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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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A new expansion leaning on racing would also need new ways for players to get their mounts as someone buying Cantha may not have purchased and played PoF or LW4.


I can’t see them rehashing or devaluing the grind for mounts in the next expac. Which would leave raving on new mounts as a potential but, we already have so many mounts do we need that many more??

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> @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

> Such an idea would be better suited under a new game or ip imo.


Why, its already great in this game. Be nice if they had some spots designed specifically for racing.


Not just add racing to the zone, but a zone that is designed for racing would be nice.


Not everything about the new expansion should be racing, but 1 zone specifically for racing, is that too much to ask for?

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Not everything about the new expansion should be racing, but 1 zone specifically for racing, is that too much to ask for?

It might be. Only Anet knows how many players actually participate in races now. It may be so few as to not make it worth the development time for an entire racing zone.


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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:


>If you been playing nonstop of course you may know this stuff, but people who come and go, they don't memorize racing spots, its not easy thing to remember.

> If they knew about it, who knows maybe they'd be racing more often.

> Especially if they make the rewards pretty decent... Like PvP tournaments.


If people care about racing, they can quickly look on the wiki to find the 16+ races that are available. If you say they are under-utilized, that would be because few care about them. If it is a lack of rewards, I can understand how that would be difficult for Anet to balance. How long does a race take? A couple of minutes? How do you compare that to a map meta event or world boss event? If you can do 10 races in the time of 1 meta, should those rewards be equal? Not sure. Level of effort doesn't seem to match.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> What I WOULD love to see is an instance like the Daily Activities (Southsun Survival, keg brawl, etc) with a Mario-kart style race with collisions and traps and things. On a djinn track suspended high in the air.


Isn't that just [sanctum Sprint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sanctum_Sprint)?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I like racing.

> I don't want a whole expansion dedicated t it.

> What I WOULD love to see is an instance like the Daily Activities (Southsun Survival, keg brawl, etc) with a Mario-kart style race with collisions and traps and things. On a djinn track suspended high in the air.


This I can get on board with. When I feel like racing it would give me a place to go to compete with like minded players. While the races in the open world maps are fun they do not quite immerse me in a racing environment. While they could ship something like this with the new expansion they absolutely should not theme the entire thing around racing. What the OP wants will require some gaming company somewhere to make a racing mmo. The Guild Wars player base will not support this content to a profitable level imo.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:


> >If you been playing nonstop of course you may know this stuff, but people who come and go, they don't memorize racing spots, its not easy thing to remember.

> > If they knew about it, who knows maybe they'd be racing more often.

> > Especially if they make the rewards pretty decent... Like PvP tournaments.


> If people care about racing, **they can quickly look on the wiki to find the 16+ races that are available**. If you say they are under-utilized, that would be because few care about them. If it is a lack of rewards, I can understand how that would be difficult for Anet to balance. How long does a race take? A couple of minutes? How do you compare that to a map meta event or world boss event? If you can do 10 races in the time of 1 meta, should those rewards be equal? Not sure. Level of effort doesn't seem to match.


Exactly this.

"they can quickly look on the wiki to find the 16+ races that are available"


Thats the problem, they have to look it up.


It should be dang obvious, not something you'd have to look up.

I love racing, I know zones that have it, but I don't memorize where it starts except for obvious ones like PoF starter zone, the race is by the pinata thing.


> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > Not everything about the new expansion should be racing, but 1 zone specifically for racing, is that too much to ask for?

> It might be. Only Anet knows how many players actually participate in races now. It may be so few as to not make it worth the development time for an entire racing zone.



When I say a zone dedicated to racing, I don't mean its nothing but racing. But have an actual racetrack or.

What I prefer.




I'd like them to make the zone a racetrack... THEN make it PvE.


All the races right now, the zone is designed PvE first then they analyze it for racing.



I'd like zone be built for RACING first, THEN PvE it up. Make the meta events racing related.


I aint want a 100% racing zone. I want a zone focused on racing first THEN they work on the PvE content.

Racing doesn't have to cover the entire zone too, it could just be 25% of the zone, but make it useful.




8v8 hotjoins died, because they made it die.

EoTM died, because they made it die.


Racing not fun anymore??? CUZ THEY MADE IT DIE


Doesn't mean people aren't looking to do it anymore.

They just nerfed the heck outta it or something and even though people enjoy it, aint nobody else around.

