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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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We're not allowed to discuss the third expansion.

I had a topic before, that was removed without any mention of why, so I can only imagine that whatever I speculated must've been right...

(why else would they remove a topic about the third expansion we know almost nothing about yet, right?)


(too bad, I never got to read the several comments on the topic, since they removed it the same day)

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What I want from a third expansion is twofold:

I want that they build on existing structures, expand them (elites, skills, story, raids fractals strikes pvp maps wvw additions.. etc) and blow me away with something we havent seen before in previous parts of the game that could potentially change the game across previous releases, or have an addition that just really fits in so well that you cant imagine what the game was without it (things in GW2: like mounts, gliding, masteries, in GW1: Alliance battles, hardmode, dungeons, EotN)


Personally prefering: Guild restructuring, making guild halls, missions, pvp teams and such more impactful or relevant or more central to the game.


Would be surprised if: they reworked sPvP or WvW or parts so that sPvP or WvW become more popular again. (Standing updates, if or when those come could maybe do it, but I have my doubts)


Would be not even expecting: underwater content . Its something I really want, but I havent seen any game system ever that did it completely right, so thats probably stays a dream.


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I would very much like a housing feature (imagine if you could build a Luxon/kurzick house from scratch in any guild hall of your choice or even both for a title and extra AP) with a strong focus on guild enhancements (new guild missions and some improvements to existing guild features).

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:


> I would love that they gives us access to all weapons on all classes.



This could be easily done, too: introduce new weapons that are functionally equivalent to already-existing weapons, but for different classes. For example, a sword usable by elementalists might be called "tai chi knife" (or whatever the Chinese word for knife is). A focus used by warriors might be called "brass knuckles". But, under the hood, they would just be swords and foci. The skins would be different, but the actual mechanics of them would be the same.

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For Revenant to finally have more build diversity not tied to their specialization.

EDIT: And please give us the ability to toggle hearing the spirits. They startle me *every* time. I still want to hear character dialogue and all the other neat sounds in the game but Hearing the shouts and grunts and inane commentary repeated _ad infinitum _ is torture.

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1.) DX12 Ultimate or Vulkan support (We need to be able to use our CPU cores to improve performance)

2.) Balanced DPS for end game content. (Each profession should have a spec in the same range)

3.) Dungeon Finder (Que and port in) - Give buffs for each player outside of your party (Like WOW) -> First _ Randoms give achievement benefits

4.) Fractal Finder - See Above (Option to select Difficulty)

5.) Strike Finder

6.) Raid Finder

7.) Ability to unlock infusions to the wardrobe. That makes the item Bind on Account. Functions like normal before added to wardrobe.

8.) Master Tome/Portal. New interfaces that doesn't take bag space. Having the item allows you to choose from the options in a new interface.

Can't accidentally be deleted...

9.) New Elite Specs

10.) New Races. I would personally love to be a Skrit. :-)

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What do I want from cantha? Two categories: realistic and SUPER OUT THERE FANTASY



A couple of new mounts, an underwater one and a multi friend mount (ideally carrying 4 other players so you can fit a whole party on your mount, but i'd be fine if it was just one or two extra players). maybe a combat mount. That would be a dream.


more tonics with combat abilities. maybe specifically skyscale with fire breath.


new playable race(s). tengu


I can't think of anything else with masteries, I look forward to the creativity of what arenanet will release


i expect new elite specs, i don't have any specific wants there



if you REALLY want wild, out-there ideas, ships! With cannons! and masteries tied to them.


Warclaws getting PvE masteries.


playable kodan and largos. for something REALLY out there playable wardens from the first game.


Combat mount, I know I've said it twice but I have no idea if it's realistic or not.


SPIDER MOUNT (I know why they didn't do it with the arachnophobia concerns, but imagine getting a mount with the same mechanics that the spider mount would have had, could be super cool, maybe a gecko or something)


Saltspray dragon mount (thanks woodenpotatoes for that suggestion).


and yeah i guess that's it for my wants. maybe went a little crazy with the super fantasy stuff but i don't really expect any of that to come to pass.

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1-update game to dx11 or dx12, instead need to use addons.

2-change the arcteture of gw2 files, like they do with eso, less space, and better hd and ssd usage.



1-update graphics in initial maps if they plan is to keep with gw2 for next 5~8 years, if not jus gw3

2-optimize some graphics efects , like snow in thunderkeeps map, that impact performance a lot,



-new expac map story and all the stuff.

-dungeon/strike/fractal finder, using a daily that awards gold, using old players to help new on dungeons, and rewarding both.

-add a way to customize ur home instance like a guild hall;



-aliance system

-bring back eotm to life.



-ask pvp players what they think lol



-new race

-no new specs but polish core specs or a new class

-free to play system, is a kind of a trial, let f2p trade in black lion, give the 5 character slots, also hot free when next expac release, like others mmos do.

-create a properly guild finder under guild tab, that u advise ur guild there and what u looking for, with name and everything



-create a optional subscription like eso, giving like gems, keys, and stuff

-let gem only buy with real money, and usefull items like infinite savage, buy with gold or gems.



-roadmap after the expac, with a livestream to present it, and not only a image and post in a site

-give alpha acess for those gw2 influencers, and make a conection with them and comunity.


i think that is it , many things to fix on a game for a expac, and for a small team, so if they came with a half of this will be good lol


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I didn't realise fishing was a such a debated topic in guild wars! Well, you learn something new every day!


