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Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE raise the mail limits!?!?

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I've got a guild to run and I can't even send out a few dyes to guild members without **ME being spammed** by an Excessive messaging popup!

Could you at least let the long term players interact normally with the rest of the community they're close to?!

This is getting more and more annoying every time I come across this pop up!



If someone ends up abusing the mail system there's the report button thankfully, so PLEASE think about it!

The mail system is a joke right now, due to the limits and due to me not seeing the username of the person who emailed me.

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If someone abused the mail system, it wouldn't be apparent to the receiving player unless they were the sole target of mail spamming, which is unlikely. It would rarely be reported. This limitation, together with other ones, is to prevent a spammer and gold seller infestation.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> If someone abused the mail system, it wouldn't be apparent to the receiving player unless they were the sole target of mail spamming, which is unlikely. It would rarely be reported. This limitation, together with other ones, is to prevent a spammer and gold seller infestation.


Whats the point of a feature that needs to be limited so much that its barely a feature anymore.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > If someone abused the mail system, it wouldn't be apparent to the receiving player unless they were the sole target of mail spamming, which is unlikely. It would rarely be reported. This limitation, together with other ones, is to prevent a spammer and gold seller infestation.


> Whats the point of a feature that needs to be limited so much that its barely a feature anymore.


It's only a hindrance if you want to send mails in a row. I guess I never had that problem...

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They need to program it so mails to guilds have a higher send limit (say 10 per minute) or even another/different system would be a guild wide option so everyone gets the same mail (Sent by permissions within ranks). This way mails to people outside guilds etc is limited to prevent spamming gold sellers etc. But guild leaders/officers are also then able to - actually do what they need to do without swearing at the PC because it won't let them do their job.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > If someone abused the mail system, it wouldn't be apparent to the receiving player unless they were the sole target of mail spamming, which is unlikely. It would rarely be reported. This limitation, together with other ones, is to prevent a spammer and gold seller infestation.

> >

> > Whats the point of a feature that needs to be limited so much that its barely a feature anymore.


> It's only a hindrance if you want to send mails in a row. I guess I never had that problem...


Probably because only certain people like guild/community leaders and event/raid/meta? organizers are likely to do so. Basically any time a larger group of people (larger being bigger than 3 anyway) is addressed or shared items with.


The people who maybe send once or twice to their friends are probably mostly unaffected.


Other than that, there could be other limitations in place that are still limiting but don't affect people who want to share or organize things as much.


Hell, it could be a fee on sending more than two mails, or buying a one time gemstore unlock for all I care.



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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> If someone abused the mail system, it wouldn't be apparent to the receiving player unless they were the sole target of mail spamming, which is unlikely. It would rarely be reported. This limitation, together with other ones, is to prevent a spammer and gold seller infestation.


I haven't come across a single gold seller in the past year... And I play a lot.

Can hardly imagine they would buy a mail carrier for 2 extra mails and all of a sudden start an "infestation".

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > If someone abused the mail system, it wouldn't be apparent to the receiving player unless they were the sole target of mail spamming, which is unlikely. It would rarely be reported. This limitation, together with other ones, is to prevent a spammer and gold seller infestation.


> I haven't come across a single gold seller in the past year... And I play a lot.

And why do you think that is?

> Can hardly imagine they would buy a mail carrier for 2 extra mails and all of a sudden start an "infestation".

What do the unlockable mail carriers do that the default one can't?


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > Please stop talking to me. You disagree for some reason, understood. So please stop pestering me and spamming my thread. Thank you.

> > And yes, your profile picture is a Llama.

> > I shall repeat again: I did not see a single gold seller since I started playing a year ago

> > You think they would rush back if they attach a +2 mail limit increase to mail carriers that cost 350-600 gems?! Seriously?


> Yeah it's been years for me too.

> And lol @ llama dude. At least you didn't call him kitten dude :p


I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't stay fully serious either if people can only respond with useless/sarcastic remarks without bringing valid arguments to the conversation. Like in all seriousness the mail carriers would become a new revenue source for Arenanet and make a lot of people happier.

Those who don't care about it, be happy, leave me alone, move on with your life. The mail system in itself is frustrating me enough as it is :/

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > > Please stop talking to me. You disagree for some reason, understood. So please stop pestering me and spamming my thread. Thank you.

> > > And yes, your profile picture is a Llama.

> > > I shall repeat again: I did not see a single gold seller since I started playing a year ago

> > > You think they would rush back if they attach a +2 mail limit increase to mail carriers that cost 350-600 gems?! Seriously?

