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Arena have ruined wvw - in many ways, but making walls and gates paper thin has just taken all the pleasure out of defending objectives. As soon as a place is under attack - the outer is down, call for help and use of EWP and then inner is down - it is pathetic. I stopped playing wvw for nearly a year when this 1st happened and now feel so angry that they have done nothing to improve it

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If anything T3 is slightly too strong right now with siege damage etc.


Not noticed any issues with things falling too quickly, bearing in mind that sometimes coms won't defend paper, which is fair enough.


And lovely people, always remember to start you scout calls with numbers of enemy.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Meanwhile we have T3 being held 30+ hours because no one bothers to attack it, they know that if they do the enemy will just bring 50 people to fight 10 and the keep wont even loose any supplies.


Sounds absolutely fine to me. A 10-person squad shouldn't have a good chance to take a T3 keep during prime-time. Only if the enemy zerg is forced to defend another equally (or more) important keep. Small/medium sized squads like that can cap T2/3 camps, T1/2 towers or T0/1 keeps. (Assuming the enemy zerg has more important things to do than def those. If they don't, the problem is that your team isn't putting enough total pressure on the enemy. And if that happens often, Anet might want to balance servers better.)

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Tbh T3 is way to strong.. Especially Keeps like hill/bay or the red border ones. Like yesterday trying bay against Baruch Bay with 40 ppl and 70 ppl just camped with thousand of sieges like arrow carts. Were fighting for 10min inside at the lord room. Got finally wiped because they repaired everything to 100% again...then repeat.


The only good thing. Hundreds of lootbags because BB sucks :P

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The problem has always been that WvW rewards the laziest play possible with the most WxP. Defend a T3, almost nothing. Take a defended T3, same as an undefended paper tower. Open field war, paltry WxP and loot. Escort yaks, crap WxP. Scout... nothing.


There is no risk vs reward in the entire game mode. I suggest a few conflict locations selected by the engine every 15 minutes that reward good loot and WxP for taking or defending. Prioritize those points toward the strongest server often encouraging 2v1 warfare against the leading server when the population is really out of whack. For example, holding Jerri and SMC against two motivated servers is extremely difficult.

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WxP has no use after your skills are maxed out, and the quickest way to farm WxP is to run with a zerg, so I don't think the way WxP is currently distributed is a major issue.


Also, you can gain WxP while scouting by being granted participation by a squad commander. Not sure how the game is supposed to tell that you're successfully scouting, given it's a task based on player communication, so the task is basically delegated to squad commanders via the participation feature.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Well not to worry, most T3 keeps these days have their EWP and invuln activated about 5 minutes before catas start going up on outer. Funny how that is.


> As an aside, I saw the thread title and thought: Now that is the message we should see broadcast when your team caps BL ruins.


French servers like pulling tacts


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yeah too many servers have dual accounts to spy and waste tactics apparently - but it's far from "only french", that's kinda weird to think. also the comm-block tracking is a major issue.


walls going down too quick is imo debateable. in the end it all is about a solid push to destroy the enemy zerg (usually blob, zergs rarely succeed nowadays). walls barely do more than stalling stealthers can try to disable siege and the dps line will try to bomb them, but it isn't exactly easy with the incredible cc reserves, be it stun, daze or pull, that bigger groups have compared to some few defenders.


@ wxp.. i think their distribution is kinda okay. people said there's been better ways (easier ways, faster ones) to farm them in the past but well.


the bigger issue is, it's not rewarding. many people suffer through horrible matchups, getting nothing more than blood and honor in reward. Wvw is the technical endgame mode of gw2... one solid push resulting in over 800k dps dished out should be enough to prove that ... and then compare the rewards to those of "raids", where u basically hit on one phat npc mob. thousands of different situations on an open, reactive battlefield versus a pretty stale dps-fireworks, and then compare the rewards.


after that u shouldn't even think about wxp, bc once u're having a useful position in a small guild zerg, that stomps three groups twice as big in a row - u get approximately 1 heavy loot bag, 1 blue or green unidentified gear and idk, 2-4 badges of honor per kill.


ascended weapon or armor boxes (and 90%ish having the wrong stats)? super rare drops, happen to drop some few time a month if u're lucky af.

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Meanwhile we have map q groups going practically immune to siege and running over every roamer they can get their desperate hands on, break into t1 or r3 structures to farm kills. Makes no difference to them, still comes down to too much support and boon sharing and greater numbers wins, the small groups will always get screwed either way if you want to upgrade structures.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> I would like some ESO/PS2 network web of structures.

> You can capture a territory only if it's adjacent to a territory you own.


This is the answer to many balance issues.

Additionally, capping/defending should have higher rewards.

Kills in general should have higher rewards - also based on % damage done.

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> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> WxP has no use after your skills are maxed out, and the quickest way to farm WxP is to run with a zerg, so I don't think the way WxP is currently distributed is a major issue.


> Also, you can gain WxP while scouting by being granted participation by a squad commander. Not sure how the game is supposed to tell that you're successfully scouting, given it's a task based on player communication, so the task is basically delegated to squad commanders via the participation feature.


Of course WxP has use.. Rank 2000 and cheap Ascension Gear (40G a piece and everyone should have enough tickets) with one of the best Breast Skins with this shiny stuff in the back :P

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> @"phreeak.1023" said:

> Tbh T3 is way to strong.. Especially Keeps like hill/bay or the red border ones. Like yesterday trying bay against Baruch Bay with 40 ppl and 70 ppl just camped with thousand of sieges like arrow carts. Were fighting for 10min inside at the lord room. Got finally wiped because they repaired everything to 100% again...then repeat.


> The only good thing. Hundreds of lootbags because BB sucks :P


Oh you forgot to mention that in the meantime BB played smart and capped your T3 EBG keep in a matter of minutes.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> I would like some ESO/PS2 network web of structures.

> You can capture a territory only if it's adjacent to a territory you own.


I've proposed a lattice system like PS1 many times before too. But it has it's problems too, since wvw has it's structures upgrading, its better to have an open system where something can be sneak taken in the back lines. Those other games don't have upgrading structures (as far as I'm aware of) and also bigger maps where you kinda need time to respond to stuff, and some kind of front line to focus fights to. In the open system scouting, upgrading, sieging also become much more important in holding structures. If they put in any type of lattice system they should also normalize all structure gates and walls to one level.

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