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Video Guide by a PvP Noob for PvP Noobs to get 120 Ranked Wins

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Are you a PvP noob like me who doesn't know **what is rotation?**

How to get 120 ranked wins quickly!


**Step 1:** Use a noob-friendly class and build

**Step 2:** Play between 4am-7am NA PDT (this is when most pros are asleep and the noobs can come out to play)

**Step 3:** Pray that you have better teammates than the enemy

**Step 4:** Go Far node always

**Step 5:** Spam all your skills

**Step 6:** Run around the ring when outnumbered

**Step 7:** Survive as long as you can

**Step 8:** Repeat steps 4 to 7 after you die


**Secret Note:** _Ignore your teammates who call you a low IQ ape for not going mid or calling you a bot for afking at far._



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Really? We have to make yt video, step by step guide and forum thread for ppl to help them get 120 ranked wins? Not even getting higher mmr, but just wins? Lol.

Its 5v5 game, if you dont care about division, just play. Not every game, but at least in 30% cases you gonna be carried.


Making useless threads at its finest...

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No pls a noob without any clue when and how to play far should never run for anything else than a fast decap and leave. Let the more experienced players deal with far, they do not run there into respawn, they do not stay there until they die without kiting and trolling in outnumbered situations, they don't just facetank 1vX on point for 2 secs and instant die and then cry that team lose all map while they were outnumebred for 2 secs and that even though their team had mid and close safe, they do not provoke a snowball by unnecessary overcommiting to and dying at far when it is not needed at all.


Never go far (except you know it is free for a fast decap and then only decap and leave) should be the rule for noobs! If you play a side noder class and are a noob, no kiting, no map awareness, no clue about respawn timers etc then just take close, help mid when no inc and stay with your eyes on close while ppl with clue when and how to play far do that far jop.


Nvm your guide is for noobs (but you do kite so, means your guide is for an average player trying to play vs noobs only) in a noobteam without any good players in opposite team. Then it might work when other team is noobish enough to not get you killed fast enough or not counter that stupid rotation in any way.

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Guyz please don't judge my guide with your PvP expert eyes.

I know there are other 'right' ways to play the game because I am a big fan stalker of top PvP streamers like Naru, Nos, Chaith, Ajax, Vallun etc.

I see them do incredible stuff daily.


BUT, in noob vs noob games, things don't work the same way as the expert games that you guys play in.

Decap far and leave without capping in noob games means that you lose valuable points because when you go join the fight in the middle, it takes a long time to end.

There is no focus-targeting on either side, fights drag on forever, and many times we fight off node.

In noob games, even after you cap far and go join the fight in the middle, it will never end and you get free points from that far cap.

In noob games, the side that wins often is the one that caps home and far because everyone gets stuck in mid and doesn't know how to leave.


I'm showing them a guide to increase their win rate so they don't have to spend too much time in the mode.

The guide works in plat during the time period I indicated and works even better at gold/silver levels.

It is also easy to use which is very important for noobs like us.


**Side note:** I saw at least four top 10 rankers and multiple high plat players online at the same hours as me yesterday so the timing I posted may no longer be safe for noobs in low plat as we may get drawn up against them :s

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> @"EremiteAngel.9765" aren't you a WvW roamer?


> I bet you can handle yourself in 1v1s so going far might help you but otherwise below average players should try to go for the most effective rotations.


He is, but recently he made a post "Stop Telling me to go Mid" or smth, this is his WvW support group thread. He's hoping to get more sympathy for not even trying to get better at PvP, here.

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> @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" aren't you a WvW roamer?

> >

> > I bet you can handle yourself in 1v1s so going far might help you but otherwise below average players should try to go for the most effective rotations.


> He is, but recently he made a post "Stop Telling me to go Mid" or smth, this is his WvW support group thread. He's hoping to get more sympathy for not even trying to get better at PvP, here.


He is, but i watched his roaming vids. Not really good, no offense, OP.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

> > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" aren't you a WvW roamer?

> > >

> > > I bet you can handle yourself in 1v1s so going far might help you but otherwise below average players should try to go for the most effective rotations.

> >

> > He is, but recently he made a post "Stop Telling me to go Mid" or smth, this is his WvW support group thread. He's hoping to get more sympathy for not even trying to get better at PvP, here.


> He is, but i watched his roaming vids. Not really good, no offense, OP.


None taken =)


Noobs need to play the noob way to win.

For every one of those roaming wins I show, I would have died 10+ times to the same opponent.

I worked hard for those wins lol.


All these pros can't understand us noobs.

They say my PvP guide is terrible kitten dung.

But they can't expect noobs to play like Vallun or Naru or Ajax.


Anyone could ask them to go copy the metabattle build guides or watch all those top streamers play and copy their style.

But how many can really do well in those builds and rotations?

**Necros are kiting like thieves and thieves are kiting like gods.**


Noobs can't do those stuff.

Give us 10 years to learn and we still won't be able to do it.

Its not in our genes.

Its not in our reflexes.



And we ain't giving it up without a fight.


My guide for noobs is perfect in its simplicity and playstyle.

Very easy to pick up.

And its perfect because as a noob, I endorse its ease of playing.


And I think my record proves that my guide can work.

Half way through the season, a PvP noob is sitting pretty in Plat 1.

With a win-rate of 45/73 = ~60%

And 9 wins out of 10 of my previous games.


![](https://imgur.com/ZpmTJjg.jpg "")

![](https://imgur.com/7UjN2nR.jpg "")


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  • 3 weeks later...

Noob using easy to play noob build and rotation, submitting his report card after reaching the 120 game min. matches to end the season.

Plat 1 with ~60% win-rate.


Would be nice to know if anyone else has tried my Noob's guide for noobs and found improvements in their win-rate/rating too!


![](https://imgur.com/HSfPc6n.jpg "")


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