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Very few to nobody made threads on this forum to complain about Rev


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Yeah the more and more I frequent these forums the more it feels like ANET just nerfs what people bitch the most about and not by the numbers and statistics of the game. Which the only point at which adjusting numbers alleviates issues.


Ugh, wish ANET PVP balance team just played their own game. I would gladly play the fuck out of PVP and do research for hours if I was getting paid for it.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Supreme.3164" said:


> > Not to rain on your parade but...last tournament was won by a team with 3 revs in it....just saying


> 3 Revs that did what against what, no context, no facts.


> I ain't going around saying something is OP because it counters me.


what they did u ask?


they memed with bunkering down with aoes to survive anything.


and they named themselves worms, surely out of respect for the playstyle of the teamcomp.


Rev has been breaking pvp standards since start but the majority of zoomer population screams over gimmicks like bunker necro or burn guard...

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I would disagree with theme of this post. All other classes(except thief) have no resource costs. Rev has its own weaknesses and those are reflected with legend you pick up. You can pick up just 2 legends with whole different playstyles and that hurts you a lot. When you wish to be dmg you have to sacrifice everything else to be something similar(good example is shiro) and if you wish to be tanky you have to pick up dwarf but then you do 0 dmg, being punch bag. Rev can be easily countered. Imagine shiro-herald rev stacking might and boons and boom, you strip its boons and it is useless. Imagine renegade which have to stand in place to benefit from its effects(can't chase) and on top of that its summons can be easily interupted, so imagine you spend 75 energy on all your summons and someone just do single aoe CC...... About condi rev...well just don't move if you have torment on yourself, simple as that, learn to play the game(mesmer was a big problem for all of you because of its torment/confusion spam, so it wasn't problem in class but problem how you guys play against those). Some people don't even see retaliation boon on enemy but they spam spells, press W and mash all buttons....


I would ask instead for renegade shortbow buff/rework on shortbow 2 and 3 spell.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > > > > > If you mean condi rev, it has already been hit hard.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Banish Enchantment: Increased energy cost from 20 to 30 in PvP only.

> > > > > > > Pain Absorption: Increased energy cost from 30 to 35 in PvP only.

> > > > > > > Call to Anguish: Increased energy cost from 30 to 35 in PvP only.

> > > > > > > Searing Fissure: Reduced initial burning duration from 10 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP only.

> > > > > > > Echoing Eruption: Increased cooldown from 8 seconds to 12 seconds in PvP only.

> > > > > > > Embrace the Darkness: Reduced additional torment stacks after using an energy skill from 2 to 1 in PvP only.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you mean power, who knows. With toughness getting shaved across the board with amulet nerfs, it might end up going from strong but balanced, to OP. We'll see once the meta settles.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > All forms of revs are busted currently -- both condi & power, even Jalis ones.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Condi ones are your typical condi bunkers that are hard to kill while being able to wear you down with non-negligible condi dmg and also capable of bursts with certain combos. It's also equipped with obnoxious AoE cc spam and has high resistance uptime when resistance is supposed to be scarce.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Power ones are still capable of teleporting in and bursting people down in an instant while being slippery if they just mind their distance / stunbreaks / glint heal / energy (muh good rev players lol it's really not a difficult concept to grasp to not brainlessly blow all your load at once, but i guess the typical gw2 skill level difference is just between someone that facerolls on keyboard vs someone that doesn't)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Jalis ones are insanely tanky with stab spam and dmg reduction vs both power & condi of at least 60% when their dwarf elite is traited, and Renegade versions (inb4 Renegade lol) even higher with prot spam and that Kalla Fervor trait that also reduces condi dmg, not to mention Renegade play style is super braindead because you just spam AoE AIs on nodes when you're offensive while Jalis skills when you're defensive. On top of that, the Retribution traitline allows them to spam AoE weakness vs power builds.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's really mind boggling to me when very few people on the gw2 forums can grasp how broken revs are, or I guess everyone's just good players and I'm bad :) :) :)

> > > > >

> > > > > I agree on you probably being bad, because as a rev player (Im not the best but I can put in work.) I can tell you the trick, CC and focus is a rev's weakness. Like I find it hilarious that everyone is having these "Issues" in PvP when in reality the most broken condi variant for one is WvW almost exclusive because its trailblazers +Runes of tormenting, nerf the rune and Im sure it will fall off a bit. And Renegade is laughable in WvW but good in PvP, Herald is alright but shiro herald is kinda worthless in WvW when you can bring a guardian who can outshine them.

