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For the love of the six, stop with the flashing effects


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This game demonstrates a lot of hard work by smart people.


However, quality of signalling leaves a lot to be desired. Which is problem in an action-focused gaming experience such as this.


If we can't 'read' play, how can we learn? Engage? Respond?


The research and design principles are out there - I'd say its time to crack open a book but I reckon its a little late at this time.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> We have been asking for the ability to "turn off other players effects" for 5 years. They don't care that the game is a seizure-inducing light show. That feature has been in every game I have played since 2001, except GW.


The worst part is, someone suggested I try FF14 for an example on how this could be done better.


I started it, and didn't understand what the point was, even my simplest spell effects were garish as hell.


**But** (take not ANet!), it has **options**! I can seperately set spell effects to full, reduced or none for me, my party, friendlies and enemies. **I can see things during combat!!!** Modern technology is fascinating!

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> In diablo it´s kind of a mess, even more than it is in gw2.

> In high rifts you better have sunglasses on, otherwise you´ll not be able to see what´s really going on , on the screen.

> For example, spinning lasers that can kill you in a few seconds, some enemies leave a explosive bomb upon death that looks like a small vulcano and much more.


Important to note though is that Diablo is a 1-few single- or multiplayer game.


Not a 50++ **MM**ORPG. In something like GW2, I *expect* the developers to have put *significant* thought into how screen effects work in large groups of players. Becaue well, massively multiplayer.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> We have been asking for the ability to "turn off other players effects" for 5 years. They don't care that the game is a seizure-inducing light show. That feature has been in every game I have played since 2001, except GW.


When I started playing GW back in the day, during the first weeks I was so let down by the skill effects until I realize the fact that they were that way made it a more functional game.

Nowadays I still like some cool flash over the top effects madness, I mean I really dig cabal online skill effects, but every game should be - praticality > effects and not the way around.

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Basically, the game needs a running special effects "budget", and once you get too many flashy effects in a scene, it should start cutting some back to simple, legible effects, starting with those of unaffiliated greens and trash mobs, then the environment, party members, bosses, and as a last resort, your own. Players should be able to increase or decrease that budget in the options screen (from nothing to unlimited) for taste or performance.


The question of accessibility (which is OP's concern) is a little different, since any number of certain effects are bad, and other effects are no issue at all no matter how many there are. That's probably best handled with a separate checkbox that always tones down certain problematic effects, or implements reverse HDR or something, where the implementation is based on medical rather than gameplay considerations.

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As I always say, instead of investing in new expansion, they could polish the engine and these visual problems, no matter how good an expansion is, these graphic problems kill any immersion. ... for example, Serpents Ire Meta seems great, except the 99% of fight u cant see the 2 giants mobs, shrouded in flash light effects.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Yuyuske.7182" said:

> ![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/100dafbb2e88ac44282e6e3ace6b3f69/tumblr_nuex8idqzu1us2u89o1_540.png "")


> "When she lifts her hand you have to dodge"

> "How am I supposed to see her lift her hand!?"


Honestly, this is a major reason why I fail at dodging. At least in other games (like WoW) you could see cast bars appear under the name plate, and you could see the target of your target, so if the boss was all of a sudden targeting you, your name plate would popup and you knew kitten was about to get real.

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> @"Jokel.5164" said:

> So....

> Bottom line... Devs don't care about this problem?!


What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects?


Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Jokel.5164" said:

> > So....

> > Bottom line... Devs don't care about this problem?!


> What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects?


> Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now.


You can't reduce it, checking that box or not in a zerg fight it's still one massive flash of a blur

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Jokel.5164" said:

> > > So....

> > > Bottom line... Devs don't care about this problem?!

> >

> > What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects?

> >

> > Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now.


> You can't reduce it, checking that box or not in a zerg fight it's still one massive flash of a blur


You cant *overly* reduce it but you can reduce it slightly(or alot depending on your definition). I dont see a *ton* of the effects in the game because of my visual settings, but the effects i *DO* see i want to turn off or reduce, Auras from infusions for some reason are immune to the settings i have set up and they are blinding to my eyes as an example. Saddly this means reducing my graphics settings to about half of what i normally run just to avoid seeing images like the screenshot provided earlier in the thread, and they have done some things recently to assist in the reduction of visual noise.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Jokel.5164" said:

> > > So....

> > > Bottom line... Devs don't care about this problem?!

> >

> > What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects?

> >

> > Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now.


> You can't reduce it, checking that box or not in a zerg fight it's still one massive flash of a blur


During meta events, I have to play on the lowest settings possible because my computer is slower than a snail glued to a glacier. Even with *every single setting* turned all the way down - every bit of flashing effects turned down or off that I can - I *still* cannot see anything thanks to the giant blur of light on the screen.


...I'd love to know how to reduce visual noise even farther than *that*.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Jokel.5164" said:

> > > So....

> > > Bottom line... Devs don't care about this problem?!

> >

> > What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects?

> >

> > Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now.


> You can't reduce it, checking that box or not in a zerg fight it's still one massive flash of a blur


> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Jokel.5164" said:

> > > So....

> > > Bottom line... Devs don't care about this problem?!

> >

> > What's there to care about? People unaware that they can reduce the flashing effects?

> >

> > Or the fact they already did reduce visual noise? They still have a few steps to go in that regard, but it's way better than before now.


> You can't reduce it, checking that box or not in a zerg fight it's still one massive flash of a blur


Increase your FoV. I don't have a problem with seeing things outside of cramped areas where the camera can't zoom out anyway

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A very good friend of mine is a long-time player of Guild Wars 2, but he's photosensitive and has severe problems with several boss fights, as well as some cutscenes. I'm adding my voice to the call for the ability to disable or otherwise significantly reduce the amount of flashing lights in the game.

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  • 1 month later...

The amount of flashes in this game is ridiculous and none of the current graphic settings do much. It’s even worse for an engineer. I started leveling my engineer recently and since then, I’ve been using eye drops several times a day. I just got Holosmith and it’s even worse. Every attack is a flash spamfest. This is a legitimate health concern. What will it take for Anet to take this seriously and take swift and meaningful action? A lawsuit? :anguished:

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Yes, it's really bad. Most fights I can't even see who I am hitting, so I have to spin around until I see damage numbers appearing. I went into my graphic card settings and lowering Post Processing helped a little, but not enough to help in some Boss fights. The final engagement in the HoT storyline is an example - you have to hit the minion of the boss to get rid of it and make the boss vulnerable, but it's like playing Blind Man's Buff there are so many flashing effects. I had to give up. :(

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