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Is path of fire story supposed to be easy?

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It depends: compared to what?


It's a lot harder than vanilla PS. Quite a bit easier than HoT story. It has some murderous fights, especially the final boss at the very end can savage you depending on your profession, build, and skill. Overall it tends to expect the players have learned how to use their professions/elites and are cognizant of basic game mechanics and UI conventions.


I've taken 3 alts through, maybe 4 at this point, I forget, compared to the much larger number I've done PS on. I also repeated HoT a lot since I was gathering collection pieces to get an ascended armor box, but only once tried the final HoT fight solo. Gah, always had a friend or two along after that one. I feel like PoF takes more time overall to get through, but that's not a difficulty factor.


So yah, depends :)

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The story is supposed to be a journey, an adventure, furthering the lore, the characters and the world.


What do you have to gain from it being hard?


Besides, players seems to have this belief that there only exist one state in the game - fully optimised max geared - yet they've always had control over their own armor stats and their traits and skills.


If you want the story to be harder, strip naked, spec for exactly nothing and use a mainhand weapon only. Problem solved.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> The story is supposed to be a journey, an adventure, furthering the lore, the characters and the world.


> What do you have to gain from it being hard?


> Besides, players seems to have this belief that there only exist one state in the game - fully optimised max geared - yet they've always had control over their own armor stats and their traits and skills.


> If you want the story to be harder, strip naked, spec for exactly nothing and use a mainhand weapon only. Problem solved.


no you people dont get it. we barely got through the story and I'm trying to get my stubborn friend to understand we cant play this game and should quit.

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> @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > The story is supposed to be a journey, an adventure, furthering the lore, the characters and the world.

> >

> > What do you have to gain from it being hard?

> >

> > Besides, players seems to have this belief that there only exist one state in the game - fully optimised max geared - yet they've always had control over their own armor stats and their traits and skills.

> >

> > If you want the story to be harder, strip naked, spec for exactly nothing and use a mainhand weapon only. Problem solved.


> no you people dont get it. we barely got through the story and I'm trying to get my stubborn friend to understand we cant play this game and should quit.


Can't understand if you saying that cause you bored, or cause you find the game hard.


Me personally believe it's disrespectful to say the game is to easy and should be made hard, a game that is supposed to be casual friendly.


There's way more harder content for the hardcore fanbase to tackle (with way better rewards too), story mode should remain as easy as it can, so the entire player base can actually enjoy it.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I've taken 3 alts through, maybe 4 at this point, I forget, compared to the much larger number I've done PS on. I also repeated HoT a lot since I was gathering collection pieces to get an ascended armor box, but only once tried the final HoT fight solo. Gah, always had a friend or two along after that one. I feel like PoF takes more time overall to get through, but that's not a difficulty factor.




The final final HoT fight? I have autoattacked my way through that on 1 character(engi lobbing grenades).


That was also while using rampager gear which is the "worst of both worlds" stat for being both power and condi but bad at both.


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> The final final HoT fight? I have autoattacked my way through that on 1 character(engi lobbing grenades).

> That was also while using rampager gear which is the "worst of both worlds" stat for being both power and condi but bad at both.


Well yeah, so can anyone. there is no dps check to get through - as with all of the story. i could solo it on my all nomads mesmer if i wanted to.


However, it's a fight with fairly intense mechanics- esp compared to rest of every story instance that exists- lots of visual clutter, total reset to full health if you die, a fair few mechanics which can cease to function correctly and *especially* for the gliding section not all mechanics are visually clear what they are. It's not the hardest content in the world, but far from the easiest. These are things that require a player to get through whether they are playing an optimised for anything build or their full soldiers lv80 ticket boost build.

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Skill levels vary. Plenty of players struggle with the last HoT instance (I find it challenging with the pre-bosses) and some section of PoF story. There is no right answer to whether story mode is easy or hard since everyone's ability is different. It is generally balanced to be easy "enough" so that it doesn't gate too many players and at least some will find it challenging in places. More skilled players will breeze through it without a second thought.


I've helped numerous players through problem story parts (Balthazars hounds being a common one and Caudecus pre and post nerf), so it is not as simple as saying yes it is easy.


If you aren't enjoying the difficulty though and don't find the game for you, then don't play it. Shouldn't rally need others to convince you

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Easy for some, more difficult for others.

If someone doesn't want to play, then they should not require any other opinions. Same goes for those that _do_ want to play.


And, of course, playing the story content isn't required...with the possible exception(s) to entering some maps, etc. If that's the case, one can always tag along with others.


Good luck.

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> @"Nephyllim.4513" said:

> Essentially just asking what the title says as a form of experiment.. So is the Path of Fire story supposed to be easy?


Path of Fire is more challenging than the original story, and has some scripted and difficult fights for players very inexperienced with the game. This will be especially true for players who boosted to 80 for example (but will also affect any player who got to 80 without trying to improve or understand their class).


