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People need to get over hating cc


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Im just saying if you ruin warrior like how u ruined holo with explosive entrace effectively making it a better strategy to spam your abilities rather than bait cooldowns and land cc...


Well I guess it won't matter what ill do, at least the pve'rs will be happy. Just sucks to see this mmo go down the same path as wow and devs catering to people being sad that they cant rotate defensives well and just make them do their ability rotations to get kills.


Only thing is if this game goes completely down that route itll be 1000x worse because at least in wow you have to know a rotation.


And to be fair i think toning down dmg from cc's is fine. But making a once cc oriented class into a land button or die trying simulator is just icky.


Theres already plenty of classes that dont rely on cc to be effective and im not saying that it doesnt take skill to play those but they designed to have other obstacles than landing cc.


I dont know maybe im just emo

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Nobody likes playing a game where you have to sit helplessly because you get chain CC'd with no hope of escape. They nerfed stun breaks and stab, now they need to remove like 50% of the hard and soft CC and reduce the duration of a lot of them.


I posted in another forum about how I CC spammed some poor soul with warrior in WvW.

Hammer F1, hammer 5, hammer 4, dagger F1, dagger 3. He stun broke and I just kept CCing him and immobilized so he couldn't even dodge. Didn't matter that I did no damage, my two friends melted him and didn't even need their own CC. That sound like a fun time?

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Those warriors are irritating as hell but I love playing against them. I don't want them to be nerfed. I want to beat them and outsmart them. That would give accomplishment and satisfaction. Winning against a nerfed class with an OP class by streamrolling the keyboard is a waste of time for me. PvP should be challenging. It should be about being smarter than the opponent. Adapt and defeat. Not wait for daddy Anet to win your fights instead of you.

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CutesySylveon.8290 I don't think that ganking someone 3v1 in WvW is a relevant example here. My main is a mesmer. I don't want my opponent to have a fun time playing against me. I want them to hate me because I beat them. And if they beat me I want them to feel satisfied that they outsmarted my cancer build.

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> @"Kencu.5846" said:

> CutesySylveon.8290 I don't think that ganking someone 3v1 in WvW is a relevant example here. My main is a mesmer. I don't want my opponent to have a fun time playing against me. I want them to hate me because I beat them. And if they beat me I want them to feel satisfied that they outsmarted my cancer build.


It was to prove a point that's relevant in both PvP and WvW. If you want the meta to be dominated by cancerous, braindead CC builds that remove your ability to play, then we can all be glad you're not on the balance team because it would be worse than it is now. The rest of us are tired of being locked in place with no means of escape because of everybody's favorite brainless excuse of 'Just dodge!' even though I can slot more CC on my bar than you can both stun breaks and evades.

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> @"Kencu.5846" said:

> Those warriors are irritating as hell but I love playing against them. I don't want them to be nerfed. I want to beat them and outsmart them. That would give accomplishment and satisfaction.


Where tf do you need to outsmart a warrior in the current state of the game?



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It's just time to make these changes for pvp:


1. All dazes are only 1/4th second interrupts.

2. All stuns are only 1/2 second duration.

3. Only powerful CCs such as knockdowns or pulls should EVER have 1 to 2 second durations.


^ This would keep the amount of interrupting the same, but reduce the amount of time that players are glued to the damn floor during a team fight.


It's not that there is too much CC in the game. It's that the durations of these CCs are too long anymore nowadays.

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The problem isn't CC.. it's counterplay, specifically the lack of it compared to the amount of CC you can get barraged with.


What good is 1-2 stunbreaks against 20 CC's?

Nothing.. absolutely nothing.


There's a reason why so many have asked for immunity phases after stunbreaking and why others have asked for stability to be changed back into durations rather than stacks.

Everyone hates stunlocking.. and it's far too easy to do in Gw2.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> Nobody likes playing a game where you have to sit helplessly because you get chain CC'd with no hope of escape. They nerfed stun breaks and stab, now they need to remove like 50% of the hard and soft CC and reduce the duration of a lot of them.


> I posted in another forum about how I CC spammed some poor soul with warrior in WvW.

> Hammer F1, hammer 5, hammer 4, dagger F1, dagger 3. He stun broke and I just kept CCing him and immobilized so he couldn't even dodge. Didn't matter that I did no damage, my two friends melted him and didn't even need their own CC. That sound like a fun time?


