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Voice acting in Episode 3 of The Icebrood Saga

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First of, thanks for letting us know. :) :+1:


Secondly, **why on Earth do you make that male Charr PC's actor's _wonderful_ voice sound so _awful_ in the game??** Seriously, please stop messing with it, it sounds **so much better in its natural timbre** (he is already doing such a great job speaking in a lower register).

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I very much appreciate the care shown to the voice actors that make the game come to life, and also that the episode will be released on schedule, anyway. I look forward to replaying the story when it's safe for the actors to perform, and it will be very nice to have some new content to play with in the meantime. I wasn't planning to buy gems this month, but I'll be doing so when I log in tonight in a modest demonstration of support for doing the right thing.

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What I want to know is was the option to have the VA's record their voice lines from their own homes ever considered a option, and why was it ultimately decided against?

In this day and age it's not only easy but quite standard for VA's to work from home especially when it comes to smaller or side projects or when they are just starting out, and all that's really needed is a proper professional grade microphone that only costs a few hundred dollars. You can still have the other person listening in live in a call and giving feedback too and have the recorded files sent over for a proper inspection and editing.


I understand that no matter what though, any studio record audio will always have a higher/better end product (for example being able to do live group recordings), but using your own argument, why not at least have some recorded voice lines and then re-record it later in a studio setting? Is there really that great of a concern that the quality would just be too under par? Or (which I highly doubt its the case) do the employed VA's not have the skills or resources to be able to do recordings at home?


I'm not going to try to argue that it was a bad or wrong decision to delay the voice lines as I'm sure ArenaNet have their procedures and standards when it comes to creating content, but I'm very curious to know what they are as like I said in the beginning, in this age of technology we live in it's both relatively easy and cheap to perform almost all levels of game development from home be it coding, design or even audio.

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> @"GDave.2809" said:

> What I want to know is was the option to have the VA's record their voice lines from their own homes ever considered a option, and why was it ultimately decided against?


The obvious reason is $$$, they'd have to pay VAs twice, one for the home-recording and one for the studio recording later.

And I hope you understand that it's a totally unreasonable solution.

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> > @"GDave.2809" said:

> > What I want to know is was the option to have the VA's record their voice lines from their own homes ever considered a option, and why was it ultimately decided against?


> The obvious reason is $$$, they'd have to pay VAs twice, one for the home-recording and one for the studio recording later.

> And I hope you understand that it's a totally unreasonable solution.


That and the quality of the performance could be anything from great to not very depending on the equipment that the actors have at home. Which is to say they might not have anything that can record in a high enough definition other than a phone or over a possibly substandard headset mic. Or their place of residence doesnt have enough baffling to keep out exterior sounds which can corrupt even the best recording with sub harmonics.

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I think they should just have different events/event buffs, working in the previous episode areas, and release the episode later on when it's complete, that would work perfectly for us people who just came back to play with the free icebrood saga episodes. or like events to liven up the old areas.

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I know part of this depends on the government's lifting of sheltering orders, but is there any kind of timeline projection for when the voices will go in? It would help to know if it might be worth it to postpone a story run until the voices are there, or whether to write off the voices for a secondary playthrough. Are we talking about getting the voice actors into the office as soon as businesses are allowed to reopen, or having to schedule for it months after the fact due to pipelining issues?


With it following the end of the SAB festival, something that might help is if Anet implemented some gibberish sounds as a placeholder for the characters' voices, to kill the silence and maybe add a bit of humor as we live through these dire circumstances. It would be an opportunity to make the lack of real voices into a feature.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> As the world continues to fight the spread of COVID-19, we’re working remotely on content updates for Guild Wars 2. Because the recording studio staff and voice actors who help bring Guild Wars 2 to life are also abiding by shelter-in-place guidance to keep the virus from spreading, we’ve chosen to release the upcoming third episode of The Icebrood Saga without voice acting.



I disagree with this.


Why not have they record at home, include the substandard voice overs, and accept it as part of what the plague does to society.


I hope you are at least paying them retainer fees.



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Thank you for communicating and for putting the effort to continue to deliver content to us.

Would have gladly waited in case you guys decided to delay the episode as well, but I hope people understand that in the scenario we are living now, the outcome of this pandemic, as to when we will all be able to resume our activities normaly, is just unpredictable to take that risk. And to have the team doing it remotely might just be undoable, since voice acting isn't just record your voice and put it on the game.

The immersion and the playthrough will take a hit? Absolutely, but these are hard times and I think we all can just get past over it.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> No voice acting doesn't have to be a bad thing - it sounds like a good chance to get a guild together and do our own voice acting (over discord, with whoever is online at the time). It shall be a glorious train wreck.


That does sound like fun xD

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I'm going to play it with the sound off and a sepia filter from the aviator memory box like one of those old timey silent video games.


I'll be disappointed if Bangar doesn't have a big black moustache and top hat in this episode though. ;)

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