> > > > >

> > > > > Guardian is FAR WORSE than rev is right now, guardian is just a monster that can solo pretty much anything.. Yet people are still pointing fingers at us likes its our doing.

> > > >

> > > > CC and focus counters anything, if its the only argument you can bring then thats not much of an argument is it?

> > >

> > > It's almost as if engaging mechanics that induce teamwork and reaction aren't what makes up this game. Are we gonna say CC and focus is bad and needs to be removed now?

> >

> > nope, but when the only solution is to make your enemy unable to do anything and whack it untill it stops moving is the only solution then there is a problem.

> > problem with cc, problem with damage, problem with sustain, problem with enemy you are whacking, somewhere there is a problem


> Reminds me of how any competitive game that has some form of player control involved have that possibility. IE cornering someone in any FPS competitive game mode as a form of domination from past teamwork during gameplay. Absolutely dominating the arena while getting all the timed pick ups in Quake. If it requires team effort or organized planning, I don't see how that's a problem.


you misunderstand, its fine that teamplay is a form of counter.

its not fine the teaming up on someone is the only form of counter.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > That's thing the thing though, people try to duel me as Herald and 95% of the time lose badly since Core Rev is simply a superior duelist because of it's utility. They cannot be controlled easily and can tank way more punishment. Heralds are far from broken, Condition at best only has the radius of the transfer for itself, the rest is decent at best.


> Condi herald is bad idk why everybody is complaining about them. If anything is too strong on revenant, it's power herald on a decent player's hands.


Because lower ranks a okish rev can destroy on condi rev but will get destroyed on power rev, higher lvs like plat the may be opposite but more players are gold/silver so u hear a lot about condi builds, especially with burning as part of their stacks cuz its tic dos is overperforming.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Because lower ranks a okish rev can destroy on condi rev but will get destroyed on power rev, higher lvs like plat the may be opposite but more players are gold/silver so u hear a lot about condi builds, especially with burning as part of their stacks cuz its tic dos is overperforming.


Not like I'm in high ranks D:

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Because lower ranks a okish rev can destroy on condi rev but will get destroyed on power rev, higher lvs like plat the may be opposite but more players are gold/silver so u hear a lot about condi builds, especially with burning as part of their stacks cuz its tic dos is overperforming.


> Not like I'm in high ranks D:


Just stating why u see so much condi rev hate compared to power, it's easier to play, more frustrating to die to and prob seems oppressive in lower ranks. Wasn't a knock on u personally as I'd have been knocking myself as I'm usually only g3 solo q so im no great player.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > **Condi herald is bad**

> > NA be like

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/wGPiE5m.png "")

> >


> Our duels don't count, that was before nerfs

You wat? What duels are you meme'ing about?

I'm talking about NA region that play condi herald?

>! If you still dont get it: NA prefer condi herald and EU power rev

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> You wat? What duels are you meme'ing about?

> I'm talking about NA region that play condi herald?


EU also plays condi herald for some reason, especially before nerfs, I remember talking about it with you


It was always bad after 25feb patch imo


Edit: Yes I know, but that's for plat+, I was talking about below that

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > You wat? What duels are you meme'ing about?

> > I'm talking about NA region that play condi herald?


> EU also plays condi herald for some reason, especially before nerfs, I remember talking about it with you


> It was always bad after 25feb patch imo


> Edit: Yes I know, but that's for plat+, I was talking about below that


1: Your rank means shit in this game

2: Condi Herald has NOT been "bad" after the feb balance patch

3: Rev In all aspect Power/Bunker / Condi has been over performing for some time now. Power being the least at the moment.


Rev going to probably be next on the chopping block along condi thief.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> 2: Condi Herald has NOT been "bad" after the feb balance patch

I had more problem vs condi herald before the patch for some reason


> 3: Rev In all aspect Power/Bunker / Condi has been over performing for some time now. Power being the least at the moment.

I agree 100% for power, 75% for bunker and 20% for condi. However, power is the strongest rev build imo.