They must not forget to adjust breakbars along with hard CC nerf.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> It's just time to make these changes for pvp:


> 1. All dazes are only 1/4th second interrupts.

> 2. All stuns are only 1/2 second duration.

> 3. Only powerful CCs such as knockdowns or pulls should EVER have 1 to 2 second durations.


> ^ This would keep the amount of interrupting the same, but reduce the amount of time that players are glued to the kitten floor during a team fight.


> It's not that there is too much CC in the game. It's that the durations of these CCs are too long anymore nowadays.


I like that idea too. Just like damage/condition/heal are adjusted for PvP/WvW

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Honestly I dont think giving back more stunbreaks and stab is the answer as there's just to many hard cc skills on to many classes. Each class should have a few high impact hard cc skills and that's it. Hard cc is effective enough that a build only having one that's on a 45 sec cd would be enough and would have lead to a far healthier state of the game. When a class has easy access to 2 hard cc's or more in some cases their just to easy to chain. Especially when multiple classes get in the mix.

Reducing the amount of hard cc access a class has or a diminishing return on stun chains would help the game a lot. Make 1 or 2 classes more cc oriented on some weapons and that it,make it a big part of those classes and balance the other aspects of the class around it while the rest of the classes have limited hard cc that way u give up something if u want a hard cc class on ur team cuz they wouldn't do great damage. Also in a team fight it be easier to know a hard cc is coming if one of the few classes are joining the mix.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> It's just time to make these changes for pvp:


> 1. All dazes are only 1/4th second interrupts.

> 2. All stuns are only 1/2 second duration.

> 3. Only powerful CCs such as knockdowns or pulls should EVER have 1 to 2 second durations.


> ^ This would keep the amount of interrupting the same, but reduce the amount of time that players are glued to the kitten floor during a team fight.


> It's not that there is too much CC in the game. It's that the durations of these CCs are too long anymore nowadays.


Ewww no. That would make landing a stun even less impactful. We should go the opposite route where using your CC and your stunbreaks could actually be the measure of your skill. Few but strong CC-s, long cooldown stunbreaks.

Some builds went so much toward brainless interruptspam that it actually can be described as cancer. As stability is no longer enough to cover, stunbreaks don't really do much if you get stunned half a second later anyway, the best way to deal with interruptspam is CC-ing them before they CC you. I have matches where necros on any team basicly go entire fights without getting more then 1 or 2 skills off. They are just ping-pong balls we unload our skillbar into until they might die.

There are other problems aswell, for example if you don't CC the necro for 2 seconds he somehow rezzes a teammate from 60% downed health which should also be looked at, but generally the biggest problem currenty is that there is too many "weak" strong CC.


Interrupting was an art in GW1, there is nothing art-like about spamming without thinking.

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If you can see the CC coming and have a way to avoid or react to it (or know how to do that in the future), it's fine.


The biggest CC problem is shocking aura, especially with aura share. You can be stunned because someone stepped into an AoE. And then stunned again. It doesn't help when shocking aura looks like half the other auras.

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Im just saying. A cc class is a playstyle. Its a different demension of play. The only class i consider routed heavy in cc is warrior (my main) and i love it about it. People dont give enough credit to actually landing cc. You hae stab, dodges, cc breaks, bline, aegis It really isnt as easy as people who dont understand that platstyle think. I do understand people hate to have it happen to them, i get it.


I guess my main point is holo use to be that playstyle with rifle now thats gone, u still have cc it isnt about chaining its more for interrupting damage. So if i enjoy playing something cc oriented i have warrior and thats it. Holo is no longer that type of style. I cant even think of other classes that have used chain cc to win a fight and warrior and engi. Yes theres other things with cc, u could say fear spam is chaining cc and i actually agree so maybe necro to but it isnt the same a brawler chaining cc to me.


I dont want there to no longer be classes that have the playstyle i enoy because thatll for sure make me not want to play.AND I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME LOVE IT!



Edit: last point. Playing a cc class is no different from liking a dot class, support, tanky all that

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> @"Sailorz.5426" said:

> Im just saying. A cc class is a playstyle. Its a different demension of play. The only class i consider routed heavy in cc is warrior (my main) and i love it about it. People dont give enough credit to actually landing cc. You hae stab, dodges, cc breaks, bline, aegis It really isnt as easy as people who dont understand that platstyle think. I do understand people hate to have it happen to them, i get it.