(How they do that? Wasn't it during some event? How about just make the event indefinite.

if people willing to play it during event, and keep playing it, because rewards are decent others do it

keep it going. No event, its garbage, rewards garbage, not worth doing,


Just like how 8v8 was PACKED, tourny and seasons and that stuff, PEOPLE COULD CARE LESS about those tournament modes,

EVERYONE WAS DOIN hotjoins when hotjoins was on par or a little less reward than tourny.

once they nerfed the fuck outta hotjoins, PEOPLE QUIT or they forced into 5v5... Which lead to unfun casual

which lead to death of #esports

man they didn't just nerf the fuck outta hotjoins, they turned it into 5v5 so people would stop doing it and go do ranked

because ranked is 5v5 and a bit better reward.

GW2 killed hotjoins, one of the good things going for the pvp community.



look at hotjoins, nobody really does it anymore.

Just like racing, nobody really does it anymore.


Back then hotjoins WAS PACKED, 30+ servers FULL, 8V8 servers.

Back when racing event was going on IT WAS PACKED.


So yes rewards do come into play.


To answer those of you saying, "if you love racing just do it"... Well no one is doing it because rewards sucks, so makes sense you dont do it, because rewards suck AND its just YOU, theres no fun in that even though ITS FUN.

It's like playing mariokart solo, love the game, but no bots, no one else around? It dies. Boring even though its fun.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Look at Mario Kart

> They make the same dang game, and flocks of people come back to play same dang thing just on better system.


let's see: fifa, cod, diverse simulator, and a whole lot more trashgames that get a "new" game every year with a new feature every 2-4 years, and plebs still buy that crap every year. having a franchise that's good at one thing dosnt make the concept good on another game.

but they probably will add more races over time, since every map since pof got some form of race(griffon adventure). personaly i'll stay away from that, but i dont speak for others that might enjoy it.


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> @"Scavarius.6059" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > Look at Mario Kart

> > They make the same dang game, and flocks of people come back to play same dang thing just on better system.


> let's see: fifa, cod, diverse simulator, and a whole lot more trashgames that get a "new" game every year with a new feature every 2-4 years, and plebs still buy that kitten every year. having a franchise that's good at one thing dosnt make the concept good on another game.

> but they probably will add more races over time, since every map since pof got some form of race(griffon adventure). personaly i'll stay away from that, but i dont speak for others that might enjoy it.



Merged again?

This is bad because I have different view on whatever this thread is about.

Mines not just GW2 and GW3


Got all these random views in here.

Thing is, Mario Kart reference has nothing to do with GW2 and GW3


All its about is GW2 needs to go ALL IN in a niche.

Racing is one of the niches.


WoW has mounts, do you see 10+ racetracks in WoW?





this is an MMORPG, CoD FIFA making a new game every year makes sense, they aint a MMORPG.


WoW is more successful than all those games you mentioned combined.

It has 0 new game versions of WoW.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > What I WOULD love to see is an instance like the Daily Activities (Southsun Survival, keg brawl, etc) with a Mario-kart style race with collisions and traps and things. On a djinn track suspended high in the air.


> Isn't that just [sanctum Sprint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sanctum_Sprint)?


Mounts and collisions make all the difference! =)

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First of all, i love the game and i want it to succeed as much as possible. Im kinda biased cause i come from wow and this is only my opinion, if my opinion is negative to the growth of the game, then dont listen to my opinion, so if anet reads this please consider all this while reading what i have to say.

First , although i love that everything in this game is tied to gold gaining i do think there should be more things that are locked behind some type of achievment. For example:

-Pvp legendaries should be tied to some kind of rank as well as the grind, that way people are incentiviced to not only play a lot of pvp but get better at it as well.

-Raid bosses should give you something that represents that you killed that boss for everyone to see, decorations are cool but you cant show that in the cities and there are so many titles that usually you dont know what title means what. One idea i had is that maybe if you defeat the final boss of a wing you could get a throne to show off in the cities.

I do think that there are some sets that do this pretty well like:

The dungeon armor/weapon sets.

The Illuminated Boreal weapons.

The dragonfall armor set.


I understand that this ideas i have seem like i want prestige in the game but what i really want is ways to incentivice players to do differnt types of content and get better at it. Although its great that you can gain gold in any way and you can buy almost every cosmetic with gold, there is always one farm thats easier and better than the other ones, so by giving specific rewards for different types of content that cant be buyed, it would incentivice people to do all types of content instead of just the most profitable.



Meta events:

I think that meta events are the best thing that gw2 does and it should be marketed with them. This huge maps are just so much fun.

I do think that some of them are way to easy and there should be some way that you fail so that you dont feel like you are just mindlessly slaying mobs around the map.