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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > 2: Condi Herald has NOT been "bad" after the feb balance patch

> I had more problem vs condi herald before the patch for some reason


> > 3: Rev In all aspect Power/Bunker / Condi has been over performing for some time now. Power being the least at the moment.

> I agree 100% for power, 75% for bunker and 20% for condi. However, power is the strongest rev build imo.



Depending on the region you are in. However they are all equally over performing in some way. It wasn't a MAJOR issue because we had Pets doing over 6k burst, Prot holo holding 1vsX, and Necro resing people in a matter of seconds with numbers on them. With them getting slightly nerf we'll start seeing Rev and Thief post.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > Honestly I'm ok with Shiro. It takes a lot of skill to play the build, and the bad Shiros in lower tiers are easy enough to kill. I say keep observing top tier balance, and make changes in the future if needed.


> They literally aren't.


For once, Eurantien... I concur with you.

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Let's say, for argument's sake, that Rev is a tad strong right now. Most of you seem to agree that it takes a good amount of skill to play, and Condi, the noob friendly build, falls off in higher tiers.


Given how exploitable their weaknesses are, would it not be better to start bringing other classes up to their level, specifically classes like Scourge and Mirage which were previously the bane of Rev's existance in teamfights and side nodes respectively. Rev does its role well, functions well as a part of the meta, and isn't so blatantly oppressive that it garners hate. I'd say that's a good standard to buff a class up to.


I bring this up because, most people seem to have an idea of what an overperforming class looks like, but I doubt many have taken the time to ask themselves "What would a healthy class look like". I'd argue Rev is healthy for the game and simply needs to have a few of its natural predators buffed back into relevance.


However, said preditors need to be given equally exploitable weaknesses, and they need to extend beyond team play alone. Scourge was given its weakness, no longer having shades around itself. Mirage's downside makes little sense in practice, and may only make the class more spammy if it's buffed into relevance. It needs to be given its dodge back and given a real downside. For a start, I believe scrapper's trade-off makes more sense for it given its reliance on elusiveness.

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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Supreme.3164" said:


> > > Not to rain on your parade but...last tournament was won by a team with 3 revs in it....just saying

> >

> > 3 Revs that did what against what, no context, no facts.

> >

> > I ain't going around saying something is OP because it counters me.


> what they did u ask?


> they memed with bunkering down with aoes to survive anything.


> and they named themselves worms, surely out of respect for the playstyle of the teamcomp.


> Rev has been breaking pvp standards since start but the majority of zoomer population screams over gimmicks like bunker necro or burn guard...


Rev was breaking standards when Empty Vessel was a thing, not anymore.


You could have as many Renegades as you want on a team, the more there is, the more different weaknesses show.


Renegades that use Kalla with anything else will always have a big weak point to exploit and whether anyone decides to cover that weak point, they will lose on something else over and over.


This has always been the case with Revenant because they are not free to pick skills which is something I enjoy personally.


* One Renegade is fine for bunking and holding a node up to 3 people at best depending on the pressure. Conditions being the most effective.


* Two Renegades can cover each other in a team fight and optimally trade their roles and that is without the team losing too much sustain, mobility or potential to lock down targets such as Mesmers or Thieves. This is the best and point of diminishing return.


* Three Renegades you start losing a lot of mobility, the ability to lock down anyone that can kite is severely reduced, there is little chasing potential.


* Four Renegades would be a joke, assuming people are clueless otherwise, the most simple solution is zerging with AoE/Condition in a general direction and switch focus rapidly while someone wins the duels back and forth on other nodes because four can't really move anywhere fast and if one decides to bunk a node, that introduces the old weak points again, if it depends to be Shiro instead of Jalis, even more weak.


* Five Renegades, that's absolutely a throw if you the other team knows what they are doing. Only able to bunk, will always get ganked nodes or lose players on the move because they are not effective roamers.


They are not effective killers either if the players fighting them are smart enough to avoid the AoEs or use various CC to stop summons altogether.


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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> an awful mindset.


This sadly.

Add that to "I never see it anymore, it must be underpowered/trash" , "It beat me therefore nerf" and, "My build got nerfed my class is now dead", and you have a real salty recipe there.

Silver lining is the same people that make nerf posts about things that aren't busted won't learn, so at the end of the day people who can adapt to changes will generally still beat them.



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