> I guess my main point is holo use to be that playstyle with rifle now thats gone, u still have cc it isnt about chaining its more for interrupting damage. So if i enjoy playing something cc oriented i have warrior and thats it. Holo is no longer that type of style. I cant even think of other classes that have used chain cc to win a fight and warrior and engi. Yes theres other things with cc, u could say fear spam is chaining cc and i actually agree so maybe necro to but it isnt the same a brawler chaining cc to me.


> I dont want there to no longer be classes that have the playstyle i enoy because thatll for sure make me not want to play.AND I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME LOVE IT!



> Edit: last point. Playing a cc class is no different from liking a dot class, support, tanky all that


Here's the thing: excessive CC takes agency away from the player and punishes them far too much for a single mistake. People don't give credit to landing CC because it's way too easy and profitable, you can slot more CC on your skill bar than anyone can dodges and stun breaks and that CC has shorter CDs than nearly every one of those stun breaks.


Playing CC heavy is very much so different from straight damage specs because you can actually do something about damage. Condi can be cleansed or transfered back, important burst skills can be blocked or dodged, or you can try to tank something and regain your bearings. The moment you get CC locked, that all goes out the window. There are a ton of CC skills that leave you helpless for up to 3 seconds and are easily chained together, some even punish you for attacking like Shocking Aura. It's a very frustrating thing to deal with and ruins the fun for everyone else.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Sailorz.5426" said:

> > Im just saying. A cc class is a playstyle. Its a different demension of play. The only class i consider routed heavy in cc is warrior (my main) and i love it about it. People dont give enough credit to actually landing cc. You hae stab, dodges, cc breaks, bline, aegis It really isnt as easy as people who dont understand that platstyle think. I do understand people hate to have it happen to them, i get it.

> >

> > I guess my main point is holo use to be that playstyle with rifle now thats gone, u still have cc it isnt about chaining its more for interrupting damage. So if i enjoy playing something cc oriented i have warrior and thats it. Holo is no longer that type of style. I cant even think of other classes that have used chain cc to win a fight and warrior and engi. Yes theres other things with cc, u could say fear spam is chaining cc and i actually agree so maybe necro to but it isnt the same a brawler chaining cc to me.

> >

> > I dont want there to no longer be classes that have the playstyle i enoy because thatll for sure make me not want to play.AND I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME LOVE IT!

> >

> >

> > Edit: last point. Playing a cc class is no different from liking a dot class, support, tanky all that


> Here's the thing: excessive CC takes agency away from the player and punishes them far too much for a single mistake. People don't give credit to landing CC because it's way too easy and profitable, you can slot more CC on your skill bar than anyone can dodges and stun breaks and that CC has shorter CDs than nearly every one of those stun breaks.


> Playing CC heavy is very much so different from straight damage specs because you can actually do something about damage. Condi can be cleansed or transfered back, important burst skills can be blocked or dodged, or you can try to tank something and regain your bearings. The moment you get CC locked, that all goes out the window. There are a ton of CC skills that leave you helpless for up to 3 seconds and are easily chained together, some even punish you for attacking like Shocking Aura. It's a very frustrating thing to deal with and ruins the fun for everyone else.


How is getting 10 stacks of burn 4k tics any different? The classes who use cc generally need cc to land that dmg, thus u dodging using ur cc breaks invul is just the same as u would a class that doesnt rely on cc.


Like think about it, how many times have u died to a warrior that doesnt land any cc, it should probably a pretty small number because the class just doesnt have the ability to do dmg outside of it.

Locking into a long cc chain is just the playstyle, no different from stacking condis, or one shotting u i dont even have to name classes lol.


Its a fact people get salty from cc, and on the point u dont think landing cc is hard, i can also name a whole bunch of other mechanics that classes have that are leaps and bounds easier to land than cc you just refuse to acknowledge it because getting cc chained makes people so salty their blind to the facts


Most things people that rage about cc wise are classes that dont even revolve around it like shock aura, its literally a side note of ele and im not saying it isnt dumb im just saying cc makes people rage more than anything so their less likely to understand why a cc chain class is its own play style

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> @"Sailorz.5426" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"Sailorz.5426" said:

> > > Im just saying. A cc class is a playstyle. Its a different demension of play. The only class i consider routed heavy in cc is warrior (my main) and i love it about it. People dont give enough credit to actually landing cc. You hae stab, dodges, cc breaks, bline, aegis It really isnt as easy as people who dont understand that platstyle think. I do understand people hate to have it happen to them, i get it.