My guess is it isn't going to make a difference in the game if it's there or isn't. Ideally, it could have been tied to the ascended chef crafting with fishing and cooking all kinds of seafood as part of the training. And considering we cannot craft seafood (apart from oysters and mussels), it would have been great to see new unique buffs from them. Heck, I want to craft crab cakes just because! I say it's too late now for fishing to add any value, maybe except as a waiting-for-event/killing-time activity.


Having said and being done with that, it looks a lot of players want the Tengu as a playable race. It be one helluva shock for me if anet did add them.


I'm actually more concerned about the new elites or more the weapons that they will eventually wield. I'm afraid that if anet allows the new elites to wield a weapon from the existing set again, it may to dilute the essence of some of the core professions. For example, rangers wielding the bows, axes, daggers, swords, torch, war horn, and staff as druid still tie into the forest guy theme. What's left are the mace, scepter, focus and hammer, which are so far away from the core theme, I would think it ridiculous if they added them. This may not apply to all professions, but even if one's not working, it will make me personally feel like all of this was a forced fit.


I guess I'm saying that if we are to get new elites, anet has to really think it through. Maybe a whole new weapon set like some players have suggested: the spear family of weapons? In fact, there are some awesome quality-of-life suggestions in this thread that I think anet should seriously consider (with maybe the Underwater and WvW ones for me please! ).

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Probably going to catch some backlash for this. But! I hope that the new stat combos aren't difficult to obtain. Makes zero sense to me that a meta power build can buy a full non-crafted Zerker set for relatively cheap but a meta Condi build is going to have to jump through some hoops and/or pay out a lot more gold. Runes can make that even worse and again tend to favor Power. They've made improvements by expanding the selectable stats and just adding more selectable stats in general. The whole system could probably use a revision to normalize acquisition across the board, but that is probably a bit too much.


On that note I also hope for more runes!

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So I haven’t seen a topic like this mention (besides what you want for the next expansion), but this time I’m curious to know what you guys think the story might consist of? Or what kind of classes/skills you think we would get? Or maybe if we would see tenge? Ether way I want this topic to be just about what you think we will see with Cantha.

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Well, mostly the story will most likely focusing on us trying to defeat the deep sea dragon. Which is great for me, since this is the elder dragon I am most interested in besides Mordremoth.


Also the story will likely include the conflict between the non-humans and the ministry of purity in Cantha. Cantha has been pretty xenophobic in the past, so I wonder how my main will get treated in Cantha as a Sylvari.


I don't think that we will get any new classes in the expansion. Riot gave us the revenant to balance out the different armor types, now we have 3 classes for every category.

I don't see them breaking this again.


Now some things I would enjoy for elite specs to happen:


**Warrior -> Commander**

Warrior gets a new support elite spec that is all about rallying their allies in battle and create advantages on the field. Would like them to have staff as a weapon with a spear skin unlocking for the elite spec. Skills could be preparations, conjured weapons, or wells.


**Engineer -> Plaguedoctor**

The plague has been a magical disease in Cantha and the ministry of purity tried to purge it. I can see Cantha having many specialists when it comes to alchemy and chemicals in general to try to defeat this disease. Should be a supportive spec, either using maces or axes as their weapon.I would like them to get preparations or corruptions as new utility skills.


**Mesmer -> Bard**

Music there for mesmer would be great, using a warhorn and shout skills. In my opinion, they should be the bruiser spec for mesmer, giving them alot of CC (taunts? dazes?) and enabling them to take a punch, also getting stability (dancing theme?).


**Guardian -> Inquisitor**

Another bruiser spec, being able to withstand damage and punishing their enemies in return. CC should probably focus on stuns, maybe even fear. As a weapon, I would imagine to give them offhand swords and their skills are punishments.


**Ranger -> Feral**

Bruiser elite spec for the ranger. They will get access to hammers (bunny thumper hurray) and their new utility skills are from the physical type, giving them more crowd control.


**Necromancer -> Bonecracker**

Giving up the death shroud for a new defensive shroud form. In that shroud, you get access to defensive tools like blocks and such, but life force is not replacing your health bar anymore. Also getting access to aegis. Thematic would be a necromancer who covers himself in bones to protect himself, weapon choice should be the shield. They are using trap skills, preparing the ground with bones piercing enemies to stun them and damage them as well as providing defense by granting aegis.


**Revenant -> Ritualist**

Personally, I would like the ritualist to get included in the revenant. They could get access to scepter and their utility skills become conjured weapons, which could also get represented by the various Canthan heroes which are referenced in classic ritulalist skills.


**Thief-> Oyabun**

Name might change. They become the leaders of their own gang, getting access to gangster skills which summon members of their gang to do supportive tasks. Weapon choice could be warhorn, torch, mace... Since gangs have been pretty common in Kaineng with the Am Fah and the Jade Brotherhood, I think having some "yakuza" inspired elite spec would be great.



This one is the only one I am not sure what I want to see for them. Still have to think about what this profession could get thematically....



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The emperor submitted the Kurzick and Luxon and reintegrated them into his realm. I can well imagine that the remains of Kurzick and Luxon are planning an uprising together and want to overthrow the emperor. The hero group has to help.


As for the classes, ArenaNet adheres very strongly to real backgrounds, legend ect. Those who are well acquainted with Asian history and culture will quickly find out new specializations for Cantha.

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> @"Hecksler Der Henker.9280" said:

> The emperor submitted the Kurzick and Luxon and reintegrated them into his realm. I can well imagine that the remains of Kurzick and Luxon are planning an uprising together and want to overthrow the emperor. The hero group has to help.


> As for the classes, ArenaNet adheres very strongly to real backgrounds, legend ect. Those who are well acquainted with Asian history and culture will quickly find out new specializations for Cantha.


I mean, how much does the holosmith follow a "real background"?

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