There are many ways to improve or mitigate difficulty though:

- adapt the build one uses

- switch to a different class

- pay attention to hints and objectives as well as enemy attacks

- check guides (on for example youtube) from more experienced players on how they approach a fight and emulate that approach


One good resources here can be metabattle and there especially the open world build section: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Open_World

Make sure to not only copy a build though but also read through the advise of how to use that build, or incorporate some of the build ideas into ones own build.


Overall Guild Wars 2 can be very rewarding IF one decides to spend the time to improve and become more competent at the game. How fun this might be with someone who wants to quit the game is for one self to decide.

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HoT and some of the LW3 episodes are harder than PoF and LW4.

They are all harder than PS and LW2.


I feel quite comfortable with the 'hardness'. I feel challenged, but not outclassed. I can't sleepwalk through PoF but it does not frustrate me. It had some moments where I was quite close to rage quitting, but never bored.


So that's good. For some, it is too easy. For some, it is too hard.


Too easy? Drop your ascended, min/maxed gear and do it on rare. Bonus points: only rares that drop on you.

Too hard? Ask guildmates/friends to help you.


Easy to solve problems.

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I dunno, PoF lacked difficulty for me, but maybe that's because I use strong weapons and traits and have a general idea how to control my character (something a lot of people take for granted, especially if they have played for awhile or this isn't their first mmo).


The unfortunate truth of this game is that if you play what is cool or try to be creative, you're in for a bad time. If you can follow the one meta build to rule them all, then all content will be easy.


I imagine players who want to be healers/tanks/roleplayers/sniper/mechanically blind had a hard time.

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So much really depends on player knowledge of classes and mechanics and gear. Yes, gear does make a difference.


When I first started, determined to figure everything out for myself, my elementalist had mismatched gear, no or wrong runes and sigils, the wrong weapons, I didn't know what a breakbar was, and I was convinced I had nothing that affected it. I had no concept of stacking. Why would I stand near the boss if my weapon is ranged? Consequently, everything, and I do mean everything, was HARD. I remember a season 2 story, where I ended up completely naked, no armor at all, and quit in frustration.


Eventually though, my stubborn self started paying attention to advice, both ingame and out, got some decent gear(just exotic) and things were much better. I recently was replaying said season 2, for the achievements, and. I cannot believe it's the same fight. I wasn't even downed. Got all 3 achievements. I had asked my daughter to come in with me as a healer because it was "so hard" and I didn't need her and she laughed at me. But the point is, it WAS hard for me three years ago.


Get some experience under your belt, learn, gear. It'll be a whole new game. And then you can join the others on the forums saying how easy it all is.

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> @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:

> > @"Kobi.8347" said:

> >


> No, I asked my friend to post here to prove the game is supposed to be easy and that we arn't cut out for it.


The game has a learning curve. Most good games do.

If you progressed through the main story content in order (Personal Story>S2>HoT>S3>PoF>S4>IBS) you would find that overall PoF is a step backwards in difficulty.

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> @"Nephyllim.4513" said:

>So is the Path of Fire story supposed to be easy?


The story instances themselves? Both expansions seemed on par in that regard to me.


> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Get some experience under your belt, learn, gear. It'll be a whole new game. And then you can join the others on the forums saying how easy it all is.


I always found it impossible to take seriously "It's too easy!" coming from players in top end gear who know the mechanics inside and out. (It gets even harder to not roll your eyes when you're watching them float above the events out of harm's way on their skyscales.)

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GW2 requires some getting used to since on top of knowing your skills and gear it also has semi action combat. This means that difficulty really varies based on your mechanical skill. With experience the story is easy for most players. But if you are new and hoped straight into PoF then you probably have a hard time.

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> @"VladimaBlack.5618" said:


> No, I asked my friend to post here to prove the game is supposed to be easy and that we arn't cut out for it.


It might be supposed to be easy but it still made me nearly smash my keyboard to pieces (not only once). You CAN do it, just maybe give it little more time. Seriously. I'm a terrible player and I'm sure I wouldn't have finished several parts of PoF story without help of a few friends, but in the end I did it. And don't be afraid to ask for help.

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Easy and hard have no meaning without context. Harder exists only in comparison to something else which is easier. There is a learning curve in GW2 for people who migrate from other MMO's where characters can face tank mobs. Unfortunately, the core story does a pretty poor job of preparing players for the increases in mob capabilities starting in Season 2.

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> @"Nephyllim.4513" said:

> Essentially just asking what the title says as a form of experiment.. So is the Path of Fire story supposed to be easy?

Yea, it's not supposed to be hard. What specifically are you guys having trouble with? Did you Level 80 boost your characters? Do you understand the mechanics of your profession? What type of gear do you guys have? Do you understand breakbars?


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