> > >

> > > I guess my main point is holo use to be that playstyle with rifle now thats gone, u still have cc it isnt about chaining its more for interrupting damage. So if i enjoy playing something cc oriented i have warrior and thats it. Holo is no longer that type of style. I cant even think of other classes that have used chain cc to win a fight and warrior and engi. Yes theres other things with cc, u could say fear spam is chaining cc and i actually agree so maybe necro to but it isnt the same a brawler chaining cc to me.

> > >

> > > I dont want there to no longer be classes that have the playstyle i enoy because thatll for sure make me not want to play.AND I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME LOVE IT!

> > >

> > >

> > > Edit: last point. Playing a cc class is no different from liking a dot class, support, tanky all that

> >

> > Here's the thing: excessive CC takes agency away from the player and punishes them far too much for a single mistake. People don't give credit to landing CC because it's way too easy and profitable, you can slot more CC on your skill bar than anyone can dodges and stun breaks and that CC has shorter CDs than nearly every one of those stun breaks.

> >

> > Playing CC heavy is very much so different from straight damage specs because you can actually do something about damage. Condi can be cleansed or transfered back, important burst skills can be blocked or dodged, or you can try to tank something and regain your bearings. The moment you get CC locked, that all goes out the window. There are a ton of CC skills that leave you helpless for up to 3 seconds and are easily chained together, some even punish you for attacking like Shocking Aura. It's a very frustrating thing to deal with and ruins the fun for everyone else.


> How is getting 10 stacks of burn 4k tics any different? The classes who use cc generally need cc to land that dmg, thus u dodging using ur cc breaks invul is just the same as u would a class that doesnt rely on cc.


> Like think about it, how many times have u died to a warrior that doesnt land any cc, it should probably a pretty small number because the class just doesnt have the ability to do dmg outside of it.

> Locking into a long cc chain is just the playstyle, no different from stacking condis, or one shotting u i dont even have to name classes lol.


> Its a fact people get salty from cc, and on the point u dont think landing cc is hard, i can also name a whole bunch of other mechanics that classes have that are leaps and bounds easier to land than cc you just refuse to acknowledge it because getting cc chained makes people so salty their blind to the facts


> Most things people that rage about cc wise are classes that dont even revolve around it like shock aura, its literally a side note of ele and im not saying it isnt dumb im just saying cc makes people rage more than anything so their less likely to understand why a cc chain class is its own play style


Here's how getting those 10 burn stacks is different: there's a metric ton more cleanse in the game than there are stun breaks. Most classes have ample access to cleanse skills or traits, all have access to sigils and runes, and some can even transfer condi back to people. Some have such ridiculous access to condi mitigation that they straight up hard counter condi specs because they can't keep condi on them.


How much CC can you slot into your bar? How long are the CDs on that CC? How long are the CDs of most stun breaks in the game and how long does stability usually last? How much stability removal is there? How long does a lot of hard CC last?


1. Way too much.

2. Way too low.

3. Much longer CDs and much lower duration.

4. A ton and any potential boon rip takes all stacks.

5. Far too long, some upwards of 3 seconds.


Landing CC isn't hard because there's such a ridiculous abundance of it tossed around for free. There's often little risk of missing a CC unlike a major burst skill because you can pretty much always guarantee there's more CC they have available. And what other mechanics can you name that are easier to land than CC? It's rare to see a weapon set WITHOUT some form of hard CC baked into it, some more than one, and that's not even taking into account effects against CC'd opponents or effects triggered on CC, like immobile on Daze for warriors which helps setup, you guessed it, more CC.


CC isn't hard to use, especially in this meta. Either everyone is bad or you're just biased.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> It's just time to make these changes for pvp:


> 1. All dazes are only 1/4th second interrupts.

> 2. All stuns are only 1/2 second duration.

> 3. Only powerful CCs such as knockdowns or pulls should EVER have 1 to 2 second durations.


> ^ This would keep the amount of interrupting the same, but reduce the amount of time that players are glued to the kitten floor during a team fight.