I feel like the HOT maps and current Triple trouble do this pretty well, maps dont have to be completly impossible or really mechanicaly intensive but people should feel like they have to pay attention and invest themselves in the gameplay.

Maybe this meta events are great because the difficulty is concentrated to the coordination between the commanders?

A rework for the lvling meta events would be great as well, there is so much potential there.


I would love as well someway to give more direct feedback like the Old school runescape pools.


All this being said, i do think gw2 needs a change, i dont know what that change is but, this is definetly the best mmorpg right now and its weird that there isnt more people playing it. I think fixing issues in the game is way more important than some big feature for the expansion so please consider this.


I do trust Anet can do this, you guys have our support.



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OSRS Wilderness


So basically

Underworld Zone, but its Open World PvP

Yep a lot of great PvE stuff to do..... BUT if anyone wants to kill you, they can kill you.


Even better,

Open World PvP WITH TEAMS. TEAMS being your guild you are playing with.

ALSO, theres no restrictions on how many players from a guildcan be there too.

So if 50 guildies there, and 5 people from your guild, tough luck


This would make guilds useful again, because right now, people just use them for the buffs.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> OSRS Wilderness


> So basically

> Underworld Zone, but its Open World PvP

> Yep a lot of great PvE stuff to do..... BUT if anyone wants to kill you, they can kill you.


> Even better,

> Open World PvP WITH TEAMS. TEAMS being your guild you are playing with.

> ALSO, theres no restrictions on how many players from a guildcan be there too.

> So if 50 guildies there, and 5 people from your guild, tough luck


> This would make guilds useful again, because right now, people just use them for the buffs.


Hard pass on any Open World PvP. There already exists formats in GW2 for PvP. Use those. If they don't satisfy, then ask for changes in those formats.

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2 new ideas i had:

I think pvp should have some more rewards tied to high ranks so it incentivices noobs to get better at the mode instead of just playing pvp without thinking.

The fun part about pvp is getting better and if people don´t have an incentive to get better pvp just is a farm where you get killed more. I think this would bring more people to pvp.

Living world weekly events:

I think there should be an event for a different map every week. This way people will go to other maps and dont get bored doing the same map every day because its the best gold farm.

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> @"Solanum.6983" said:

> After the Hints of Cantha and Taimi talking about cases of Canthan sailors washing up on beaches with tales of unknown creatures from the ocean that might be connected to the Deep Sea Dragon, My Dream would be it centering around the Deep Sea Dragon and a large focus on the ocean itself.


> My Biggest and most unrealistic hope would be a new playable race, that being the Largos. We know so little about them but if any new race were to be made I think an expansion with the Deep Sea Dragon would be the time for these guys to appear, Not to mention they're basically human in shape and size so very little work would need to be done when it comes to animations, modelling and preexisting items in the game.

> We know were going back to Cantha so there's that but An Underwater Map to go with the Largos would be nice too and Mount to get around it. Underwater Combat could get a revamp too.

> I don't know, I just feel like Underwater is somewhere that has a lot of untapped potential for something fresh and new for the game.


Unrealistic indeed. It would be a disaster. Imagine swarms of Largos running around shiverpeaks or in towns....

This race makes sense as the extremely recluse underwater species. The moment we get swarms of player controlled largos it'll be complete circus out there...

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Something to consider is 3rd expansion is big city expansion

GW Factions.


Real player housing

PvP like GW Factions so 12v12, 3 teams of 4 per side

PvE downstate mobs, more than usual. NPCs are gonna be like players, they need downstate too

Racing events. Its a big city, need to make RACING A THING. LIKE GOOD REWARDS. LIKE TOURNAMENT PvP

Open World PvP, GTA San Andres style

Open World PvP, OSRS wilderness style


As Nike says





Thinking of racing, you could race through enemy territory aka another sides Open World PvP. They can obliterate you to help their racers win.

So its a mix of having GOOD RACERS on your team PLUS good PvP'ers to knockout those GOOD RACERS


Then make the racing tourny a win for everyone who participated on that team, like NASCAR its all team based.

I'd limit 12 to a team. 12 is low enough to not feel zergy, high enough for guild participation, this includes racers and the PvP'ers/others.

Sure anybody can attack em, but for the rewards to kick in, it just rewards the team of up to 12.

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> @"blp.3489" said:

> Has anyone ever suggested "Opt-in Open World PvP"? I.e. if you want to you can enter attackable mode and let other players attack you? You have to be in attackable mode in order to attack other attackable players.


Yes, they have. Most threads have a majority of forum posters against the idea. Many do not want this in GW2.


There is a mode for PvP already. Those who wish to play that format should simply go there.

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