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Legendary Armory - some questions I hope to get answers for...

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So we all know Legendary Armory is coming sometime in the, hopefully, not far future and I got some certain questions regarding some cases (that may be edge cases) about how it will work.


1. In the case of Dual-wieldable weapons, will you need to Bind 2 same type of weapon to be able to dual-wield it? If yes, will binding same Legendary weapon work? e.g. Binding 2 Incinerators to the account, Or will you need to bind 2 different Legendary same weapon type? e.g. 1 Incinerator and 1 Claw of the Khan-Ur.


2. What about people that have Bound multiples of 1 Legendary weapon? i.e. I bound 2 Bifrost on my account, one for my Elementalist and 1 for my Guardian. Will the 2nd and so forth same bound weapon become useless? Will we get a way to reimburse them, like be able to salvage them into their RAW materials that were used to craft them? Or just outright be able to ask support to unbind them so we get to resell them? (should only apply to 1st gen legendary weapons since you can't craft more than 1 of 2nd gen and those cannot be sold anyways).


(2.5) Same question but for Legendary Armors. I'm not one of them but there are definitely some people that crafted more than once same Legendary Armor weight, e.g. 2 sets of Heavy Legendary Raid Armor, or 2 Light Legendary PvP/WvW Armor.


If any Anet dev is able to answer some these questions, I and many others, would be delighted.

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Would be very nice to get these cleared up along with a few concerns that I have.


1. Will it be possible to re-skin Legendary items differently across multiple characters?

2. Will Infusions added to a Legendary item appear on all characters that equip it or will each character be able to equip different ones to the item.

3. Similar to above: Are Legendary Runes/Sigils required to change the stats across characters or can different normal ones be swapped for different characters?



How much will it cost?

With Build/Equipment templates costing a large amount of gems it seems unlikely that the Legendary armory will come for free as disappointing as this is. It would seem unfair to charge people who have put the effort in to obtain Legendaries to make full use of them.

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I would think if you bind a weapon in the armory then you could probably access said weapon from every weapon slot regardless of if it was in use in another.


I highly doubt the devs will code in that you would need multiple legendaries to duel wield them with the armory, whole point is to make sharing legends between chracters more convenient.

If anything i'd expect it to be more like the minipet or skin systems, unlock it once and it's there forever but the actual legendary item gets consumed in the process.


That's my speculation anyway.

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That's actually an interesting question on dual wielding, I'd assume it'd depend on how the armory system works. Will it be like an account unlock or storage? If it's a storage then I don't think you would be able to equip the same weapon in two different slots and would need to put 2 of the same weapon in there for it to work but if it's an Unlock system without quantity attached then I could see that being a possibility. I'd actually welcome that change, It's partially the reason I don't see myself ever crafting a non two handed legendary.


As for having multiple legendaries that will become obsolete, I'm hoping they don't overlook this and allow for some kind of compensation, at the very least a decent salavge option.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I am 100% sure that you cannot dual wield the exact same weapon that you only own once. Wouldn't make any sense at all. You're not duplicating the item, you are merely automatically sharing it across characters, not your own weapon slots.


I agree. The current system does not let you do such, and there is no reason to think they will change the code to facilitate what OP is asking.


Most likely the Armory will just treat all legendary weapons as if the were in a shared inventory slot across all characters. You will need the weapon, not the skin. And you will need multiple daggers or swords to dual wield.

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