> It's not that there is too much CC in the game. It's that the durations of these CCs are too long anymore nowadays.


on top of this, i dont think ANY CC pull, daze, knockdown should have above a 600-900 range, and absolutely not 1200-1500

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I love how most classes are "I don't have as much stability as I did before" while mesmer is like "When was the Bountiful Disillusionment nerf anyway?". Also, of course, thief can't steal stability as much as it did before.


Jokes aside I think hammer warrior needs rework and aurashare trait needs 1s duration reduction. Engineer shield could also be looked at.


I think that if a build specializes in CC, let it do CC. It will do approximately zero damage on its own, but it will still be viableish.


Side note: Anet should show a balance patch preview this friday.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> I love how most classes are "I don't have as much stability as I did before" while mesmer is like "When was the Bountiful Disillusionment nerf anyway?". Also, of course, thief can't steal stability as much as it did before.


> Jokes aside I think hammer warrior needs rework and aurashare trait needs 1s duration reduction. Engineer shield could also be looked at.


> I think that if a build specializes in CC, let it do CC. It will do approximately zero damage on its own, but it will still be viableish.


> Side note: Anet should show a balance patch preview this friday.


The funny thing is that some classes actually do have enough stunbreaks/stability to not need to complain about CC too much.


I think the problem is mostly that there's too much CC on too low a cool down, bulls charge is great example,


Currently: 30s CD, 24s traited, 3s knockdown, an evade frame, 900 range.

Core (Jan 2014): 40s CD, 32s traited, 2s knockdown, no evade frame, 600 range. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Bull%27s_Charge&oldid=748781


We've reverted the damage of classes to similar levels to core, depending on which part of core you talk etc but much of CC has been left in it's bloated state. Now this isn't me saying bulls charge is OP, make it 60s CD, no evade frame and 1s knockdown, it's just a very good and clear comparison that CC today isn't what it was in core.


I also think an opportunity to create purity of purpose is being missed. If a CC is meant for interrupting, sure make it a fast cast but make it 1/4s daze or similar short duration and with "safe time" between uses. If a CC ability is meant for setting up big damage then a long duration is key but it also needs a lengthy cool down and above all long CC should not be frequent *glares at tornado*.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> Nobody likes playing a game where you have to sit helplessly because you get chain CC'd with no hope of escape. They nerfed stun breaks and stab, now they need to remove like 50% of the hard and soft CC and reduce the duration of a lot of them.


> I posted in another forum about how I CC spammed some poor soul with warrior in WvW.

> Hammer F1, hammer 5, hammer 4, dagger F1, dagger 3. He stun broke and I just kept CCing him and immobilized so he couldn't even dodge. Didn't matter that I did no damage, my two friends melted him and didn't even need their own CC. That sound like a fun time?


is that an issue with CC or an issue with fighting 1v3? or mb issue with not dodging the CC itself.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> It's just time to make these changes for pvp:


> 1. All dazes are only 1/4th second interrupts.

> 2. All stuns are only 1/2 second duration.

> 3. Only powerful CCs such as knockdowns or pulls should EVER have 1 to 2 second durations.


> ^ This would keep the amount of interrupting the same, but reduce the amount of time that players are glued to the kitten floor during a team fight.


> It's not that there is too much CC in the game. It's that the durations of these CCs are too long anymore nowadays.


your idea makes CC fucking useless.

whats the point of stunning someone for 0,5s if most skills have higher cast time, legit fucking pointless.

CC is fine, the only time im annoyed at CC is when I play necro but even then I can just change build and not give a crap, nobody gets shit on by CC. Most classes are immune to it unless you are 1vX anyways.

Lets say mesmer fights ranger ( since you are ranger and im mesmer )

what real cc do you have? knockback arrow on lb, kick on gs and daze/stun on gs. 3 hard CC. If I run blink/som I legit have to get hit by everything to have any impact from it.

Same thing when I fight ranger, I have p5 stun, and then just a bunch of dazes for interupts like sword 0,25 or F3. Most rangers run 2 or 3 ways to remove CC on cd lower then the stun anyways so you will NEVER remain controlled in 1v1, EVER.

People that complain about CC are people that die 1vX and blame anything but themselves for the loss, while in reality they SHOULD die 1vX.

This is why mesmer is more annoying to fight 1v1 CC wise then warrior that has more hard CC, they dont matter. They dont land and if they do they get removed anyways, and short daze that lasts 1s ends up doing the same shit as 3s knockdown does.


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