> >

> > Yeah it's been years for me too.

> > And lol @ llama dude. At least you didn't call him kitten dude :p


> I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't stay fully serious either if people can only respond with useless/sarcastic remarks without bringing valid arguments to the conversation. Like in all seriousness the mail carriers would become a new revenue source for Arenanet and make a lot of people happier.

> Those who don't care about it, be happy, leave me alone, move on with your life. The mail system in itself is frustrating me enough as it is :/


I said it's a safety feature. (Although, probably there are technical reasons, as well) And it's a valid argument as ANet is picky about those. The reason you don't see scams all that much is exactly because of these measures. They are unlikely to change it for the low percentage of users that are negatively affected by its limitations.

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Safety measures gainst what?

The gold spammers from 5 years ago that left for newer, freshly released, higher revenue games?

The gold spammers many people didn't see for years?

The gold spammers that need to BUY expansion to do "business"?

The gold spammers that would also need to buy a mail carrier to get a measly extra +2 mail limit?

The gold spammers that can get banned in the blink of an eye?

The gold spammers that can't steal accounts due to 2FA which pesters you to use it until you eventually agree to it?


It's like I'm asking to give free accounts unrestricted mailing rights. That's how you're reacting ._.

And it's not like they can't add additional restriction like accounts with 1k+ hours being able to send that extra mail. Or adding an option to block mail from people who aren't in any of your guilds or in your contact list. Althought those are completely and utterly unnecessary measures in my opinion and a waste of development time. Increasing the mail limit on the other hand shouldn't be too much work because from what I've read they used to be higher anyway to begin with.

With the carriers they would at least earn money and alleviate people's issues with excessive messaging.

It's literally win-win for both the game publisher and players.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You obviously weren't here when Gold Sellers were rampant, and this was before Guild Wars 2 went Play4Free.

> Gold Sellers have no issue acquiring accounts.


so how does mail limit stop gold sellers? they can just make infinite accounts and send infinite mail.


you send two mail in a row, and you're barred from sending any more for the rest of the day. that's ridiculous.

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It isn't the rest of the day but I agree, two mails is ridiculous and frustrating.


I also like tying it to mail carriers.


But my daughter just mentioned a reason why only two. If someone steals an account, it will take much more time to steal items.


That said I sure can fit the most valuable into two mails.


I run into this whenever I randomly decide to open black lion chests since I send dyes and minis to my daughters and guildies to see if they have them. Also if helping someone with gift of might and magic. Let's see, you need 6 of these and 23 of those and 7 of these... There are 32 things required for those and they do not all fit into two mails.

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Wow, this thread got tense. I really think it's just a technical limit. If they did fix it, I would want them to increase the limit for free. No gem store purchase for it. That would make them look bad in my opinion. The limit irritates me the most when I try to send stuff to my kids. Now I just send gold, log in on their accounts and purchase the stuff I wanted them to have with the gold.

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> @"Shena Fu.5792" said:

> Mail limit will not prevent them from stealing all your stuff--like at all. Most valuable stuff are account bound or soulbound. In just five seconds, I already figured out ways that are way more efficient than thief sending stuff piecemeal via mail.


If someone's account gets stolen in the first place it's their own fault entirely.

No one is going to steal/hack someone's phone to get a GW account. They'd have to give out the info.

Anet protected people's accounts more than adequately with 2FA.

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i've always thought that they could make it so if you and some other player have each other added as friends, this restriction shouldnt exist. in my case i constantly send stuff between my two accounts and having to sit there waiting to mail myself is as excruciating as watching paint dry

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  • 2 months later...

It is annoying for sure.


I used to sent stuff over from one account to another by ingame male, what a nightmare!

Now it's way easier for me: I aquired a private guild, and a guild bank.

ANY transferable item can be moved over now MUCH faster.


So if your issues relate a lot to sharing things with friends, that might be a solution for you.


To strangers it will always be a problem.


How often you see "who wants ... dye?" and then "gotta wait for the rest to sent, cause I am limited"

That is where the generosity of the community is severely limited due to this uberrestrictive spam issue.


Some ideas:

- Less restrictive on mutual friends.

- Less restrictive in party or squad. (I could party up if I want to sent someone a complete set of gear, and have say 4 instead of 2 as a limit)

- More slots to sending stuff (not change gold limit, change item limit)


I often try to help new players out with bags, gear etc... but yeah constantly run into that restriction.

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