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A mesmer's purpose


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A returning player who mained mesmer for 2,000 hours or so but havent played the game properly since I was hardcore WVW raiding a good 4 or 5 years ago when focus group was still a part of the meta. Seems like that has gone now, so what is a mesmer's purpose in large scale wvw now? If any at all :angry:

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > Oh a Mesmer is one of the best toon to command in.

> Backed up by the fact everyone commands on firebrands.




Not everyone. I command using different classes and my current favorite right now is renegade :3


A commander is someone who is not supposed to die. The immortal sponge that pulls players to a focus point.



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Focus pulls

Null field


Mantra of concentration , some people used to run Mantra of Resolve

Signets if running Blurred Inscriptions in the Inspiration line (share aegis)


Use disables (such as diversion or focus pull) if running Vicious Expression in domination line for more boon rip


gamble on ripping boons with Phantasmal berserker on Greatsword if you run greatsword ...

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> Backed up by the fact everyone commands on firebrands.


Half the comms I've seen use chrono. (seen a boon-beast, SB and Temp comm too). There are plenty of commanders who prefer FB, but to claim that "everyone commands on firebrands", or even the vast majority command on FB's is just patently false.

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Mostly mesmer is used for double (or triple) illusion of life these days. You can either run timewarp or gravity. If you go tanky you can go sw/shield + scepter/focus for maximum CC/survivability, if you go DPS you can go Greatsword with sword/focus or sword/shield.


My tip would be just play it like DPS backline ele midfight and run blink for survivability, illusion of life for support and nullfield for boonrip. Then run other CC things like gravities and remove boons everytime you CC or shatter someone.


I run something like this (can run blink also but take Improved alacrity then, you can also run veil over nullfield but that would require having a decent commander and communicating with him)



Then run tankier double melee weapon version in enemy keeps but thats build is up to you, some people run cleric, some sentinel, some minstrel.


I wouldn't recommend chrono for leading like some other people in this thread because the lack of good stunbreaks and cleanse forces you to play pirateship. Like yeah you get veils and portals on demand but someone else can just do those for you.


Overall Chrono is like the last class I recommend to people (excluding thieves and rangers) because it requires you to be good and actually use your own brain like portaling people in without being told to do so. Also the class is really snowbally and is quite bad if you're getting 1-pushed on the weaker server.


Take my tips with grain of salt because I don't play much Chrono, just enough to know that the class can still be useful.

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Mesmer used to be useful, anet decided to boost it even more with chrono and made it boonshare beast, then they realized they fucked up, instead of reversing buffs, they decided to nerf it overall, several times. And there you go, almost useless now, TY anet.


It happeneds to almost all the classes, not only mesmers, and eles didn't get any major buffs since HoT, only nerfs, change my mind.

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The Mesmer we have here is a cyborg stealth clones killing machine which disguises itself as the true Mesmer. In other word, Gwen's Mesmer Purpose have no place here...has long gone....to her home...to a healthy place...where she belongs....raging war against Toxicity and conquering it.....in Guild Wars 1


![](https://i.imgur.com/810DPj7.jpg "")




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> @"aaron.7850" said:

> even in full berserker gear my mesmer cant kill anyone these days, and you get punished for chosing either of the elite specs (choose to have 1 dodge only, or no on-demand shatters)


By Faralyzed

current 2020 (Mirage-Full Zerk +1 shot build included)

- **Warning**- Loud music


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The Mesmer as a zergling brings Feedback and CC skills, especially focus pull.


As a commander, it brings Mimic and Veil for double the stealth pleasure. I’ve run with chrono commanders and they move really fast, attacking first, hence often steamrolling the groups that are stretching and gawking, wondering if a fight will start. They do not pirate ship.


In smaller groups/solo, it can condi pressure with the best or power range from stealth.


The permadodge and 1-shot builds have been nerfed tremendously, as they needed to be, so it’s time to adapt from those expectations.

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