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Increase Initiative requirement to balance Thief


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> @"Tao.5096" said:

> Hey,


> Thief skills are way too much spammable and they are way too OP for them to be used so frequently.


> In order to balance it out, initiative should be increased for following skills:

> - **Heartseeker** - Increase from 3 to 5

> - **Black Powder** - Increase from 6 to 8

> - **Shadow Shot** - Increase from 5 to 7

> - **Head Shot** - Increase from 4 to 5

> - **Dancing Dagger** - Increase from 3 to 5

> - **Flanking Strike** - Increase from 5 to 7

> - **Infiltrator's Strike (or Infiltrator's Return)** - Increase from 4 to 6 (or 2 to 3)


> This way Thief will be more oriented on proper initiative and skill management and not _spam to win_


> Also, in order to increase healthier plasytyle in PvP, Daredevil's trait **Physical Supremancy** should have reduced Endurance Threshold Increase from 50 to 25.


> Thanks



I dislike thief and advocated for changes in the past...but this is just ludicrous , we shave/nerf professions..we don't delete them from the game...c'mon!

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > Increasing thief initiative cost is in no way the solution.

> > Adding a very short cooldown (like 2s or 3s) to their strongest skills would cut on the spammability without destroying the class.


> Actually it would rather destroy the class if you do it to the strongest skills. It also defeats the point of initiative in the first place.


I think that could be kinda solution. I love thief but im pissed everytime someone downs PPL by spamming vault. I think vault is the only skill that could get Little icd

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > Increasing thief initiative cost is in no way the solution.

> > > Adding a very short cooldown (like 2s or 3s) to their strongest skills would cut on the spammability without destroying the class.

> >

> > Actually it would rather destroy the class if you do it to the strongest skills. It also defeats the point of initiative in the first place.


> I think that could be kinda solution. I love thief but im pissed everytime someone downs PPL by spamming vault. I think vault is the only skill that could get Little icd


Problem is there is nothing else worth using in the staff moveset. Weakening charge is janky as all hell and no self-respecting enemy should ever be hit by it, Debilitating arc is overcosted and does no damage and the only time anyone ever used Dust Strike was by mistake. Hell Im not even sure vault Spam is good, the move is way too easily avoided.

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Cost is not the issue.


It's spammability.

Spammability is the core problem and Anet refuses to address it, and Thief mains love it to death, meanwhile Anet increases Ini costs to ridiculous levels and the wiser Thief players start seeing a horrible trend.


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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > > Increasing thief initiative cost is in no way the solution.

> > > > Adding a very short cooldown (like 2s or 3s) to their strongest skills would cut on the spammability without destroying the class.

> > >

> > > Actually it would rather destroy the class if you do it to the strongest skills. It also defeats the point of initiative in the first place.

> >

> > I think that could be kinda solution. I love thief but im pissed everytime someone downs PPL by spamming vault. I think vault is the only skill that could get Little icd


> Problem is there is nothing else worth using in the staff moveset. Weakening charge is janky as all hell and no self-respecting enemy should ever be hit by it, Debilitating arc is overcosted and does no damage and the only time anyone ever used Dust Strike was by mistake. Hell Im not even sure vault Spam is good, the move is way too easily avoided.


Its bad if enemy sees u coming and hes prepare, but if u do double /triple vault while someone is out of dodges or is stunned, he Will have a hard Time.



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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > > > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > > > > Increasing thief initiative cost is in no way the solution.

> > > > > Adding a very short cooldown (like 2s or 3s) to their strongest skills would cut on the spammability without destroying the class.

> > > >

> > > > Actually it would rather destroy the class if you do it to the strongest skills. It also defeats the point of initiative in the first place.

> > >

> > > I think that could be kinda solution. I love thief but im pissed everytime someone downs PPL by spamming vault. I think vault is the only skill that could get Little icd

> >

> > Problem is there is nothing else worth using in the staff moveset. Weakening charge is janky as all hell and no self-respecting enemy should ever be hit by it, Debilitating arc is overcosted and does no damage and the only time anyone ever used Dust Strike was by mistake. Hell Im not even sure vault Spam is good, the move is way too easily avoided.


> Its bad if enemy sees u coming and hes prepare, but if u do double /triple vault while someone is out of dodges or is stunned, he Will have a hard Time.




I mean if you use *any* offensive skill one someone who is out of dodges or stunned, theyre gonna have a hard time. Thats really not limited Vault.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Cost is not the issue.


> It's spammability.

> Spammability is the core problem and Anet refuses to address it, and Thief mains love it to death, meanwhile Anet increases Ini costs to ridiculous levels and the wiser Thief players start seeing a horrible trend.



"spammability". Its annoying how much people repeat this nonsense. Being able to use the same skill multiple times in a row *is the point of the initiative system*. If thief couldnt use the same ability several times in a row, then they would just have worse weapon skills, which you cant use all of them without having to wait, that also effectively share cooldown with whatever other weaponset youre using. At that point you might as well remove initiative alltogether. Arenanet isnt increasing initiative cost because they have to, its because they dont know how to make good thief changes. They keep randomly nerfing things that arent even good, and even when they nerf things that deserve a nerf, slapping a higher initiative cost seems to be the only thing they can come up with.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Cost is not the issue.


> It's spammability.

> Spammability is the core problem and Anet refuses to address it, and Thief mains love it to death, meanwhile Anet increases Ini costs to ridiculous levels and the wiser Thief players start seeing a horrible trend.



The trend is Anet changing skills and buffing them to absurd degrees and then just upping initiative costs instead of admitting they screwed up and changing things back. The initiative system is designed to let you use whatever weapon skill you want as much as you want if you have the resources, but literally doing any skill twice is considered spam to people.


If Anet would get off their high horse and cut back on the functionality or damage of some of the skills they hyper inflate instead of just making them more expensive, then we'd see positive changes. The exact same thing applies to Revenant here too.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Spammability is the core problem and Anet refuses to address it, and Thief mains love it to death, meanwhile Anet increases Ini costs to ridiculous levels and the wiser Thief players start seeing a horrible trend.



I hope they nerf it __more__ . I want to see if I can get to toothpick levels of damage and still have people whine that something I use is busted because they just plain don't know how to fight me.

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I personally would to love see every class be brought down to Chrono level, let them get a taste of that bitter sense of uselessness. And then when they taste it and ask for a fix or a rework, to get completely ignored by ANet.

So pick the next class to put on the chopping block and let’s kill it, then move on to the next and so on.


Poetic justice.

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> @"Tao.5096" said:

> Hey,


> Thief skills are way too much spammable and they are way too OP for them to be used so frequently.


> In order to balance it out, initiative should be increased for following skills:

> - **Heartseeker** - Increase from 3 to 5

> - **Black Powder** - Increase from 6 to 8

> - **Shadow Shot** - Increase from 5 to 7

> - **Head Shot** - Increase from 4 to 5

> - **Dancing Dagger** - Increase from 3 to 5

> - **Flanking Strike** - Increase from 5 to 7

> - **Infiltrator's Strike (or Infiltrator's Return)** - Increase from 4 to 6 (or 2 to 3)


> This way Thief will be more oriented on proper initiative and skill management and not _spam to win_


> Also, in order to increase healthier plasytyle in PvP, Daredevil's trait **Physical Supremancy** should have reduced Endurance Threshold Increase from 50 to 25.


> Thanks



I'm sorry but you've never played thief if you suggest this.


I assume most people on this forum are silver/gold.... Wanting to nerf thief of all classes :)

If you get killed by a 'spam' thief youre doing something wrong.



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