I would expect that there would be players who want this, though, which is why I've always thought that Anet would not add any new races. Like you say, a lot of work.



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